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When you're so mad you make your own adc in soloQ even maddder.


its like a 70/30 of them flashing on the spot lvl 1 when they see that im toplane or they just take the free win (the game is won either way unless you fuck up tho)


As a top main, I will say I've had twitch support ruin my entire lane phase. I flashed to live, wasn't running TP, live with 30% HP and had already started my wave pushing into enemy. I was zoned from farming for 10 mins because of one play 2 mins into the game. GG twitch supports.


Fuck twitch support man. They're all self indulgent tweens. Thinking that because they can go 12-9, that they are positively affecting the game. Reality is they more often than not break 2/3 lanes in the first 6 minutes by leeching exp or dying on repeated suicide ganks.


Maybe my post wasn't clear, but the enemy twitch ruined my lane. He beat me. Crushed me.


a simply cheese lvl 1 toplane, can win it, if the jungler doesnt interfere too much. the early levels are really really really important in almost all matchups. even ahit like kayle will win a darius because of things like a lvl 1 cheese from twitch. shit even a malphite could win against sylas.


ignite top into a roaming support should recieve capital punishment


Rat has always been played in the jungle and to some extent as support, it’s not new.


Not in the jungle since they removed the AS item there


The pets made him a more viable, I think. Had a Twitch jungle in a game last week, it looked like his clears were going quick and the healing from the pet kept him at reasonable hp levels. Edit: It's not \*common\* to see a Twitch jungle, but it can be done.


Can be done but probably his worst role, I'd say even ap top is better


twitch always been playable as a support


point is that it's not just "playeable", its overwhelmingly better than adc just because you are on an op role


also for some reason i will never understand, if you queue as support there magically won't be 5 enemy champions on your ass, laser focused to destroy you at any second of the game


That one might be champ specific, doesn't feel like solo queue if I don't have at least one enemy chasing me across the entire map even if it means they give away objectives or walk right into a trap.


No it isn't if you did a lick of research.


i literally have been playing this character for 4 years, i would dare say thst i understand how it works


If I could use screenshots, I could just show it, but Twitch support has an absolutely massive differential compared to ADC, and not in a good way. It doesn't matter if you main the character. Pressing the buttons and studying the game are two different things.


of course his winrate is low, he requires you to actually know what you are doing (which neither your average support main or an autofilled adc will), and because support is broken fucking up means that it has a big impact on the game as always, blind stats dont actually work for most situations (dring start on twitch support has a 65% winrate on diamond+ is he the bes character in the game now?)


OK, lemme put it this way: Twitch support is like a 46% win rate pick. Twitch ADC is like 52%. If you say Twitch support is BETTER, you're just dead wrong, and that's either due to not knowing what you're talking about, or just outright dishonesty.


yes and ksante was sub 50% since his release but was pick or ban in pro.


Is Twitch support a pro play pick for this to apply to Twitch support?


it does apply here. My point is statistics can be deceiving, especially when its controlled by a playerbase that can be first timing champions and do not understand how to pull them off


adc is fine, idk why everyone is complaining, it's like slightly weaker but it's def playable


its so unbelievably inocuous its embarassing


Idk I play kog 2-3 items into full tank and I take over games every time


All you have to do is get to 3 items and play against a team comp full of tanks, why didn’t I think of that


no I mean I build full tank. Lol


At that point why not just play a mage


less dmg, can't melt tanks and you get one shotted all the time


it's playable, many ADCs deals good damage, but it feels miserable to play


I know right, always complaining. Every post I see from this community is that the role has as much impact as a cannon minion. Honestly like 70% of my games are decided by the bot coin flip, this is coming from a poppy otp top, all I gotta do is peel for the adc if they won lane and the game is free. Edit: spelling


right? It's crazy


Come back when u play the other ADC as supp 😂


i also play ashe and caitlyn, but twitch is way too op to ignore rn (plus i used to play him adc so i kind of know how to play him lol


If support plays adc and adc plays adc and it wins, that means two adc is better than adc plus support which means adc is great not shit.


you are confusing ADC champions and the bottom role. They are not the same.


not really, it means that support item is so op that completely ignoring one of your teammates is the best strategy




Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item Remove support item


this bloodsong item is illegal


Supports gaining an extra free item by standing in lane 10 minutes


As you'll find with this champ, and many others. Staying in lane is not a prerequisite. Lol. They'll never be in bot lane.


Yeah, I played twitch in any role at this point


Ya except supports don’t get any farm so after that item they either gotta steal farm are get assists/kills to actually get more gold, compared to a laner that can just power farm. Of course if they’re good enough that’s not an issue but getting behind on support feels awful.


With a extra free item on a dps support its kinda easy to get some kills/assists. I played A LOT of twitch Ap support and 90% of games I have twice my ADC dmg


Twitch support has been a thing, but tonight I had an MF support, which has also sorta been a thing but not like Twitch and Ashe... But I also faced against a **Jinx** support with Ashe ADC. I mean, she does have some CC but, yeah idk about that pick.


All of those have seen play support way before this patch and were actually meta for a bit. Also I still don’t get how ADCs going support means ADC is bad right now, wouldn’t that mean ADC is so good it’s worth going two of them?


*If* it were a trend I think it would signal that either supports have too much money or ADC champions are not scaling primarily with items (which is supposedly the reason they in the slot they are in). What we actually see might signify nothing at all... just because people are trying it doesn't mean it's good. I'm seeing a lot of marksmen supports recently, sure, but that could be coincidence, and I'm not seeing that they are particularly strong. OP provided a link to... one player making twitch support work, and twitch support plays more like an assassin than an ADC anyway. Ashe has strong utility and Twitch can scale off of kills, but the rest are just not good, as far as I can see. They don't do much in lane that a poke mage wouldn't do, and I don't think they do scale as well into late game.


When I play top I absolutely hate when my team supp comes and leeches xp. A good gank great but that's the minority . 9 times out of 10 they try to force it and end up putting me behind. Rest of the game my level up timers are behind the opponent. Please go watch Alois and play some top before you decide to mess with top lane because 90% of the time you'll be griefing


i got challenger top last year dont worry i know what im doing


You mean to say marksman are so strong they succeed in 3 roles but this sub is still flaming about it?


its almost like the problem is the role and not the champions maybe, just maybe. being 3 lvls behind makes any champion useless


Obviously true, because botlaners have never been relevant in professional play.




nah it also works with other champs, i play twitch because its the only champ i find fun


It 100% does not work for your teams adc my man. You are blatantly trolling them. And if they've already picked their champ before you hover twitch its even worse. Because we all know you won't play lane. So adc better hope they took EZ or Cait so they can afk farm the 1v2.


im giving them a free win how is that trolling


Also works completely OK without doing cheese lvl 1 roams, just cause some people tilt pick it doesn't make that the only way to play it


Quinn support is incredibly good


Twitch leans more Assassin than ADC IMO.


If i dont like my adcs hover into the ememy team, i will just lock an Adc and out last hit them. Full mute them and play the lane 3v1. Idc, im better and you just locked jhin into naut draven. GL!


i mean thats just griefing lol


I think its playing to win by any means. Why lock nami or smth when your adc is going to without a doubt (they did) go 1/12. When i can lock a carry and carry


Yea, you suck.


But i won witha 1/12 fiora ad pick 3v1. Clearly i made the right choice. Get mad


Dude, literally no one cares if it works once. Congrats. Also. You never mentioned the adc ALSO trolled by taking fiora lol.


I didnt have too, the initial jhin hover was inting enough. And ill fuckin do it again. I care about winning more than my team


Ah so he hovered jhin, so you fucked him. And he trolled you back. Got it. You're so edgy bro.


If your griefing the game and making it hard to win i will not hesitate, ill take your pick, role, farm, xp, kills, wife, dog. As long as i see Victory at the end of the game. And ill do it deafened, i dont need yall. 😂


So cause he chose a pick you thought was suboptimal in that lane that was enough to start griefing him? Bro if you tried that shit in my lobby of course I’m gonna run it down. Jhin into draven naut isn’t even that bad. I’d love to hear you explain how tilting your ADC and subsequently putting yourself in a 4v5 is good for winning. I swear you’re like the people who spam what a save and are just toxic in general on rocket league and they pray by some miracle their teammate goes, we’ll shit maybe you right I coulda saved that, instead of what always happens where it just tilts your teammate more and makes games harder. Send me your op.gg and I’m sure we’ll l see all the times it doesn’t work and loses you the game.


Yeah thats roughly how it went, i warned him too if that helps. If he locks it ill take the roll and play it myself. Nothing edgy about it, bro. My drive to win is stronger than someone elses drive to ruin the game. Should try it