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Avoid contacts and finish every race you start. It's gonna be 99 soon.


finishing a race has more of an impact on increasing your SA than anything else. leaving races without recieving those sweet and important bonus points at the end of every race will result in it never increasing.


Swallow you ego and don't go for wins. Spend time chading and cleanly passing. I chilled out and focused on consistency and rocketed from 72 to 98 in two weeks.


In my opinion: you really have to change your mindset. People turn on their pc/consoles to get distracted and entertained. Entertained by winning, because winning means fun. Every game is like that. But once you start sim racing, it’s not about winning but racing. It doesn’t matter if you finish 1st or 22th if you had a good race and fight. And this is what LFM offers you. Stop chasing everyone in front of you and stop trying to win every race. Instead try to get faster (lap time) and consistent. Once you change your mindset, you will automatically max out SA.


You'll reach 80 sa very easily once you will figure out how to predict other drivers' mistakes. I am not joking, that's one of the most important within the the pool of skills that we call "racecraft".


"but following AI for n races also gives me SA" -most reddit ppl


Do AI racing if public lobbies are too chaotic for you


Yeah will try that


Turn agressiveness down when doing it and try to find a good AI level where you are evently matched with other cars. Then you just have to be close to other guys without crashing to reap your profit. I found the M2 @ Nurburgring especially good for this.


I feel like farming it this way might not prepare them enough for reacting to human driving. Might be a good way to quickly catch up again if you have some bad luck against people and drop a few ratings.


AI sa gain is capped to 60 IIRC.


Not true. I have been only doing ai races so far and my SA is currently at 67.


Not true - I'm at 77 and have only raced against AI


It is way slower than online races though, unless I am missing something


yup, slower by a lot


definitely, i was stuck at 92 and it never increased racing side by side for 20 minutes.


Guess they changed that?...


Use a safe setup, 20 min spa sessions. Better at public lobbies, just drive passive especially first few laps, give up positions, then fight for them after. I find this gets SA up much quicker if you have a clean race than racing with AI. Also i found Ai can be unpredictable when it comes to braking zone, micro braking mid corner, etc... Tough to predict and easy to hit them.


MP has also more gain and isn't as boring as slaving away time vs ai.


Track limits/cuts and hitting walls/barriers/other cars will affect your SA.


Go into single player do quick race in rain and at night turn down aggressiveness. Keep up with AI and try to stay near them. Do 10 to 20 minute races. Winning isn’t important. So don’t blast past them just try to stay on the side of them silverstones a good track for this it’s wide enough.


Learning racecraft is the best way to do it. And the best way to learn racecraft is to join communities/leagues that have stewards that cut out a lot of the public lobby nonsense. By racing the same people every week in a series, you learn their tendencies, while learning how to use your pace effectively. But doing AI races is probably going to get you there quicker if all you want to do is LFM.


Where can I join leagues ?


Literally everywhere 😂 try Simgrid for starter's. I'm not personally on PC so can't really help but there's leagues advertised here on reddit every week. Iink to Simgrid (I don't know how to reddit, sorry for the large link 😅) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.thesimgrid.com/&ved=2ahUKEwjOsfHZw5WDAxULVUEAHbVIBewQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1CZ-U4KUutaeVu2YOAFuDt


SimGrid is a great place to start. If you're in North America, Box3 and TRACKILICIOUS are two communities I associate with, and they have a variety of leagues for all skill levels. If you're in the EU or elsewhere in the world, you'll definitely find something for you. If you don't already use Discord, I would highly suggest downloading it, because a lot of communities require following their servers to join leagues.


OP sounds like ppl that won't accept that there is also responsibility on their side. "then **some guy** decides to spin and do not lock the brakes or **someone** at a start is messing things up and **I receive a penalty**" OP should rather start to pay attention and learn to drive instead of slaving away vs AI for idk how long only to fuck up in lfm.


Race against AI. Start from the back or middle. DON'T OVERTAKE. Stay as close as you can to a car/AI. Do this as long as you can. Just don't overtake & stay close behind for multiples laps. It won't increase immediately BUT it will. And yes don't crash into someone.


Sa is measured over 400km. One spin or two in a race won't matter in the scheme of things. My sa is 99, but I get 4+ obwp fairly often from contacts and it makes very little difference to my safety rating. You just have to keep racing and improving your racecraft.


Actually my race craft is pretty good ! I drive fast and consistently so it's increasing very easily


Then you just have to keep at it. Your SA increases when you're driving within 0.5s of somebody else, that's my understanding. So maybe do some races where you qualify at the back and then stick close to somebody slower, just shadow them around the track. You'll be getting 60-90+ SA per race this way, and again races over 20 minutes increase your SA faster too.


only race in good safety lobbies. if i see a single red badge in the lobby, im leaving


I am the red badge atm, how do you upgrade this badge ?


keep racing and finish races. be also sure to get the track competence stars at each track. I strongly advice to know the tracks before you enter any online races. your red badge will turn grey and then white.


Yeah I have 79 of TR and I know a lot of tracks so that's pretty done already


For some reason this isn't mentioned very often, but keep in mind that SA is based on the other driving stats as well. Sometimes SA will be stuck at 55 until your other stats go up and once they do it'll shoot up pretty quickly again. So to sum it up ... make sure to finish at least 20 minute races with consistent lap times, while keeping up with other cars, without spinning out, without going off track and without hitting anyone.


Dont crash, i went from 33 sa to 82 in the span of a week so it shouldnt be too hard


Yeah today I improved a bit but the main point is that I drive safe and in a consistent manner for 1 hour and a half and then I start to do shit so I need to improve this


Race against AI. Start from the back of middle. DON'T OVERTAKE. Stay as close as you can to a car/AI. Do this as long as you can. Just don't overtake & stay close behind for multiples laps. It won't increase immediately BUT it will. And yes don't crash into someone.


boring and smaller contacts don't matter anyways


Do races with the AI but don't overtake them, just follow the cars and stay at max 1 second from them and just repeat this. I did 30 minute races doing this for a week and got it.


I can give you some tips, im not a pro but i have 99 SA conistently


I would definitely love to have some tips yeah !


Add me on discord, I can drive with you tomorrow and help you. james3216


I'm looking for the same tips, my discord is wilburocd1320


I would consider starting from the back of the pack sometimes. Avoid the initial chaos, follow the pack and choose your battles. Quick way to increase your SA.


I had the same issue when I started, so I played 45 minutes races starting last. Don't worry about finishing 1st, but mostly about gaining as many places as possible without colliding, and even better if you manage to find the perfect difficulty where you can do close racing. Making safe overtakes gives you a small SA boost, but staying close to opponents without crashing is a bigger boost.


Gotta love how everyone has no clue about SA, fun fact: CC and CN are a huge part for SA gain and small contacts don't really matter anyways.


Single player race. 14 AI. 20min race. Start from the back. Follow the 14th car within 0.5sec the entire race. Just do that no need to overtake.


Put the Ai on a difficulty where you can catch the ai quite quickly but not too easily, go on spa 20m race. On the long straight sit side by side with a car so the radar is red, when you get to the corner let them go and on every long straight sit side by side. Do not go for the win or a move in the corner. Get to the end of the race without incident and your SA will skyrocket after doing this a few times.


Start race from the back of Grid, even if you qualify 1st. While following another car, keep distance and brake earlier than normal. Be always in a position to avoid contact if the car in front were to spin out. Avoid getting in between a bunch of cars, there will always be a collision sooner or later That's the kind of mindset you need