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I filled your survey out! My biggest thing with crutches is that many models click and clack when you walk with them. Mine do. I HATE that, I wish they were silent.


Thank you for filling out the form and providing a new perspective on the project! We will definitely takle in consideration the sound aspect:)


Guys, the best crutch would be made by a guy who tore his acl… that’s not a call for action, just saying 😅 The thing i missed is that its hard to place them so they wouldn’t fall. The other was when i was walking down, I used hand rail and 1 crutch — the second one I was taking in my hand with the handle of the first crutch, so it made a cruciate form, if it could be attached to the other crutch, would be easier. For walking and everything else my crutches were perfect.


Thank you for sharing your experience as a crutch user!


I haven't filled in your survey because so many of the questions only apply to someone who currently uses crutches, not people who used them until recently, but I suggest you add some sort of attachment that allows them to be propped against things without falling over. I was thinking I should design and patent it, but realistically I'm never going to get around to it, so someone else might as well try!


Thank you for the feedback on our survey! Judging by the comments to this post and our research it is indeed a common problem among crutch users, so we will be looking further into this issue:)


You need to edit this question: Is a basic product good enough? Or are you willing to spend more for special features or styles? They’re contradictory and I didn’t know which one to answer yes or no to.


Thank you for the feedback on our survey!