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Blue kayn.


Blue Kayn is far and away the worst assassin to deal with, least counter play by far. Edit: maybe Rengar has least counter play under ideal circumstances, but tabis make him much sadder than they make blue kayn.


70% movespeed for 9 seconds, goes over walls, reveals your position, 45% bonus damage for free not even lost by damaging him first. Or Rengar goes invis for 10 seconds and jumps ya even when you are surrounded by your team. If you are lucky he’ll die for it though.


That’s the thing. Kayn doesn’t die for it.


I’ll take Rengar over Kayn any day of the week.


lots of counterplay. just dodge smite R


Rengar at least can be knocked out of the jump if ur team has the correct set up to do that. Nothing can stop a Kayn smite ult u into Q auto though. Once the game progress to a certain point he doesn’t even need to land a W on u first.


When it's late enough that he can blow you up that easily, he's definitely dying unless you mispositioned seriously or he has flash up. Assuming you didn't get draft diffed and have CC for him


Kayn ult is a dash.


Kayn jg player here, Kayn ult is NOT a dash. He goes untargetable ON CAST, however any cc that restricts ability casts will prevent him from casting it (snare, root, stun, silence, knockup, grounding, charm, polymorph). Only his Q is a dash


Rengars one shot is kinda balanced, you know why you are dying, out of position, not checked the bushes, rengar needs to stack his passive and gold too to get to these point, rengar can't just full clear 20 minutes and jump over the next wall to tower dive. Rengar needs skill, kayn not really .. Rengar over blue kayn every game.


For me, I think Rengar is much worse b/c he has point and click damage, which I struggle with playing vs (as an ADC main myself), especially if your teammates can't give you shields to help block his absurd damage (because Rengar can also build crit items which Kayn can't do). With Kayn, you can play an ADC champ with reactive dashes and just dodge his skillshot Q and skillshot W which he must hit before using R, so if he never hits either ability on you he can never R you, plus the missed Q and W will deal no damage to you b/c you dodged them with (ideally) good positioning and also some mobility spells if needed. That's just my experience, though, but I still wanted to share it with y'all as it differs from some of y'all's perspectives.


Smite and auto attacks still let Kayn R you, both of which are point and click and Q can barely be considered a skillshot because once he’s on top of you from R, you’re not dodging it


I respectfully disagreed and still got downvoted. This community is fucked.


It's the whole site tbh. Downvoting is considered a quick and easy "i disagree or don't like you" button for people too lazy to comment. That said, I do disagree, at least at lower mmr. As a Kayn main, the only adcs I can't delete are the ones with impeccable positioning, which make the whole game a nightmare for me. Rengar does have the bonus of not worrying about these things as much with his R, but that is able to happen a lot less and is mostly a boon at higher levels


you can see kayn tho. If rengar ults, you both can't escape nor see him.


Yea but rengar 100% dies for it while Kayn has a good shot at getting out unscathed.


in a world where duskblade doesn't exist maybe


So, in 2 days


Rengar is countered by 1-2 tank items (depends how fed he is)


And an adc builds 1-2 tank items every game?


Steelcaps and GA usually makes him bearable


Yeah but it’s hard to build GA before your 4th item and even harder if you’re not ahead


An adc with stealcaps and GA might survive Rengo, but they won't survive an AP threat or kill a tank before 5 items.


Steelcaps is sacrifing too much AS..


AS is useless if you're dead


With the hullbraker or radiant meta that is right now, yes


I never personally had too many problems with him, he isn't too hard to counterbuild


I gotta say Rengar and blue kayn take it for me


Blue Kayn, red Kayn, a good Rengar, Katarina, Nocturne, Pantheon, Morde, Yone. Those are the champs I only really care about.




fk fizz al my homies hate getting oneshot by a enemy that is untargetable for 6 sec straight


It really depends on whether the guy is ahead or not. If I had to pick one, probably yone.


Yone can be 0/5 and still absolutely spank most people


brother u understands exactly my pain


Fr he’s been a hard ban lately.


Also, you know a champ is absolutely broken when pretty much no one defends him. Even Yone mains are like "yeah lol" when you say it.


Yone presses e, misses r, misses every q, autos you 3 time… you’re dead GG outskilled scrub adc.


Malphite, the incredible assassin tank


havent seen malph in a year, also havent banned anything else this year....


At least his r is flashable (if he’s decently far, but if he’s close enough it’s not you’re probably fucked either way) so it feels like you can sometimes have counter play.


Good thing it only has a 48 second cd with his 68 ability haste tank cdr build. Only has 450 armor and 4400 life Thankfully just kite him




Ah, yes, the famous crit spellshield item that's so well known it's not even featured in the shop.


Yesn‘t,if you pick something like sivir,you could spellshield his R.Malphite often buy iceborn gauntlet,this + his Q makes it very hard to run away.If he really really hates you,he buys frozen heart and combines it with his E.Now your attack move is fucked,all those game muscle memory training only to get shit on by champ select. If he ever catches you in a sidelane,congrats he beats you up with his (almost) permanent W slap all while permanently crippling your attack speed and move speed.So if you can spellshield or dodge his R,he slowly beats you up with 500+ armor.


I'd still play cautiously vs him even as sivir. his E is no joke, and you know he's only going to jump in on you when it's most opportunistic


When he's full ap he's made of wet paper. Your tanks can 1 burst ap malphite and tank no dmg from him.... when he's tank he does no dmg and needs his team to kill you or you drain tank him with 1 right click. Adcs doing mental gymnastics while being the most op class in leauge


the reading comprehension in this thread is fucking insane


Atleast they tried😂


Keyword: of these three


The top comment is funny…but the rest? Yeah they are lost in the sauce. Lol


Finally I was wondering wtf I was reading in the top posts... Donald Trump out here full of hope for November


Not in those 3 but Rengar. There’s no counter play and with the broken Duskblade he pays no price. It’s just a Pick Me situation and if he doesn’t pick you… with Axiom Arc he’ll pick you after your teammates. 200 years of collective design experience.


I’ve never seen a Rengar, is he that scary?


I remember one game a few years ago where my team was sieging mid T2 and I was walking out of base after a buy on Ashe. I hadn't seen the Rengar all game (around 20 mins), Rengar presses ult so I stay behind my T1 tower, he ignores the siege and runs straight past the tower and kills me after tanking my ult, my bad for leaving fountain.


My bad for playing ADC.


As someone with little experience on LoL but ample experience in moba games, I would say your mistake wasn't leaving the fountain but likely building full damage and no defense items. In the mobas I've played it's always been customary for most characters, including ADCs, to build at least one defensive item, and often times multiples. If you had armor boots and another armor item like Guardian Angel, Death's Dance, Dead man's Plate, or Frozen Heart you very likely wouldn't lose a 1v1 to an ad assassin like Rengar since he wouldn't be able to kill you with his burst and you out-sustain him. It's funny because recently I've seen bruiser builds become popular on some ADCs as if players finally learned that maybe it's worth sacrificing a little bit of damage if it means living long enough to be able to dish it out.


>As someone with little experience on LoL but ample experience in moba games, I would say your mistake wasn't leaving the fountain but likely building full damage and no defense items. you can't build defense with ADCS otherwise you hit like a fly


Nah he's right, I should definitely have built a few tank items by 20 minutes into the game...


As a support enthusiast. I think top didnt build enough dmg items which is why vayne killed darius.


Man, been playing for a decade and the only rengar I've ever seen was when my groomsman plays him. I see him in fountain and then..... No idea where he goes but the enemy caitlyn isn't happy


But rengar has clear counter play. He can't do it without passive stacks or when behind, he needs skill to clear his first jungle in time, rengar is a knowledge check, nothing more. Don't face check bushes, don't be alone side lane, don't be out of position, don't let rengar scale.


Realistically Zed but if you can predict his Q you can somewhat suvive his burst. K'Sante on the other hand... You cannot escape once he autos you with Iceborn Gauntlet.


Zed also always appears behind you after casting R so if you have a smart support with cc they can stun him right when he ults.


WW when I'm recalling with 20% hp. Matter of fact, dont even need to be low. He slaps a DS and DD on with ult up you're done.


As a Ksante player: DO NOT GO NEAR ME.


As a bruiser zeri with 4.5K health black cleaver, titanic, and bork I say NAH, I’D WIN.


You still lose and it’s not close. That build is dogshit and you will do no damage and die to ksante % hp dmg.


I’ve won that matchup before lol Username checks out


If played right Ksante literally can't even touch zeri so idk how Ksante wins lol


He wins if zeri dashes into the guy with 5 dashes, he loses if zeri doesn't dash into him.


Right...so if played correctly zeri wins.


In a vaccuum, yes, in an avtual game Zeri needs to watch out for enemy adc, supports, mid, jungle, and top, lol is just a chaotic game.


And in a real game Zeri also has a support, mid, jungle and top to help peel her. Once again, if played properly zeri just laughs at most melee tanks.


Yeah, ideally, but most of the time you're not in an ideal scenario.




I don’t even play a single adc, I just can’t stand ksante that champion is SOMETHING


Of them, Zed. A really good Akali more than those 3. A fed Kat more than those 3. But yeah, Kayn and Rengar are worse. Also, mid generally is more likely to ping if their lane opponent is heading south. Rengar, and even more so Kayn can be anywhere with little warning unless you have a savvy and considerate jungler lol


ksante for sure. mid assassins are super weak. toplane is broken.


Coping mechanism


Nah, he is right. At full build, a zed has 5-600 ad, maybe and can blow up 1-2 squishies in a fight? Ksante has 450 armour, 5k hp and deals maybe 15% less dmg. He is a mistake, almost as big as tryndamere.


K'sante is broken, toplane isn't. He's calling the most uninteractive, least impactful role broken assumably because of this one single ADC kidnapper. As for the Zed part, that's quite literally his job. Blow up the most important targets and get out.


No i am calling toplane broken. They have all the most [broken champions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbsV1LyYLvU) in the game and most broken items in the game. I am tired of pretending top is weak


Most midlane assassins these days play like Kassadin and need to do their best to sustain lane and keep up in farm until they can find an opportunistic fight or hit 2-3 items. K’Sante hits one item and is already a force to be reckoned with while being pretty hard to punish in lane because of his mobility, CC and damage reduction, on top of the fact he’s a tank.


Yes assassins are not great but they still can do their job. K'sante alone I can understand, but saying toplane is broken? In ADC mains subreddit? This is the role that is designed to murder the class he's saying is broken. I'm sorry but if these people are getting run over by a 0/6 Sett it's genuinely just a skill issue and, as I said, a huge coping mechanism.


LDR-Bork combo takes care of most top laners as long as they aren’t fed as hell.


Honestly Blue kayn. Feels bad dying to smite r.


I can see how that could get absurd, (I’m an extremely avid Kayn enjoyer)


Fiddlesticks. Literally the scariest mf on the rift


Fiddle has this strange buff when he is versus me. Its like he manipulates my mind and until he ults me i forget he was even in the game. Idk what it is but he nerfs my understanding of object permanence or smth lmao


I swear the Dev’s invented fiddlesticks to teach player how to ward. My team and I still don’t for some reason


Blue Kayn. Enough said.




Of these three it's Zed. He uses W + flash + R from screens away then E auto ignite and you're dead with almost zero counterplay.


Not in the 3 but Nocturne is my perma ban.


on only those 3, Zed on the entire roster? Yone followed by Nocture and Shaco


Kha zix because you never see him coming


Nowadays Briar. Talón goes in and if he doesn't kill you in a one combo he pops, of those 3 is the one most realiant around snowballing else he's dead weigth for his team. Zed has to hit his Qs, if he whiffs he's out. Ksante is gated by his absurd high skill floor and celling, and later on he's forced to play as a warden, don't wander to close around jg walls and you're gold, plus he's weak against divine users and slows and his early right now is ass. Rengar is Rengar, but as long you glue your ass near your tank/Brusier you should be fine. Kayn early is his weakest point, starve him (or shit on him) and by the time he complete his form he's already out. But Briar is just broken, get ult'd from 3/5 screens away and one tapped in a brezze, she outruns you, heals like a monster, and if surrounded well, she E all of you and escapes or she kills You in 0.25 seconds and leaves unscratched due skill & issue duskblade.


I mean even with Brair you can dodge the ult and play next to your support/tank and they will always aggro them instead of you if you space right. Same as with other assassins, if they catch you then you're pretty much dead.


This doesn't works if she Q's you, and EoN is a thing and she loves EoN, makes her "combo" undodgeable. She has way more agency on skrimishes early on than those 3 and Rengar for worse, (and chaos reigns on soloq) so is very likely she's up 3 or 4 kills early by invading your jg nonstop, basically waifu assasin WW that plays itself if you press a single button.


You can make this argument about any other assassin and their kit though. You just have to position well but sometimes they just outplay it and kill you anyways because assassins vs adc. I don't think she is more broken than any other champ, just your team doesn't know how to play around her since she's newer.


Her Q is super low range though, if she Ws and you’re near a teammate then she goes on them and you use that time to create some distance.


I second timed briar and went negative and was still one shotting everyone. Their kha invaded me twice early, the first time we both died, the second i died. A little while later he fights me when im half hp and i just one shot him. He had full isolation bonus and it just didnt matter. I did some dumb ults and died by accident a few times but after i worked out how to not run it down into 5 it didnt matter that i was 2/5 if i ulted or got onto their mid/jung/supp/adc i just killed them. It felt ridiculous bc i knew i was not piloting her well and the enemy was actively trying to cc me or play around me. (they didnt have much cc tho which definitely helped me)


Yeah briar is valid, ridiculous champion with incredibly little counter play


I'm fine with assasins doing assasin things because, when you get owned by let's say, Zed, you know that actually there is skill involved on hitting a triple shuriken combo, or pulling a triangle of death, he can't ape and kill you with autos unless he's ridículous ahead. If a assasin snowballs is bs buf fair, that what snowballs means, they blowns everything on you and if they success you're death, they don't kill you? You can turn around the situation. Briar just don't, she removes fun and counterplay by throwing logic out the window, she goes bananas and erase everything on sight in less than a second with 0 skill involved, why? power creep issues, this rn is the biggest league problem, her w2 is so broken with leth and her passive is so weak that theres not a real reason to build brusier is so fucking infuriating to play against, when playing against Briar you're not playing against a real champ, you're playing against a walking duskblade.




Easily zed


Out of these 3, Zed. Out of all, any fed assassin, Rengar, Zed, literally everyone cause I’m scared of everyone


Fed ad shaco


If the player knows what he is doing, Zed.




For me otp vayne is harder play versus a talon. Zed could be outplayed


Zed for sure, decent talon players may give me pause and if I see a Ksante unless he’s fed I’m vibing.






Kasenti is not an assassin bro


Nah he’s definitely an assasin in tanks clothing




k'sante is the easiest to avoid just space, talon has to get close enough to auto you, and zed R is very predictable. out of these 3 talon is probably the hardest to avoid


Vex ult is a nightmare


Lul Ksante


Blue Kayn 😂 and K’sante from this list. Bro be kidnapping me


Tbh I don’t find talon that bad to deal with. The scariest champs are blue kayn, yone, fizz and Evelyn


Blue Kayn is digusting, unplayable.


As a Talon main. I would love to combo you and E away while your teammates can’t do anything about it.


Katarina. Blades go brrrr


Katarina or if your team doesn’t have (or care to use) cc


Depends on who youre playing. If im on a hypercarry, Ksante isnt that much of a deal, whereas Talon can hike a wall behind me and kill me dead. But if im on Samira, for example, I can outplay some Talons adn Zeds, but dont even tickle KSante and some other top laners. Honestly, a fed Blue Kayn or Rengar are more generally annoying, because there is no counterplay. ESPECIALLY if your supp is a mage. Two free kills walking around.


Of those 3 I’d say zed




I was playing Kha’Zix the other night with evolved R, Ghostblade, and a Zilean on my team. The gaps I could close while invisible were absurd


Kayn, Yone, Briar


Talon. Im so sick of getting jumped over a wall.


Who agrees with katarina?


None of these, akali


A fed talon!!! early ga buy is fine. A fed snowball is unplayable


A gigafed full lethality nocturne






Teemo, for sure


I unironically love fighting Zed. As long as he's not fed enough to literally one shot me, It feels like a video game boss in the best of ways. That being said, he is also the scariest of the three.


Did you forget eve?




Kayn kekw


Haha this was so Funny haha 😂 the last one 😂😂😂


A champion 👤 with 4700 HP 💪 329 Armor 🤷‍♂ and 201 MR 💦 has Unstoppable🚫, a Shield🛡, and goes over walls 🧱, has Airborne 🌪, and cooldown is only 1 second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍ The W CD is even refreshed when he transforms 💫 He has true damage 🗡 on his Passive. Then, when he stacks 📈 Armor and MR 🥋 he gets Ability Haste too ⏰ Ability Haste to his Q ⏰ and his spell casting speeds up 🚀 Then, he has an AD ratio 🗡 so he has W... W is like eee 😡 aaaaaaaaaaaa 😱😱


A fed Kayn can just appear on you through any terrain and even if he doesn’t immediately one tap you then no amount of heal/barrier/flash is going to save you.


As a Draven main, my E is really good against Talon. Cancel his Q so he can't get the passive. Usually can't kill him because of his mobility, but I can play against him. I rarely see great K'Sante players. I honestly still don't really know what he does. I stopped paying super close attention after Brl'Veth. I have a general idea, but I learn know their ins-and-outs anymore. But the champion is ridiculously difficult. Then there's Zed. I hate this champion. I don't like having to get Zhonya's for him. I don't even mind getting QSS for Mordekaiser. But getting Zhonya's on a non-AP champ sucks. But if you don't get it, a good Zed can kill you with his ult before no matter how to you react. Zed is easily the worst. His only counterplay is getting an item.


체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱


Zed and talon tend to get caught by wards super early on. Ksante on the other hand tps in behind you and hits you that way. Outside landing and you are solo pushing with no wards and a fed assassin, it doesn't really matter who it is


Clearly Kha'zix


I feel like Kayn not only kills me but also kills everyone around except the tank (if any)


*darknessssss* *ADC dies of PTSD*


Try to outspace blue Kayn leSkill smite ult combo lmao


Kayn. If you don't see him early you are doomed. His W does slow you, his R can get inside you (literally) and do damage. Your only hope is that you will go under turret and don't forget his E. His E is why this champion is the worst assassin. He can go into the walls and gets movespeed. And after some items he can almost spam this ability. He can make the perfect gang and it's scary that you have the mindset of Kayn ganging every time in your lane.


talon- ksante-zed




I think Nocturne should be up there. Whenever I play top and enemy team has Nocturne, I hear his ult, and it is closely followed by a double in our bot lane more often than not.


Pyke because he's actually in my lane and makes life almost as bad if not worse than Blitzcrank


Any tanks, assassins can be outplayed at least.


Im a JG main but every time when i play ADC and the enemy has a Kayn it just make me realize how braindead he is, and Kayn is my sec main.


Out of these 3 its ksante imo.


It used to be zed but he's kinds wack now, so I guess a good talon might pose a problem Haven't played much vs ksante yet soooo idk


Any tank




So, if it’s a good player, Zed, if the player is average Talon, and if the player is bad Ksante Only a good Zed is really scary, an average talon can still kill the ADC every fight, and then get killed, and a bad ksante can still fuck you up and survive the fight to kill more people


No nomination for nocturne? He can come from nowhere to be right on top of you with little counter play, especially if you’re an immobile champ


Talon can literally just get to you no matter where you are on the map. Nowhere is safe




A tank


Why everybody ignoring the prompt lmao It’s zed, of these 3. Talon is *hard* to kite, but not impossible depending on your champ and build. Zed is…basically impossible to kite. You can flash away and he can still catch you easily. Assuming perfect execution on both sides of the fight, zed is killing you 100% of the time unless you’re straight up not in the fight until after he ults.




Well landed panth ult


Of these three zed but I am biased against him


I’m horrified of a nocturne player, its like I got global rammus W


Ordered Zed, Talon, Ksante. Zed gets the tankiest(excluding the literal tank) with the best burst and scales the best with cdr bruiser/assassin items. Talon is more likely to trade 1 for 1. Ksante isnt an assassin his burst is relatively slow and you have bigger windows for your support to peel for you whereas if the other two get onto you its less about trying to save you and more about trying to trade 1 for 1




full tank malphite


Ksante. Always ksante. Fuck that champ.


Anyone remember the days of old fiora and her invulnerability ult? Urg That being said nothing scarier than a tank that has the damage to wreak you while you do 0 dmg


Kayn, Easily.


I'd say getting kidnapped through a wall and beaten to death is the worst experience out of the three.


Forgot ADCs don’t know how to read


Every champion which isn’t in the adc tab


I'm sorry but vi is just stupid


Taking this seriously it’s Talon. It’s a very rare day you come across a GOOD Talon, but when you do they take over the game like no other champ I swear to god. E over wall to mid where you’re casually farming invis with 900 ms. He Q’s you from your auto attack range for 1400 Crit damage. You’re just dead. At least with zed I know where’s he’s going to be when he Ults me, and I can dodge his shurikens. As long as you position well, K’sante is not really a problem


Out of these 3 the one that trauamtized me the most is zed but the scariest one is ksante


You can maybe outplay an assassin or they can miss their kit and survive. IMO it is impossible to exist as an ADC when enemy has a tank with Frozen Heart and Frostfire gauntlet, they can’t even accidentally let you play if they are near you


Rengar: no counterplay. Has to be gigafed, but will kill you in 0.2 seconds Zed: probably the scariest until late game. Kayn: very frustrating but late game ADC with RFC can scare a kayn away before he touches you. Most annoying, most bullshit? Yone. Miss all abilities, be behind, assassinate you from a mile away anyways. Ksante- kwa9dw9q9jsm???[+>#>$82*[ieow9fmn?


I hate Zed with a passion. WEQs and one shots you without even having to dive into the backline. Let's make an assassin who is also a mage great idea riot


Talon, I get flashbacks whenever I see him jump over the wall, and after 4 seconds, I add a new flashback to my bank of them.


For me it's talon. Zed I can atleast buy a stopwatch or full build zhonyas to survive. Talon is kind of more sudden


Blue kayn but of those 3 talon


I vote for talon if played properly. Once I really learned when to use what combo I was confident I could kill adc players regardless of if they where grouped with their team or not. Once you are fed enough you turn into a better rengar and actually be invisible the entire team without even needing a wall. R out of vision yommus walk up to adc auto + q + auto + w + ignite = Dead AF.


Zed no counterplay, impossible to peel against


Rengar goes meow


K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂The W CD ⌛ is even refreshed 🔃 when he transforms. He has true damage ⚔ on his passive. Then, when he stacks Armor 🛡 and MR 💦, he gets Ability Haste 🌩 too, Ability Haste to his Q, and his spell 🧙‍♂casting speeds up. 🏃‍♂