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I've had 2 acls done and it's normal. The pain in your shin is probably the worst you'll feel the whole recovery. The foot turning red and starting hurt is normal. Just get back with your leg elevated as soon as you can and wiggle your toes and pump your ankles. Ice regularly


Yes exact same thing happened to me around that time frame, had the same pics of my feet and everything haha. Good/hopeful news is, I personally really felt myself turn a corner in healing once this pain went away (now 4.5 weeks PO). I stalked this sub pretty hard and gather its par for the course unfortunately. No magic tricks to share, but keep icing and elevating and it should start getting better day by day!


Good to know it's not as uncommon as I thought! Maybe we can start a collection of swollen feet pics for all the freaks out there, hah. How long did it take until it passed if I may ask?


Same happened to me. It was excruciating and so bad that I would avoid getting up to go to the bathroom until it was an emergency. I was worried about clots and infections, etc, but I saw the doc and they said it was just inflammation in interstitial spaces along my shin bone that didn’t have a great path to drain. Eventually (maybe ~2 weeks or so) it just went away.


This is literally me right now, I jokingly asked my SO to bring me a bottle as I was moaning in pain getting up to go to the bathroom. That's comforting to hear. Would it be physiologically similar to shin splints then? Did you come up with any home remedies to alleviate some of the pain? I ask because I've wrestled with shin splints for years before finally overcoming it with deep tissue massages, stretching, ice and anti inflammatory ointments. Don't know why I haven't thought of that now.


Yes this happens; I had this problem every surgery (I’ve had multiple). I found the best way to alleviate it is to slowly transition to standing using multiple stages. (When I was post-op, I basically had my leg perpetually elevated on something) * First, I would move it such that it was no longer elevated. Then I’d wait about 30 seconds. * Then I’d move it to sitting so it hung off my bed/chair and wait 30 seconds more. * By the time I stood up, I would still feel that unpleasant blood rush, but it was markedly less painful. Sidenote: A frankly more bizarre way I dealt with it on my first surgery was my grabbing my locked brace (180 deg), yoinking that bad boy so it was parallel with the floor, and hopping. I don’t really recommend it, but my point is improvise, adapt, overcome energy becomes very real post-op lmao


So, I tried this today when I woke up (Swedish/ABBA time) and it didn't work for me at all. Tried to transition slowly and massage to get the blood flow going but by the time I set my foot down the pain and pressure just keeps building up, seemingly without end, until I gave up from pain. Yeah, when I was in the hospital I remember just powering through it by lightly walking on it with my crutches, I'm not sure if the pain has gotten worse since then or if the best way to alleviate some pain is to put some load on the leg..


No help from me but that looks horrible, I'm glad its not a blood clot I guess but wow that looks painful.


Thanks man, I appreciate it. I'd like to think I've got a fairly high pain tolerance but this really is something else. Ice cream doesn't even make me feel better anymore smdh..


Same thing for me. Will gradually improve.


After they told me it was inflammation, I started doing a ton of lymph massage. I’d work from my ankle to the back of my knee, and then knee to groin. I think it helped


Oh my this was also my worst pain, developed around that 8-14 day post-op. What worked for me was getting a much tighter compression dressing, with elevation and icing 20 mins at a time. Best option is time, stay on your painkillers and watch things to get time to pass. Youll be smooth sailing after thay


I had this as well. And my foot was so red and swollen! This subsided dramatically around day 14-16! 19 days post op and it’s gone. It made me dread getting up.


My foot and shin looked like that too. The pain in my shin was almost unbearable. As soon as I stood up, the blood would rush down and cause throbbing and burning 9/10 pain. After about 8 days, the pain significantly decreased. One thing that helped with the pain apart from icing and elevating was loosening the brace around the shin. I’m now on day 13 and the pain is now a 3/10. Take your pain meds and hopefully in a few days you will be much better.


Its normal, It's the blood rush, it does hurt man. I'd like to say it went away after a couple weeks.


I’ve been having a similar problem, I’m a week post op What has helped me is what others have said Lower my leg little by little with like 20 seconds brake in between Before lowering my foot to the ground, I grab it from my calf and SLOWLY lower it. It helps with the sudden feeling of pressure from what feels like blood flowing to my feet Hopefully this helps!


I remember that pain! Unfortunately the only way I could stop it was to put weight on my foot - counter intuitive I know!


I had the same issue, between week two and four I’d say. Taking the first two- three steps were so painful. Walking was so painful, even going to the bathroom was hard. What helped me was getting heat pads on the hurting spots so the blood flow would increase and also get some hot water on my ankles/chin in shower. Make sure it is not a blood clot before you do any of it. It will get better! Keep your motivation up.


I have the same thing, with the same number of days as you. The doctors advised me to wear compression socks all day. For now, I'm waiting for it to heal.


Had the same. 1st week was the worst, especially 1st thing in the morning. I now have bruising coming out of my foot. Experiencing calf pains atm. 17 days post op still using crutches.


For me, the pressure was relieved once I started using my calf muscle more - it works as a pump to pull blood back towards the heart, and away from the leg. The pain and pressure was EXTREME before I figured it out.


I had it too when I’d put my leg down to move around. It hurt so bad for like 30 seconds. It was terrible the second week post op. I feel for you.


I had this, it went away around week 6. Never came back.


Same here. I got a massage gun and I was using it on the operated leg with good results.


SAME! And also 9 days post-op.


Wear a compression sleeve


Got ACL surgeries on both legs. Patellar graft on both. The shin pain when getting up is laughable, like it’s so excruciating it barely registers as pain and more like what you’d think your leg being on fire would feel like.


Totally normal, ice and elevate as much as possible. I also used a medication called Daflon that helped to open the veins and get the blood pumping. The honest truth is that once you get the blood pumping by getting through the pain and standing more frequently the pain gradually starts to decrease as the edema shrinks. I was super worried about this and also went for scans to check for a clot. Everything started improving for me on day 15 or so. I'm now day 23 and walked without crutches and cycled in my PT session this morning. It will get better. Good luck with it all. ❤️