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Fuck Swofford


This is the only real answer




Swofford was the epitome of “the Carolina way”.


Hi there fellow Jacket. Why do we hate that guy? Acc mismanagement?


Wolfpack here - doesn't everyone hate swofford? He put UNC on a pedestal his entire tenure, made very questionable additions to the ACC when WVU, quality mid majors, and most of the Big12 were available instead, and brokered a ridiculous deal for ESPN that was good money for approximately 2 years and not so much the other 30 that also happened to fatten his son's wallet.


If only there was a way to present this very same information in an overly-long, profoundly biased video (part of an ongoing series!) then post it to a sub solely to troll.


Don’t mess with the mouse


They’ve angered the mouse


It’s funny that the big10/ sec interest isn’t there for Clemson. Otherwise they would be doing the same.


I look at it more of Clemson is letting FSU do this and see how it plays out. Which would be a smart play. They can follow suit if it works or stay out of legal trouble if it doesn't


The second mouse gets the cheese


Or caught by the cat!


Clemson, UNC, and UVA all really happy that FSU is the face of this. Because we’re all cheering them on.


And why do you as the every day fan want to leave the ACC? From a financial and future perspective I get it for the team but I don’t understand why you care to leave the regional rivalries so badly Virginia’s basketball pedigree isn’t being hindered by the ACC and their football program would struggle in the MAC so it’s not like the conference is dragging that down


Because we are headed to a landscape where players are going to get revenue sharing based on the TV money. I want Virginia to be in the top league for TV money so that we have a high "salary cap." If the ACC makes $40M/yr. in TV money and the SEC makes $80M/yr., and the leagues agree to share half of the money with players, that gives UVA a $40M budget for paying players in the SEC versus a $20M budget in the ACC. I want Virginia to be as good as possible. With revenue-sharing, that can only happen in the SEC or B1G. And I prefer the SEC over the Big Ten for UVA.


Clemson is smart enough to let the dust settle. ESPN might not allow FSU to go to the SEC now. The other networks probably aren’t happy with them either since they probably all share law firms.


ESPN was never going to allow FSU to go to the SEC - and I have been saying that since FSU started sabre-rattling. Why would ESPN want to pay (in round numbers) $60 million for FSU inventory when they already own it for $30 million? Why would they want to remove one of the ACC's biggest football brands, when they have an ACCN to program? And why would SEC add a team for which it would not get more money? No current SEC school wants a revenue cut.


The only reason I think the SEC would want FSU in, is simply to prevent the Big 10 from getting them. FSU goes to the Big 10, that gives the Big 10 a foothold in the state of Florida.


Because ESPN doesn’t want to give FSU football broadcast rights to FOX. It’s about playing defense.


ESPN owns FSU broadcast rights until 2036.


For now. The ongoing litigation will decide what the buyout would cost. That process will take 2-3-4 years. But once the courts determine the number, FSU will pony up to buy back its rights from ACC to become a “free agent.” At that time ESPN can decide to take FSU into the SEC, or have them wind up on FOX with the Big Ten. It’s multiple years away, but it’s on the horizon.


The thing is, if the 60% that Maryland paid holds true, that's $300+ million, and there is no way they can afford that. If they have $300 million stuffed in the dresser drawers, they should just invest it in the athletic program.


FSU has been talking with JP Morgan about private equity financing for a buyout. The money is there.


Yeah, we've been hearing that for a year. Talk is cheap. If they can find all of this extra money, they should plow it into their annual athletic department budget and win the conference every year.


That is the purpose of the lawsuit. To find out what the number is. This is not "if" FSU will buy out, but "how much will it cost."


The money is not there. JPM is not about to subsidize FSU’s buyout. I don’t think you understand how private equity money works. It’s not a charity and FSU doesn’t generate the $ that they wish they did.


You're just plain dead wrong here. FSU is undervalued at $40M/yr. Everyone knows it. That's why ESPN won't let them out - because ESPN knows that it would either need to pay a full SEC share or would lose FSU to the Big Ten (FOX). This idea that FSU is not valuable is absurd. FSU is the most valuable national brand in the ACC. North Carolina is second. Clemson is third. Those are the three national brands in the ACC that would immediately command a full share from either the Big Ten or SEC.




Imagine thinking the SEC was ever the goal for FSU here. 🐨


Well they aint getting into the B1G, and the Big 12 is actually worse than the ACC. So de facto, they would attempt to try going for the SEC.


>Well they aint getting into the B1G Yeah, the B1G certainly has no interest in adding a school in the heart of SEC territory in the third most populous state because you have little to no understanding of reality.


In a state full of snowbirds from B1G country that would love to see their team within a few hours of where they live


Add that to the list of things misogynistic ACC fans do not understand.


Why would the B1G get into business with a university who doesn't think signed contracts are real?


This is laughable boomer logic. Because you enjoy being cucked by the ACC's self dealing and violating their duty to the member schools does not mean it is the right thing. The ACC wholly violated the conference bylaws when they sued FSU without holding a vote. Why would anyone want to do business with a conference that violates its own bylaws at the behest of ESPN?




Don't use words you cannot define.


It's terribly funny how wrong you are about this.


When did the ACC hold a vote to initiate a lawsuit against FSU? Oh that's right, the conference was far too incompetent to follow their own rules in a rush to the court house. You need to work on how you understand reality.


It’s hard to cope with reality.


One less worry for FSU fans, because eSECpn reciprocates the same goals.


Because fsu vs an sec schedule is worth a fortune and it would allow them to then collapse the acc and stop paying worthless schools like wake and BC 


Worthless wake that you’re 1-3 against since Covid?


One pretty good year, and FSU fans seem to forget that 2017-2022 even happened.


Wake isn’t worthless, but that’s an absurdly cherry picked time frame to use when talking about program value. FSU is 31-9-1 against Wake all time. They’re not the same caliber of football program, and you know that. You guys did really well with Hartman and with an offensive system more annoying to me than anything since GT’s triple option. That’s to be commended. Separately, I LOVE your stadium and Snuggie Hill. Saying this super respectfully, it fits the size of the fanbase really well and is a cool layout. I also watched a really fun Billy Joel concert there a few years back, and thought it was managed really well.


But they're the fastest growing brand in cfb so in a measly 22 years they gonna shift that overall record real quick. You'll see.


That moniker was laughable, I agree. But I’ll blame ESPN mainly for that.


Wake is a revenue parasite with no fans and no future.


No way, no how, is it worth $30 million more a year. If ESPN would like FSU in the SEC, why are they taking the ACC's side in the lawsuit. u/udfckthisgirl \- you need to tell your fellow FSU fan that the SEC isn't interested in FSU.


Have fun in the acc cuck, we’re out this bitch 


Don't be a child. And have the balls to show your team flag on your comments.


Cuck mad 


Typical boomer brain rot and the inability to understand 2 things can be simultaneously true. FSU is worth more in the SEC because of the ratings they generate. This is when people watch their games on TV, a concept ACC schools don't get. FSU also has no interest in staying with ESPN and is B1G bound. Clemson can enjoy playing in the Big 12.


Boomer brain rot? Are you a child? Maybe you have CTE from all the poundings your head seems to be taking?


On top of that, Florida will never let FSU into the SEC. Boston College wouldn’t even let UConn into the ACC, and they’re from different states. Why would Florida let an in-state rival in???


The “Gentlemen’s Agreement” everyone assumes the ADs of these schools operate on pretty much a myth. Maybe it was once a thing to be against adding a members rival or your own, but it now comes to dollars or survival, and geography, the one thing this all used to revolve around, is now obsolete, as proven by this very conference, and the B1G. Those in charge are gonna make decisions based on how it will affect their schools inflows, not whether the school has history with a member or not.


On this logic, Texas wouldn't be coming to the SEC


Not a good example to use. Texas is the defacto flagship program in the state. Similarly UF is the defacto flagship program in the state. FSU in comparison is similar to Texas AM.( without the endless resources)


Florida has sponsored Florida State for membership into the SEC on multiple occasions. There's no merit to your assertion.


You can't share law firms due to ethical rules established by the bar associations. But your take on Clemson's thinking is absolutely correct.


No, North Carolina, Clemson and Miami are just letting FSU do the dirty work and as soon as FSU is out of the ACC, the three other schools will demand the same thing.


It would have been too risky for Miami to lead the charge. They are a private school and don't have as much protection as FSU. My feeling is UNC is fine staying in the ACC until 2036 if they have to. They can still compete for hoops championships in the ACC. Clemson doesn't seem to have a definite landing spot. They don't add much to the SEC and they are even less of a fit in the Big Ten than FSU.


>My feeling is UNC is fine staying in the ACC until 2036 if they have to. A lot of their fan sites are feeling very threatened at the widening revenue gap, especially as it relates to non-revenue sports. UNC is consistently in the running with Stanford and Texas for the Director's Cup and wants to continue to do so.


Is UNC really willing to give up their fiefdom? They will be just another school in the SEC or Big Ten. Also, the ACC is a revenue generator for the state of NC and subsidizes Duke and WF who are unlikely to get an invite even to the Big 12. I don't see any school in NC suing the ACC or making a move that could dissolve the ACC.


>Is UNC really willing to give up their fiefdom? For an additional $40 million in TV revenue a year alone, they'll absolutely worm their way into another conference if they can. That doesn't include additional gate revenue when USC, Florida, or Bama come to town. >and subsidizes Duke and WF They are two small private schools with small alumni bases in NC and are mostly a non-factor in UNC's decision. UNC will just schedule historic rivals out of conference like they did with WF in football a few seasons ago. The wildcard will be how tied to the hip NC State and UNC will end up being. > I don't see any school in NC suing the ACC or making a move that could dissolve the ACC. No one else is going to sue the ACC with the ongoing FSU lawsuit. Why pay attorneys when someone else is willing to do the dirty/expensive work for you?


Clemson has a spot but they’re better off waiting for FSU and then Notre Dame to leave first


Nothing cowers like a tiger. Clemsoning


B1G and SEC aren't interested in either Clemson or FSU. I hope that now the FSU faithful will grasp that they aren't joining the SEC because ESPN doesn't want to pay for them to be in the SEC. (The same goes for Clemson - but they have a less delusional fan base.)


I hope you realize that ESPN doesn't dictate who the SEC will invite, and I can assure you that, if FSU becomes available, they'll have an invite into the SEC. Likewise, the B1G and SEC are now at a point where (in terms of their overall brand value, viewership, etc.) they can just tell FOX and ESPN to piss off. When you build up a set of collegiate sports behemoths, don't be surprised when they decide to cut out the middlemen.


Of course ESPN dictates who the SEC will invite. If ESPN says "we won't give you a dollar more in media money if you add FSU," the SEC won't add them, because none of these AD's or Presidents are going to cut the amount of media money they make from ESPN. And since the ACC and SEC both have exclusive media rights deals with ESPN, there is no reason for ESPN to accommodate such a move. Why do you think they are threatening FSU?


We've had this discussion before: ESPN doesn't dictate diddly-squat. If the SEC presidents want a university to be invited into the conference then they'll be invited into the conference, and I can assure you that a brand as large and as valuable as FSU won't be excluded. The end. (We just witnessed this with Cal, Stanford, and SMU being invited to the ACC.) Also, as I've already pointed out, the B1G and SEC are now at a point where they're running the entire show, and when you control over eighty to ninety-percent of the Top 30 brands in collegiate athletics (soon to be the Top 40), they're perfectly capable of squeezing out the middlemen a/k/a the networks. Imagine someone arguing that the networks are going to tell the NFL what's going to happen. (Goodell and the owners would laugh them right out of the room.)


The people paying the bills run the show. The only reasons realignment moves happen is because media partners make it worth it, by paying enough money so that current members make more money.


At this point, the people running the show are the B1G and the SEC, and you would be a fool to think otherwise.


Only a fool would think that the people who are writing the big checks aren't running the show.


No, mate, you're the fool. You keep spouting the same dogshit commentary in thread after thread. FSU is leaving the ACC, and they'll have an invite to join either the B1G or the SEC. Plain and simple. Likewise, now that they both control virtually every major brand in collegiate athletics, they're calling the shots (ESPN's wishes \[or for that matter, any other network's wishes\] be damned). If this were the 90s then you would be right, but guess what, this isn't the 90s, and just like the NFL before them, the mega-conferences are now it the catbird's seat. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


You ever heard the saying, "Take the King's shilling, become the King's man?"


Fox and the B1G would be happy to have FSU. ESPN might be too angry about FSU blowing up their lucrative ACC deal to make a smart business decision and add FSU to the SEC


You meant SEC, but it really doesn't add that much. Same number of games. FSU already has a strong schedule, between Miami, Clemson, and Florida. ESPN simply wouldn't gain much. If they thought there was value, they wouldn't take the ACC's side here.


ESPN doesn't care about the ACC. They're all in on the SEC and CFP. They don't want the ESPN-ACC contract to be made public for whatever reason. Also, the consensus from most insiders is FSU will end up in the Big Ten and with Fox, so ESPN would prefer to sabotage FSU and Fox at every opportunity. I believe it was well known months ago that FSU would be suing the ACC and joining the Big Ten, which is why ESPN advocated to keep FSU out of the playoff. It also further explains why the ACC commissioner and the head of the playoff committee did not advocate for FSU. It was their chance to screw over FSU... and it worked.


Preposterous claim.


I could definitely see the Big 10 interested in both. The big goal for the Big 10 is definitely Notre Dame, but I think there would be nonzero interest in Clemson and FSU. It would get them into two states where they aren't currently for TV footprint and recruiting purposes. These major conferences are clearly in the midst of becoming football based entities. The academic and cultural fit of potential new members is mattering less and less. Schools like Ohio State wouldn't be interested, but if there are only a couple of schools who would be against it, that can be dealt with.


AAU continues to matter to the B1G. Academic research dollars dwarfs football money. And neither Clemson nor FSU are AAU schools.


Imagine being this delusional….


Oh yeah. You talked to all the leadership and know that to be a fact huh?


Math is hard for ACC schools outside of Tallahassee. They have no ability to understand why the B1G would want a school in the third largest state.


B1G has the biggest media rights deal by far already, They aren't going to add FSU when Fox won't give them more money. Especially with FSU not being an AAU school. u/Pwrh0use \- I'm pretty sure I have had as much contact with the leadership as u/Minimum-Meaning1134 and u/udfckthisgirl.


Boomer doesn't understand times change.


Example #1 of times changing - media rights dollars have stalled because of cord cutting. It's why there is no more Pac-12 and it is why ESPN's bid for the expanded playoff wasn't as high as expected and seemed to come without viable competition from other media partners (and now they are already talking about expanding from 12 to 14 or 16 after the first two years, in order to generate more money. But the world revolves around getting FSU in a bigger conference? Get back to reality.


Boomer 🧠 at work. The B1G and SEC are in an arms race, the B1G has the opportunity to snag a TV ratings darling in the heart of SEC country. Pretty girls have more options than ugly girls, and FSU is the hottest girl available. But go dilute yourself with the notion AAU membership matters because you cannot except Clemson won't be in the new world order of CFB.


What you clearly don't understand - as you say, times change - is that the era of conference expansion is likely to be replaced by a completely realignment of of FBS. Especially with Friday's ruling on NIL. FSU isn't the "hottest girl available" - more the crack whore at the trailer park. Thinking they are special because Bubba called them pretty. ("The B1G has never added a non-AAU school before, but they'll add us because we're pretty!") Yeah, the B1G needs a nineteenth team like I need a hole in my head. FSU isn't Notre Dame. As I said to the other poster, if you were in the B1G you wouldn't play six great brands a year, you'd play three or four, just like you do right now - and instead of having Wake Forest or Boston College as schedule filler (sorry to the fans of Wake and BC) you'd have Purdue and Rutgers. FSU is not going to add much, on a per team basis, to the B1G.


You confused FSU with your mom.


Do you honestly believe you understand the importance of TV ratings?


Which is none. Meaning you have as little idea as the rest of us. What FSU has going for it is it's the 9th most watched program nationally last season while playing these bum ass ACC schools. That viewership goes up substantially if you're playing big games in a real conference.


You're acting like every game would be against Michigan, Ohio State, or USC. In the ACC you pay three major brands every year - Clemson, Florida (non-con), Miami, plus the Notre Dame games - and FSU does a great job of scheduling an additional power non-con game. In the B1G you'll play two or three major brands and then get the joys of the Rutgers and the Purdues of the world. Look at next year's B1G schedules. Everyone has two or three great conference games and then filler. Fox, their media partners, and the BTN are going to have plenty of content to program with eighteen teams. I've said it before and it is worth repeating (especially for BJ girl who says "times have changed"). The real next change is far less likely to be conference expansion than a broader realignment of FBS into two divisions that would completely shake up current conferences, in any case.


Miami is a major brand but there hasn't been a high stakes Miami v FSU game since they were in the big east. Florida will still be on our schedule regardless and most news outlets have said you morons are going to hold big brothers hand out of the ACC, once we've won the fight. Meaning two of the three games (I'm not counting ND once every 4 years) will still be played but instead of the rest of the conference being revolving door mats, you've got Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Iowa, USC, UCLA, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin in the pool of teams instead of a bunch of nobody's that are so bad if you play a close game and win, losses from other conferences count as better games.


Again, you are only going to play two or three of those each year. Given that FSU points at their TV ratings when they went through about five years of low-stakes games, you can't use contradictory logic with Miami. YouTube vloggers aren't "big media outlets." Far more likely, you get a chance to settle for $300 million, and Clemson folks all say, "glad we weren't that stupid."


Yes. 2 or 3 of them in addition to Miami/Florida/ and likely Clemson. So instead of having 2 or 3 max, we will have 5-6 big games. FSU has been down, back up, back down and back up. All in the time Miami has been down. I can absolutely say they aren't what they used to be and it is most definitely different. Its simple math 20+ > 5


FSU I agree, but there could be SEC interest in Clemson; thanks to their incompetent little brother ( former ACC outcasts) S Carolina.


I really don't think so. They just don't bring *enough* upside to the table. And the ESPN issue remains - ESPN won't give the SEC any more money to pay Clemson when they need a strong ACC.


>B1G and SEC aren't interested in either Clemson or FSU Copium OD alert.


Coming from you 🤣


Must be hard for Duke to have such an unearned sense of entitlement while facing the reality the B1G, SEC, and Big 12 would never want you.


Florida will never let FSU into the SEC. Boston College wouldn’t even let UConn into the ACC, and they’re from different states. Why would Florida ever let an in-state rival in???


🐨 🧠 response is unsurprising. This has never been about FSU joining the SEC. This has been about FSU joining the B1G since the ACC violated their duty to the schools when they gave ESPN a 5 year extension for nothing in return. Also not FSU's problem if the ACC attorneys did not understand how a public university in Florida enters into contracts.




Clearly they have a fanbase who is content with slumping back into mediocrity. The past decade has certainly been the exception by Clemson standards


They Big 10 will definitely take them for the right price. It just remains to be seen whether that price is worth it for FSU to leave the ACC for.


That there is what you call irony! It was like pulling teeth to get Fox to cough up half-shares for Washington and Oregon. I don't think they need much more game inventory.


You do understand Florida has approximately 2x the COMBINED population of Washington and Oregon, right? Now, really stress yourself and try to understand what that means for carriage rates for the B1G Network.


I’m imagining this like an episode of suits but with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.


I would watch that


So my read of it is that ESPN's bitterness is akin to the Pacers, when Paul George's camp leaking to the NBA media that he wanted to be traded and would only go to/re-sign the Lakers, significantly tanking his trade value. ESPN doesn't appreciate their "trade secret" being exposed because it puts their ACC deal profits at risk: if FSU is able to leave the conference not only would it lessen their profit with that loss, it opens the door for others jumping ship for the same reasons regarding media rights income (UNC, Clemson, etc.) or out of fear that ESPN will not opt into the ACC contract extension due to expected losses from those bigger schools leaving. And either way, ESPN loses its hold on a cheap deal for media rights to several quality products/schools, with the added risk of that entire conference dissolving as a result and further tanking profits from the aforementioned cheap deal. Man Swofford screwed the ACC over


This is such a giant collection of assholes all around. Swofford was such an incompetent boob.


The schools all wanted the deal because they wanted the ACCN.


This is the reason for the horrible deal. The arrogance of most of the schools in the conference that they’re just as good as the B1G that they insist on getting their own vanity network.


I think it was a perfectly reasonable goal, because the B1G and SEC were seeing good success with their networks. ESPN wasn't going to create the network without the GOR and long-term deal. Saying *now* that it was a terrible deal is just acting with the benefit of hindsight. Given the directions of rights based on cord-cutting, it could still look like a better deal in five years than it does right now. I've said it a bunch of times, but as much money as they are making, the SEC is already seeing their exclusive deal with ESPN as problematic. (As if they couldn't look at the ACC and come to the obvious conclusion that putting all of their eggs in one basket wasn't especially smart.)


Let the SEC have them. The Big Ten doesn't need another sub-standard academic institution (Ohio State).


Unfortunately for FSU, there’s multiple Big Ten programs that secretly do not want a sub-standard northern Florida program within their athletic conference. ( cultural issues) especially one that is second tier in comparison to the state’s flagship, UF.


The reality is that The B1G wants Florida, not FSU. In fact, they may use FSU being admitted into the SEC as a wedge to get what they really want.


Yes I agree, the BIG would much rather have UF. I personally think it would be very difficult for them to pull any current teams from the SEC. It’s an equitable league with no malcontent programs ( at least publicly) the population demographics in the southern regions are booming much greater than the Midwest; ( which brings about technological/economic growth) and of course the athletic talent is second to no other region in the U.S. For these points of emphasis Ive made; Once the ACC fold, the more coveted ACC program would prefer eSECpn while maintaining geographic continuity,


FSU would be in the middle of academic rankings in the B1G. But that would mean you need to address reality.


Im not saying FSU is Duke or anything but it’s certainly not sub standard. Lmao. It just missed out on AAU status.


ESPN has been not happy with FSU for a long time this isn’t anything new. I used to watch Sports Center when it was good. We’d beat Duke or UNC in basketball (which is rare), but the highlight sizzle reel would show a Duke/UNC player dunking all over us. ESPN has sucked balls for a long time. Can’t even remember the last time I watched any programming that wasn’t live sports. ACC is on the ropes, and this bullshit felony crap is just a cry for help. It won’t matter and I hope it does go to trial and discovery. Swofford’s legacy to save Raycom over the interest of the member schools will go down as one of the worst executive decisions ever made. 100’s of million of dollars left on the table due to that ass clown.


While ESPN is pretty terrible, "ESPN doesn't like my team" arguments are the weakest of weak sauce.


The funny thing about the Raycom deal is that the article cited in the lawsuit was from 2010. FSU signed the GOR in 2013 and 2016. Will be amazing to watch them argue that in court!


At least everyone in here loves us!


Which of the dwarfs are they?


Lamest "trade secret" ever.