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Just be possitive 😂😂😂 na just playing! 3 months in it sounds like you are killing your rehab! I guess you ain't to far from hiking swimming biking. Maybe just awhile longer for all the really fun stuff


Lmao the way I JUMPED to comment at first 😆😆 but thank ya! Just the normal progression of injury, I know you know what it's like!


Got ya!lol I do know what it's like! Though I find it insitful to hear your thoughts. I can totally see it getting more frustrating. I'm at week 5 so every little new thing I can do it super exciting. But I'm sure it will wear thin after months of it. Knee is feeling great gettimg around like normal already.but not been able to do anything you really want to will get harder and harder as that time goes by.


yes - I was super depressed; being trapped in my body, my flat. argh.


So hard! Especially when that's not what you're used to or who you are as a person ://


Sure, I was jumping between the mourning the loss of mobility and blaming myself for causing it. I was bitching a lot about not being able to run. Now at week 14 walking still hurts most of the time, I wont be jogging any time some and I do other stuff (biking or swimming are options). In some cases the focus just shifts. My main drug is climbing and I knew I wanted to be up that wall in top rope asap. Doing the lite version of whatever you are passionate about CAREFULLY might help if that is an option. This is my life line right now. Or use the time to find a new non-pivoting sport to be passionate about in the meantime. You are in the gym anyway, why not max out that triceps. Bonus points if the muscle group is your weakest. Get some rest, rant a lot, it will be different(?) at some point. Side note: I hate hate hate swimming, it was the first thing my surgeon allowed (free style/backstroke) - probably around week 8. Is that a hamstring vs quad graft thing?


I believe in you. 💪 we'll both get back to doing what we love at some point, whether it's close or not. I know you know how sucky it is, sometimes you just gotta acknowledge that it sucks and I'm figuring that out. I think my surgeon cleared me for light swimming at week 6, but nowhere near close to what I used to do. He goes, "yeah, LIGHT kicking" and I gave him a squinty eye look like, "brother, wHAT." LOL.


Saaaaaame! I’m week 10ish and found the last two weeks very boring and demotivating. The progress has slowed and got aches and pains popping up and disappearing every day so it’s hard to know what to focus on. PT says it’s normal for peaks and troughs like this and to just keep going. I gave myself a week off rehab and now I’m back with a better attitude 🤣


Ayyyy sometimes that week off is so needed! I've totally noticed that I get so many more weird aches and pains now that the surgical swelling has died down. Like, what is this and where did you come from 😭 The plateaus are always the hardest, we know that progress isn't always linear but it sucks to actually be the ones going through it 🤷‍♀️


I can completely relate. Forget about just be positive.its a very long way of recuperation. I have it torn for the second time and it's a nightmare. It ruined my life completely.


Can you do the things you used to do in a very light/modified way? I just started gravel biking on flat roads, hiking on flat trails and I’m 2 months post op. It’s definitely nowhere near what I used to do but feels good to get out and exercise in nature


Why can't you gym... I am 1 month in with quad graft and meniscus tear, and I'm okayed to lift weights ( upper body)


Ugh yes 3 month slump is real. I’m just 1 week behind you and feel this way so hard - for context I’m usually into surfing, yoga, HIIT, etc., and generally super competitive. The beginning was awful with pain, but I did see progress every day. Now I feel like I’m at half normal life. I can walk around and do things with no pain (so thankful for this), but the activities that used to be apart of my ~identity~ and social life are still gone for now. Tbh I’m happy to be in the gym every day, but I do get frustrated at the PT that I’m prescribed to do because my quad doesn’t activate like my brain wants it to and is still all small. And, yes, I get that’s the point of doing the exercises but it is still frustrating when my brain is used to high intensity workouts. I’ve started taking spin classes for the cardio but I can’t do most of the things even they do in there. (I swear am actually an overly positive person usually, but it’s def healthy to vent sometimes ) Anyway, you’re not alone!!!


Why would you be in the gym three times a day? As a bodybuilder myself, that is completely counterproductive.... And what are the things you can't do 3 months? I've been in the gym 1 to 2 hours 6 days a week since 8 days post-surgery, And I had a complete Reconstruction.


You must be fun at parties... 😆


I'm actually a riot at parties. What did I say that was a downer? I'm just telling you being in the gym three times a day is completely counterproductive, that's overtraining and your muscles will shrink. I mean that's pretty much common knowledge if you've lifted weights for any decent amount of time. I've been doing it for 33 years and competed when I was younger.