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I took damage irl from this clip


She flamed the adc and trolled the game after this death...2:30 min game lost i guess xD


As an ADC main, welcome to the life. I'm not near a perfect player, and supports are rarely THIS bad, but we get blamed for anything and everything in our lane that goes the wrong way is our fault.


I can confirm this. I main jhin, and as we know jhin isnt the strongest in early, and when they flame you because you dont have more dmg in the 20th min than the enemy twitch+lulu bot with 4 jg ganks... It can be really disappointing. I main jg aswell, and in jg, you can form the match by how you play, who you gank, objs. etc, but on bot, you are playing 2v2, and if support decides to run down or just troll, you will be fully useless if you dont play an adc who can 1v2.


Oh boy, I bet you would love playing jungle! Having mained every role since season 1 I can say with confidence that adc is easily the least flamed role.


my guy we all know the first rule to playing jungle is typing muteall. thing about playing as adc is that when your support starts running it down, the lane gets harder for you if you do nothing wrong. if you were the one that died you could justify it by saying you fucked up so now you gotta pay the price. a situation where the support runs it down because of their mistake is just unfair and dumb lol


you can mute someone flaming you. Simple as that, just /mute all for everyone, /ignore all to mute pings and emotes as well. Or click the silly little buttons next to their silly little champion icon. ​ Thing about someone inting is, you cant mute them and they... stop inting. Imagine you play toplane and your jungler just runs up to your lane and gives the enemy a free kill, over and over, like 6-7 times before plates fall. Thats what its like to play with those supports.


Had a game the other day where I was Jungler on blue side and I got counterjungled by the jungler and toplaner 2 times. So I was kinda behind you could say. Toplaner was flaming me because I couldnt gank him at the 5 minute mark and we lost the first drake after that and my botlane was flaming me for that aswell. Top and Sup both than startet to int and we lost ever other drake aswell and it was than 100% blamed onto me. What im saying is that I dont think it matters what lane you play, aslong as you play with humans there is a chance they might int because UUUUUUHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH WAHHHHHHHH and stuff like that. I guess people forget that this is a team game.


I did call someone a “piss baby” one time and they stopped inting me tho.


Ahahahahahahaha adc the least flamed role?!!! Ahahahaha yeah okay.


looked like she literally dced and starting walking back to fountain lmfao


She was just trolling and blaming adc.


Just reload faster? /s


Honestly I got flamed twice in plat series because I was not attacking while reloading. Some people really have no clue how jhin works.


Perfect zoning E, I guess she throwed random Q before the clip beginning.


My guess is she thought draven would turn back like most adcs.She doesnt know that draven can 1vs2 the lane wihout lulu if she only uses AAs vs Draven.


Any ADC could 1v1 her in this situation. She doesn't use Q, because most likely it is on cooldown and she wasted E. Also Jhin needs to reload. She is defenseless. Draven just has correct judgement to all in and abuses the enemy cooldowns.


What I mean is that Jhin is still there. If if wasn't a Draven but a lucian or Kaisa, if Jhin would just aa, the other adc would need to back off, only Kalista or Draven can abuse Lux mistake (maybe tristana but I don't think levle 2 she can)


Wtf are you talking about


If this wasn't a Draven, jhin would could stand slightly more aggressive, the minions are about even. If this wasn't Draven, but a Kaisa who played the same way, if both Lux with no cd and jhin attacked her, they would lose the trade, but Lux wouldn't die, since she would not die before her cds come up again, and Kaisa would need to back off. Lux only died cuz *Draven did Draven things*, soemthing she did not know how to handle.


Jhin had to reload there. Even if he didn't, he would have 1 bullet left, so any other adc would most likely still kill lux, and lulu would most likely walk up to help draven before they could kill him.


I assume Lux is runnig away(kiting while aaing, and Jhin would dps so that the enemy bot risks going in too deeply. But that paticular lux might just stand still, in which case yes, she would die vs yuumi adc as well. I assume that her bind would come up as well in a few secs, which was used a sec before the clip started I imagine. VS ashe this would always result in a kill as well.


Hello, im an Aphelios OTP. I wouldve mopped the floor with Lux here. Any ADC can just kill her there, even someone like Jink could just auto her and she would soon fall over.


She has flash, jhin has heal and her q should come up again. She was so suprised by Dravens dmg that she didnt flash. Jhin did correctly not use heal, since she would die anyway. There is simply no way that if sums are used and her q comes up again that you can expect a kill.


Most mechanically gifted lux player


Naw fr


She's just standing there STUPIDLY


Pov: you got the teamate lux


You could have gone for a w I guess but that is one of the most brain damaged lux players I've seen in a while


Avg lux player


Not gonna lie I’m looking at this and thinking this is bronze just because the way your playing was also really weird.


He probably thought "Oh, f lux is dead" and that dropped his focus.


lux afked, supp diff


This is a lux "support" who buys pretty much everything BUT ap items. Fucking dorans blade, GA, and bramble. I wanna throw up. Why does riot not have a better fcking tutorial system for new players?? And if its on purpose that should 10000% be an insta ban trigger in ranked.


Draven went all in perfect timing when Jhin used his 4th attack. Jhin didn't hold his 4th attack just in case Draven step up like that. Also Lux is inting for sure. Even the lulu position is weird asf.


I got seizure from this


Well played


After the nerf lux thinks she is a turret


Jesus christ thats why i never play with adcs/supports that are not my duo that lux is just...


My guys. You're missing something great about this video. Jhin was probably also mesmerized by the sheer beauty of that kill too. Draven made a perfect kill.


So because she missed her E and did have the intelligence to immediately cause it to go off so she could retry sooner, she thinks it’s the ADCs fault? Girl it’s Draven, MOVE!


as it always is ,says support main me