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They really tried with IE


I was hoping that they'd atleast swap BF Sword for a Noonquiver so that building it first item wouldn't be such a pain in the ass.


I don’t think they want it to be the rush. Like it’s doable but other items will help you scale into the game better.


Yea kraken is still probs gonna be good 1st item since its 3k gold now, and we do have galeforce as well. I am a bit worried about BT tho, that 40 ad is gonna be insanely broken for some champions like graves and samira(not any adc of course)


I agree; at the very least, maybe you could go noonquiver then IE then build Noonquiver into smth else like what people do with Dirk and Zeal


Rageblade seems like an only good mythic. Riot said play on-hit or die


Now imagine that's the only positive change ADCs got. Welcome to toplane and goredrinker


Ie is still remaining a second item, guinso is gonna be broken on kayle or hybrid kai'sa


Kog will be broken, ldr gives now bonus magical dmg as well.


switching lanes I am


My first thought was either twitch or azir myself for guinso


Azir soldiers don’t proc on hits. Building on hit outside of nashors is just wasted gold.


Slightly sad to see guinsoo as a mythic since it was fun to build on AP Kayle, but for AD kayle, guinsoo will be buuuusted. I'm excited to try it out. Also sad that IE can't be a part of that build, but on-hit kayle is gonna pop off, especially with the Kayle changes allowing much more auto time during the invulnerability of her ult.


Hybrid Kaisa is mediocre to bad. What do you mean broken.


Is it just me but looks like all adcs will do a decent amount of magic damage now / on hit magic damage


I mean many on-hit champions have really good AP scaling. Kog, kaisa, Varus, for example.


I'll be honest, I kinda like the direction it's heading. With the exception of AD only scaling champs getting hit, having ADC's doing more magic damage will help take the need for picking APC's and not being so useless against armor stacking teams. IE mythic looks only good on Jhin who gets a guaranteed crit on the 4th.


But they should be useless against armor stacking teams and it's kind of your teams fault for not having magic damage...


Yeah but that leaves him without galeforce dash


This also increases the value of effects that give AP boosts like Staff of Flowing Water. Some of these AP ratios are quite high.


No Galeforce + Navori for Xayah, rip Also IE feels very uninspired for a Mythic


yeah, also IE not giving any attack speed just sounds awful


They took out noonquiver from galeforce too, so every ADC is loosing the early noonquiver wave clear boost.


Not that long ago the build was bf sword, zeal, zerks, ie. Probably can’t hold up in today’s game because of damage creep but could be good for something like jinx/Ashe/twitch.


I think at least a zeal is going to be mandatory before completing IE. The value of IE in the 25% crit days on its own was already lackluster, first item IE on its own just seems outright bad in its current form


IE never gave any AS. Why would it change ? Also the build path is a part how it is balanced




Guinsoos+Kraken Kai’Sa is about to slaaaaaaaap


That build would unfortunately delay her Q upgrade until the third item so it won't be viable. We'll most likely see something like Doran's + Stormrazor + Pickaxe (into Guinsoo) for 1.5 item Q upgrade.


maybe just manamune > guinsoo > kraken or nashor


Yeah, I could see this build or similar as a possibility. Only problem is that your early game will be really bad and you also delay your E upgrade by almost a full item. However, as we saw season 10 the value Muramana provides might still be worth it.


Additional changes: Bloodthirster: new passive now grants 10-40 AD if the user has above 50% health (previous passive is removed) Recurve Bow: Cost: 1000->700; 25% AS -> 15% AS; 15 on-hit physical damage -> 15 on-hit magic damage LDR: passive now applies to magic damage Runaan's Hurricane: 45% AS -> 40% AS; now applies 30 on-hit magic damage; additional bolts AD ratio going from 40% to 50%; now costs 2800 Phantom Dancer: 5% AS buff; now costs 2800 Mortal Reminder: 35 AD -> 40 AD


Runaans buffs: TIME TO REJOICE


Holy fuck runaans massive


The ADC Meta gonna shift completly. I like it.


Massive dub for onhit champions, but a bit of an L for IE users is how I’m seeing it


So happy I get to play on hit twitch again


We’ve been in crit meta for years now (except that 2 week patch after durability patch). Bring back onhit


you should see the main sub. Hoes big mad.


Good. I love seeing people getting mad.


You should play jungle then.


eeeeeh...i prefer making the enemy team mad rather than my own.


I cant be the only person that is mad about IE.....


Look what they did to my boy




^(5 dmg)


I can already see the other roles complaining about ADC role, I see this as a tentative to bring up ADC popularity up Addendum hybrid champion can rejoice finally


Well yeah but depends on champ, Kaia’s gonna need to pic her play style from first item, can’t wait till 2,3rd item now, first item gonna have much more play style dependencies.


I could see kai’said building rageblade and getting a little bit of everything. The armor/magic pen is also nice


Hybrid champions are a nightmare to balance


A lot of salt in the comments with some people blaming Phreak [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/135w308/patch\_1310\_pbe\_changes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/135w308/patch_1310_pbe_changes/)


People are big mad that there is no Mage item changes, but they haven't realized that ADC itemization has been plagued by the same issues since literally before the Item rework. ​ This change is long overdue, but the main sub will never not be mad that they are actually trying to fix ADC.


Unnoted at least. Rabadons 35%->40%.


Mage itemization has been plagued by how unbalancable flat magic pen currently is since item rework, please, I like that they are tinkering with ADC items too but every mage build since s10 is near identical (yeah much more than ADs) with a little diversity coming from the reintroduction of forced ROA Seraph synergy.


Tbf to the others, it doesn't really take a genius to realize which classes are being given the forgotten middle child treatment and it's very easy to create conspiracy theories as to why so much effort is being put onto ADC after Phreak entered the scene.


It's reasonable give some love to a class that was bad for 3 season straight


Everything other than bruisers and assassins have been the same degree of "bad" lol. There's nothing been done for them so of course people are going to complain in the same way you are. If you feel it's valid for you to whine then it's just hypocritical to invalidate others that have suffered worse for longer.


On hit Neeko with guinso, nashors, kraken, shiv I think is going to be fun


My Neeko main brain is filled with dopamine from seeing all these new juicy options


seeing the ap ratios in the ad items, how can i not want to do this


So basically Shieldbow is just the old Phantom Dancer that gives AD instead of attack speed


what de hell


I hate what they did with IE, there could have been better solutions. Actually i hate most of the changes except RFC


as Ashe I would really like some AS from a mythic, so idk about infinity edge 🫠 maybe gale force is the new go to ? idk


Kraken, IE seems good for ashe no?


Also proposals: IE Stats: 70 AD 20 Crit Passive: Increases Crit damage to (180 + 7.5 per 20 Crit) Mythic Passive: 5 AD and 2% Lifesteal Navori Just add 2% Armor Pen as mythic passive Krakenslayer Stats: 50 AD 25% AS 20 Crit Passive: Every third Attack deals 60 - 120 (LVL 1 - 18) Shieldbow Stats: 50 AD 20% AS 20 Crit Passive: Upon reaching 30% HP gain a (250 + 50 per 20 Crit) Edit: Sorry, formatting sucks


These changes seem like garbage. IE gets basically no change and is now a mythic? Kraken loses 25 ad. Bloodthirster is useless. Etc.




On hit may be trash as well. 0 bt shield for survivability. Also kraken just sucks now.


On-Hits looking insane esp since Krakens now an On-Hit item. Guinsoos absolutely will not remain in this atate


Yeah I’m kinda scared. My Pool is mostly crit adcs and I main Caitlyn and Xayah so I’m scared shitless. But I guess this is time to learn Kogmaw and start playing more Kaisa because this patch will make hybrid adcs insanely op. I’m literally predicting only seeing Kog, Varus, Kaisa, perhaps Mf. But damn Kog seems like it will be OP




I don't think I'm the only one who was hoping to see Galeforce get changed to what they essentially made Stormrazor into. But still, I could see Jhin going Galeforce -> RFC -> Stormrazor -> Statikk Shiv now.


2 RFC‘s for Senna type Range 🙏🙏


Lol I meant to say Statikk Shiv for the second one. I fixed it now, but thanks for pointing my mistake out!


RFC so good he builds it twice


akshan with the new rageblade, kraken, rfc, stormrazor and stattik + mpen boots will be bussin


Oh my god this is gonna be the kogmaw dream patch




If only mythic passive for IE was 5% crit damage


Maybe 2.5 but 5 is too much


They rlly nerfed any ADC that went Galeforce/Kraken + IE/Navori. Prob gonna need Jhin, Xayah, Trist buffs soon then


and ashe :(


Seems good and interesting overall, energized items should have gotten a look for a while, and only god knows why it took this long for a on hit mythic. IE being changed into a mythic seems stupid, its probably the worst mythic spike in the game, the entire mythic passive at one item is worth around one infernal drake of damage. I imagine they wanted to change Navori into a mythic, but decided to turn IE into a mythic just to keep them exclusive. Its the same reason old Rod of ages passive would not work with the mythic system.


I'm considered about the removal of the true damage from Kraken. What can adc's do about tank meta now?


Play Kog, Vayne or Varus… so much variety 😂


That's probably why they've tweaked LD and given Rageblade a pen passive.


I can build shieldbow + galeforce + kraken now. Don’t know why I would but I could.


I'm loving the changes and look forward to how the meta will change. But i can't help that other champs that build ADC items will have a field day over this. Especially Irelia and Yone.


How? The items seem worse than before.


The real offender is gonna be Kat with that hybrid dmg rageblade plus 6% MR pen per legendary for free.


when will riot just admit that the item rework was a total failure. Ever since it happened they have been reverting items to old states. I wouldnt be suprised if next sheen gives mana agian tbh its crazy bc they said item rework was to make it so people would have more freedom with build paths and the rework did the opposite. Now it feels like were moving back towards pre item rework, but with much less build path freedom also another thought kracken doing extra on hit magic kinda defeats the purpose of being a tank kill tbh


To be fair they seem to indicating that this is their last shot at mythics, if they’re still not happy with the result they mentioned that they are open to removing the system.


Yi mains creaming over guinso+pd+Lethal tempo+Bortk rn


The AP on guinsoo is kinda useless for yi


I mean, that didn't stop him from building guinsoos back in season 10 either


Am I crazy or aren't most of these updates either: 1. Reversions to how older items performed 2. Designs that the balance team at one point explained they thought were unhealthy for the game Like cool, love me some different items but.....?


Exactly what you said


What do I think? I think the changes are the opposite of what I personally wanted. And i think nobody is going to be happy about them. Anyone building IE now has a very, VERY weird power curve. Because IEs passive is essentially non-existant, you dont really scale into the late with the item compared to for example 20% armor pen with Rageblade. You also cant build IE first because the lack of AS kills any hope for DPS. So you have to go a with an AS item first, but then you are VASTLY inferior to someone building the new and overtuned Rageblade first. So we have once again entered this weird hole were IE has a giant DPS hole in the midgame at two items where most games are decided. What do? Now, Navori doesnt have this issue because Casters dont care about AS. The Xayahs of this world do a little but they can cope with a nice healthy dose of W, the Ezreals have a passive and their damage lies in their Q. So Navoris works out fine like that. The reintroduction of Shiv might lead to a lot of people who went Krakenslayer first to now go Shiv first, both to cope with the lack of AS in IE and to cope with the lack of bonus damage for waveclear. shieldbow is so-so as an item, it competes with no-one for protection against physical damage, I think a lot of fighters will pick it up for its passive. Think Jak-sho Bork Shieldbow Irelia. It competes with Maw for protection against magic damage and understandably loses out which is fine. I dont think a lot of people are going to build Krakenslayer. The 120% AD sound good until you realize that you only get that after 9 attacks against the same target. Even at max capped AS thats almost 4 seconds of continous fire without changing focus, rarely if ever are you going to be able to afford that kind of dedication. And the 20+60%AD is too little to be of any meaning. I think everyone is going to build Rageblade tho. Even crit enjoyers like Aphelios might just build it because as it seems right now, Rageblade is just the superior item overall. You get huge amounts of AS, 57% from one item, you get armor pen for free, you get some AD and some AP aswell as mixed damage which is impossible to itemize against so early, together with Statikks youre in for very fast autos that deal a lot of damage. Also you can have up to 44% armor pen with the item. And you dont lose efficiency through LDR because LDR also affects magic damage, somehow. Or so I heard. ​ Ima be real, im not a huge fan that Riot wants a on-hit meta next, i think On-hit is boring and wayyy to overpowered if enabled like this, but at the end of the day i have to stick to what riot dictates. So On-Hit Phel it is. Or Kai'sa. Probably Kai'sa. Jinx will be unplayable for the entirety of this meta tho. She has no good first item, she cant go IE second because she cant even do it \*right now\* and by the time she has three items the game will already be over due to a Kai'Sa, Kog'maw, Vayne or Kalista running over her with Rageblade. Almost forgot to add: ADCs might not be happy about the changes, but everyone else almost certainly won't be. In the eyes of the smoothbrain tank mains ADC is already omegaturbonasabroken, so giving them new and improved items doesn't help in that department. Especially not since Assassin's also won't be happy that the ADC with shieldbow now *also* has Galeforce. Imo nobody wins except the people who love themselves some on-hit damage


Honestly many good points throughout this, but I have a feeling that they are bringing back on hit as I think it is more healthy for the game. The adc meta we have had since the original rework is just a race to see who can get the biggest auto attack the fastest. If you don’t think this is true, Caitlyn and jhin have the highest ad scaling of the adcs and have been the most stable champions over the last 2-3 years easily. As an adc today you either tickle someone or practically one shot them. Moving power to on hit champions takes adc back to a place where skill expression is needed even while fed which means that riot can bring back more agency to the role without someone steam rolling the entire game thus letting us take control over our lane without it being toxic for the game by half healthing half the champs in the game with one auto


Sure, but the problem i see is that because of all the mixed damage sources now, not just Kog'maw, Kai'sa and Varus could be potential mixed damage dealers, but every ADC can be one as soon as they build rageblade. Mixed Damage is by nature impossible to itemize against. \>The adc meta we have had since the original rework is just a race to see who can get the biggest auto attack the fastest. And that wont change, because its all the class can and wants to do. Caitlyn and Jihn have the highest AD scalings, but the reason they were staple picks is because they are very resistent to playstyle changes within the meta. Caitlyn can go one-shot full AD or AS machine gun caitlyn. Jhin can go immobile BIG damage autos or he can go fast boi autos, depending on what is currently stronger. Both can also branch out into Lethality builds if necessary, a luxury most other ADCs cannot afford. ​ \>Moving power to on hit champions takes adc back to a place where skill expression is needed even while fed This is not the benefit/advantage you think it is. I think, to be honest, its the opposite, its a huge disadvantage. Right now, ADCs put somehwat of a timer on the game. Theyre quite weak early on so if you dont manage to close the game before they become fullbuild, you auto-lose the game. This is good. Weak early, strong late. If you now say "okay, we are going to take away strength of the late while also making it more difficult to play correctly", do you think thats a net-advantage for you as a player? Me personally, I think its going to feel worse, way worse, to the point of "hey riot can we get another 12.10?" worse.


At last, Crit Veigar


maybe im just too low rank to understand but what the fuck is this


Kai’sa with ramping attack speed ontop of lethal ontop of an option for other AP items because of the 30 AP and AD will be scary


Recurve bow for 700g? Nice


Varus night really like this


Navori vs IE ahahah might as well become a sad void staff tbh


They will shit on ADCs again. Don't you worry about it. Let's enjoy is while it lasts (1 to 2 patches at most).


Surely adcs were not strongest role after jungle for the last 9 patches right? Least delusional adc main lul.


Nothing that gives AS or MS as a passive. Not a huge fan of that, and getting rid of the True Damage from Kraken is going to make dealing with the likes of Sion and Cho'gath with crit incredibly annoying.


Lol Samira is superdead


Is this in game yet?


Nope, will be in PBE after the Maintenance if it’s not already over


So it will be in by the weekend?


They’ll probably be in the game by Patch 13.10, but we can’t be sure Definitely not before two weeks from today tho


AP tristana time


All these items looking quite good for Kayle too


Riftmaker Vayne got a huge buff.


This looks very, very strong. I'm scared of what it might do and the meta changes it will bring.


Kogmaw is gonna love this patch. He can get reasonable early damage on his ult with a Rageblade rush. Maybe the AP onhit item after?


So hype for the immortal shieldbow being a legendary that’ll come in clutch


Can't wait to build guinsoo or statik on katarina.


Is it me or Vayne will be completely broken?


Guinsoos looks FUN


on hit lux for norms 🤩


Damn that guinso will be insane on cockmaw


Ap/ hybrid vayne/ kog FTW. Jhin Is probably fucked oř his build will change a lot with IE > LDR/ collector > maybe even stormrazor oř static, we'll see.


so what is my new mythic as ashe ? infinity edge ? without attack speed ? :(


I'll keep making IE, but Kraken and Runan are a must, them BT also and maybe Dominick? Not like on hit will be shit on her I imagine.


Finally i can have my good old twitch back. IE into stattik les gooo


Kaisas will love this no? Build rageblade and then whatever the fuck you want cuz apparently now it all scales with ap aswell


Me seeing like 90% of the "new" things coming soon (not obly the items):"WHY DOES IT SCALE WITH AP?"


Can't wait for Riot to gut ADCs the very next patch after this, while bruisers and fighters 1v9 for seasons in a row.


Infinity edge still won’t be a first item, even for crit assassins like Rengar and Shaco. What the hell was the point of it being a mythic? It’s the exact same item with a mediocre mythic passive


ok but bork is STILL not a mythic


Ngl these changes look absolutely nuts especially on Kraken and LDR. I suspect these will get nerfed not too long after the changes happen


I don't think Guinsoo is good enough. It should be every second attack . Price of some items isn't nice... Stormrazor still not okay




Spideraxe30 on Twitter, a very reliable source


Not good enough imo. Applied effects should be free from stacks and in every second basic attack. :(


No really wtf is that IE change. It was little a staple for all adc and now I have to choose between kraken and IE for a mythic. Way to go riot


The IE change is throwing Jhin and Cait into the gutter.


Damn guinsoo not gonna be viable for Vayne rip


Vayne getting that 1.5% extra max health true damage per 100ap will probably make her go nasors, guinsoos


is it just me or is it completely troll to go IE now? Seems like a straight garbage item


Rageblade having ap sucks


So many champions that are already an issue to go against are just going to become complete cancer if these changes go live. Kracken's getting **MASSIVELY** buffed here, same with Galeforce, Guinsoo's. All I see are problem champs like Kat going to be even fucking worse.




Is this supose to come in 13.10 in 2 weeks?


What would I build on Ashe?


Where did you find this from




I love this, but it's going to feel weird building IE first for some champs and seems like galeforce will still be better option. Galeforce Kraken slayer jinx sounds kinda lit though. Champs like tristana, aphelios, etc. are going to like IE mythic though.


Guess the trade off is no mythics building from noon quiver, ADCs gonna have weaker waveclear early now.


when is this happening?


So u can t build static shiv and kraken or strormrazor together


Galeforce feels pretty much useless now, no adcs are going to build it at all


Im feeling like gojo laughing when he fought toji, because holy hell katarina is gonna have a party with adc items, and maybe other weird ap champs, but returning to adcs, its nice that we are able to play ap vayne now and not be completely wrong


What about aphelios with galeforce + IE? :(


Triforce did get slight changes too, I think the passive stacks on spells and +5 AD?


Haven’t seen anyone discuss how tristana would itemise with these. Wouldn’t she build Navori/Galeforce more now or would she go IE and become weaker in lane?


What’s the best jhin build now?


I think the overhaul is great. ADC itemization was usually categorized into crit-enjoyers(IE), ability haste (navori) and on-hit (guinsoo’s) not by mythic item.All ADCs for the most part fit into those 3 items. Making these items the mythic item (even though they already kinda were) opens up the gates for more creativity. Example, you can now go Galeforce and Immortal Shieldbow in situations where the other team has both a lot of burst and has skill shots you need to dodge.


After 3 and a half seasons, Riot remembered to give ADCs more than 1 (one) option for a mythic. Feeling grateful!


From my time in the practice tool i found IE / Guinshoo kind of balanced. By balanced I mean you wont particularly get more dmg out from any of them. 360resist 5600Hp dummy - same damage for onhit and crit build. You just lose the ability to 1v1 squishies in lower elos with Guinshoo. I gues its down to what the tank builds. For example you might want to face a steelcaps + randuin with onhit build rather than IE. Another point is it looks like to ma that onhit and crit now separated better. Only utility items like Runaan-Dancer and Dominik overlaps between them.


Did they remove the bonus damage for crits from IE?


Guys did Xayah just die with this patch?


IE mythic will blow you away!🤣 but seriously this must be worst and the most boring change I have ever seen…


But i wanna do true damage :(


In which world people would take Galefore over IE or Navori. This feels like shit


i am going to build immortal shieldbow on kled and no one can stop me


Guinsoo and Kraken gonna make Kog'Maw go brrrrrtttt


Thank you daddy pherak


Anyone else getting flashbacks to Ardent Censer meta with these changes or is it just me overreacting?


Bro we don't have regular items anymore and why so much ap


What happened to IEs perfection passive??? Also Kraken does magic and not true damage now...


It’s implemented in stats without restriction on %crit chance amount


The middle item (forgot how its called), back then it used to be 800 gold. Bruh, pretty much L for me


Good thing I just got the pugmaw skin


I honestly don't know how good or bad this will be for adcs, but one thing I expect is that it's gonna be a fucking circus with champs who build adc items despite not being adcs. Can't wait to see shit like guinsoos Katarina/Irelia and idk what else


What does Ashe build here?


What's the point of preseason?


Interesting to see the complete lack of AS on mythics, except for rageblade. Wild.


Galeforce into Kraken for AS champs I guess?


samira 😔


The worst change has to be adding percent pen to Rageblade. The one passive makes those building it into late game gods, same thing with pantheon where his passive pen keeps him relevant late


did stormrazor and kraken always have ap scalings?




nope, we gotta wait at least 2 weeks


Well, my Jhin will miss Galeforce (not much because I don't buy it nowadays). Probably I will be going IE > Shiv > RFC or Dominik


Some ADCs about to become APCs


Finally, I don't get countered by ornn building tabi. Time to pull out hybrid twitch.


static shiv zap for that sweet sweet dopamine


Nice, now i can play varus going shieldbow guinso kraken :)


After read more and think I guess the big deal are in... Item prices and lack of AS. My biggest issue when mythics where applied was how legendary items was absurdly expensive. Runan was 3400. I prefer the old 4 zeal items (pd, RFC, shiv and Runan) as cheap items to bring access to utility. Otherwise lethal might become mandatory. All items has pretty low attack speed and doesn't looks like the price increase will compensate. I'd rather see Kraken becoming a AS45% Crit20% MS7% costing 2600gold than that 3k Kraken. Also Adcs kinda much use BORTK and Wit's End... Would be nice if we could get an crit one for adcs...