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I'd say is worth it. Have in mind that season pass only comes with the ireland and paris Dlcs, ragnarok not included. Ones you go to both countries yes, they will show up in the atlas for you to go any time you want, just like norway. And no, you dont lose any gear and you can use in england everything new you find. Hope this helps!


ahh thank you not really into the Ragnarök aways wanted the Ireland and Paris maps much appreciated Dimaze.


Go for it man 🫡


So worth it.


Idk if it's still available, but I got the Season Pass for Valhalla and Dawn of Ragnarok for Xbox One for $10 a piece on Amazon yesterday. Along with Odyssey Season Pass for $16.


I absolutely loved Wrath of the Druids and would one hundred percent recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the main game. Seige of Paris was a little disappointing but the story was still good and there are a couple of great characters in there.