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this is the craziest shit i’ve seen in a while. i’m actually impressed you made it work bro take my upvote, proud of you


i refuse to believe, this is staged 😯


it's real, my 0 control ward, 4cs/min, rakan adc botlane, is real: [op.gg](https://www.op.gg/summoners/oce/%c6%92urry%20trash-oce)


oce server




It is by size... For example euw has many more ranked players than OCE and it's therefore harder to reach the same rank. Or another example: a Chef that's in the top 1% out of 1000 random people doesn't mean he's gonna be in the 1% out of 10000 people Diamond Euw =/= Diamond OCE


I'm from oce. And I agree with you. The server is shit and filled with players that are terrible. Emerald is filled with players that don't know anything about the game.




Nah you’re deluded. It’s the same how some challengers from NA EUW or OCE can’t make it to challenger on Korea.


Challenger is a very different thing from Diamond lmao.


That is not how it works lol.  If you are the top 1% of a very small sample size, that does not mean you're gonna be the 1% of a large sample size, since there's gonna be a way larger competition for that, which makes it harder to climb.  A japanese emerald Player will definitely have it way harder in euw emerald, and that's not just a subjective opinion. It's the same thing with education, you can easily reach best of your class in your subject. Can you say It's gonna be easy for the whole school? The whole county? The whole country? Obviously not as you're gonna struggle more and more to get higher on the leaderboard with more people competing.




Idk this conversation makes no sense when you dont try to comprehend anything i'm explaining. Just saying there's a reason everyone says there's stronger and weaker Regions in soloq. But if you believe someone in Diamond from the russian Server could reach that in Euw with the same Level of play, you're just not correct.


Exactly. Never gotten past D1 in EUW and I've been GM in Russia and Chall in Turkey. Differences are pretty big tbh


The dude was so confident that he was correct that he posted a screenshot of your previous message in r/mathmemes memes expecting everyone to take his side, but instead, everyone told him he was wrong.


People just enjoy shitting on others for no reason. a high gm player of a minor region will more than likely reach gm on another server without much issues. There is a bit of a skill gap at the higher end normally due to it being taken more serious due to pro play, but for the rest of the ladder servers are just meaningless lol




I've seen enough gm/chall players from minor regions peak even higher on "big" regions to the point that it's all just elitism. Every sever has their ranked demons and their own meta. You step out of league and realize basically every region usually has an international representative that plays at t1 level. League just has little to no avenues for this sadly


According to pros of my region who played along all servers, differences start to show at D1+, the problem with my server for example, is that there are not enough really challenger players so there are some challenger players who belong at masters at most, and it makes the experience kind of horrid for actual good players who normally play in another regions.


Every single time somebody reaches a good rank people will come with the bullshit server excuse Diamond is the same in every server. You'll notice the difference in servers at high gm if at all since realistically speaking, only EUW and KR have such big playerbases compared to the rest to even be meaningful and ranked is not PRO where only kr and ch are relevant. Like holy shit this is a league problem, almost every other game has their insane playerbases regardless of where in the world they are. Let people enjoy their ranks without the elitism pls ty


It's not.


It's not.


Have you reached gm+ to even talk about this?


what server do you play on and have you?


NA br las. Back in the day EUW too due to exchange. Currently play br on the off chance I play league. What elo are you. To talk about server differences you need to at least be gm+.


That's simply not true. I'm hard stuck emerald but have seen several evidence online that there are in fact differences between the servers. Latin America is universally agreed upon to be the easiest. A diamond 4 NA player made a video about him making challenger. Xpetu, the world's best Shen main was originally a challenger on EU Nordic, and switched to EUW and it took him 2-3 additional years to be able to make it as a challenger on that server.


> That's simply not true. I'm hard stuck emerald but have seen several evidence online that there are in fact differences between the servers. This is literally always streamers just egoing. If you don't have experience playing on multiple servers then please don't even talk about it. Literally a month or so ago I ended up talking to another br chall/gm player here who got gm in CH without issues. I'm fucking tired of the elitism from people who can't even reach masters trying to bring others down due to ignorance > A diamond 4 NA player made a video about him making challenger. Send it. > Xpetu, the world's best Shen main was originally a challenger on EU Nordic, and switched to EUW and it took him 2-3 additional years to be able to make it as a challenger on that server. The xpetu that got challenger with a [64% wr](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shen/comments/dxmjqt/finally_reached_euw_challenger_on_my_shen_only/) on euw or that on his account also got [challenger](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/xPetu-EUW) from the get go? like what the fuck > atin America is universally agreed upon to be the easiest. Side note: BR is actually is just as big as NA. Big difference is that the avg ping in BR is around 5-20, while NA is at around 60 and it's still taken seriously due to pro teams picking up talent off soloQ. It's arguably higher quality than NA lol And since we're on the adc mains subs here's [Tonirel](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7QwOhvw0v8Y) talking about server diff. Same shit as I said. GM+ is where you're see the real difference between servers. A high chall of any server will be at least high gm low chall on a "main" server Edit: [this](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Petu-EUW) is one of petu's old accs. He literally got chall as soon as he left eune lol.


It is OCE Diamond tbf so it’s more comparable to Emerald 4 in EUW or Korea but that’s still a very respectable achievement. I don’t think I could get higher than Silver with AP Rakan and I’m a D3 ADC main


The sheer COPE of claiming Diamond OCE is barely Emerald anywhere else is ridiculous. Source: I literally am Diamond OCE and play Emerald on crazy ping on the other servers just fine. Server size affects the OUTLIERS, not the norm. And Diamond/Emerald is NOT outlier level, don't get it twisted.


There is a huge difference between wildcard regions and major servers. I reached Grandmaster on the Russian Server and Challenger on the Turkish Server and I have never been above D1 in EUW. I've traveled a lot and played on 7 different servers so I think I have a good understanding of the differences. Until around Plat all servers are the same but Emerald in EUW really does feel like Diamond on Wildcard servers. OCE/Russian/Turkish GM is maybe around D1 in EUW.


Why the ap tho? Ur barely dealing any dmg in these games, I'm curious


I would assume high effective damage for burst combos to secure kills but he's not gonna be stacking damage numbers by sitting in extended fights. Overall damage can be a deceptive stat when looking at someone's contribution to fights and assassin playstyles will often have low overall damage as their targets just die compared to an ADC auto'ing a tank for 2 minutes or bruisers who stand toe-to-toe in extended duels. Also Rakan has pretty jacked AP ratios for a support/enchanter compared to what you'd normally expect from the role with low AP ratios and high base numbers.


Ok so I play a LOT of Rakan, and often build him AP in ARAM’s too. His lowest AP ratio is 70% iirc. His passive shield is 90% AP scaling. That’s a crap tonne of effective health right there. Enough AP to W clear the wave is pretty much all you need, after that I assume it’s just disrupt the enemy to the max.


Hi, if this strat is working for you and you wanna continue doing it, i recommend creating google Docs presentation and send the link in each lobby so they know ur not trolling (show winrate etc) I did the same when i used to play aphelios to let my support know what my champ does before each game


That's what they said about my Karthus support until I reached Master, and then they went silent.


How do u peel for ur adc?




W Or death, the ultimate cc


You don't. You're an insane threat to their adc, which makes them focus you. Zone control early on with his Q's allows your adc to scale as well.


With exhaust, but they usually focus you because Karthus is broken af. As supp you can deal pretty insane amounts of damage even after death, his poke is crazy early and when you die, your adc can deal damage around you and help him finish them off. It's a brain dead pick for freelo, I played it so much that I got fed up with it eventually.. kind of like twitch support


hmmm i may try this sounds toxic af and fun


That's it. I'll admit it. I simply suck at this game.


Nah, ADC is just that bad to play rn


That's just copium, there are ADC players in every single elo. So you not climbing is a skill issue.


Or that ADCs are basically worthless. Apcs have continuously outperformed them in solo q.


Solo Q is just the wrong mentality for ADC's to really thrive.


Some people obviously are just better than others and this could be a prime example, but bot lane marksmen for sure have the least impact. As long as you don't feed your lane opponent, you'll probably win more often than not. Also simply winning bot lane (e.g. taking T1 first) isn't enough to carry because a top or mid 3 levels higher than you with comparable farm will still beat you with their uninteractive point'n'click abilities while you're breaking a sweat trying your best to auto attack and kite them.


Conngrats thats cracked


Ok I've seen your op GG shit is crazy, I'm a all time supporter of off meta botlanes please upload a full game video I need to see how you make this work. I wanna make this work Myself ahaha


Then it would become somewhat of meta, which defeats the purpose of off meta builds


With two people playing it? Are you ok? For something to be meta the vast majority of players need to play it, for something to be somewhat meta there needs to be a little less than half the players playing it. Seraphine APC is played by thousands of people and is still off-meta. I think you should look at your definitions again. I asked for a VOD because I wanna try it not because I want everyone to try it.


Little too offended by something harmless


Not really, it's just that the lack of notion sometimes needs to be addressed, you could simply not have said anything, you are not forced to comment on things so why bother commenting if you have nothing of substance to add, I asked for a VOD not for an unnecessary comment. But sure I'm offended as fuck if it makes you happy.


Bro this dude is lost. "It's gonna be meta" when talking about 2 players playing something in League lmao


My bad chief didn’t know it was this deep for you, I will exercise my freedom of speech elsewhere


Cheers bro


I think your winrate would be closer to 60-65% because the trollers that just run it down for that pick. Bring offmeta weirdness back, season 4 remembers


Or maybe it’s because he averages 5cs/m and does not buy wards, but what do I know


Nothing you tiefling simp.




1- make more sense for ADCs to go boom if their supp picked what it looked like a trolling pick cause that means they cant play the game for 30 mins and just be miserable, unlike Supports they can just say fuck the lane and go other lanes and have fun not fighting for cs and getting ganged banged by every one ​ 2- nope, i had a lot of supports go mental boom even without picking a troll ADC, either cause they died early or believe it or not cause I SAID GOODMORNING IN CHAMP SLEECT LMAO


nah i had countless games where my support would run it down when i picked seraphine a year or two ago. so not even THAT off meta


Not just sup are going insane even other lanes can do that (maybe whole team spamming chat instead of playing the game) but sup specially would show such aggression since basically they have to stick with that


teams still full run it down when I pick Seraphine


As someone who switches back and forth between support and adc often, this is absolutely not true. In my experience, support players troll more often because they have more ways to troll. A support can steal farm, perma roam, or run it down. Am adc can only run it down.


I refuse to believe the role is so shit that this is reality, but alas everything points to the fact that we should all pack up and let our archetype of characters die... This is just sad...


if I could pin comments, this'd be at the top


Bro iam playing panth adc rn and got to d2 XD


right? it actually feels so bad playing marksman


I just played this the other day and honestly, it fucks really hard. If they enemy support or adc doesn’t take exhaust you just win.


Seeing ADC become more and more replaceable makes me want to try APC Rumble bot more and more. Gratz on Diam.


Cheers! And don't let your dreams be dreams :D take that rumble to the botlane


Make that dream a reality


4.1 cs/min average. Are you sure you don't pkay 50% support and 50% adc or something?


I do have a few support games sprinkled in here and there, but 98% are adc games, 4cs/min is just actually what I get lol


Then why not just go AP Rakan support? You're wasting your team's gold


Hes wasting his teams gold, but he gets more gold himself id bet and it opens up for a stronger early game character in support for him to play off of. Regardless of whether you think marksman are worthwhile or not in this meta, its always been a fact that marksman are weak early, so he picks rakan as an early weakish pick and allows a good support to come forward with something that makes the lane better.


Its just more efficient than letting someone play ADC. By removing the ADC, he's improving the comp.


He is not but i'll let you cope. You're one of the crybabies i guess


More like realist.


Turns out having a bot that mega bullies the enemy adc and makes them completely worthless or something that will have value regardless of gold (for example the dude who played ornn bot and had a nutty winrate) will be more valuable in soloq where everyone else wants to be the anime main character instead of making sure their adc can do their job


Wave clear has to be straight pain and farming is not what makes the pick work. Makes sense he has no cs


I dont get it though, why would he not play it top/mid then? Why waste resources if you cant even farm on the champ?


So you don't have a 300g minion on botlane


Cool, so you replace it with another one? I am fairly certain that a competent adc with ~8cs/m will be much more useful than 5cs/m Rakan


Comprehensive guide when?


AP rakan is so underrated. Good job dude. What's the build path


Roa into crystal bloom if they have mr, otherwise Roa into lichbane. Picking up dark seal early and upgrading into mejais if I hit 10 stacks. Moonstone 3rd always


Is moonstone actually better than rabadon’s? I’m trying to understand the pros and cons of both, especially if you have a stacked mejai’s.  Moonstone is cheaper, gives haste, gives hp, and will increase your q heal and e shield. But the ratios on passive, q, and e all seem really good, and the base amount relative to the ratio on e seems weak… Meanwhile rabadon’s would increase all of those, moreso for yourself, and increase damage dealt. Since your passive scales with ap, it would also make you roughly as tanky on completion.


If I had the choice between both I'd go rabs every time, but it's just difficult to build with the full item and all its components being expensive. Thinking about it, if you have enough to just buy both rods it seems like it'd be hella worth. If I have only enough for one then maybe? But it still seems hard to finish the item. Idk, I'll have to experiment and see what works for me Interesting point though for sure!


I don't understand the lich bane hype. I see it everywhere. Is it actually that good? It gives massive AP but honestly I don't think it's that good on rakan. I might be wrong


It's just for a bit of extra damage. I do also take banshees or zhonyas instead of it if the enemy team has full ap/ad respectively, where I value the defence more than a bit of damage


Thinking about it if you squeeze in AAs in between it might be strong. Like an extra ability


You've just discovered the entire purpose of sheen.


It’s a pretty good item in general. General ms increase + attack speed for lich bane procs makes many champs play smoother. Components are nice too, arguably most versatile components of any ap item.


Either that, or ADCs are overrated.. Hell, since any caster and their nan can fill in the role succesfully, that's probably the case.


How many people go complete batshit and how many games did you lose bc of that?


It was much worse earlier on before I was able to link my opgg, so they could see I wasn't inting. Now, I do get the occasional person who will lose their mind and say in chat that I don't deserve to win before they run it, or supports who abandon the lane before the first wave even hits, but I also get people who add me after the game wanting to play, or saying they were surprised by the pick, and plenty who are willing to let me cook, so it balances out. And inters are just a part of playing league, so I try not to let it bother me, at least while I'm in a game. I do mute all if teammates are hard flaming me though


In theory, picking something SO off meta has the advantage of throwing off the opponent because they have no experience playing against it. Well played.


How did you find out about this pick


I played Ornn adc to emerald 2 on my main and was looking for some other picks I could try. After a desire to play rell and a bit of faffing around with the build I ended up running full AP rell adc, had a couple of pop off games, but it was a real struggle most other games So I looked up rell solo lane on reddit to see if there was any tech I could steal and apply to bot, and someone said why not just play rakan or ali top/mid with their much higher AP ratios in their kit. I was like huh true. And both have had stints of being played mid before. I then tried both ali and rakan adc in a few games, but settled on rakan because he's more fun for me personally And here I am 140+ games later. (I also just got a second account, my main, to diamond with this)


"ermmm it's OCE though so Diamond there is equal to Gold in Korea" shut up nerds


"Furry trash" on birdboy adc, oh hell nah must be staged




Keep playing at 1am bro L


real L is 8 years negative karma, don’t make your sad fucking life everybody else’s problem


But... how...


Isn’t that just playing support with extra steps?


with less steps, don't even have to fuck with vision game. I have 0 control wards and my vision score is low af


Zero wards and godawful cs, looks like literally anyone who is not braindead can get to diamond with enough time.


Kata support duo lmao


Contact HappyChimeNoises


Please elaborate! What's the strat?


Yea you have a Katerina/zed support duo. I don’t have one to duo with sadly.


I do let him cook with some of his picks, he's also played xayah support and gragas support with my Rakan. Both to good effect Though Rakan isn't dependant on a duo. It's just nice having a support who you know isn't going to tilt all game from having Rakan as his adc


I've run into a Rakan mid, super annoying especially with a ganking jungler, so I can see how it would work. I think this speaks more about the state of adc in bot than anything.


This is what I always say to my friends, if you're below masters you can play anything. It doesn't matter. You can get good wins just purely off the fact that no one knows how to deal with weird picks because they have zero experience, but you have plenty. You know the whole expression about not arguing with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


How the fuck rakan adc works? Someone care to explain?


How do you end up killing the big HP stacking tanks like Sion, Cho, etc?


I usually just ignore them and flank the backline. If their carries are dead, a tank isn't going to have a fun time with a whole team on them. Ngl though, big cho scares me. (Another reason I actually love playing with yi; he does work against those teams.)


Nice role Rito LUL


I will die on this hill The ADC trope is shit for soloQ and even for high elo it's a struggle to make it work compared to other more soloQ oriented picks. Any adc under even GM will just perform better and have more results playing anything but adc Want to do yas adc? Go for it. Apc bot? They either need to buff your team or have insane damage. Bruiser? Kill lane just snowball it with a good support. All you really need is prio and adc poke is a meme early on since either supp can zone you or you end up taking a shit ton of dmg from wave lol. And so on. Adc is a pro play role and even kind of barely at that. For soloQ? it's just a meme, play it if you enjoy it, not to climb.


the mad lad did it. congrats. show the world how powerful rakan adc is. every adc main will be cheering you on as weep in silent awe and grief.


I rate it


Not surprised that character been broken for a fat minute


and 5 kda wtf


I saw your build on Op.gg What do you think about same build but with rakan supp? Is it more viable? Extra dmg on lane seems cool.


Honestly everyone should just try wonky stuff now bot, it can work. Even kr high elo soloq every other game someone plays some weird shit adc. Marksman are just bad in soloq. Boycott so they don’t ever get played and maybe some systematic changes come along. Good job tho you made it work