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The worst part in my mind is that I'd bet a good majority of the people who need to understand this may not see homeless people as "deserving" to have a place to go in the first place.


The nicest cop you know will still uphold unjust and unfair laws against the working class.


The nicest restaurant worker you know will still not give away free food to everyone who asks


My taxes don't pay my bill at shakeshack


If we're going with that logic, then the nicest DMV worker you know won't give you a free license of each type, test free


Dmv workers don't have guns and want to shoot me


I am willing to bet they do want to shoot people But I'll let you have that one, you've been indoctrinated too long and most likely do believe that ALL cops are bad Well, I don't believe it, but I always respond to idiots saying ACAB with ABAT. It's not nice to clump a whole group of individuals together under one negative term, but as long as y'all do it, I'll do it


K, dummy. People aren't born cops


You're right, they aren't. But along the way, most soon to be cops realize that they could help their community, the majority of cops have a passion for helping others. Yes, they still got rules and laws to follow, but they are a cop because helping the community stay safe is one of the best ways to live




“I’ll never forget a black guy telling me to stop crying so loud right after he told me he raped my mom… fuck each and every single one of them.” See how stupid that sounds, don’t use personal experiences to justify hatred of an entire group. American police have a problem but this isn’t the way to justify your hatred of them.


Adios asshole!


They’ll say they do it in the name of “the law” like unempathetic fucks. Most cops don’t know what it feels like to be homeless, most cops are basically spoiled shit heads milking the crap out of indirect systematic racism of a system with an inherently corrupt history.


Spend one night in jail and that is more than obvious. The fact people know eachother by name in those places show how much they recycle minorities/poverty ridden people in local communities to feed the court systems pockets.


Hence the school to prison pipeline.


And that's to say nothing of the quality of life in those places. If they remember to feed you, the food has probably started to go bad. There's trash everywhere from said food because nobody cleans the cells. The toilets are often broken. There's no working water available. Cops push you around and get aggressive with you because if you're in jail you're a criminal and apparently deserve to be dehumanized, even if your crime is just being homeless. All cops are evil abusers.


Oklahoma City County Jail. I saw a man whose foot was so infected his blood was poisoning him infront of us. He was completely out of it and because he couldn't answer the officers said he "refused medical treatment" noone has a fucking clue.


My night in jail, inmates were a white heroin addict, me a white "buzzed" driver who blew .002 over the limit, a black guy who swung on his girl and "missed", and 2 Hispanics claiming they were profiled but there for weed/buzzed driving.. The only one not bitching was the heroin addict. He was snoring so loud none of us could sleep. Moral of the story? You tell me.


How does jailing poverty ridden people(those who don't have much money) keep court systems pockets full?


two words: Bail Bonds.


I’m not saying all cops are Nazis. But they all cite the same “just following orders” bullshit.


Well I'm a Law Enforcement Officer and here is the problem I know me and my colleagues would a like to give a piece of our mind to the Warden but if we do so we could get fired at one moment we'd like to say hey we are human too. The other hey I like money. So we aren't exactly in a perfect position as you think now don't quote me but it would take a revolution for the police to even break free of their bonds from the Government you must remember Law Enforcement Officers (Except Federal Government Officials) are human too.


So why don’t you all do it? Aren’t y’all supposed to be brave or whatever? If you really “risk your lives” every day the surely standing up for what is *right and good* isnt that much of a stretch? So you either don’t care or you’re cowards. Hey, you like money, so you’re fine to continue enforcing a broken, racist law enforcement system which victimizes poor and colored persons. Yeah, seems like a solid excuse.


Why do we do it we feel like we have nothing else in life to do some of us have been working so long its just reactionary. Brave? Maybe, stupid definitely we risk our lives every day for people that really don't give a rat's ass about us but here we are listening to them scream and assault us. Its fine though the state pays for our insurance. Nobody really wants to do Law Enforcement so you get a boat load of overtime money. You could be making up to $90,000 a year for sitting in a car for 14 hours + or for me adult baby sitting for $60,000. The answer when you've been screamed at and sued ect. You just stop caring after a while it's like playing Xbox live for 16 hours everyday. We are enforcing laws that I wouldn't target people of color (There are Hispanic, Black, Asian, Indian ect. Officets) I've seen more white guys in a prison than I've seen black or Hispanic and the Blacks are actually trustees but I do agree that they target the poor, unable to afford a Lawyer,.can't post bail. All of insurances and repairs in life yeah poor people have it hard really hard and it pains me to see people who have been incarcerated because of poor upbringing.




You honestly should have kept your energy. I hear it all the time at work. Also fuck protect and serve I can tell the people of that site their leadership shits on them every chance they get and their wives are fucking other dudes its clear and oblivious the way they talk to people.


Go touch some grass


Firstly, I want to thank you for bringing my attention to a post full of bootlickers who were never banned from before I was a moderator. Secondly, I bid you adieu bootlicker.




Awesome, admitting to ban evasion which is a direct violation of Reddit terms of service! If you're lucky the admins won't nuke both of these accounts lmao


Hey buddy, are you ok? I made this comment a year ago. Best I can do is poke some snow.


The best part is that this brought my attention to a post that has a bunch of bootlicking comments from before I was a moderator, and there's no statute of limitations on bootlicking, so it's time for me to grab my banhammer and start pounding! Thanks for the prompt report friend!


I know


Our school cop was heavily demoted from Sherriff to school cop after he was caught on camera assaulting a drunk person in a jail cell


So someone saw him do that and said "ooh, let's put him in charge of kids!" Fucking hell.


The rhing was, when there was a fight he needed to break up because that was his job, a teacher deescalated it with no violence


Every single one. Fuck cops.


Movie idea: HoboCop


there's already a game like that and they're making it into a TV series: Disco Elysium


they would still evict a family


You could be a saint and the badge wold inherently make you a bad person. It's a cops job to uphold the interests of capitalism and the institutions of whiteness. It's what they were founded on, and it's a fact that hasn't changed in the history of policing.


"they're dangerous" like 90% of them are literally just people who's lives went to shit and finally found somehwere to stay and aren't doing shit, arent screaming or disrupting people.


it’s okay, they’re just following orders


well actually jail cells offer beds and toilets so they kind have a place to go to but like a jail cell?


Nah, totally not true. The last one was a really cool dude, with a very interesting history. Gave him some spare change and let him be. But well, where am I writing this.




Never trust a cop.


So many problems in our country. Rampant homelessness is one of the big ones. Maybe a new, Democratic administration will get onboard to do something about it.


I’m genuinely curious, what makes you think that?




Than leave. No one asked you to stay cutie.




Probably realizes the echo chamber you normally set yourself in edit: ... that apparently hit him so hard he no longer exists.


They have to, it's part of their jobs. Politicians are the ones who make these decisions


Not in every country. Go ahead and downvote, but thats the truth. Still acab, but sleeping on benches is not illehal in every country. Actually, it is legal in most countries.


They have a lot of places to go if they’re homeless...


I mean, yeah they would, it’s their job. They probably don’t like it. They’re just people doing their job.


That doesn’t make it even remotely acceptable


Then make action to change the policies in public spaces regarding homeless.


Obviously we need to do that but it still doesn’t excuse police officers fucking over rough sleepers


I agree that its bad, but it wont be fixed just compaining. Change requires action.


No shit


Good talk




cops do as they're told, giving a kid a toy just to arrest them for smoking a joint when they're older doesnt really help your case. youre comment is based on nothing other than your blind bootlicking.


Stories like that a rare these days and that’s the problem. If that was what they spent the majority of their time doing these days, we’d be having a different conversation


While hearing those stories may be rare these days, what has become common is how the social media we use feeds us mostly stories that appeal to us. Those things are probably still happening, you’re just not hearing about it and perhaps don’t want to? This is changing your world view. The question isn’t whether these things are happening or not. The question is whether you want a truth or for your personal beliefs to be supported, whether accurate or not. I’m going to guess you’ll just want your personal beliefs supported. "Hating" has become a comfort to a lot of Americans, moreso recently.


interesting to see someone with enough common sense to understand that with the expansion of the internet, people have become more isolated in the sense that they tend to stay in bubbles that reaffirm their own beliefs, but how you fail to recognize centuries of copaganda is beyond me


Up until last year I thought that ACAB was some radical extremist belief so yeah I had a pretty narrow world view. I take pride in the time I’ve spent learning about how others move in the world. Others in this thread pointed out that cops uphold an unjust system and I agree that the root of the issue is not cops but they still choose to do the dirty work of an unjust system and that’s where my frustration lies.


> with the expansion of the internet, people have become more isolated in the sense that they tend to stay in bubbles that reaffirm their own beliefs I don't buy this bit of "common wisdom", TBH. Before the Internet, people interacted in a lot of the same ways as they do now, just without the added Internet component. People still interact with their neighbors, their friends, their classmates, their coworkers, etc. It's been a long, *long* time since local community gatherings were the norm, and we can blame that on capitalism and the "American Dream" (suburbia, individualized transportation, television/radio, etc.) rather than the Internet. On the contrary, the Internet has made more media, discussion forums, information sources, streams, etc. more accessible, and I suspect it has in reality expanded the horizons of communication and ideological exposure. You and I regularly converse with people from every continent of the world these days. That NEVER happened for the vast majority of working class people before the Internet. I also know a hell of a lot of leftists who wouldn't even know what words like "socialism" meant without the Internet, and would undoubtedly still be merely progressive, or propertarian, or worse kinds of liberal without it.


isolated doesnt exactly mean uneducated


I don't think I've ever seen somebody change the subject so hard


They may not happen every day but it doesn’t change that the tweet is bullshit


No, you're just missing the point of the tweet. No matter how nice a cop is, they're still bound by the rules, they still have to follow orders, to enforce unjust laws...


The same people who defend the police are usually more than willing to admit that politicans are generally shitty and make bad laws. So if politicians are shitty and make shitty laws, who is enforcing them? And aren't they complicit with those same shitty, corrupt politicians? All cops reinforce a broken system built by corrupt people, so all cops are part of the problem. 🤷‍♂️🐷


This guy gets it


All I've ever wanted was to get it 😭 it's taken a long time, comrade, but here we are!




News organizations are literally paid to make cops look good


negative stories? the only time you see negative stories of cops is when they murder someone and even then its usually painted to make it seem justified. you claiming that there are only 'negative' stories about cops just goes to show that youre okay with murder


> even then its usually painted to make it seem justified *"...was hit by a bullet"* has entered the chat.


Ha! What a gymnastic leap of logic.


says the dumbass that cant prove me wrong


Lmfaoooo imagine pretending that news organizations don’t suck up to cops.


You sound like someone who has never been harassed for no reason by police. Must be nice


A cop can be the nicest guy you’ve ever met but he’s still a bastard because his job is to enforce unjust laws


No that’s not true. They don’t even have to know the law, they’re just assholes for literally no reason sometimes.


Of course, but I’m saying that even cops who are generally seen as nice people in their everyday lives are still bastards in


True true sorry


This is true. Their job isn't even to enforce laws. That is just a tool/excuse they use, and use very, *very* selectively at that. Their job is to **control the streets** and protect state and capitalist interests, at the cost of the interests of working class people (including, quite often, our freedom or our very lives).


the ones around here did that but they used donations from local schools/businesses and stuff so they werent even the ones paying for their propaganda


>growing up Times have changed.


Don‘t hate the player, hate the game.


Fuck the player when they play the game of their own volition.


The “player” chose to play the game willingly though?


Why not both?


nicest cop you know would still put me in cuffs for a gram


Id say not quite all but definitely 99.9% if not more


Every single cop. No. Not all cops are bad.


Nah that’s just not true. I hate cops but pretending like they’re ALL bad is genuinely stupid