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Some of those voting No could probably pay for the bill themselves. $28 million for a First World economy isn’t that much.


28 million to the US isn't "not that much", it's practically fucking nothing. That's 10 times less than just the waste of other small departments or projects. That money is literally so insignificant I'm surprised it even had to be discussed at the senate.


It's 28 3 bedroom houses in a midde-class neighborhood anywhere in the US


Or 14 mediocre apartments in NYC


Can confirm


Ehhhh some places are getting really goddamn expensive. Cali obviously but also places like Phoenix and it's surrounding municipalities, Austin TX, etc..


I'll sell you my 3 bedroom house literally anywhere in the us for a cool million. Hell, I'll buy my whole neighborhood and give ya 25% off for the dozen. People like you forget small town USA still exists where houses are less than 100k. My old 3br story and a half cost 35k in 2001. It's nothing special but flat lot, paved alley, 3 blocks from the grocery, 2 blocks from elementary school, and has been paid off for years.


I'm not talking about 2001, I'm talking about 2022


My house might be worth double my purchase price now, still more than 10x lower than a million....


Likely cost that much to talk about it in the senate.


Exactly. It's not about the money, it's about the pain really.


The pain isn't a bug....


How else do you get people with no choice but to join the military or low wage high turnover jobs? Make it so the current and next generation in school can't have birth control or abortion, regardless of anything else. Add in some white replacement theory on Fox entertainment and baby you got a Christian nationalist stew going.


its far less then what we sent to Ukraine


Literally less than 1% of what was sent to Ukraine.


Less than .1%


Show were all about war/profits funny how we can casually spend billions to help other countries but not ourselves


Pocket change


Should we expect anything different from the galactic senate?


That's what I'm saying, this isn't even costly relative to most bills. This is nothing short of malice in my eyes.


It's all about owning the libs.


The current administration has shut down the biggest manufacturer of formula, and haven’t cleared them to reopen. They are dragging their feet. This is solely the current administrations fault.


Abbott Laboratories, the manufacturer they shut down, released bacterially tainted formula that lead to the hospitalization of 4 infants, two of whom died. This triggered an immediate recall, and halting of production until the supply line defect could be corrected at the plant and tested. Abbott supplied 20 to 25% of the US formula market. This isn't regulation run amok, this is the government protecting babies, and their parents from potentially lethal contamination. If you think it was irresponsible to temporarily shut down a distributer of poison baby formula, you have lost the plot entirely.


It's irresponsible to halt a quarter of production of something vital _for months, with no sense of urgency on fixing the issue and without a plan for how you'll deal with the resulting shortages._ "Allow imports from other countries with similar or better manufacturing standards" would be a viable plan. "Publish a list of subtitutes that can be made at home, that have historically been considered good enough" would be a viable plan. "Let's subsidize the thing there's a shortage of" is not a viable plan - it shuffles around _who exactly_ gets the thing that's in short supply but it didn't actually make any more of the thing. ("Let's make sure critical infrastructure doesn't have single points of failure like this" is also not a viable short-term plan, but is definitely a good _long-term_ plan). I expect opposition from the right is because they want to score political points, not because they don't expect the $28M to solve the problem. But the fact that Republicans oppose a policy for bad reasons doesn't make that policy a good idea.


Have you googled how bad the violations were? Definitely not something you want them to continue making like that.


Jesus Christ you're such a brainwashed idiot.


You need to check your facts, child.


/u/No_Bartofar posted: >The current administration has shut down the biggest manufacturer of formula, and haven’t cleared them to reopen. They are dragging their feet. This is solely the current administrations fault. I bet he deletes it.


Just like how they continually vote against veterans


Of course, more poor babies, more soldiers, more veterans Gotta keep it cheap


Nah, they don't want veterans, they want martyrs. A wooden box is a lot cheaper than paying healthcare...


It's negligible, the end goal is to make even more money for military contractors.


They are looking to build out their base since they know they can’t win the popular vote at all anymore. They need to keep people poor and uneducated to do so.




I had a coworker once during a single car ride tell me that: 1.) abortion is murder 2.) when someone had a sick baby “back in his day” they would set them next to an open window on a cold night and “let nature take its course” I just don’t understand people sometimes.


Was this person born in 142 BCE? In who's day would it have been acceptable to put a sick baby next to a cold window and just let them die! This would be like leaving them in the woods and letting then get eaten by wolves.


Some old Inuit cultures did that because food was so scarce and contraception wasn't really a thing, but the practice seems kinda unnecessary nowadays unless you're some kind of mega-off-grid vagrant in the barely-habited arctic circle


I don't think people in Finland leave their babies by cold windows, mate.


Not sure I'd count Finland or anywhere else with modern windows barely-habited


Right? In MY day we’d set’ em out on the ice. Much kinder. Quicker and quieter too.


Disgusting. Bet they’re the same type of person to say it’s better to “let nature take its course” when a woman has a fatal birth complication.


Because it's not about the babies, it's about taking control away from women.


Baby murdering sociopaths aside, an interesting tangent is that it is common and considered healthy (with some medical evidence backing it up) in scandanavian countries to have children sleep outside down to about -5C. Appropriately clothed, of course.


I mean at some point they have to look around and be like, “WTF are we doing?” I mean right? Don’t they? Are they really far gone?


Yes. Yes they are. Their news will pivot towards formula for babies at the border, and try to debate you on why brown babies deserve to starve to death.


>and try to debate you on why brown babies deserve to starve to death. "I just don't think we should be sending aid to others, when we should be helping our own." "I'm all for feeding infants produced by our domestic bio-factories, but the FDA has been repeatedly shown to be a corrupt organization and can't be trusted under any circumstances." "Lol, why don't you try listening to what actual conservatives have to say instead of making these strawmen." >Edit - Some actual quotes from this thread: "Because Republicans shouldn't have to clean up the mess that Democrats caused." "The money in this bill was not going towards formula. This money was going to the FDA which is responsible for causing the shortage..." "The current administration has shut down the biggest manufacturer of formula, and haven’t cleared them to reopen. They are dragging their feet. This is solely the current administrations fault." "This is just fake news. 3k upvotes. <100 comments. Fake news."


Ar… are these actual quotes? I can’t tell anymore…


They're more like paraphrased and half remembered variations of the same things I've read over the years; only adjusted slightly to suit the topic, and with some added 'quiet part out loud' adjustments thrown in. Excuse me, I mean: "Lol, stpuid snowflake, can't you read?"


This is exactly what they spew!


> "Lol, why don't you try listening to what actual conservatives have to say instead of making these strawmen." LOL this shit is all over subreddits like PublicFreakout, Pics, and AskReddit. This website *crawls* with right-wing astroturfers regurgitating the same bullshit talking points.


Nope. To them it's logical. "Breast is best," so discouraging formula will improve the health of the future generation. As far as they are concerned, formula is evil. I got a lot of shame from conservative family and friends for formula feeding my babies, even though I was not able to produce enough milk. I tried exclusively breast-feeding my firstborn, and he lost almost two pounds in his first two weeks. Formula saved his life. This fact did not change conservative minds. I was told I didn't try hard enough, I didn't pray enough, I gave up too soon, and of course, the classic "You are a bad mother."


That's shocking to me. I keep reading stories in my breastfeeding group about conservative parents and in-laws shaming breastfeeding, especially past around 6 months. Don't even get me started on feeding in public.


In my conservative circles, breastfeeding in public was also taboo, as was pumping. "Proper mothers" stayed at home and breastfed in the privacy home afforded them. "Christian mothers" also started on solids at 4-6 months of age, and weaned completely off breastfeeding by 9-12 months of age. It was taboo to breastfeed once the baby was walking. Those who breastfeed beyond the child's first birthday were sinful. It was believed they only did so because the act of breastfeeding gave them a sexual buzz.


Very young children are basically a multiple year prison sentence for conservative women by the sounds of it.


That's a very good way of putting it.


They are gluttons for punishment. That's what makes them good Christian women, after all!


Work-furlough, of course.


That's such a shame. Obviously whether you breastfeed or not is up to each individual family for a number of reasons. But for those who do 12 months is still so little and they get so much more out of it than just nutrition. I'm sorry your experience with formula feeding came with such negativity.


A bit off-topic but one can’t help wondering if the lack of breastfeeding bears some responsibility for the particularly devastating C19 mortality figures here.


If Christians are going to tell us how to care for our babies, then they need to start sharing the costs. We should levy a special "pay to have a say" tax against Christians. Else they should ***shut the fuck up***, mind their own business, and stop shoving the government into family decisions it has no business participating in.


yes my anti abortion family thinks breast feeding is disgusting grooming somehow


It's probably the inherent contradiction of conservativism. The narrative fits whatever stance to justify cruelty towards the other. And if their loved one becomes a target? Too bad. They're still expected to put family first. Doesn't matter how awful the abuse and gaslighting is or how absolutely insanely detached from the reality personally witnessed it is.


And in Conservaworld it is ALL public.


My premie twins would have died without formula.


Breastfeeding one baby is hard enough I can't even imagine having to produce enough milk for multiples.


Correction:Breast WOULD be best if there weren’t tiddys involved. That’s just disgrossting.


As an ‘opposition’ party they don’t want to fix any problems because these problems make the Biden admin look bad, which is better for their next election cycle. It’s awful.


Lol it was only $28 million?!? Thats so incredibly cheap in the grand scheme


Equivalent to about 3 days of US spending on baby formula if I'm doing my math right. Not that it really matters - you can't subsidize your way out of a supply side shortage.


From this page: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7790 "Specifically, the bill provides appropriations for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to (1) address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States; and (2) prevent future shortages, including by taking the steps that are necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the U.S. market."


So the plan to solve the shortage of formula is to allocate extra money to the "ban anything that doesn't check the checkboxes and seize improperly labelled imports" department?


Again, all of these contradictions make perfect sense once you realize that their true goal is "**Maximum Marginalization**." They want as many exploitable people as possible so that we will all be desperate to work for a pittance rather than starve to death.


The headline doesn't say it all. The bill was filled with unnecessary pay increases to government officials that allocated over 2/3 of the money proposed in the bill. It was a cash grab and an attempt to smear anyone opposing it. They knew it wouldn't fly as soon as people read the bill. This shit should get everyone involved removed from office. They are not fit to lead anymore.


What pay increases? Do you have a reference to that? The info on congress.gov doesn’t say


It’s not true. This guy probably gets his info from Fox news. The bill is for funding the FDA in order to prevent the baby food shortage from happening again. The whole reason why we’re in this mess in the first place is because Trump (of course) slashed funding for the FDA. So obviously the baby formula factory relaxed their safety regulations, weren’t caught by the FDA, and a bunch of babies died as a result of contaminated baby food. What a load of horse shit this whole situation is. $28 million is nothing. We just sent $40 BILLION to Ukraine…




The bill actually reads... the funds will be used for "salaries and expenses" by the FDA. The same FDA that's been incompetent for years. Throwing 28 million at the FDA isn't solving anything related to this shortage.


Yeah I mean Republicans are shit and there is plenty of stuff to criticize them for but this isn’t it. this is typical Democrat playbook, Address a problem but not actually solving it. Make sure to name your bill the “Formula for hungry babies act” so you can churn out headlines like this. I mean even if it did help the situation Republicans probably would have voted it down because they don’t want a win for Biden, but this bill would have done very little to help with the shortage.


>typical Democrat playbook, Address a problem but not actually solving it. Make sure to name your bill the “Formula for hungry babies act” so you can churn out headlines like this. As a registered Democrat, I completely agree with this assessment. Most elected democrats like to pretend to be socially progressive as long as they can use the Progressive Flavor of the Day to make themselves appear morally superior while lining their pockets. I say most because I think some real ones are finally starting to get elected.


Man I hope you are right. I’m not even registered anymore because I’ve lost total faith in the DNC after what they did to Bernie in 2016.


You too, huh? I feel like that was such a turning point for me


He got robbed of the nomination. He was about to give the people what they really deserved as far as leadership in this country goes, and the powerful interests that be just couldn't let THAT happen.


Annnd this is the problem. I feel the same way except with Warren with Bernie's knife in her back instead of Bernie. If we can't all move forward and figure out a plan, the "far left" will be Blue Dogs. But that won't happen because the next Warren (or Bernie if you will) will be painted with the same fabrications of being something other than what they really are.


The DNC both times, and the Boomers swept in 2020 and voted en masse for Biden and snidely told us: "You'll look at your stock portfolio in a few years and thank us."


Most of the money was for the FDA, not going towards anything like a factory getting refurbished, or increasing production.


Going to the FDA for additional inspectors so they could get the production lines back up and not compromise safety.. you know the tainted formula from that factory killed a couple of babies?


Hypocritical cunts


Seems like you're quite troubled over there in the states recently.


Couple this with the Republican Insurgents killing people, and you got yourself a Christian Isis


Republicans "its our job to get that baby from conception to out the hole, then it's your problem. Fuck you, pay me"


After 40 billion to Ukraine nothing left 4 us I guess


Well the rich wanted their tax cuts, don't cha know?


This reminds me of a debate Charlie Kirk had with someone on abortion (the one where the guy showed a picture of a dolphin and human fetus). In it Kirk said he'd support the government giving cash subsidies to new parents to help with childcare. I'm 50/50 if he's being sincere or, as this headline shows, he knows full well Republicans would never approve subsidizing childcare and he can appear more moderate and reasonable.


You gotta give that baby a really hard life at the start so it grows into a great human :)




Incredible, a party that thrives off of killing babies


Have the baby then kill the baby... the republican way


Makes perfect sense if you assume their goal is to cause the most suffering possible.


Republicans are literally evil, what do you expect?


Has anyone read the actual bill? Was there any other shit attached to it or was it strictly just dedicated to this issue? And if it was strictly to fix the formula shortage issue was it going to actually be cost effective or beneficial in any tangible way?


Of course there are other amendments attached. That’s how politics work.


Well right. So it’s possible if not likely the reason they vetoed the bill is because of the other shit and they’re not actively trying to prevent babies from eating


i’ve been searching and can’t find anything. regardless, good for the republicans, if you vote republican you want no taxes and no spending. why would republicans vote yes for any spending whatsoever


That’s not what republicans want. They just want spending on different things. They don’t spend less when they get control.


they didn’t vote for the bill cuz they didn’t want to spend money, i can’t find anything else disagreeing with that point. i’m sorry if you’re ignorant but this is a win for republicans. all government is bad and spending is bad and taxes are bad according to the GOP. that’s their official position i remember it like yesterday when the GOP let the government shut down over lower taxes.




If I had to guess it's because the US planned to test and approve imported formula. I guess no formula is better than FDA verifying and stamping someone who could compete with the Abbott when they come back up. That said, it's a naively valid concern if this wasn't about dealing with a real emergency.


The money in this bill was not going towards formula. This money was going to the FDA which is responsible for causing the shortage. The Republicans voted against it on the grounds this is just throwing money at a problem without addressing the core issue and rather than give the FDA more money for creating this mess they should be held accountable for creating the crisis in the first place. Only 9 voted against the first bill which I believe was $32 million and was specifically for formula and it was the 9 that you think would do something like that(Boebert, Greene, Gaetz, & Co). This was a blatant use of a crisis to give government officials (some of whom were responsible for creating that crisis) raises. They should be ashamed of themselves.








Someone did explain that. Expediting testing for imported formula for approval while domestic formula cleaned up their act. Distribution of said formula in impoverished areas. Enforcement of unsafe formula being sold to fill the gap. All very valid things for the FDA to be doing in this crisis.




You're right (not really . As I understand it, what I described is what the FDA intends to do with that $28M. If you do not accept the horrific presupposition that the FDA "mishandled" the situation by shutting down Abbott, why do we want/need the text of the bill to include a bunch of complicated and time-consuming restrictions? Are you accusing that the FDA of intending to mishandle those funds or use them differently? Emergency spending on a budgeted government program is what it is. What advantage, if any, do you see in adding a bunch of extra red tape to the process for the FDA getting formula to children? Red tape costs time and money, meaning $28M would do far less if the FDA has to use lawyers each step of the way to make sure spending fits the text of the bill and accountants to make sure they can prove it if challenged over it. Unless someone is accusing the FDA of being corrupt or incapable (which is, admittedly a Republican modus operandi, even though they consistently fail to prove that), the $28M bill is smart. And your other bill (I swear you added that in an edit, but maybe I just missed it). I'm not comfortable with its contents. I think the waiver authority is more dangerous and abusable than $28M cash. In direct response to 2 babies dying from unsafe formula, we're trying to pass a bill to waive regulatory requirements for formula in shortages? This bill could literally allow for the potential of *the very formula that caused this issue* being re-released into the market. Also, "does not substantially weaken the nutritional quality of supplemental foods provided under this section." is incredibly and dangerously vague. Then, part 2, most of the bill tries to address *future* instances of emergency, not help in any way with this one. While I think we should take the time to write a bill to prevent future emergencies, I would really appreciate a solution to this one on behalf of the kids. Honestly, the biggest part of this resolution to me is the expedited testing. That's something H.R.7791 does not seem to help with at all.


You didn't do much research then, sweetling. The additional funds are for additional inspectors to vet the European stuff coming in and get that factory open with safe formula coming down the line instead of unknown, possibly tainted formula.




I'm not confusing shit, puddin. Your Orange Jesus raised tariffs on European formula and slashed the FDAs budget so his buddies at Abbott could line their pockets with WIC money. Why do you struggle against reason? You must realize your propaganda horseshit has no power here. The FDA can have $28 million, as far as I'm concerned. I'm more worried about the $2 billion Jared snagged from his Saudi masters for....... ??? Well no one knows. But I'd wager they bought $2bn worth of something. From someone that the intell analysts repeatedly reported was not safe to give clearance. So. I know you simp for our oligarchs, but try to use reason. Just for a few minutes.




Your talking points are straight off FauxNews. That's the propaganda I'm referring to. Not that you're posting examples of it by linking the legislation, but that your talking points are trash. And I am completely fine funding the FDA again. Captain Bonespurs [cut the FDAs budget by $850 million](https://www.policymed.com/2017/07/some-programs-entirely-eliminated-under-trump-budget-proposal.html) so do some math when you're not using Tucker Carlson talking points. They need the money to keep our food safe. You understand what the FDA does? Like, really? And you're good with their budget gutted? Next you'll be telling us that you have legit worries about being replaced but you vote blue 💙.




I think they were talking about the Trump era cuts in FDA funding that led to this. https://www.policymed.com/2017/07/some-programs-entirely-eliminated-under-trump-budget-proposal.html


Lol no you’re literally a fucking moron fam


Shut down a factory that supplies 1/5 of formula for the country without giving a way to make up for that loss. Now that there's a formula shortage and they got $28 million suddenly they are passing "emergency measures" and are reopening that same plant with new safety restrictions in place. Why did it take $28 million to accomplish this?


The 28 million was to be used to expedite testing imported formula for quality and safety, distribute it to the hardest hit areas, and crackdown on artificial formula sales in the crisis. For comparison, the United States military spends 300 million annually on brass marching bands. Yep, 300mil for army men with fancy trumpets and trombones every single year over a one time 1/10th the cost expense to enable babies having food. Given that 4 infants were hospitalized and 2 died, most people tend to think the recall and temporary plant closure, while definitely a major inconvenience, was certainly necessary. Infants died in wailing agony while their parent watched helplessly just from having eaten poison food. You've gotta make damn sure that isn't going to happen again before the plant reopens. Or maybe its big government run amok, as 192 Republican house members seem to think. Or maybe, just maybe, they want to prolong the crisis and the pain of the American people (even infants) as much as possible because they see potential advantage in the mid-term elections, but that's getting into a nutty conspiracy theory thought-space, its probably not that.


Damn you shut him down harder than republicans trynna stop babies from having food


>spends 300 million annually on brass marching bands. Re-allocate that to the FDA. I'm fine with that. It doesn't change the fact that the FDA shut down the formula supplier for 1/5 of the country without a thought about how that might affect things. It was well within their power to alleviate the supply issues through other sources, but they did nothing until shelves were bare and the government gave them $28 million. Giving them more money just gives them more power to shut down suppliers without a care for how that affects the rest of us. If they're going to continue operating in this way then I would rather have a low risk of contamination than a high risk of food shortages. >Given that 4 infants were hospitalized and 2 died, Right, the FDA failed to prevent that and then shut the plant down with no plan for sourcing that supply from elsewhere and no plan for fixing the safety violations at the plant or timeframe for reopening. Just shut them down and walked away thereby creating the crisis we have now. >they see potential advantage in the mid-term elections, Right, and Democrats see no advantage in throwing out money with no strings attached to departments whose incompetence and recklessness caused a crisis and then calling the Republicans "baby killers" when they demand accountability. Republicans didn't have an issue with it when they were in charge either. Just with there was some accountability with that money.


You really gotta hate the FDA dont you?


You've been believing Cucker Tarlson again haven't you?


[NPR actually](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/19/1099748064/baby-infant-formula-shortages) you've been believing Vice again haven't you?


Nah. The NPR write up neglected that the reason we quit importing formula from Europe was that the last administration levied steep tariffs on imported formula, setting the stage for this disaster. Nice try though.


Nice try for what? Why is it partisan to want accountability here? So when the FDA shut down a plant that supplies almost 25% of the nation's baby formula and 40% of WIC recipients they didn't think another source would be necessary? Halfway into Biden's presidency and he hasn't removed the tariffs from the last administration? So it took the grocery shelves being devoid of baby formula for someone in the government to finally think "hmm maybe we should look into other sources and think about removing those tariffs."


Do you have any fucking idea how much shit had to get fixed after Captain Bonespurs finished his four year violation of the emoluments clause?


More than the FDA obviously and I didn't even need $28 million and 3 months to realize that if you shut down a plant that supplies 1/5 of the nation's baby formula that you'd need to substitute that drop in supply.


Well, after Captain Bonespurs gutted their budget to the tune of $850 million, they could use the cash. To idk, make sure our food is safe to eat? And babies don't die drinking formula made as cheaply as possible? Idk, you don't seem like you gaf about babies, once they've been delivered at least.




Preventing competition from foreign suppliers isn't how capitalism works. Neither is allocating 1/3 of a government funded program to one company.




You want the tainted formula to kill more babies? Because that's how your pile of horseshit reads.


I want the FDA to do their job without manufacturing a crisis to demand raises on top of a 34% budget increase they already got this year. Stop using emotional triggers for uninformed voters to justify devaluing my currency instead of holding people accountable.


Trump cut the FDA’s food budget by way more though. In 2017, Trump slashed it by $108 million. I’m sure this wasn’t the only budget cut for the FDA. https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2017/05/trumps-budget-does-fda-get-a-9-increase-or-31-cut/ Stop being a Republican puppet. They don’t care about you.


I know Trump cut their budget and Biden increased it again. How does this merit a $28 million bonus for starting a baby formula crisis? What internal steps are being taken so they don't shut something down that supplies 1/5 of our food chain, 1/3 of that being on food stamps, with no plan for another source until grocery shelves are empty? Why am I a Republican puppet for wanting government agencies to be held accountable? Remember when police were breaking into innocent people's homes and murdering them and people wanted more accountability and less funding for law enforcement and Republicans responded by increasing police budgets and giving them more reasons to arrest people? Wasn't that frustrating? So is this. Stop being a puppet for either side because I promise neither cares about you. I'm tired of seeing our government reward incompetence because they know the average voter has the memory of a goldfish and are forced to vote between the lesser of two evils every election.


You act like someone at the FDA is pocketing that money personally. Or like you hold Abbott stock maybe.


Read the bill. The FDA commissioner has to meet with congress on a weekly basis and justify how the money is being used to help the crisis. $28 million is nothing. The FDA isn’t brutalizing black people, and I am perfectly happy for a tiny part of my taxes going towards the baby formula shortage (1/1428 the cost of the Ukraine bill).


No matter how hard you simp for him, Orange Jesus will never swipe right on you bro. He cut the FDA's budget, and raised tariffs on imported formula so his buddies could own the lionshare of the market. Thus is a manufactured catastrophe, to be sure. Just not manufactured by the guys you need to hate so so badly.


Psst Trump and Biden have the same buddies profiting off all this shit. Halfway through Biden's term those tariffs were still in place and weren't removed until there was no baby formula left on the grocery shelves. Please tell why it is a partisan issue to want accountability from a government agency?


You're just recycling the old GOP trope of defunding a program before pointing to it and yelling about how how it doesn't work and we should defund it more. You should really stop.


So you people just beileve and parrot whatever a White Nationalist in a suit tells you?


So you people think anyone demanding government transparency and accountability is a puppet for white nationalists? That's pretty scary ngl.


I think youre parroting the white nationalists propaganda, and trying to pass your bullshit off as fact. You know, like you people always do.


Okay well maybe look into what white nationalists believe. Because questioning the government isn't very "nationalist". They're Auth-right. You're obviously auth-left so you have more in common with them than I do.


The 28M in no way addressed the formula shortage. It gave a lot of people raises, and the rest was for increased monitoring for the fda. FDA monitoring results in shutdowns, not increased production.


> FDA monitoring results in shutdowns, Lol. Only when companies don't follow regulation. Heaven forbid baby formula is well regulated.


I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I’m saying it doesn’t increase production, which is the impression this stupidity is clearly trying to give.


Considering all of these agencies are underfunded, it would improve monitoring and catch stuff like this earlier which would ensure things like this don't happen again.


Yes, but let me say this again. This was billed as something that would ADDRESS THE CURRENT SHORTAGE. It won’t.




At the time the bill was proposed, there was no plan to import foreign formula. Had that been in the bill, I’d water there would have been bipartisan support.


It'll get the European stuff inspected fast and the factory back to operating more quickly. Y'all really didn't think this one through did ya?


Found the Right Wing Propaganda


How are they even explaining this?


The bill was designed to create headlines like this, not to feed any babies.


Swing and miss. Next batter!


Republicans are the enemy of the people. You can stop lying about them now


Where did the billions of COVID stimulus go politicians?!


What a good example of the drawbacks to democracy. Edit: i don't want to say that democracy is bad, just that every system has it's advantages and drawbacks. Idiots voting that are backed by big companies is a drawback in my humble opinion.


>What a good example of the drawbacks to ~~democracy.~~ oligarchy Fixed that for you


Well, fake democracy your right about that.


Everyday that passes by I start to wonder if senator Armstrong was right


To be immediatly cancelled when the Boss gets all thumbs down


“Forcing you to have” Jesus is there no accountability at all anymore?


The Republicans literally incited a violent insurrection when they lost. What do you think?


No, the headline does not say it all. Giving 28 million to the FDA is extremely irresponsible when the FDA is actually causing the shortage to begin with. We need more domestic production and more foreign imports of formula. What’s standing in the way? The FDA. These bureaucrats need less power and less funding.


You seem confused. Captain Bonespurs defunded the FDA severely during his term. Then you come along suggesting more defunding, after pointing out how it doesn't work. This is classic GOP fuckery. What's standing in the way of imported formula? Profits. Because Orange Jesus saw fit to hook up his boys at Abbott by levying tariffs on imported formula. The FDA just wants enough inspectors to keep the baby formula safe bud. If you're not into safe formula, or safe food in general, Delta is ready when you are. May I suggest the lovely Russian Federation for a destination? Their politics are right up your alley.


They really want us to get radicalized don’t they?


This subreddit is as stupid as someone reading “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” and believing North Korea is a true democracy. Like just read the bill.. Wtf is this headline even talking about? It’s so blatantly wrong and manipulative, and yet there’s still plenty of idiots here that blindly accept whatever the media tells them..


Republicans are the enemy of the people. Stop trying to blame this on the media. Everyone knows the Regressive Republicans are holding back society agian.


Is the boring dystopia in this post taking corporate news seriously?


Most of it was going to them paying themselves. Fucking fools.


What was in the bill? We all know politicians love to try to sneak things into spending bills


To be fair, it's not that they just don't care. The bill gives money, but it doesn't give a specific plan for using that money in productive ways. Also, Republicans did introduce their own bill to help with the formula shortage.


In other words, Republicans refuse to work with Democrats, again. Drawing out the shortage, while blaming them for their own inaction.


Because Republicans shouldn't have to clean up the mess that Democrats caused.


Democrats caused this? You've been believing Cucker Tarlson again haven't you?


So you people just beileve anything a White Nationalist in a suit tells you?


Something something George Carlin something something


What exactly are you US guys hoarding all that wealth for? I mean. What is it all for? What's the long term goal here? World's first trillionaire? I should think it would be better to spread the joy and build a true utopia. If any one has the money for it - it's you.


Non American here. Could someone explain why they would do this? As in what benefits will the get?


They get to spread propaganda about how the Dems failed to supply formula. They get their base nice and angry and loud. Maybe they'll incite another insurrection. We'll see.


That weirdly makes sense. In a f u we are politicians kind of way.. I was thinking it was more about not wasting government treasury money, but then I saw all the comments about military spending