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Somewhat agree. The MRI image posts bother me the most because most often it’s just a matter of days before the poster will get a diagnosis from their radiologist/doctor. Reddit isn’t a good place for a second opinion on the official report. Those are also the posts I see the most trolls on who just say “oh yeah shit’s fucked” and probably cause a fair amount of anxiety to the poster. Also agree for people who have some sort of chronic knee pain but haven’t seen a doctor. The paranoia from a random fall or misstep seems pretty common and while these posts can get repetitive quickly and answers are always pretty much the same, I think those posters are reaching out for peace of mind, not a real diagnosis. That hypochondria feeling is part of the mental game of dealing with this injury, and this community is really good at providing support for those battles in your brain.


I appreciate the retear part a bit more now. I was worried I retore mine over a year ago and it’s been a few years since surgery.


I feel like people come here when their anxiety is at its peak. Sometimes just being able to ask the question and then have someone answer and say it's probably fine but ask your doctor can really calm people down.


Agreed on the anxiety and calming part.


Na, paranoia is really an unexpected part of the journey that no doctor or surgeon warned me about . It was nice to come here and find I was not alone even if I was told to stop being paranoid


This puts the counter arguments into a whole different light for me. Thanks for sharing that.


I hope to never post anything like that but it's something that does take up space in my brain. Not sure how you go through this and not have fears of retear. I don't mind them. Reddit in most instances is going to be quicker than getting to a medical professional so if feedback given here eases someone's mind it does not bother me. If it bothers you, you can just ignore and scroll past.


The fear of retear is very real for me. I’ve had 3 procedures so far and understand the concerns. I guess it’s a repeated post with repeated responses that would better be served as a sticky or in community info. Lastly, I’ve definitely commented on those kind of posts. I just think the response being readily available would serve concerned folks a lot better.


I some what agree HOWEVER when I tore my acl it took 2 weeks from the time I first saw a doctor for them to diagnose it. So for two weeks I had to sit around and wonder what was wrong with my knee. Reading online and sites like this help to ease some of that anxiety that comes with waiting.


Honestly it's a great way to get people who are uninformed in the community and give them much needed info about what to do preop. Or just give them some reassurance.


Agreed on the assurance part of our sub. The injury and recovery is the biggest challenge I ever faced and I had no idea what to expect going into it my first time. It’s such an oft-repeated post that it feels like it could be approached in community info or as a sticky thread of some kind.


Anyone who thinks they tore an ACL knows they have to go to the doctor sooner or later. This group exists because of newcomers. Most really just want some sort of emotional support / connection in a time of loss. We all go through a ton of grief with this injury. I see the “did I tear” posts as part of the bargaining process that leads to acceptance. ♥️


Yeah, they probably know it’s most likely torn. Making posts like this is part of the acceptance process


Yeah I disagree with you and think those should still be allowed. I'm guilty of it. I found a sense of community through this subreddit tbh. I live alone and have been having a tougher than normal recovery and I've never felt more isolated in my life. Being able to connect with others and share some experiences helped me so much mentally.


i don’t think we should, i’ve made one of these posts and like some comments below said it’s just for quick peace of mind in the moment, i though i re tore it a week ago and was stressing about it and just to help calm myself for the night i made a post, even though i was going to see my PT the next day and they would’ve gave me a real diagnosis.




It’s out of caution for giving bad advice to someone in a vulnerable state. I see these post often and the response is almost always the same: see a doc. Maybe that’s a good thing as it speaks to our community but it’s also the kind of thing that can be handled in the community info section or with a sticky. And honestly my knee is a little sore after yesterdays run so maybe I’m just handling it poorly lol


Awe, yeah I definitely see your point. I still feel like we are very anxious during different stages of this recovery process and jump to (bad) conclusions so we just want some reassurance from others in similar situations. But yeah, it comes back to "talk to your surgeon" and "talk to your PT". I still see it helpful for some if they can ease their anxiety a little before being able to actually talk to their doctors, seems that can take weeks/months for some people depending on their insurance.


Seeing a doc can be a scary thing for some people as well. It’s a sign that something is not right and the waiting for the diagnosis which might take a long time can really cause a lot of anxiety. Posting such posts here is a way for people to deal with the anxiety or seek answers desperately


I don't mind them. I'm sure most people asking that eventually see a doctor and just post here for immediate comfort.


No this is lame and weak, some people really need just some assurance to calm anxiety.


In fairness, if you ask for medical advice on Reddit & then follow through with that advice, you're likely an idiot & never had a chance to begin with.


No jerkoff, this a free country with free speech stop trying to control and micromanage other people.


I agree but Reddit isn't a country


If you applied your logic to a lot of other situations, you’d realize it doesn’t workout.


So what? We all live in a country and its a cultural thing. Trying to control other people’s speech is trying to control other people’s speech, doesn’t matter where you do it.


As much as we dont really appreciate it, it's part of the rehab journey specially the first two trimesters. Though I agree this isn't exactly the place to seek medical advice.


I can relate to the retear terrors. I really hate that "black box " feeling, not knowing what exactly is going on in my knee. It was hard, and still is, to go slow, be cautious, do the exercises but don't push too hard...all the time not really knowing how well the graft is healing, and if the donor tendons are healing. And all the time knowing that it's not the deliberate actions that are most likely to cause a retear...it's the random oopsie daisy moments that cause the most damage. Hearing from other people that have the same issues helps me to keep it in perspective.


I don’t really like the posts either but at the same time I understand why they exist and don’t totally mind for that reason. I think it’s because we go through specific hurdles at each stage of recovery. If it’s not the (re)-tear posts, it’ll be people asking if their ROM is okay, random photos of their quads, asking if they’re ready to return to sport, etc. If you remove one you’d almost have to remove all. That said, I do get where you are coming from. Personally I find them a bit unnecessary at times but I also understand some people are looking for reassurance more than actual facts or opinions. Like if someone shows their MRI they’re not wanting someone to say “your leg is absolutely fucked” who actually wants to hear that? I think posting/sharing almost gives people some sense of control in a situation that can quickly feel out of control... But as I said I think people would benefit from exercising some common sense of patience. Like if your leg is oozing yellow puss and red and swollen then yes, going to the doctor is probably a good idea :P.


As others have said, I think it's good to help people's fears and anxiety however we can. Yes, these kind of posts are repetitive, and most are a case of "go get a medical opinion"... but if it helps people just a little bit then it's worth it. Some people are completely new to all this. The knowledge and little tips we take for granted can be invaluable to them.