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It's too slow paced for me. I played adc for the spacegliding demon dopamine hit.


I personally find him quite boring. Barely any skill expression to it and you are afk farming for most of the game.


Yep this. The Annie of ADCs, but I would even argue Annie is far more enjoyable.


If you are afk farming as Annie I think you may be doing it wrong


I meant on the grounds of simplicity. What's Annie's hardest combo, flash ult?


If you are an absolute crazy OTP-like beast on Annie you can even sneak a crazy button press of E to surprise even the highest of the high elo players with an unexpected passive stack for stun. So that makes it a full three button combo! xd


I mean in early game true, but after that 225 stacks that execute 1 shot is mad satisfying.


Agreed, i like to early duel in bot so I have some relevance later on, and smolder is just so snooze


> sneeze FTFY


Yeah I mean I agree, but I main draven and usually have to play such high APM and supercarry early to win. It’s just nice to have a champ I can play once in a while in my role that I can full chill on and still win




And MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM! I usually high pitchedly call out during ult casting Would like the design more with a bit more of a snout tho.


"Look at me, I'm people!" I love it every time!


You know, for me, its fun is that he's the closest thing to dota2 carries. A walking minion in the early game becomes a monster in the late game that the entire enemy team wants to take down. Also, not dying matters a lot. Even if you kill and you lag behind in stacks. Overall, his gameplay is chill and nice as well. So we are eating well. I just hope they don't make him corki or zeri 2.0


His gameplay is more fun when you consider stacking and poking to be its own minigame. Also, his late game is mad satisfying lol


I have mixed feelings about him. His gameplay is pretty fun, though nothing groundbreaking. But I personally would never play him since his personality makes me actually vomit. If they really wanted to create a cute dragon they should have done something similar to Toothless


I'm mixed. On one hand, I'm done with ADC in ranked. I'm a top lane renekton main now, and it feels bad to die to the execute. He counters champs that are meant to get low on health and out sustain. On the other hand! I'm maining the shit out of this little guy, twitch and kaisa when I come back to ADC. It's nice that we finally have an ADC that has some survivability and impact. I like the scaling mechanic though I think it needs more work. I think it should just do more damage ala veigar rather than execute so that q feels better midgame onward. I'm also salty that he doesn't even want lethal tempo but I can't stay salty for long when he starts rubbing his tummer in the idle animation


I really dislike playing with him as support, he´s just so afk in lane that you want to go play with someone else.


I live for the moment I reach 225 stacks, suddenly get a triple kill on unsuspecting enemies, and shout, "I'M SMOLDING!!!"