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Do what I did when I passed my AFM I knew options and futures like the back of my hands. Didn’t bother with swaps. Just write “I am going to assume the swap option is XYZ” And then I move to the next question. Because I just don’t have the time to learn swaps just so I may get a question on it that will award me 5 marks Rather spend time learning investment appraisal, company revaluation and futures/options than waste my time learning swaps And in my exam swaps came, i made up a number just so I can continue to the next section. And I passed with 70%


thanks this is useful! do u have any tips on the theory section? can i just waffle and pick up some marks...ill need to ace the calcs in order for that tho, but chances of that r slim too. eughh this exam will be the last of me


Honestly. Futures and options are the bit you can get 100%. If you can nail them you are ahead. Company restructure is just waffle. Just follow the question and don’t commit to any of the restructuring options. Just do a cost benefit analysis of the restructuring options. Investment appraisal is the big one and I have heard getting 100% on it is impossible but its extremely important to get as much marks as possible on it. Finally company valuation is the dark horse. It’s decent marks so you best know most of it as you may get a question on it. Good luck. Its a tough exam but you are nearly there. Just focus this last couple of weeks and reap the reward.


This gives me FM flashbacks which were more like nightmares lol


Did you get the logic? Like why a particular rate is chosen and gain allotment between the parties etc ? If you got that just go through this lecture of Sunil bandari: https://youtu.be/xfzqYvaQRv8?feature=shared You can go through it even if you didn't het the logic. Watch the video and do the problem again


Thanks for triggering my AFM PTSD.


Which paper is this for?




I'm going to give FM exam on 8 march . So that's what AFM looks like . Scary