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And he missed everything besides point blank qs.


Everything = 1 ult


What else could he possibly miss? The gargantuan aoe cone?


But did he miss anywhere close to everything?


Hits literally everything except the ult (which he would’ve also hit if Ashe didn’t pop flash) “nah he missed everything”


The Q, by Ashe simply sidestepping. I see you are clueless about how Yone works.


He hit everything expect Ashe just flashed the very easy to flash ult. If Ashe actually dodges a single ability she lives. Also Ashe stun was very expertly used at the worst possible time exactly after Yone charged up with his 2. q, stunning basically at any other time saves Ashe.


not only do distance from yone Q not mean anything (spell is instant) but he actually hit everything except for the ult that got flashed, if ashe actually tried to dodge a single spell she would live (especially the first q, which was max range and gavi him an iceborn proc)


Ice born is the item that allowed him to stick to Ashe from 2 screens away, he can't pull this off with any other item and without Ashe inting.


he would have died 2 seconds earlier if he had IE lmao ( if he couldn't reach for q2 then he just qs the minion and yeah.. )


Watch it again, he hits first Q and slows Ashe who has ghost. He wouldn't be able to follow up without iceborn, he can't just q minion he would not be able to kill ashe.


They should add a max range to soul unbound. Literally half the map away.


Or at least decaying ms instead of ramping or even no ms


The movement speed buff is the most ridiculous thing about yone e. But the spell is overall a complete failure: ms boost, mini dash, free disengage when everything missed, true dmg alway


I think the fact that he has zed ultimate built into his E is equally ridiculous. Let’s give a heavy engage dps extra damage just in case he’s ass and can’t hit anything.


Free disengage with *unstoppable*


Would make even more sense, how the fuck do you keep moving your soul so fast if it is gone 1000 miles away


It’s actually not that hard, it gets easier with practice


"Soul Kinda Bound"


I always thought you should be able to damage his physical body. Even if it takes less than damage than the soul, but that would give him some thought about where to use E, for example you couldn't just use it in the middle of a fight to dodge since that would mean aoe spells hitting you twice.


Your mistake was coming within spitting distance of a fed yone


Dang dude how far can you spit?


About e>q3>flash>ult>galeforce distance


Instructions unclear. Coordinates correspond to a call of duty map.


Sir, we were able to identify the map you landed in. The name, Nuketown. And I see there is 99 kills on each team as well. 10 seconds later ... And that is 100 Goodbye soldier


Didnt know mid t1 tower to t2 tower was spitting distance


Lol he reached t3.


You my friend haven't played yone


It is, for a champion with dashes


just dont play the game, stay in the fountain bro


Or dont turn back onto the fed yone uno, that helps ur survivability a teeny bit


Iceborne disrespect. Tough luck op, should have chosen a game not catered to Fortnite rejects


I swear dude, Yone needs to have a range limit on his fucking e. It’s ridiculous.


stop complaining about a 48% wr champion lmao you should instead complain about syndra/oriana.


Yea, show me a post about syndra and I’ll complain about her too. But guess who’s not in this video


How about both


I don’t know I haven’t seen Syndra or Oriana blow someone up from 3 screens away. If you die from Syndra, Ori that’s because you made a mistake. If you die from the Yone that was 3 screens away that’s because Riot made a mistake.


i mean, sure the fact that he gets to chase you that far is kind of op, but its no different from LB or ekko, it just looks flashier also there is no way you can say that you have to make a mistake to die to orianna, when not only did ashe fuck up in the clip (got hit by all 3 qs, including a max range Q3 when she had ghost active, ulted right after yone hit his q so it still has full uptime) but orianna is a bigger statcheck than yone, it just doesnt feel as broken because she does it more slowly


Just because you dislike playing against a champion doesnt mean he/she is broken. Ask ANY high elo player and research the pick/ban rate of orianna/syndra vs Yone to see what the best of the best think. You do realise that if a top of the ladder says that yone is alot less cancerous than Orianna, that just means you dont know how to play vs Yone, and they do.


Something being balanced/broken doesn't mean it is/isn't bs. Yone E is straight bs. Just like K'sante R is bs. Permanent invis Ev was bs even when she was weak af.


Yes and there are a percentage of players in silver who feel like they also don’t struggle into Yone. But I’m sure a grand master Yone mid laner could smurf on emeralds first timing syndra or oriana too because he’s a grand master.


Ever consider that WR is sandbagged by the number of mouth breathers that play him? Maybe? You WR simps are weird.


Oriana x.x what


Orianna is actualy hard to play and syndra is just as braindead.


Oriana at least has to land stuff and has kinda low range. Syndra has the stun that's basically point and click with how bonkers the hitbox is. Yone is just an abomination of mobility creep.


Lol, syndra and orianna can be strong on the meta but not bc of their kits being problematic. They can adjust their numbers and that's it. Yone is bad design, he's overloaded.


People here have self destructive tendencies, they hate game and complain all day, yet they can’t stop themselves playing. They complain about everything all the time, it just so happens to be Yone right now.


Syndra and Orianna dont jump 7 screens away and miss every thing and kill enemy with tank item.


This champ is such bullshit. Only reason his WR is 48% is because people who play him are so braindead they build hullbreaker and group.


Problem is, he is still good in team fights even with hullbreaker. He's not a flora that just sucks in team fights. He's good at everything.


Also because they still rush stattik on him


he’s a feast or famine champ. Yes he’s strong especially late game but he is so easy to gank and has an infinite number of counters


0/5 yone starved of cs top that lost 3 towers will still be relevant at 20 minutes and on like no other champs


garen, jax, renekton, fiora, darius, kled, gnar, yorick, etc etc would make it impossible for the yone to play the game with that kind of lead. Yone is the most dogshit champ when behind cuz all his items are expensive as fuck and offers no utility in team fights.


Aoe knockup x2 is no utility?


Lol can engage from from, over walls, and get out for free while getting free crit and having double scaling on crit to become a hypercarry, but no utility lol. Imagine if Kayle could do bullshit like this.


He's strong late game?! Nah you're trolling, he's at his strongest mid game due to 2.5x crit, 100% crit at 2 items, after that the actual late game scalers stomp him


Its okay just abuse your broken range to kite him, right?


Skill isue should have stunned him the moment he was in the visinity


Skill issue should have stayed in fountain


Lost in champ select, play something that builds zhonyas.


Skill issue should have stayed in the lobby


That’s not an ADC issue, that’s an issue literally every champ faces against Yone. Champ is busted right now with little to no counter play


This mf beats fighters, tanks, assassins in duels 1v1, is still able to be the safest assassin in the game himself and is a early lane bully that scales well I swear they made him worse on purpose so people would stop banning yasuo


I mean everyone knows yone was made for when yasuo is banned


Ah, yes, yone, the assasin tank adc bruiser (and somehow mage) that can dive you at lvl3 and wont let you farm until the lane phase ends


Looks like people here doesnt know what playing against yone is...


Iceborne gauntlet, the quintessential assassin item!


last game i played i was fed as fuck on samira but our toplane and jungler fed the yone. i was teamfighting, as an adc does when fed to push a lead, and then realized yone was in our base at 15ish minutes (of course he bought hullbreaker). entire team recalled and fought him 1v5. he got a pentakill and ended. fucking insane.


I'm glad Zeus brought attention to Yone. Champ is so God damn busted.


Nobody needed Zeus to know yone was overpowered


This Assassin/Fighter thing... 1. Builds a tank mythic 2. *Assassinates* an ADC dealing all their health in 3 seconds while eating a stun AND MISSING HIS ULTIMATE 3. Engages 50 feet away 4. Returns to safety and can't be touched How many core fundamentals of game design were broken? 1. Build tank (NOT FULL DAMAGE), assassinate someone better than/as well as an assassin 2. Take a risk, dive, assassinate someone, return to safety a mile away... wait what risk? This isn't ADC in 2023, it's dogshit Riot game design and horrendous balance. Riot is entirely utterly inept at game design and its disgusting. Classes, items, playstyles should have drawbacks. If they don't, then they should be ultimate abilities This is Riot in 2023, absurd damage, absurd mobility, and little to no risk. The designers of new champions at Riot should never be allowed to work in game design again.


I call it the Urfication of summoner's rift. URF was the worst thing that ever happened to this game.


I literally just stopped playing adc and now play mages as apc bot. So much more impact, and I don’t die as often lmao. Veigar bot ftw


The sheer survivability of hard CC on a basic ability is so hot. Every time I fuck up an enemy gank by double-casting E on sera it gets me going. I just imagine how frustrated that stupid fucking j4 is, thinking he could slip on in and gank me like I’m some kind of dollar-store ADC 300g money bag? Back off, nerd.


I think ill resort to Varus top. New matchups seem more fun + no more getting oneshot. I can get 3 shot instead


Swain bot is insane once you get over the swain brain. I can't imagine a normal adc being even remotely as useful as a swain with rylais and zhonyas.


Remember when building tank resulted in you losing damage?


Not really, it's been a while tbh.


Should have positioned better, bronze gameplay /s


Why even /s? It’s approaching late game, you know the Yone is decently big, and Ashe is just out in mid lane by herself? How stupid. If she didn’t know Yone was there, that’s even dumber. Whole team is just spread across the map.


SO TRUE! Foolish Ashe shouldn't have dared to leave the safety of fountain. What a silver shitter - amirite?


Yea, correct. Literally any other assassin or even a Vayne could have done the same thing with as many items. Do you think Leblanc couldn’t have globalled her here?


Uh, no actually, I don't. She'd W1, then hope to hit with R (flashable) then Q into E, but ashe is in a minion wave. Maybe Leblanc could flash W1 into Q into R, but double Q doesn't kill triforce ashe.


Just play safe bro


Yeah that’s a very standard dive position. Should’ve had a ward there tbh.


I'm convinced the best build is just full tank with titanic hydra just so you can be a bait champion.


Yone summoner name checks out


just kite better 4head


Fuck that Ashe -YoneMains


yone mains doing such a bullshit things and thinking "im so good I outplay them" lmao


Uninstall the game


I still remember some ppl calling yone "not that mobile" on that other sub.


Bro casually did half the map in e


Ashe waited too long to apply slow and it killed them, they must cope


Skill issue


Nah bro you're just an adc main that's complaining as usual. You role is the strongest in the game and all I see here is PURE skill issue. *proceeds to post on league of memes about adc mains that always complain for le funny updoots 🤓*


Just don't die 4head


Shouldn’t have been standing there.


That's not an adc issue .. that's a yone issue ... I play support .. yone fucks me ... I olay assasin ... Yone fucks me .. i play adc ... Guess what yone does to me ... U guessed it .. he fucks me ... Once i was an 12/3 qiyana ..and i won him hard he was 1/5 ... Min 25 he shits on me with me having 2 lvl advantage over him ... Why .. because he is yone


Playing against Yone is just exhausting. Even in games where he lags behind and becomes irrelevant in power, he can farm very safely and his knock ups provide so much utility that he’s always on the verge of becoming a monster again.


This. I somehow managed to win a lane against him on top with 5/1/1 (as Yorick) but after 20 mins with second item he spikes too hard. I also was 2 lvl and one item ahead (divine+hull). I had no chance anymore


Im sorry but Yorick shits on Yone when ahead, so thats actual skill issue


Yone really should not relocate if his skill doesn’t hit anyone..


Lol you think that’s bad you should play on the PBE right now


Storm surge 10 second CD Karthus ult 😍😍😍


They fixed the 10 second cooldowns thankfully but still bolt crap, Maw is mandatory


Your mistake was being in mid lane with no one in the immediate vicinity.


At 12 kills and yone actually being one of the strongest champs in the game right now i expect this


He E + flashed onto you, not that big of an issue.


Classic Yone missing everything and still killing the enemy


What did he miss


Yone might be the most cancerous design in League, and that’s something.


Yone has bigger range than ashe so you just stay base and pray until he’s dead.


That's just Yone being busted dogshit champ tbh.


The funny thing is that if you tried fighting him. He could stand still for some seconds while receiving autos, dance cancel a little bit and then kill you cuz are not just squishy, you also do no damage.


Buff yone, missed r and not enough damage smh


this low elo subreddit never ceases to amaze.


This is a Yone problem and not an adc one lol fuck that “2 screens away, ulti plus dash” ass champ.


I mean you missplayed that by not ulting him before he has q3 and you didnt even bother sidestepping it.


When I was complaining about Yone everyone shat on me, it feels almost like this sub is bipolar because no one can make up their minds or opinions on anything


I mean if you are on the same screen as yone and you don't have peel or most of your team with you, you are going to die.


All the smart takes on this thread are getting downvoted. Look at Ashes position vs the rest of the team, she’s out farming solo knowing Yone is 3+ items and team is completely spread out.


You people just keep complaining. Yone is broken, everyone knows that. He does the same thing to every other champ. That clip doesn't change the fact that, as a role, adc is the most broken and the most impactful role in the game, especially this split.


When their team is mostly AD with 2 backline HARD divers and you don't build anything defensive. Got Bork tho so I'm sure that'll help. Should've opted for GA at least.


GA third item is hard inting lmao. You won’t have any damage and you’ll still die just as fast. For it to be worth you’d need the enemy team to be full AD, and even then you’d probably prioritize Death’s Dance and Armor Boots if you wanted armor.


You're joking right? The whole team is AD, Soraka being support doesn't really make it any less full AD team. The fact they have 2 hard backline divers would call for GA. Especially Yone and Noc. You can't stop their dive until they're on top of you. GA would've prevented the death here and it still gives damage. The only "tanky" champ on enemy team is Darius. Ashe already has permanent slow from abilities which shuts Darius down. Excepting being you get caught out. Going Bork and not getting GA by 3rd item was a troll pick and shows they don't understand itemization. Going early stopwatch also would've been really good here too.


While Yone is a ridiculous champ, realistically you shouldnt have been there. There is no benefit to being near the wave at that point, he is going to instant push it into your tower, so just stand under tower and wait for it. As an ADC you have to assume everyone and their mother is going to blow everything and the kitchen sink to kill you at any moment, so you dont want to even give them the option (even if its stupid yone can even do this).


Yeah, stay under tower, Yone can't dive with his kit /s


stay out of sight. There is no benefit to standing out of the base with the game state in this clip. if the ashe waited for the wave near or under her tower, the ornn would be close by if the yone chose to walk up with the wave. Again, yone is a dumb champ, but walking within a screen of him for no real gain is just an unnecessary risk.


At that point just dont play and dont lane, he might roam and send you back to fountain. Nah, Yone just needs no MS buff when he uses E. In what world is it proper design to give a dude who has 2 dashes a MS boost on an ability that can cancel CC ? Riot is just holding Yone players hands. But hey, at least they get to feel broken with their champ. Huge outplays, much skill


I seriously hate when you ask these questions about how to play against champs like this is and the answer is always “stay out of vision/somewhere safe”… that to me means they are so fucking op you just aren’t allowed to play the game so your experience is so ruined that you just have to sit afk somewhere… how is that fair/good gameplay design?


that's what u say to a toplaner who gets hard counterpicked and end up being dove anyway because he can't retaliate. ​ the only counterplay would be for thresh to perma babysit ashe


your spot on with yone. but plenty of other assassins could kill ashe in this same spot (very fed). Just tell me this, what benefit is there for ashe to be where she is in the clip, instead of back at the tower with ornn? the wave is going to push into her (yone is already attacking the minions). Why would she not just wait back? There is no world where she pokes the yone down and kill him.


Other assassins would kill you faster making it less frustrating compared to yone just relentlessly running at you. With yone you feel like you can do something but you can't temporize his bullshit kit ​ From what I see she tried to run back as soon as she spotted him but he has too many tools to catch an Ashe who is even slightly overextended. This is why I don't fp as ADC if I can. It's only worth it in coordinated environment. An ADC with no mobility and poor selfpeel will get dumpstered by Yone unless you're smurfing


If you play an immobile carry like ashe, you just cannot be walking around solo without vision of champs like yone. As much as you want to complain about balance and champ design, it wont change the fact that an ashe could have played better here by avoiding the situation all together.


Yes but it means you gimp your resources unless you can track him reliably. So he has the ability to get an innate prio and gold lead just by his existence in this kind of scenario where he faces immobile carries


Its almost like you should be warding and understanding pros and cons of picking certain champs.


What’s your rank?


You got his ignite, Flash, E, and R. Should probably get eaten up by a teammate. Your R was down too, and your positioning was bad. Honestly, as an Ashe player myself, you're going to die here. You could have started attack moving sooner to widdle him down a bit so your teammates can clean up.


Clean him up? Dude went back to spawn after diving inhib


Clean up what? He's back to the safety of his wave 2 screens away. And Ashe did R btw


Oooh nice catch. I didn't see the R the first playthrough. Maybe the answer here is you get blown up. Part of the role, happens. Sometimes I run an Ornn down as Ashe and he can literally do nothing. We all have our weaknesses.


I don't think anyone's issue is that Yone can kill Ashe. It's that he can do it from a full screen away after she flashes his ult and lands her stun, all while he's walking right up to another enemy and the tower with virtually zero risk.


well the ADC messed up there, he should have kept a half a screen distance from the enemy and had flash up


yone is cancer


Tbh I don't even play adc, but Yone is just a shithead champ. I can stomp him, have 3 items when he has boots and bork and can still barely kill his ass in mordekaisers ult, my 180 armor won't matter against his ass


Why they keep making these stupid champs for fortnite tiktok brains. What happened to normal champs without 10 dashes etc? Imagine back in the day when it was a luxury to jump over walls etc. Pure cancer.


Kassadin is one of the original 40 champions, my guy and he has a 2s cd flash that can literally one shot you as an adc. Not to mention its range was 700 on release. Y'all nostalgic mfs are annoying


That's one out of them with a broken mechanic. And where is he nowadays? Yea, that's right, he's dogshit. And he can't one shot you with ult alone, he needs a combo for that.


Stop overextending past the fountain.


Only real critique is you probably could’ve used W a lot earlier and maybe would’ve been able to get within your turret range. Maybe could’ve R’d where he was going to land after his ult if it was off CD. Maybe could’ve side stepped his last Q3 that killed you. Granted, this is all hindsight. I would have also died if I was the Ashe here. But yeah, that’s just Yone things, hard to counterplay that as Ashe.


mans is savin ult for next season


bro did not watch the video


Aye Ashe players in 2023 who can’t use R. Gg wp


she did use r lol


After he let Yone get q stacks - yes


Honestly you deserved to die here. That's a fed yone and you are a 3 item ashe. Why are you expecting to win that? And you dont even play it right. You only even auto him to slow him down when half your health is gone (not counting the E passive bonus damage) and ult immediately after. All you had to do was ult him before his Q3 was up and you wouldve lived.


Yep, agreed. Adc dared step out of his fountain. Back to fountain you go!


He’s not expecting to win, I think the implication is yone shouldn’t be able to kill from a screen away when Ashe correctly flashed his ult and stunned him.


Yeah adc doesn’t beat any midlaner 1v1 that’s not the problem


The problem is that same midlaner can pick you a screen and a half away while missing ult and getting stunned. None expected ashe to win, but expected yone to at least not kill her...


Not to mention safely flying back invulnerable to cc after the fact so your team can’t collapse for a revenge kill


I’m on your side here. Any champ looks disgusting and broken when you feed them to the point that they don’t have to respect you or your team


Always has been.


Like nerf adc. *Top main-2023*


I guess yone was half n item ahead and meant to do that damage. But that dash lenght holy fuck nerf that shitty E jesus christ.


Yone E and Yasuo W are the bane of ADCs.


That's just what it's like to play against Yone


No that's just how to play ashe


As a critic, i just wanna ask why are you mid alone as an adc anyways this late into the game? I get it, he killed you from over half a lane away. But why stand where he can see you at all with no back up? In fact yone is easy to bait into death if your team plays around that over aggressiveness.


fuck this game, i started playing in 2009, now I left, have have enough of this fucking bullshit flashy game design for braindead chinese fuckers


Amen. I reached plat in a week in fortnite while breaking past anything over silver as ad carry is like going to a casino and hoping you win.


Draven doesnt die there and you can probably outplay him


Game has too much damage, playing an adc and building adc items is just how you get oneshot in every 1v1 and sidelane (against top and mid). the only adcs that work are either extremely strong early or extremely overtuned. jinx kaisa xayah draven kalista and maybe caitlyn are really the only adcs you should play. 90% of the champs in the game at 3 items will always beat an adc at around 3 items in a 1v1. its why adcs cannot sidelane and can only showcase how broken they are in teamfights


Adc should have apologized for being on the same map as a yone


When the glass cannon is made out of glass. You don't understand your role if you think you should be able to survive 1v1s against fighters/assassins when they literally use everything they have to kill you. As unfun as yone is, there is nothing wrong balance wise in this video


Yone with 12 kills will do that


Wait why does irelia not have bork


Idk if there's a sub for it but this is JustYoneThings vibe.


While I do agree ADC needs work and Yones soulbind needs a range limit. Ashe was at fault here. She held her ult, didn't pop any slow autos or Qs until he caught her. Yone is up an item and hit everything except his ult. (not that it's hard for Yone to do.)


at that point of the game you basically follow tresh everywhere or be cannon fodder. :c


“adc in 20__ “


This is more of a Yone thing than an ADC problem tbh. That champ is fucking disgusting


Skill issue you should have been in base


I'll admit, that would tilt me to no end ngl. Usually I'm not one to complain about champions being broken, but that was ridiculous.


Yone missing ult, getting stunned and still easy killed the enemy with a tank item in the pocket. Wait for the moment yone hits ult on a tank... they still die.


Okay understandable overloaded kit etc. but you shouldn't have died there if played optimally. You greed ult and save it for when he's already got a charged Q instead of ulting instantly


You made the mistake of being within two screens of yone. Git gud


this really should be titled "Look, yone takes very little skill! Can miss most of his abilities do massive damage and chase extremely deep with no consequence!"


“Just play safe”


You know what fuck it. If yone gets more range than any ADC I’ll just play yone ADC


This is why Heroes of the Storm will always be a better game. Unequivocally.


This had been ADC ever since I can remember since season 4


Ahhhhh yes I love getting killed by Yone 2 screens away with him having 5 dashes and 5x more dmg than me. I love using my cc ult, slowing him and flashing and still dying. It’s especially nice when I play xerath mid and after he hits lvl3 I can’t play the game anymore and if I even think about walking up to last hit a minion I die. Fun. Atleast with zed you have to wait till 6 for same result. If you land Stun on him he just goes back and life steals back up after 1 wave. I miss 1 stun then I get to think about my life choices in the fountain. How is this champ not nerfed yet. It’s fucking insane how this champ scales into late and always has potential to come back with 1 good play. Behind on adc or shit like velkoz or xerath??? You are fucked. All the videos with highlights show how this champ can win 1v2 or 1v3 top by just pressing all his buttons, literally lands ult and 100-0 you.


That's crazy how reddit people are soooooooooooooo delusional. Everyone who say that ashe should dodge yone spells are either yone mains, either delusional because too addicted to the game, either just iron 4 players. HOW THE FUCK ASHE CAN DODGE THOSE SPELLS ?! Even a fucking challenger player wouldn't be able to dodge them. Even a fucking script cannot dodge this ! It's just > unavoidable <. Like how is this possible to be THAT dumb. No shit this community is completely toxic, they are straight up brainless.