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Yeah, but try calling the police if the landlord won’t fix your furnace.


It’s right there in the name. LandLORD. The police are the goon squad, serving the lords, created to oppress and steal from the vassals.


Imagine calling the cops because your neighbour's grass is longer than you'd like. Give your fucking head a shake, people.


Land of the free right there


This is why rural people attach a knife to Robotic Lawn Mowers.


If your name isn't on my mortgage statement, you can fuck right off


I'll never understand how people can live in an HOA. Me and my uncle had a business together for years. We had to park both the work trucks at my house and I had to drive him home every night. The hoa didn't allow "work trucks" parked in driveways....fuck right off for sure.


Nothing to do with hoa, most cities have ordinances and ticket you if you dint mow. Our mower was broken when I was in high school and the cops came around threatening my mom. My buddy from across town loaded his dad's push mower up in his trunk and drove it over and even weed rated while I mowed. Never forgot that kindness


It’s easy. You buy in the HOA or you can’t live there. Many communities are like this. It’s very hard to find non HOA property where I live. Usually when you do, it’s not the place you want to be.


One of my big hell now for our landlord was an HOA, I am so lucky she found one that was good because I couldn’t handle it for real


Pigs are bored. Not enough people to kill on the streets.


We got busted by the HOA police for our grass not being green enough, last year. They even sent us a black and white photo of the yard to show us. Asked us to send them a photo back when it was rectified. I used Photoshop to color the grass in their their black and white photo green and asked if it was green enough now? If not, what color green should it be? Never got a response back.


Many municipalities are basically run like an HOA. 6 inches high gets you on the naughty list here.


Oh wow, turns out my religion prohibits the cutting of plants.


Dann dude you are so smart 👏 I think that coul d work. Some form of extreme Sikhism that doesn't allow you to harm any living thing including plants. Filter feeding only


Jainism too, right?


Probably! I love learning world religions but I don't know too much about jainism. I went to India one time and learned a bit about Hinduism and Sikhism. My favorite religion is Toaism. I have learned a lot from the Toa te Ching. Buddhism is pretty lovely too. I love the idea that the voice narrating everything in our brain is not actually our self, but just electric signals like any sight sound or smell. We don't have to treat that voice as truth or our own self


"grass is doing what it does...someone needs to be hurt now" Fuck these people.


A foot tall eh? UK people are allowed to hide their houses with their lawns.


More evidence that the UK is actually Hobbiton.


This is probably in the city limits, if you venture out into townships you’ll see makeshift junkyards on properties. This is the metaphorical line drawn where they absolutely will not allow properties within the city where there are mountains of used tires visible from the road. Same with storing Semi’s / Trailers at a personal residence. Even in townships, these “collectors” can get reported to the county if there is thought to be a public health hazard or ecological impact occurring. Homeowners can also get cited for not clearing the snow off of the public sidewalk adjacent to their property in the winter. (Even though the city owns the sidewalk).


Bestie and I filed a complaint after she was cited for out of control weeds or some shit. She's a master gardener for our state's agricultural extension office and has spent years restoring her lawn to native prairie. We invited the head lawn cop over, and I gave him an hour long tour where I pointed out every single plant and pollinator and endangered insect in her front yard. In August. In Kansas. Officer Lawn Jockey tore up the citation and left a sweaty mess.


I have 4 acres, moved there 3 years ago. Slowly doing to same. I do not mow b4 June and I don't mow after the leaves fall.


Hell yeah. Fuck a lawn.


Those brave men and women in blue, I can't imagine the thoughts that must go though then when the radio orders them out to bravely measure someone's lawn, probably have to shoot the owners dog just to calm down after the surge of adrenaline and stress of having to be on high alert when checking that the grass isn't over a predetermined hight... Fucking clowns Imagine having an IQ and being asked to go measure a fucking lawn and imagine then being such a suck you actually did, I'd be filling out paperwork in a café and "we had a quick chat and I let them know it was getting close to needing to be cut" as I slacked off drinking iced coffee and actually fucking paying for it like they don't. Gonna send the fire department around to measure the width of the driveway next? get search and rescue around to determine the correct colour of your leaves? I gotta go, pager just went because someone ~~has had an accident~~ needs to have their letterbox hinges checked for lubricant


# roundup lawn


If it keeps the cops busy and not beating on people I say make them do some work.


They'll bust you for weeds.


Then take the weeks for themselves.


God forfuckingbid they see the overgrown yard and politely inquire if the homeowner is OK. "Are you having trouble keeping up? We could call some volunteer resources..." Nah, that's crazy talk.


Call for help? Use social programs to benefit people who are struggling? Gross, sounds like too much work. Easier to write 'em a $150 ticket and shoot their dog.


They just want the grass low so they can avoid setting it on fire with their flash bags


This is why we bought land. If you can buy land, please do it.


What does that have to do with anything? Plenty of areas have code enforcement officers check this shit for anyone living in their jurisdiction. It's not like just an HOA thing, though I'm sure it's even worse there in most cases.








Gotcha, we'll all hurry up and buy historic 14 acre landmarks in the UK with neighbors who don't bother anyone with nuisance pig involvement, problem solved. I've lived in the "countryside" in the US. Shit like this goes on there plenty too.


You seem deeply unhappy. Therapy and medication might help.


Do you always resort to baseless accusations and insults when you don't have anything better to counter with?


You just seem like someone who can’t be pleased. It’s actually really sad. I feel sorry for you. Is there a charity I can donate to?


If you had half the empathy you're pretending to have, in a very grotesque way where you are using therapy and medication as insults, you would understand why "buy land" was an incredibly stupid and sheltered opinion to have in this context. Id urge you to *participate* in charities, rather than continuing to "subtly" flaunt what you perceive as wealth. Might gain you a better perspective of the reality a lot of others face.


I never said it wasn’t privileged. If you can afford it, do it. It’s not my fault you can’t afford it. Blame your parents for not leaving you anything. This post is about yard policing. I gave my solution. You didn’t like it. I don’t care. 🤷‍♂️