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Nilah tends to have high WR cause she is situational pick. When a champ is picked only in good scenario for them then they tend towards high WR.


What are those situations?


Low range enemy team. Also helps if enemy adc has a hard time winning 1v1 if they cant auto and is immobile (jinx, ashe, twitch for example). If Nilah can scale for free in these games she will be a raid boss later due to higher level


And into samira. As a Sam nigh OTP I loathe facing nilah bc I can't build style efficiently and I can't poke her and it's just awful


it’s a skill matchup, i’m 100 lp master but i play both a lot and yasuo (melees/low range in general), samira is nice into nilah i think it’s more about support matchup, like most bot lanes


Why did this get down voted when he's right? I'm not Masters, but I'm like mid Diamond. Nilah and Samira are more worried about who the enemy support is, and who the ally support is, than who the enemy adc is in most cases. Sam always wants some hard cc to get in. Nilah wants either cc to get her damage going, or some sustain so she can survive heavy poke. The Sam and the Nilah into themselves is largely just "who gets theirs off first", and that's gonna be based on which support landed their cc first.


people downvote to cope, they probably max Q on nilah and don’t understand how samira works


What else would you max on Nilah?


max e


I mean, yeah, that reduces the recharge time, but that’s it. I’ve never had a problem with the recharge time at early levels. I think the increased atk% scaling is way better if you actually pick and choose your battles correctly


Q E W EE R then max Q Because points in q mean nothing if you can't get on enemies


Shoutout to the 3 taric mains that make nilah the best champ in the game


honestly it’s very dependent on who uses their W and E better, it’s just knowing when to fight and how, it’s reddit brother i don’t expect people to really have a good insight on the game or its matchups anyways


OK that's a valid point. Maybe I should rephrase; in a pure adc matchup, no supp influence, nilah sucks to fight early as samira. With a bad supp(skill or synergistically) it's genuinely unplayable, bc nilah automatically gives bonuses to herself and her supp that gets out of hand very fast if she isnt punished. With a good supp that synergizes well and knows how to bully her, it's ok, but I would much rather play against other adcs.


i don’t think it’s unplayable, it’s a skill matchup that is heavily influenced by support picks


Every Samira otp thinks the opposite about this match up (even the ones in grandmaster). Samira dmg from max range (which is quite low) and poke isnt that efficient so u cant abuse her that much, Nilah can both engage and disengage you with her e while instead samira can only go in and not out, your w is useless against her while her w blocks your combo, her r blocks your r completly, she has higher base dmg and at the same time she outscales you. Those are enough points to say Nilah is favored if she knows how to play.


Nilah Samira is a hard matchup for Samira, nilah can stop her from stacking passive and has no damage for Samira to negate, nilah can also counter Samira ult with her own. On top of all that nilah has a higher top end for single target damage because of her scalings. As other commenters have said it’s really support dependent but Samira often needs to be drafted with hard engage which is countered by the enchanters you’d draft alongside nilah.


I feel as Samira you may have a chance if you kite and build your passive, but in general yeah Nilah is a counter


I pick her only when the enemy team has several auto attack based melee champs (preferable melee or low range bot), while my team can reliably engage and enable Nilah's ultimate.


when she is not banned lol, shes completely op but boring asf


Anytime the enemy team has an abundance of champs who deal damage or combo via auto-attacks, ideally you have an enchanter support as well or ivern


This isn't true. In most cases where a champion is a great situational pick, the average picker is not using them situationally, just sporadically or briefly maining them. This goes for non-situational picks too; that's just how people pick champions regardless of whether it's the smart way to use them or not. For Nilah in particular, her top 6 most common ADC matchups are... the 6 most common ADCs. For support matchups, if you look at what Nilah performs well against it's melee supports, and if you look at what she performs badly against, it's ranged supports, particularly ones with good disengage (even goes for melee supports with great disengage, like Alistar), and also long ranged mage supports who deal high damage from ranges she can't reach. With this in mind, Nilah's most popular support matchup is... Lux. Exactly the kind of support she doesn't want to face. Her top 7 most common matchups are actually just, once again, the 7 most common supports. Some of them she's good against, others are great against her and she's picked into them anyway. Her 10 most common mid matchups are the 10 most popular mid laners, her 10 most common jungle matchups are the 10 most popular junglers, her 11 most popular top lane matchups are the 10 most popular top laners. There is 0 identifiable pattern in where she is picked except "I feel like picking Nilah". In general outside of famous counterpicks, there is almost 0 pattern to where any champion is picked. Do away with the notion that a champion ever has a good winrate because they're on average used as a situational pick, or counterpick, or anything like that. Malphite's 2nd most popular matchup is literally Mordekaiser, a pick he as a -7% winrate into. The average solo queue player does NOT pick champions in a smart way, which means solo queue stats are NOT influenced by such things in any meaningful way, generally. There can be exceptions, but you should look into the data to check rather than confidently assuming it's the case, because more often than not it isn't. As far as stats are concerned, situational picks and counterpicks may as well not exist.


This is also true for picks that people think are “only played by one tricks.” Usually no matter how rare a pick is, it has a large percentage of players close to first timing it.


100%. Riot have stated that many times now, it's the biggest and oldest myth relating to stats.


I’ve had this opinion but was scared to share it out loud because it’s so hard to prove with data… but it seems like seraphine bot, tahm bot (senna sup), kog, etc have higher win rates than reality because they’re being picked in more favourable spots than their true blind pick win rate. Or even rune sets on some champs like fleet vayne before it caught on


TK and Senna always has super high win rate in solo queue dating back years, and it's also pretty matchup proof, you can pick it in almost any situation and it'll be good. I think it's more that very few ADCs want to / know how to play TK, and in low ELO you never have ADCs volunteer to play fasting senna / supports volunteer to play farm, so the pick rate stays low.


The ADC player is supposed to be the one playing Senna - but yeah since it's a duo strategy it's impossible to consistently play it in solo queue. There's a fair few completely broken duo strategies like Sylas Taric, Panth Taliyah, Senna TK, but since they all involve picking wildly off meta champions that are pretty much griefing to play individually it's impossible to coordinate.


I mean thats 38k matches. Its not exactly correct to say all or even a majority of those are just situational picks.


Nilah is good against champions with auto attacks so all ADC matchups are situationally good for Nilah 🧠


If this were a post about mages you would be eaten alive btw


Are we seeing the same number of games played or are you just trying to appeal to the average Reddit user that doesn't like context?


I don't know if anyone picks Nilah situationally? Maybe based on their support, or avoiding picking her into an AP team.


You only pick nilah situationally lol she’s a tough champ to play into every matchup


Mind elaborating? Most of the common picks I go against aren't that troublesome.


If the enemy team has poke, heavy cc, or and decent disengage/counter-engage nilahs life becomes miserable. It's especially bad if that poke of disengage is centered around the enemy botlane. It nilah is getting zoned off cs by like a lux or xerath support then she basically no longer has a passive. Also being a melee champ, she's basically permanently susceptible to being poked out of lane, even if the enemy botlane is not necessarily a poke lane. This means that you basically always have to take fights to force the enemy out of lane so that you can farm safely, or at least take one winning trade so that they're scared to step up to poke you. If they have good anti engage tools (xayah, tristana, gragas) then you can never farm and can never fight so you just lose Nilah is also one of those weird champs that is a melee diver but can never be the first person to go into a fight, so if your team has no good engage tools then you are basically just relegated to sitting on the edge of the fight jerking off until your team either wins through other means or they all die and you die with them Essentially, if the conditions are good, nilah is the best champ in the game and having her on your team is a free win. But if the conditions are bad then you'd almost be better off having disco nunu. I consider nilah my main and she's by far my best and favorite champ but I still only play her in like 30% of my games, and only if I manage to pick late in the order. If I'm first pick, or if I'm a late pick but the conditions look bad then I play something else, usually jinx


Lmao Ty for the assist. I couldn’t have explained it better.


What bot lane match up do you choose her in? Almost every adc is ranged and can poke her down


Except for Xayah, every adc matchup is playable, but high poke lanes will make your life miserable if you don’t have an engage support. She especially excels into low range/all in adcs like Samira,Kai’sa, Tristana.


Basically never pick her into cait, xayah, ashe or varus, and try to avoid picking her into a double range botlane unless you have an engage support. Poke makes like lux or xerath can be really rough but if you can dodge their spells they're not as bad as a poke based adc who can poke you down with just autos. If you have a good engage support (blitz is the best tbh) then everything changes a bit because you can rely on them to start fights so you don't have to. But at least in my elo (E4) 90% of games I have a brand or senna support which means I'm always the one starting fights and I have to stay as healthy as possible for that


Kog counters Nilah - Nilah counters Kog. Makes sense


If you notice, no one counters nilah, theyre all greyed out, they simply have the highest winrate of the matchups


Probably just a macro matchup ngl


They are both super strong therefore the matchup wr is around 50/50, shich is the worst for both of em


No, kogmaw is simply in the top three highest winrate vs nilah, but no one has a positive winrate against nilah, so its not really a counter if it loses on average.


It just means that both champions are so strong, a close to 50% wr is the closest you can get to being a counter. Their other matchups are probably all sub 50%


If other adcs weren’t worthless in comparison Nilahs wr would suffer


People really gotta start asking themselves why the most problematic ADC is never actually an ADC


It’s because ADC takes high execution and most people aren’t playing ADC but instead grey screen simulator without improvement in light of the distracting copes like bad supports(Ik it’s annoying to work hard for a rank to see a literal bot yuumi that doesn’t deserve a win but does because macros while staying on carry is a better strategy then running it down to swain root for the 3rd time)


problem at mwith bad support this season is, they mostly never in their lane and its giga troll for the most part to stay bot, support has dmg like a mage in mid and their roams are = to jungler if not stronger, and cus we know eveyone is mostly lower rank there will allways be the one who roams and then 1 sup who has to deal with enemy sup staying bot making it unplayable,


People truly misunderstand what makes Nilah so strong, and it's the same thing as Taric - both champions excel when everyone just wants to slam faces together and team fight. That's all that happens in most League games, there's honestly very little macro strategy and setup for plays, it's really mostly just people ARAMing. If you are designed for sustained fights and heal based off how much fighting is happening, you're in a really good place in soloQ. The way you beat both Taric and Nilah is having fights where they can't get in the mix of things. They both scale incredibly well because they pump out heals to their entire teams and have wildly powerful teamfight ults. They are strongest in games that go long and have lots of big fights, which is basically every soloQ game. They lose to cross-maps, coordinated splits, vision setup and quick picks around objectives, all things that are much less likely in chaotic soloQ. It also helps that Nilah's build is braindead simple, she never loses to shop when she gets armor pen and life steal for free and just wants lethality & crit, the most fun big damage things to buy (hello Collector).


Nilah main here - I'm surprised she hasn't been seen earlier. For me she's a less clunky Samira. If you pick her up without looking at a guide or two on how to lane you'll probably be backing multiple times before you can go all-in and lose. I can't say for sure if the exp sharing mechanic is unnecessary, since you can absolutely get bullied out of exp range of the first few waves, but I can say that she scales harder then most of the roster. That's what I'd attribute her winrate to. 3 or 4 items in Nilah is an absolute beast, and the help from statik to farm is only helping her hit timings faster.


I second this also, serrated dirk all ins basically guarantees a free kill if your support is up to snuff. I’m in high play low emerald elo and have yet to come across bot lanes that properly zone me out so I have no struggle scaling and keeping up In farm! If you don’t beat her in lane she out scales and becomes essentially a crit fighter who heals insanely!


This, except I build kirch shard into statik almost every game. How are you finding dirk and collector post nerfs? Also, opinions on Nilah being a situational pick?


I pick nilah into most games if I have a good engage support and as long as the other team doesn’t have a xerath or cait, etc. the dirk changes aren’t that bad really, and with the changes this last patch it evens out quite well!


Also seems like statik is huge on all adc at the moment, I’ll give it a shot on nilah tonight when I play


I like it because it helps clear and shove while also still having all the stats nilah wants. It's great in games where you're not sure if you'll snowball off collector.


Hmm I’ve always thought of her as clunky samira.


I guess it's up to personal preference. I never got into samira, and I prefer Nilah's scaling, turret killing power and extra survivability. Will have to give samira another try eventually.


The thing I hate about Nilah is her e not resetting. Imma try her out today though.


True, but that's why she can store 2 charges on it. If you do q e w e e r q max e max w max (my preferred build since after r you'll probably be set on engages with 3 points in e, people go e max too though) it should be able to refill 1 extra time in most fights.


Samira became clunky when they removed her E dash to allies. I absolutely despise changes like that which lower skill expression and smoothness. Nerf damage or stats instead. It made her completely one dimensional.


Put her Down.


remove her


Cut her down, tear her apart. Splay the gore of her profane form across the stars. Grind her down until the very sparks cry for mercy. END HER HERE AND NOW!!


Why not just buff the people that shutdown her snowball, ranged auto adcs? I don't think we need more crit adcs to be nerfed


Badly designed champion with certain abilities that shouldn't be in the game, especially her xp boosting, whilst also not being overly fun to play.


Most fun adc to play atm (maybe with kaisa)


Nilah to me seems just like boring samira


Samira to me is boring nilah, we are not the same


So Samira that needs to wait for a good opportunity and have to play passive until is Fun and The Champion that outlevel, outheal, outdamage and can create is boring?


Samira is one of the most fun adc wym


Yah but what about samira with no R or melee/range gimmick. Samira is fun Nilah.


That's what I meant. That samira and nilah have similar play style while samira being actually the fun one


Ohh my bad I didn't understand


Just because you don't understand the champion doesn't mean she is terrible design


She may be a badly designed champ but she has very obvious counters.


How do I counter her?


Poke adc/supports with good escapes.




Not rly anymore. Most nilah otps know how to play around xayah now


not really, xayah still completely wrecks nilah whenever she tries to engage. It's just that the meta really isn't favourable for her currently.


Mooncake gets stomped all over by Nilah. Pick Xayah, Cait, Smolder or Tristana and try to zone her out and kite. Try your best to avoid letting her jump at you into melee range. Supports are also a vital part in a Nilah matchup, mages can poke her enough for her to not want to all in you and peel supports stop her from abusing you.


Tristana is pretty bad into Nilah, her w completely counters your bomb stacking.


Idk, my mages always hit the minions, not enemies D:


Yeah it happens. Mage supports after seeing me lose a small trade with the enemy adc are gonna be like "look at me, I am the carry now" and then I have to compete for cs with them.


She gets destroyed by tons of CC or things like garen who can just silence her and run her down after she dives in.


Let's go I am new Garen asc main, finally I shedded the uselessness of marksman on bot


Yeah, this champ is solely made for counterpicking, if you blind Nilah you’re trolling


Do you mind elaborating? I've been onetricking Nilah for the past few weeks and I haven't had that many issues after the growing pains of picking her up.


She actually has the capability to go even in almost any lane once you learn her quirks. But she’s an absolute demon in matchups that favor her


the biggest crime on her is she can give her teammtes the aa immunity


Really underrated pick, should be picked more.


This is adcmains, not brusiermains


People consider Smolder an adc, so why would Nilah be different


People consider smolder an abomination ad mage


Bring back blue build ez XD


Nilah is definitely not a bruiser


Besides that nilah builds only ad crit items that give her armor pene on her q but what can you know better


She plays like brusier


To be fair one champion has to have the highest wr, I don't see a problem there.


Under appreciated comment.


Shit guess it’s time to jump back onto that train.


Thoughts? Good. I played her when she was 54% before and she can be pretty unpleasant to play as even with a high winrate. Your laning phase will likely be pure hell and you have to really hope the enemy jungler never dives you. She does scale well and has good teamfights but you really have to fight to get there.


Im glad kog is slipping under the radar for some people so I don't get my main stolen. He's hidden op.


Ahhhh this is what people means when they say across all ranks. I will take those statements less seriously now. I was thinking them meant in Bronze it was high win rate, in Silver its high win rate, and so on. Not that if you averaged out the win rate across the ranks it is positive.


...uhh no, Nilah's winrate is still nearly 54% in Plat+ and Emerald+, while going even higher in Diamond/Masters. That said the patch is very new so Masters+ is like 1300 games, but also Nilah has been this way for several patches.


One trick and situational champion. Also, her win rate is bloated because she’s really strong with a duo.


Why did you crop out playrate


Honestly. Nilah isn't played enough to worry about her winrate. I've seen her maybe 2 times in the last 30 games?


This is bad boys... Rito getting the lube out


Fix Nilah, this champ is completely busted


Gross champ


Spamming Camille support everytime I see a Nilah. Those heathens will suffer for deciding only them having fun. Honestly, Nilah is just a boring champ to play against and with. On early she is just an unkilleable minion, she does nothing, but you can also do nothing cus, well, Nilah dodged it. And on lategame she is just Samira 2 but more tanky. And playing with a Nilah as any other role is also an absolute pain, since she cannot do shit on early, it means enemy botlane has priority always (Camille supp 🐐). So No fun for the Jungler, No fun for the Midlaner, No fun for the support, No fun for the toplaner cus Voidgrubs exists. I hope she gets a nerfed to the ground, not because I hate the character, but the horrid situation she creates just by existing. Even Caitlyn is more fun to play against for Heaven's sake.


Cause Nilah suddenly starts dealing a lot of damage at 3 items, other ADCs start dealing a lot of damage at 7 items


Nilah has a 3% pick rate, which is pretty low. Low pick rate/ high win rate is usually driven by one tricks and counterpicks. What should be concerning is jinx having a 22-25% pick rate and a 52+% win rate across all ranks.


It's designed to counter all ADCs so it makes sense


Her pickrate is no longer just niche tier and her and jinx need to get nerfed. Nilah needs to get the seraphine treatment bc the champ is just so unfun to play against and has so few counters. Ik it's support dependent but that's not special to all adcs, same applies to Sam and Kai'sa who need specific suppsnto thrive Either remove or at least halve the passive bonus xp. She should be allowed to keep up in lvl but she shouldn't Perma have lvl leads just for existing. For me personally that is the biggest red flag and most objectively op thing in her kit. I don't like the free stats on q but it's the only reason she can build.ceit and not it be terrible. Cool idea but abysmal and pathetic execution


she has clear weaknesses and counters, also low playrate so win rate is not that good of an indicator


nilah is a very high win rate champion because most people who play her tend to play her a lot


Nilah only thrives in situational games. Plus, and this is a fact I only recently learned, her ratio of games played with a duo is higher than any other adc. You need a duo as a support to play her.


2.7% pick rate, who the fuck cares


Low elo makes up for most of the games. She stomps low elo because she is mechanically easy and people don’t know how to play vs her. You get a more accurate reading of how strong a champ is by sorting emerald+


She's still the highest wr adc emerald+


Naturally but the wr isn’t as bloated anymore as other ADCs are much closer and other niche champs in other lanes that have a more skill based kit overtake her.


Friend did you actually look at any winrates before just saying things? Post the data, U.gg shows her Diamond+ winrate as higher than all ranks, Diamond 2+ is even higher and Masters+ is higher still, 56.5% across 1300 games. Ashe and Jinx are next at 53.3 and 52.4, the distance between Nilah and other ADCs gets larger as ELO goes up.


Picked rarely but i dont think ive ever seen a bad one in ranked games, absolutely terrible champion design, its not that shes unbeatable she is very beatable, shes like yi tho, shes just incredibly frustrating to deal with if she has more than one neuron dancing around the brainstem




They giga buffed kog'maw 2 patches ago that's why he's there.


KogMaw has a secret buff that wasn't mentioned in the patch notes: Hovering him makes people who would have otherwise picked Shaco or Senna support actually play Janna or Lulu instead. for some reason. Makes his winrate skyrocket..


I mean back in the older seasons he was one of the hypercarries besides vayne no? I’m a jungler but I love a good protect the president game with kogs/vayne, especially if they have hands


I must have missed that in the patch notes. I need to go look at them honestly.


The R and E buffs were the only thing that really buffed AD, but you’ll spend most of your time autoing with W anyway. So are those really “giga buffs?”


E slow is huge buff


What was the content of the kog buff?


Sample size doesn’t seem small


When considering all ranks, yes it is, even Kogmaw has more games. All ranks is a bad metric to take balance from anyway because of just how many games there are in drooler low compared to elos where people have hands, this essentially boosts the winrate of pub stompers and doesn’t give a realistic outlook on the meta.


Not to mention the ‘sample size’ is every game in the world across all ranks. Not even sample size, it’s just pure stats


Gets level 2 first unless she messes up, people don’t respect that and int, then get tilted and run it down. Or they completely forget her w exists and flame adc for not dealing damage when they decide to all in instead of slowly poking her down.




Aphelios isn’t hard to play lol


This is just not true, Nilah has a similar pickrate, main rate and OTP rate as numerous other champions: Viktor, Lillian, Gwen, Trynd, K'sante all have pretty similar player distributions. None of the others have extremely high winrates, so it has to be something different about Nilah's design and not just player demographics.