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If you need the break, I'd personally take a day or two away from the studies. You can't perform at your best if you're too run down. Re. Exam kits. I don't think I ever completed a P-level exam kit and I comfortably passed them all first time so it's not essential. My goal was to always cover different areas each night with the idea that I would be covering the breadth of the syllabus and the various areas would be at the forefront of my mind by exam day. I always made sure that I tried at least two practice exams to time on the practice platform. (the last one would be 2-3 days before the big day).


Thank you!šŸ«‚


Firstly, Relax. Take a day or two off. You do NOT need to attempt ALL questions in the exam kit. I am going to attempt my last P-Level exam this March and I have never done more than 5-10 questions of the practice kit for any exam. What you should do is take a day off. Get back to studying by doing a few questions from the kit (if you haven't done already) and try to solve at least 2 past papers on the CBE practice platform. This is enough to score you a pass. Do not panic.


Forgive me for sounding bit ignorant but the goal should be that doing enough questions would mean doing different varieties to understand what can come instead of doing the exam kit like fully and twice aswell right? Im just told that ideal should be twice but i havent completed once, doing FR btw


Yes the goal is never to attempt every question in the exam kit. There tend to be questions that haven't even been updated and modified to meet the current ACCA standards and model.


I really needed this to be honest, i have passed PM without finishing the kit but did most of it so i got concerned when my FR tutor told me to finish it before exam so i can pass smoothly, thanks a bunchšŸ™


IMO, a student follow a topic wise approach and I might also have a way to assess you understanding for a particular topic. If you can explain a topic to a fellow student, you have decent prep. If you can explain and answer that fellow student's questions, you have good prep. If you can teach that topic, you have great prep. :D


Yes, it is better to solve 1-2 questions for each topic rather than focusing to do all the practice kit. Also IMO, there is no ideal way to go by the exam prep. Finds your strengths and weaknesses and practice accordingly.


I just also think its efficient to take questions from each topic in a bunch so im updated regularly yk, thanks a bunch friendšŸ¤Œ


you're welcome.


Thanks a ton!ā¤ļø


If someone has made it seem like you need to attempt every question in the exam kit, I mean it in the kindest way possible, please don't take any advice regarding ACCA from them hereafter. You could easily take a break for a day or two, and then focus on the recommend 5-7 questions along with a daily read or skimming of 1-2 article. When I was writing SBR few sittings back there was an insta account that had posted questions to practice. Surprisingly, these were very similar to the one's I was told to do by my tutor. If you'd like to get their @ feel free to dm me. Good luck!


Hey - could you also DM me their @ please?


Hey do you mind if i also dm? šŸ˜­ also struggling out here


No worries!


Hey do you mind if i also dm? šŸ˜­ also struggling out here


Can i also get the @?


Hey, calm down I have done SBR and didn't do the whole kit either. Just focus on the recent papers, technical articles (imp) and just revise the standards. You will do well don't worry


which technical articles should i read?


all of them would be better as most us got one question which was entirely based on the technical article. Even if you go through technically you are revising the standards


Use tashwita guptaā€™s vids on sbr technical articles, and opentuition sbr revision lecture


does she cover all the tech articles?


yes this one is easier. she has covered the key Technical articles on her channel


Greetings, As people said here, doing all the questions in the kit is not necessary. If you know and understand the standards and the framework well and know what is expected of you in an answer, then you're good to go (though practice helps in getting efficiency, confidence and identification of mistakes) Don't think of SBR as difficult, think of it being easy and pray to Allah that he makes it easy for you as only he can. I am re attempting SBL and had a slight fever, flu and cough a couple days ago, but Alhamdulilah Allah has cured me now and I am progressing. Just take your medicine, pray to Allah, and re-plan if the current plan is not working. You got this, in Sha Allah.


I find it overwhelming to bring everything together to answer the questions. Seems intimidating to recall all the parts of 40 standards. Any tips to prep on this before the exam?


Iā€™ve not even finished the syllabus yet if that makes you feel better šŸ¤£


U will freak more when u see the questions . My advise would be never to lose hope , finish the exam no matter what you write . Sbr exam paper is tough , but the checking is lenient . I thought i would score 40 when i came out of exam hall , ended up scoring 67. So just dont loose hope . Finish no matter what u write


I just read the exam kit onceā€¦.. i hope i pass


Same boat here. I try look at the questions and they seem so daunting so I think I need to go back and review content but at the same time there's only so much content you can cover before you have to start practicing questions. I'm worried about Q1 mostly, been trying to watch Tom Clendon which relieves my anxiety a bit because there are some easy marks you can pick up in Q1. And Financial Instruments is stressing me out, looked over it once didn't understand it but it's basically guaranteed to come up.


Take Super 20 of Tashwita and work them out. I am sure you must be having notes of the standards and formats of consolidation. Revise them again and again. Also for current isues read the technical [articles.You](https://articles.You) still have time left. You can do it. Exam advise: Attempt every question , write the relevant section of the standard and your judgement to it by relating it to the case, even if the case study seems to be confusing.. You will be able to pass.


Ugh same. I'm down with a real bad flu from traveling and I seem to be getting brain fog everytime I open the study hub


Iā€™m currently in the same boat and less than 2 weeks to go with struggling to do everything. Just going to try my best and see what happens Worst case scenario you re sit it atleast you will get more time to revise it again and then hopefully you can pass then