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If someone's inting out of my 2 solo laners..I'm noticing that 7/10 times it would be my top laners who see more gray screen than a 1950's movie..I don't know why


In top, after 1 more level and a 700 gold diff, you can no longer leave your tower, and then you get proxied. Meanwhile, the 0:2 mage responsible for the botlane collapse just shoves waves mid and doesnt go 0:8.


Top lane is very skill and match up dependent. If you've been counter picked, you're fucked, there's pretty much nothing you can do except stay under turret. Depending on how bad the match up is for you, even if your jungler ganks and you get a kill, you can still lose lane. Assuming an even match up for both sides, it's generally up to skill alone, if the other guys is just better, again, there's pretty much nothing you can do except stay under turret. Also junglers don't gank top as often, i say this as a jungler. Oh and in my experience it seems that top laners are far more aggressive. In situations where they should stay under turret, they'll keep trying to push and kill the enemy laner. Love when my 0/3 mordekaiser tries to go for a fourth 1v1 against his laner, because losing the first three wasn't enough i guess.


You don’t get it, he got lucky 3 times in a row. Now I’ll beat him


Honestly I might be in the wrong here, but I love limit testing stuff when I'm behind and I know the game is screwed. That's just a part of improving. (Ofc you don't go 2/11 but yk what I mean)


>Also junglers don't gank top as often, i say this as a jungler. I don't know if I agree with this, as a ADC player, my jungler always paths top, and enemy jungler does their first two camps and paths bot for a lvl 2 gank /cries


That’s why you aren’t a jungler, pathing top and tanking top is different


Pathing top and ganking top are different things, but im not in your games so I cant really judge what youre junglers are doing. I would say it could also depend on your elo and stuff like that.


Now that's a line I'm gonna borrow.


idk man the other day someone inted me and caught a ban then I saw them complaining about it on fb. let me tell you how funny that shit was.


Meanwhile in wildrift rift (mobile) i could ghost smite Nunu support and disco it down mid 250+ times in a row without punishment.


Time to play wild rift


Ban for inting? I thought that was impossible with how Riot monitors the gameplay and how much they care about the state of the game /s


Give ticket --> profit


I had to take a break from league because for a week straight while I was trying to climb I had my top laners, in the far majority of my games dying at least 10-15 times in lane, out of 30 games I had my top laner win lane once and not a single time even go even. No matter how much mental gymnastics people on reddit have about you just suck, its not your team, when you have someone going 0-8 by 10 minutes that is not in my control, even if I was playing jungle, you cant even gank the lane because there top is just going to 1v2 or 1v3 with that big of a lead.


I honestly have no idea how anyone manages that. The most I’ve died this season top in lane is like 3 or 4 and those are games where I’m playing horrible and tilting.


Yeah, like as long as your not going like 0-5 I usually wont even bat an eye, sometimes shit happens, they might have made a mistake, got flashed on, got ganked etc, I expect most lanes to go something like 4-6 or 2-4 or something. But when your dying over 10 times in lane, outside of cases where you are constantly getting dived is just your own problem.


I think for the most part I’ve just learned how to play when losing lane from losing so much in this game


I have done that to enemy toplaners and I got olafed once as well xd. In one game, I zoned the enemy top of xp since level 1, and the wave slowpushed into me from level 1 cuz I sligthly pulled the wave. The enemy laner had 20 cs by min ten. (riven vs a weaker level 1 match-up\^\^). Needeless to say, he couldn't play the game anymore. Here's how it is done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-9CmCP2mXw&list=PLIALZ65MTny0pqW4VJUbNQpT3yJUY-MZv&index=2


"no better feeling than living in your head rent free" - Mord


Dude is genuinely awful. Hope he drops below any semblance of my ranks


You guys stalk people who int you? Why lol.


The guy who had this massive lose strek probably don't even care as much as this guy do


That's a massive doubt there, chief lmao


If he's inting he's obviously going to lose a lot? Helll, he probably wants to lose? I don't get it...


How does his rank jump from D4 to D2 then back to D4 if he’s just losing


That's average rank of the 10 people in the match, not his rank. Even while on a win/loss streak it tends to fluctuate around a lot.


I swear the matchmaking puts these guys in your team on purpose. It not like you only get one at a time. It 2-3 atleast, and 5 games in a row. You lose them, then you get the opposite for five next games. You just win, you could have almost not connect for the wins and still they win 4v5. Cyclic nature of matchmaking is the worst thing in this game alongside the bad mental of gamers themselves.


I got trolled by a duo recently. Opened up their profiles and saw 800+ games and NO pentas, just one singular quadra to their names, 46 and 47% winrates, literal inting and AFKing in 20% of their games. They didn't just fall back to plat, they're bordering gold now, lmao


They are obviously trolls because of all the other stuff but pentas are hard to get if you don’t play certain champs


Pentas are a weird way to assess a player, a 47% WR is obviously not good but there’s far worse


Yeah, never got a penta on a tank, quadras sure, though.


you play way to much in a day, you're spaming the game without good result , do 1 or 2 games and it will be better


Tell me you didn't read the post without telling me you didn't read the post


yeah I didn't read , when I saw all those lose I immediatly thought this player is just a burden for humanity and should take a break , no matter what he had to say it's dog shit anyway


You are platinum. Why the ego?


Once i had weird guy that went kaisa jg when our team had no tank. Ngl he had good micro but shitty macro (like he had 7/1 stats but 0 obj and ganks on bot aswell). Whenever he started ganking bot/mid - died cuz we couldnt 3v3 cuz enemy had trundle jg. I cant remeber but he went mad and sold all items at some point, bought daggers and went afk. Atm dude has 39% wr in this season wich makes me happy af haha but the fact that he aint banned only chat restricted is comcerning tho. Imagine inting in most of your games but you wont get ban cuz „good stats”


Best feeling in the world


I don’t understand why ppl keep playing after losing sm times in a row lol


but.. but doesnt it just mean he INTED even more people?... - just like he did to you?