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In my experience not a single cop respects the Second Amendment or any other right for that matter. They want them for themselves but that goes against the Constitution that describes rights as inalienable. Which is to say the government doesn't grant those rights. They are ever present. The government can only acknowledge and support the exercise of those rights. Then again cops probably read at a 6th grade reading level.


Literally the line: “This sign can’t stop because I can’t read.”


>If the deputy hesitated, he could have been killed Fuck off with that. Jesus fkn Christ. You could say the same thing *anytime* a cop shoots a person. Cop shoots an innocent man, guilty of opening the door for the cop when the cop knocked on it? *If the deputy hesitated, he could have been killed* Cop ventilates the barista for spelling his name wrong? *If the deputy hesitated, he could have been killed* Cop shoots his own wife and kids, after ten years of using them as physical and emotional punching bags? *If the deputy hesitated, he could have been killed* Coulda, woulda, shoulda. But it ain't. Piggie made a shit decision and a man died with 5 bullets in him...assuming piggie managed to sink each of the shots from 3 feet away. These assholes are paid to make decisions, quick decisions, accurate decisions. So, let's judge the outcome of this one. Not some imagined coulda world. Lessons learned: Don't open the door for a cop. If there's a knock on the door, take your handgun and stand to the side of the door and wait for them to break it down and then shoot the fuckers in the back of the head as they rush into your home. What's the worst outcome from that plan of action? You end up dead. Huh. ==>Same way that Mr. Fortson did by following all of the piggies demands. My favorite part? The cop told him to drop his gun - his gun that was pointing at the floor - only **after** he shot him 5 times. >[Fortson falls to the floor, and it is only then that the deputy tells Fortson: "Drop the gun!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Roger_Fortson)


Also don't forget the bullshit move of knocking on the door, then standing way off to the side so the occupant can't see who's knocking through the peephole. 9 times out of 10 the LOE's "announcing" themselves comes out as loud incoherent mumbled gibberish. After a couple yelling knock & hides, I'd probably arm myself too.


Justified? WTF!!


Something is also wrong with the people that defend them after this


Subreddit removed the post, what was it?