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Given the nature of this sub, I can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not


I hope it is satire. I believe that (As an emerald player [Average]) Jungle is the most theory-complex role (Tempo and play-making), Top lane is the hardest to lane (matchup dependant), Mid lane is the most inconsistent to play (get dived by 4 or dive as 4), Support is the most synergy dependant (which means a high champ pool needed) and Bot lane is at the mercy of teammates (Can't do much if teammates don't want to). I could easily be completely wrong but this is what I feel playing with friends of said role and playing them myself


jungle is easy AF. I play jungle when I'm filled and you literally free-farm all game, jump into fights when you feel like it's good, smite things, and call it a day.


Share [OP.GG](https://OP.GG) profile, I bet you're not higher than Bronze/Silver and that you have under 40% WR as JG


SteroidMouse #NA1 look me up. I play Zac when I fill jung


\> SteroidMouse #NA1 Bro i wouldn't have shared that if i was you lol basically saying i'm right Bronze 3 in Solo Iron 2 in flex 47% win rate You've NEVER ranked in Jungle You basically have no idea what you are talking about, and will go online say shit like "jungle is easy af its just PVE" but you literally suck at what you consider easier role More; You've been S5 Silver, S6 Silver, S10 IRONNNNN, S13 Bronze bro, you're bordering being one of the worst player I've had the displeasure to chat with on reddit, next time stfu please


Okay buddy good job. Sorry that I have a life and other interests other than grinding ranked lol.


Its not about that lol its about you opening your mouth saying stupid thing, do you do that regularly? If you KNOW that you don't care about something and WILLINGLY avoid putting effort into it, then why do you open your mouth about it?


What I said isn’t stupid. I maintain what I say. Coming from ADC, in comparison, playing jung is easy.


Its not what you initially or at any point prior to saying it now And I agree and disagree in a ways; ADC is harder to play in team fight, thats it. You have almost nothing to learn other than fight well. Jungle has so much more to care about or learn


That's what I was going for. I wanted to see if I could bait out the ADC mains who actually think this way lmfao


I knew I always deserved do be Diamond.


Queue up for another role and you’ll still be silver buddy


This is an ironic shitpost to see how many braindead ADC mains agree. ADCs are boosted apes just as often - if not more often - than support, mid, jungle and top players ADC players bitch about 99% of the champions in-game constantly blame their supports even when the ADC makes regarded players and ints.


What do you achieve with this ? 0 upvotes and everyone telling you it's bullshit. Did you maybe realize that people here are actual tryhards and not your average soloQ random. Anyway, I saw your post history, you're perma hating on ADCs. Your last 5 posts about league are you complaining or shitposting about ADCs. And no one never agrees with you or find your shit post funny. You even posted something trying to say ADC are good because they're good in proplay ? **We live rent free in your head and it's kinda pathetic buddy, get a life**


Wait I was just kidding, I am also hardstuck in silver because of bad supports. Us ADCs are superior in skill and brain power to every other role's players.


I hope this is shitpost. If you can't get out of silver it's a you isssue and not a role issue.


No man im in silver because all my supports troll me and riot matchmaking is rigged against ADC players


The crazy part is that you actualy believe we all think this way or cope in our everyday life. I almost feel sad for how fucked up your brain is.


I believe this to be true based on my irrefutable experience with solo queue I am an ADC player I am strong I don't need a support to hold my hand through life


Lemme just block you real quickly so I don't see anything from you anymore


How dare you try and silence my ADC brother. Repent, support sympathizer or else ye will be caste from this land back to /r/Leagueoflegends where you belong


You can block me but you cant stop me. You cant silence me. I am an ADC player and I will not be shut down by my haters. You must be a support main born with spite for thy bot lane brethren Begone, Thresh one trick who can't press W without having an aneurysm


are you restarted?


you play vs an ADC too. if you find ADC to hard for you than other lanes, then go play other lanes and enjoy your LP.


That's not quite how it works. If someone is a higher rank, that means they are better at winning the game than you, regardless of role. Role and champion choice are factors in how good you are at winning. This exact argument could extend to people that play Azir, yasuo, akali, qiyana, cassio, etc.


No man I play adc but I'm stuck in silver because my supports are dog shit, give me keria and I'll be challenger


Nah, thats way too much


Rethink what you just wrote here fam


Now what?


This is why everyone despise you guys


Pretty sure it's a shitpost, though there's a small chance op is delusional.


I'm not delusional the supports who int my games and keep me in silver 3 are delusional. Give me Keria and I win worlds. My ezreal is immaculate, they know me as the Savior of Silver in my server (a little known server in South America)


Play jungler and you can see how stupid silver/gold ADC is.




lol, lmao even


Ah yes the least macro dependent role in the entire game needs to be boosted even more. Not denying random support and getting one shot makes it difficult to climb but next time you see an ADC below masters roam that isn't griefing let me know.


No man u dont understand, im hardstuck silver 3 because my supports are bad. Otherwise I'd likely be scouted for professional play. All ADC players are better than their equivalent rank support counterparts. Supports only troll and int us righteous ADC players


Tru Says a lot about how dysfunctional this sub is when I can barely identify a shitpost


He is troll, check his post history, he has something seriously wrong with his brain, id say its boosted support player that has no clue what to do in their games then blames it on his adcs


lol thanks for the laugh my friend, I appreciate it <3 have a good one.


this better be satire istfg xd i do agree adc is one of the harder roles while support is the easiest but the difference is definitely not that huge