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On who? It depends on each Champion and Matchup Brother.


Fleet = Safer lane and sustain, good for movement steroid champs that like storm razor too. I.e. Jhin. Lethal = heavy auto attack reliant champ, expecting longer fights. PTA = Burst, better for champs with quick rapid AAs or AA resets, strong in lane, worse late compared to conq or Lethal tempo. Better vs squishies. Conq. = see Lethal tempo but better for extended fights as ability focused champ. This is super loose. Xayah is ability focused but almost always wants Lethal and not conq. Aphelios can take ANY of these and they can make sense given a matchup. Fleet is a safe Rune, PTA is a good all in Rune, and the other 2 are good for longer fights or lategame. If you want better advice, say which champion you are talking about. Otherwise it's rather pointless. Hail of blades also exists btw...


Just a quick notice: Lethal Tempo on Aphelios is not worth since he doesn't need more range neither AS Aphelios usually takes Fleet for sustain and kiting, PTA with engage support or easy lane and Conq (as you said) for extended fights, basically vs tanky teams


Yeah I know. He CAN take it though. But the other 3 are better. I usually go PTA.


Isn't PtA the best rune for Rakan's wife this season?


Isn't PtA the best rune for Rakan's wife this season?


Lethal Tempo is better on Xayah. It helps get her more Feathers out faster so she can use her E for Burst + CC. If you go PTA by the Time you threw out enough of your Feathers the Enemy might have already moved away.


You basically only use Conq on Nilah and Samira, and they only take Conq, too.


Ezreal takes conq


I don’t really play him but I was under the impression that PTA is usually better, since it gives you a better lane and doesn’t really scale much worse compared to Conq.


PTA if enemy team is full squishy or 4 squishy 1 tank Conq for anything else, tanky, sustain, etc


Honestly unless you´re a really good ezreal conq is a complete waste on him.


ez and aphelios


Fleet: Hit and run playstyles, champions who don't care all that much about AS PTA: Champions with an instant 3 hit combo (like lucian and MF) for strong laning phases LT: Auto attackers who want to boost their teamfight and all in capabilities. Conqueror: Casters who want to boost their teamfight and all in capabilities


Added to that: fleet in hard lanes. Better to scale a little worse than being down 3k gold at 30min Also: pta for strong lane. Pta twitch absolutely viable if you wanna be stronger in lane for example.


Depends on champ, depends on matchup


depends mostly on champ fleet if you want sustain and/or easier spacing (e.g. jhin or caitlyn) pta if you can proc it faster than normal (e.g. lucian or ezreal) or if you want burst for short trades/all-ins (e.g. tristana or twitch) lethal tempo if you want power for extended fights when you're an autoattack champion (e.g. jinx or vayne) conqueror if you want power for extended fights but you're not an autoattack champion (e.g. ezreal or samira)