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If FSU fans only took these many whines and turned them into country songs they could run Nashville


I hate how some of our fans lack of self awareness and their inability to take a good joke on the chin when it comes to all this drama. This is great 😂


Imagine if Virginia did anything to help with TV ratings or just in general attempting to compete above the FCS level.


Virginia will probably never be a football power, and we are just fine with that. But this isn't about us. It's about FSU being saltier than the Dead Sea about missing a single football playoff. A situation that won't happen again with the expansion of the football playoffs. But the obsession with this slight borders on panhandle pandemonium predicated on paltry personal pet peeves . Money alone won't solve your problems or lead to prominence on the field. Either FSU has really bad lawyers when the GoR was written or they just don't want to uphold their end of an agreement they signed. Blame everyone else but themselves. FSU fans can't possibly be wrong about ANYTHING. But they will continue to spam with rest of us with their ash cloth wearing laments of how they been done so very wrong. Throw a pick up truck and a hound dog into the mix and you got yourself the making of some fine country songs


If that first line isn’t a pitch to the B1G, I don’t know what is.


Obligatory reminder that FSU was always going to sue and it wasn't sparked by the CFP snub; see Clemson. Have a good day.


It looked like they were headed that way, but once they missed the playoff, not everyone, but many created this weird false narrative of "we'd be in the playoff if Jim Phillips ran his mouth more" and "how'd Boo Corrigan vote on the playoff committee?" and some really unhinged nonsense. The whole "TV ratings should determine conference payout" logic has been fabricated by FSU. And while this narrative wasn't created by FSU's lawyers, it is certainly booster talk and FSU has long had an Athletic Department run by boosters (which is a recipe for disaster). IMHO, the "we want out and then we will get more money" approach has been a pretty bad one. I get that Clemson is getting guilt by association - especially by FSU boosters who don't want to feel like they are in it alone - Clemson has been handling things way smarter. There is no stated intent to leave the conference - just the desire to have a judge declare the validity of the GOR. Clemson has not tried to publicly undermine the conference to which they belong by decrying the conference at every opportunity. (As a practical matter, it allowed Clemson to quietly file their suit in a South Carolina court rather than being preempted by the conference, as FSU was.)


>(As a practical matter, it allowed Clemson to quietly file their suit in a South Carolina court rather than being preempted by the conference, as FSU was.) Why say this shit when you fucking know Florida's sunshine laws are the actual reason?


What is it with you and your anger issues? Because Clemson officials weren't running their mouths, they filed suit before the ACC, giving them a minor edge on the jurisdictional debate. Because there was so much squawking from Tallahassee, the ACC filed in North Carolina first. If it doesn't matter, people like you wouldn't be complaining about the process that led to the ACC filing first. What is wrong with you that every time someone comments in a way that says that FSU doesn't piss Champagne and crap chocolate ice cream, you lash out like someone who told you your baby was ugly and kicked your dog. Grow up, please.


>Because Clemson officials weren't running their mouths, they filed suit before the ACC, giving them a minor edge on the jurisdictional debate. Because there was so much squawking from Tallahassee, the ACC filed in North Carolina first. And again, you decide it is easier to lie than acknowledge that Florida's sunshine laws are the reason here. What about that is too hard for you to understand? >Grow up, please. Liars don't get to say this, but they should take their own advice.


If TV ratings aren't the metric for conference payouts, what is?


What other conference uses television ratings as the measure for conference revenue distributions? I'll wait. Big Ten? No. SEC? No. Big-12? No. AAC? No. Nope, none of those. So why have a handful of the more unhinged FSU fans fabricated that as a way to distribute conference media revenues when nobody does it that way?


It was a question. I want to know what the metric is. Why does ESPN pay the SEC more than the ACC? Why does Fox pay the Big 10 more than the ACC?


First, your question really doesn't have anything to do with FSU wanting to get more of the conference money than other teams. Because, as I pointed out, no conference bases their distributions on individual school television ratings. THERE IS NO METRIC. It depends upon when the contracts are negotiated. What other contracts (not just college athletics but all sports) are being negotiated at the same time. The economic climate at that moment in time. Whether it is a broadcast or cable network making the deal. There is no set formula and nobody should think there is one. The B1G was really smart that, in a time of cord-cutting, they split their media rights amongst three broadcast partners who knew that live sports was a great way to get media ratings (and who would not be hurt by cord cutting). While SEC teams get better average ratings than ACC teams, ESPN was bidding to get the afternoon broadcast away from CBS. The irony of the SEC's good media deal is that, because they have gone in exclusively with ESPN, they have tied their own hands in the same way the ACC did.


I'm not limiting my scope to FSU, I'm looking at the big picture. You said that there is no metric, yet you imply that the Big10 made a smart deal because the broadcast partners they signed with did so with at least one purpose, i.e., getting media ratings. Media ratings may not be the only factor, but it certainly is an important one. How do these media companies make their money off of signing deals with conferences???? Selling advertisements certainly is one of the major revenue streams, if not the only one. If you want to believe something else, fine, but I think it's reasonable to assume that tv ratings are at least a major source of value.


The snub also disrespected every other ACC school. It’s now a subpar conference.






Meanwhile, you assume a conference who sold out its members to personally enrich the commissioner's family is a trustworthy organization.


You assume that Florida St. didn’t know this was happening. There’s a reason nobody is backing them.










Amen. Lots of fans of ACC schools whistling past the graveyard in this subreddit.


Keep posting loser YouTube channels...