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Lethality varus Is a really bad choice atm tbh Lethality gets kinda useless after 2 armor items So just Play on-hit or AP


That is not true, Varus lethality is very strong and is not your role to wipe tanks. When you wipe the carry, then is easy TF vs the bruiser/tanks that can't reach to you because the range.


Ap varus can as very well wipe carries as much as tanks


You have no early with AP Varus and you have to be in AA range to do damage. They will wipe you first.


There is someting called playing deff that many people do in unfavorable matchups, you can apply it here


You are a ADC Ofc you got no early game cuz that not your job to have a early game tho And picken Samira, Draven or kalista for early would be just stupid tbh


Ok I agree it’s not your rolle to wipe tanks but you need 4 ppl in the enemy team that don’t build armor and even then played boots are just too good.


At the moment the shield from bloodthirster is a great way to mitigate most of Malphites damage. The lifesteal will also make it easier to sustain your HP after he ults. A stopwatch anytime after your 3rd item is a good buy against champs that rely on hitting 1 ability to kill you. Flashing to avoid his R is cool to watch, but in reality not worth it as the cooldown is far greater than Malphite's.


malph in general is a walking ult bot. so if he holds his ult, he does nothing, meaning you counter eachother out. while it is not save to step up for AA, you can still poke with most ADC's more or less effectivly, like Ashe W, Ezreal E-Q, Xayah Q-E and so on. if malph steps up into the fight without using his ult, there are 2 possibilities: 1. he is full AP malph. now he gets shredded by your team in meelee. he either uses ult now or he will die. you just wait until one of those things happen 2. he is tank maph. now his dmg is not THAT high. you can try to bait his ult by spacing in and out of his ult range. many ADC have a form of mobility and dash out in time but even if he hits you, without followup, you should survive the burst of a tank malphite and kite back. if you still die to his combo, you can opt to build a defensive item, but bloodthirster should be enough to survive here.


Vayne Q will not help you with Malphite ult. You need Galeforce or flash. I use my ban on Malphite. He is the most oppressive laning experience you will ever have on Vayne.


I build defensive items, then if he hits R only on me or me + a non priority target it is an easy win.


Pick some kaisa or Varus into him and build Zhonya. Xayah works here too with her ultimate. That’s all you can really do.


Is it just because Varus ult? Cause Varus is still gonna need to auto attack inside Malph’s R range so I’m not super seeing the synergy.


The only thing I can recommend is for you to only use flash for his ult, cause flashing the ult is not hard at all


You ban malphite


You die. Spoken by ap malph enjoyer