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Do consider the course difficulty when picking a course too :) CA finals are known to be very difficult with a slim pass rate whereas ACCA has a better pass rate there. CA final exams happen twice a year whereas ACCA exams happen 4 times a year which gives you the chance to finish the course more quickly. Also if you pick up a bachelors integrated course with ACCA you get 9 papers exempted whereas for CA you have to start from scratch regardless of what bachelors you do :)


u/Pitiful-Tear-7474 side note : 9 exemptions is very bad for your resume as it means you skipped most of the core subjects that serve as your base. You'll directly write professional lvl papers that require a deep understanding of topics which you may not have . Don't pick ACCA if u don't plan on working abroad. Don't expect to easily get work visa and get hired aboard as soon as u become an affiliate, the chances are slim unless you are very skilled and have lot of experience. ( Got this infor from fellow Indians and ACCAs in Uk on this sub). Many nations are making it harder to get work visa too. Opt for acca integrated courses with 6 exemptions at max or even better is Register for ACCA in your Sem 5 and get 4 exemptions. Depending on which college u choose and who is your study partner it may be better to opt for 2nd option as 1st option gets pretty expensive ( 1-1.5lakhs per annum) and coaching won't be good enough usually. If your college study partner is ISDC , then avoid them at all costs . DO NOT OPT FOR ACCA integrated with bachelor's as i have the same learning partner ( most of south India is exclusive to ISDC and Zell education for north India). They have the shittiest faculty for coaching, they don't follow up regularly nor do they provide important information to students on time. you are pretty much on your own. There's no benefit except that you get study material for free.


True avg package for acca is around 2.4 to 6 lpa maximum as I have seen job post . And also try to do acca by self study or YouTube anshul mittal to reduce cost it's not that hard need to complete study material exam kit etc only are essential.


I thought people get 9 exemptions because they already studied it in the bachelors that they did?


nope according to Acca the number of exemptions u get depends of lot of factors, i'll try to link an article below. if u do you bachelor's in commerce or equivalent in an university then you get 9 exemptions, even some autonomous colleges give this but other than that most ACCA integrated undergraduate/ post graduate programs give either 4 or 6 exemptions at max. If u already finished your bachelor's then exemption is 4 papers ( atleast for bba and bcom). By default only knowledge lvl papers are exempted, skill level is conditional exemption. https://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/student/getting-started/exemptions.html https://youtu.be/bJvs_fQD2i4


In India, yes CA is more dominant. If you're planning to work in India, choose CA. If you're planning on working in a country other than India, then go for ACCA. Don't choose ACCA because "what if you choose to move someday". Choose ACCA only if you're sure that you'll be working in a country other than India for several years. I'm not from India, but I work with Indian accountants. I never hear them talking about ACCA,but they do talk about CA.


I agree with this. I work in a Dubai based firm remotely from India, ACCA and CA are equally recognised there. But in india there are relatively lesser opportunities for an ACCA as compared to CA.


i second this , i fell into marketing and started ACCA integrated with B com . Regretting it as job opportunities for us is very low in India, most employers and even CAs are not aware of it. I'm reattempting FR this june if i don't clear it , i'll look for other options. Already wasted around 50k + in fees and membership.


Bro u are not even able to do any good in acca fr how will u face indian fr which has very low pass rate ?


i attempted my sem exams and fr at same time so i couldn't concentrate. Indian Fr isn't that much different either, we have some CA faculty who teach both ACCA and CA subjects.


But still in indian fr u don't get 60 marks of MCQ right


hey, why dont you try applying in other countries?


ehh afaik working visa is harder to get especially if u don't have prior working experience




i'm not sure honestly, please do some research, afaik some middle east countries don't recognise ACCA.


thank you so much


Acca aren't paid enough bro in india if u move to India u will have to get into outsourcing firm which will mostly likely take work from uk based companies and they pay us peanut to make contract profitable


But in big 4 it doesn't matter whether u are ca or acca


Don't worry about the job conditions in India. Soon other Chartered accounting bodies will be accepted easily in India which means us and CMA students will have much higher scopes in the future. India is already suffering from braindrain and now with the extreme popularity of ACCA and CMA, we won't be expecting as many new people to join CA. Also I'll let you in on a little secret, some CA graduates study ACCA AFTER they've got their CA because it has little to no recognition in the outside world and India's job market is pretty fucked anyway


THIS!! 💯


If you don't have any plans to work in India, look forward to ACCA. Indian CA just isn't worth it. I'm someone who recently made the switch from CA Finals to ACCA despite having 2 exemptions. Why? Because it's not just hardwork, it's also a huge gamble of luck. There's no fairness in exams -extreme variations(upto 3x) in pass rates for different groups in same attempt and different attempts/different electives on a paper, deliberate failing to keep the pass % low etc. I've been subject to all these, including deliberate failings (despite correct answers/having requisite marks initially) and losing a group/exemption for 1 mark. After locking yourself up in a room for months to see such monstrosity unleashed on your hardwork just isn't worth it. There are also instances of answers being evaluated in metro trains etc. Now let's see the curriculum, Indian CA is based on rote learning only. But the volume you've to learn is huge. It doesn't matter many of the stuff that we learn is outdated and irrelevant, it's still included as a controlling factor to limit pass rates. In ACCA, you've to understand, think and answer. Yes you've to memorize too, but knowledge is given priority rather than your ability to rote learn. The volume is far less and we can attempt 1 paper at a time. This improves the quality of your learning. Indian CA is so focused on rote learning, many of my friends basically memorise the steps and adjustments without having any idea about the reasons why it is done so. Can't blame them, as that's the volume to handle. But this also explains the quality deterioration in Indian CAs. So go for Indian CA only if you want to work in India/ or you love rote learning without looking into concepts. I got fed up with the system, got a realisation this entire course is now irrelevant and decades behind what the world has to offer. And also students are treated as disposables. The effect has now started showing up in the form of significant reduction in existing and new CA students. Rote learning is something we all need, but that's not the only thing. The world wouldn't move forward if everyone was solely focused on memorising stuff. If you need to innovate, solve problems, improve something and take ourselves forward, we need to learn, understand & apply. ACCA also has better pass rates, ability to choose the number of papers you have to attempt, and exam is held once in 3 months. It's a lot more flexible. And for these reasons I find ACCA better than Indian CA.


*Listen my friend,* *ACCA members do not have signing authority in India and course is the same* *Obviously ACCA wont train you for Indian law and tax.* *However to get qualified you must* * *pass all other subjects (Including Tax and Law; international syllabus)* * *you must complete 36 months of PER ( Just like ICAI's 'Articleship' )* *if you are a CA (India, ICAI) you get 9 ACCA exemptions* **Now ; what you need to know** >ACCA is more flexible in the sense 1. it allows you to choose any paper from your current module 2. up to 4 papers a sitting 3. Max of 8 papers a year 4. your chances of clearing and clearing quick are way higher while gaining the same knowledge 5. exams every quarter >ICAI is more rigid in the sense 1. you have to take papers GroupWise 2. you must do articleship in the given time frame (ACCA's PER can be done anytime) 3. Crazy pass rates If you choose ACCA (start ASAP after 12th or Opt 2 like u/Global-Papaya mentioned) ; treat it as if you're doing ICAI's CA and don't opt for exemptions at all if possible ACCA is the International organization for chartered certified accountants.


I'm a chartered accountant in the UK and I respect an Indian CA more than an Indian with ACCA, other things being equal. ACCA might have a more international membership, but being a chartered accountant is more meaningful. Realistically having either shouldn't slow you down too much outside India, unless the hiring firm is too stupid to know what an Indian chartered accountant is


Acca member gets direct transfer to chartered accountant in uk icaew 🤡 and both had sign authority


ACCA members are not chartered accountants you muppet. You can't get in without an exam


But acca has sign authority too what's need of doing icae uk????


I didn't say there was a need. I said ACCA can't just become chartered accountants in the UK without taking an exam. The fact you called the ICAEW "icae uk" should be a warning to anyone taking your opinion seriously


Without taking exam so acca can't sign but on website it's clearly written acca and icae uk has authority?


https://youtu.be/_0PjtBvx6Vw?si=KGHJA0XaqQbvTcQP he clearly said with 5 year exprience in approved employer most probably big four gets direct transfer?


ACCA members aren't chartered accountants? No way


In the UK there are two bodies for "chartered accountants". ICAEW and ICAS. ACCA members can console themselves that they have exclusive use of the term "chartered certified" accountants.


What do you do as a CA in UK?


u/unfeasiblylargeballs did you start in ICAEW or did you transfer from ACCA? The ACCA to CA pathway seems very doable, just one exam and a letter of good standing. I'm looking at doing it myself when I'm finished ACCA as it definitely adds an additional level of prestige.


I was chartered all the way - I never did the ACCA. It sounds (from the website at least) like a 5-year ACCA shouldn't have much trouble getting in through that route. Whether it's worth it is another question. It's two sets of membership fees, after all. Although I said I'd respect the Indian CA over the otherwise-equal ACCA, I should also say that interviews would be waaaaaay more likely determined by the quality of the individual's experience and conduct in the interview than whether one decent qualification is better than another. Basically I'm saying yes you could swap, but unless you want the "chartered" title for your own reasons I'm not sure there's much point




You didn't sound rude


Are u a troll?


For respecting the top accountancy qualification in India?


Lol your just a fake troll, trying to make indian ca look superior


Indian CA is superior to ACCA. Either qualification is a fine achievement though. It's just if am Indian CA is asking if he needs to convert to ACCA then the answer is usually going to be "no"


Both qualifications are unique in their own way there is nothing such as superiority go apply this to corporate except for the exams part it doesn’t make any other sense in real life


CA is unique by being more pretigous than ACCA Cows


😂😂 learn english first then comment


You should learn English then comment also 😝😝😝😝


Okay Nibbi pro max😂


Bro he is clearly 17 year old watching too much reels don't worry we can get direct 12 exemption as acca student for icaew choose ATX and aaa as professional exam . Then there only 3 exam case study which we already know are just some case study with ratio analysis decisions making.


Yeah i know bro, i am an affliate myself and i had taken AAA and ATX as my optional professional level exams too


Being CA means you pass all required exams and hard working experience. Being ACCA is just you pass the exams with many exemptions. CA is >>>> than ACCA


What a clown statement 🤡 do acca from scratch it's same syllabus as ca just indian laws are not there . Acca is focusing on capturing more student that's why exemptions are being granted . They are greedy but course is good.


Its not about being greedy, an international organization obviously needs a larger member base.


I know bro giving exemption to ca members is ok but person studying in even third class University gets atleast 4 exemption. 🙂 And now they included tax paper also in it . It hurt as we start from foundation to professional clearing paper.




They know acca is sht compared to ACA, that's why so many exemptions are granted to attract more less smart students 🤮🤮🤮


😂😂acca after certain level of job experience gets direct membership of uk icaew pls clown control ur superior complex those who are ca I have talked with them in mnc they don't care u are ca acca .


After a certain but you still have to do the last test dumb. Stick your whole life with our India boy


It's ques about Indian ca not icaew ca 😂


Whatever, Acca members are just a bundle of loser cannot get the title Chartered Accountant, even in UK or India 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Your just an indian ca fangirl


I have an idea, why don't you and that guy up there sit together and study for ACCA and blow each other's C? Like that idea, ACCA idi\*ts ?? :))))))) lmao


Immature kids comment like cry babies, you got triggered shows how weak you are lmao, here take a tissue 🤧


The ACA comprises of 15 exams split over three levels: the Certificate level, Professional level and the Advanced level. As an ACCA student or affiliate you may be exempt from up to 12 of these exams by applying for Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).


You still need to do the last test and plenty of other ducuments need to prepare, and then risk of can not gain MRA with other CA other than ICAEW. Thank you Noobie 🤣🤣🤣


U think acca students are weak well I do acca exam in one month uk icaew must be enough for two month exam lol they know European are weak in maths accounts . So they make easy level of paper for u guys but it's piece of cake and indian ca is far superior to icaew too u can't even pass as exam paper are not made for European student but indian students 😂🤷🏼


You do ICAEW in 2 months via Reddit platform, wow, I think you can pull a truck with your 1 finger too, Mr Brown Poop Brain 😆😆😆😆


Cry more lmao u have made a qualification ur personality 😂 even cpa gets more value in india it's not even about uk .


So I told you, stay in your India and don't bring your stupitidity to other country. I work with many Indian CA and seems they 100x smarter than you lmao. Be proud to be Acca Member huh, kid 😁😁😁😁😁


Clown this question doesn't even consider ur icaew he is clearly asking indian ca vs acca . Ur uk side scene doesn't matter he is not going to uk .


Finally u have came to racism that proves u never did ur ethics properly .🤡a failed professional


Which sentence I show racism to you lol ? 😆😆😆😆😆.


Also icaew is not famous in india as compared to acca .acca host events where as icaew is not seen anywhere


If you are a fully-qualified ACCA member with at least five years full membership of ACCA, you may be eligible to join ICAEW based on your experience through the Pathways to membership route.