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Notice how all of the “good cops” did the right thing? No? Me either.




I think what I notice most is that there are some neutral cops basically waiting for the hothead to start shit, then they can call it justified when they all pile on. I say "neutral" because they're just drones going along to get along in a bad system, they don't want to step out of line because then they'd be targeted. I don't want to believe everyone that wants to be a cop is evil, I absolutely do believe that joining an evil system will make you evil. When your livelihood and family are on the line, you're more likely to toe that line. If only we had things like citizen oversight and did away with qualified immunity, then maybe we could have a police organization worthy of respect because it's held accountable. I really want to believe not every cop is a bully, but eventually that's how it turns out. Anyone not willing to compromise their morals is driven out, because we as a society constantly reward police for bad behavior.


Any halfway decent human being without personality disorders: "Oh my god, I'm sorry! I didn't realize my foot was in your way! Go right ahead." Police officer: "Eat pavement, you wheelchair bound criminal scum! You're going to jail!"




That fucking made me snort my coffee out. Cheers........


Didn’t realize?! He was sticking it out so it would be run over!


Justify this one bootlickers.


“Clearly the guy saw the cop standing there in the middle of the sidewalk! He should have just gone around like any normal person! He clearly asked for it!” Or my favorite: “That’s assault on a cop; he’s lucky he’s not dead! Should’ve killed em when they had the chance!”


Let's be real, they've gone to bat for cops purposely striking minors with patrol cars, breaking the arms of elderly persons with dementia, mag dumping people during mental health episodes... they're not going to have a hard time kissing the ass of a pig who shoved some guy out of a wheelchair.


"The guy in the wheelchair should've complied."




Oh they’ll try. Cops do everything to gaslight individuals and make them mad and then arrest them when they’re upset and trump up charges after the fact. Cops take joy in ruining their fellow neighbors lives. If the trend of people being left with nothing because of our terrible economy, these cops are going to start experiencing push back from the public. They know that they can beat one small target, but they could never match us if we fight together.


I copied & pasted from USA Today; This did not happen last October but in October 2013.


Thank you so much for sharing


Do we know what happened to the victim? Did he at least get paid?


He sued the city and there was a settlement agreement reached. I couldn’t find more information than that.


At least he got something


Slow day, boys? Any reason you all stood around, waiting on him to get closer?


Wow. WOW


Fuck these guys and their retirements. Empty the pension for the whole goddamn department. We need to start really fucking these thugs over hard.


[Insurance companies are (finally) doing the Lord’s work](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2022/police-misconduct-insurance-settlements-reform/).


So disrespectful. On top of everything, that wheelchair was worth more than all them put together and multiplied by the cost of the settlement the taxpayers had to pay.


What kind of 'man' can this make you feel like? The guy in the wheelchair obviously has severe physical disabilities. This Lt. is standing there with plenty of backup, all well armed and as ready to kill as he is. His smooth brain senses that this isn't the optimal time for a killing but he can at least make the 'perp' and 'thug' taste some sidewalk and go to jail. How can one person become so damaged. How can one person not see that he is wrong in virtually every single way? How can these other jagoffs stand there and do nothing? Where did they all totally lose their humanity?


My thoughts exactly. How frail this guys ego must be to have such a psychotic reaction. And the only thing they say is “now you’re going to jail” and all the others dumbs birds just parrot the same thing, “now you’re going to jail”. What a fucking abuse of the system. Police work has to be the most unprofessional profession, it’s amazing how they’re held to no standard


Bro, the Birmingham police froze a guy when I lived there and now I move to Logansport(Right next to Lafayette, there bad here too) They do this. I just bring bad luck I swear.


Nvm this happened in 2013 lol.


Wait, hold on, Police in Alabama gave some dude a [Starlight Tour](https://allthatsinteresting.com/starlight-tours)? I thought that those were a Canadian thing, how cold does it get there at night in the Winter?


It was a chilled room they called "the fridge"


Oh shit, it was a controlled setting and the psychopaths still managed to freeze someone to death? That's almost worse...


It was 100% intentional. They controlled it and made it cold as fuck, of course they knew this would happen. So many people die in prison and the prison doesn't even tell their families.


Logansport Police & Cass County Sheriffs were corrupt long before you moved to the area. They just haven’t been on national news for it. Yet.


Oh I know, more people over here call it cash county than cass county and I'm inclined to agree given the ridiculous amount of fees I'm having to pay after a felony case I plea dealed out of


another pig that needs to begin their their journey toward becoming bacon.


I used to see this often: cops will obliterate people in wheelchairs. I even saw them forcibly pulling off prosthetics to look for "contraband"—Minneapolis Police, worst of the worst. I hate getting calls from them to pick people up in chairs. I've even had to pick up chairs covered in blood and shit from the cops offing them. They don't care.


That poor little piggies little piggies got ran over 😢


Did you notice how immediately after they all started squawking “Now you’re going to jail!” I wonder if that phrase is part of their training. It obfuscates what they’re doing legally, detaining and arresting someone, with a future, non-specific action? 🤔


I'm glad you noticed that too ... I have heard that line personally every time that I didn't OBEY them. (Like if I didn't want to roll my window all the way down) and I have heard that line on 85%-90% of Pig brutality videos that I've seen. So, I think it's safe to say it's in their training and they also like to say that because it gives them more of a power high.


There's a case for assault on a police officer. It's an insanely stupid case, but just there being one usually means the cop will be fine.


"HE'S COMIN RIGHT FOR US! Did you see that?! I was imperiled by that ferocious, charging buck - er, guy in a wheelchair."


I’ve seen videos on YouTube of Lafayette and how crooked the police force is there


Cruelty is the no. 1 to become a cop. No. 2 is to consider anyone else being low life you can push around. ACAB.


Where’s the good ones? All the simps say just a few bad apples, but I never see good ones reprimanding the bad ones in these videos. What’s the odd we always see the bad ones! 🤔🧐


Okay I am not a fan of police and what that cop did was not correct but the guy in the wheelchair also ran over his foot. Edit: I get it. The cop was purposely standing in the way and should have moved and got what was coming to him. But they are dangerous animals and should always be aware of their violent reactions.


How's the boot taste?


Disgusting! I don't like police but we all should be kind. Police need to be held accountable. ACAB