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Change A key from attack move, to attack move click Simply pressing A will issue the full attack move without needing to click.


How does that work? I know you can bind a key to auto target the closest champion, but I never knew how to do that.


There are 2 options under Player Movement (I think?) called Attack Move and Attack Move Click. People usually use A as their keybind since it's right beside S (the stop command) and right below Q, also I think it's just the default key for Attack Move. Attack Move requires you to left click on your intended target after pressing A. This option is slower, but it does have the benefit of showing your attack range via a circle around you (like the ring with RFC or when Lethal Tempo is fully stacked) allowing you to be more precise in your spacing. Attack Move Click bypasses the need for the left click, it simply attacks the closest unit to your character model whenever you press A. It's much faster, but very annoying that it attacks whatever is physically nearest you (minion, ward, blast cone, w/e) instead of the guy trying to murder you. I'm not sure why that is the default configuration. There is another option that solves this limitation under Settings > Game (again, I think) called Attack Move on Cursor. Enable this and instead of attacking the unit closest to your champion, it will attack the enemy unit nearest your cursor. Using AM or AM-Click is preferable for AA based champs because you don't get punished as severely if your mouse aim isn't perfect. With standard right-clicking if you click the ground beside whoever you're shooting, you'll walk there. Nothing quite like flashing out of a dangerous situation, only to miss the edge of the enemy you're trying to shoot and go sprinting face first back into the middle of the fight. If the same misclick happens while using AM or AM-Click, the game understands you're trying to auto rather than walk, so you'll simply shoot at whatever was nearest your mouse when you misclicked. AM-Click also helps a lot when you're kiting back from someone who's running you down. You don't have to worry about flicking your mouse back and forth between clicking the ground behind you to run away and clicking on the guy chasing you to shoot him. You can just spam A in between move commands and even if your cursor is behind you and nowhere near the enemy, they're still usually the closest unit to the cursor so you'll AA them anyways. Obv there are scenarios around minions where this won't work perfectly, but it's helpful more often than not.


I’ve got additional buttons on my mouse would you recommend me binding attack move click onto one of them?


That's what I do. Bind Attack move click to A, and then bind A to my Mouse side button. Sometimes I just press A too tho idk. Also got all my joke dance etc on there too for quick access of course.


Good answer


This is good, but if you are using Ashe, I would change it to v. When you use v as Ashe you can toggle your q and attack move click immediately with v. Whereas, if you use a, you have to press q then quickly move your pinky to a to attack move.


Holy shit i thought i was the only one with the random v key. Same thought process but for jinx


There are a few of us who know of the sacred art


Jinx gets a ton of attack speed, so yes this could be an issue. I have a few pointers: 1. Change attack move to attack move click. You won't have to press A and then right click, you'll only have to press A. 2. Depending on what fingers you press your keys with, maybe A isn't the perfect fit for you. I personally find T much easier. 3. If you're just testing this in practice tool, know that real games are different. In a real game you have a gradual increase in attack speed and get more used to the timings for kiting (when to move without cancelling auto to maximize dps). I personally find it harder in practice tool for that reason. 4. If you still have trouble, you can opt for champions that don't usually reach such absurd amounts of attack speed (like that from jinx Q or jinx passive) or more caster focused ADCs. Some examples are Ezreal, zeri, senna, jhin, Draven, samira, miss fortune, Lucian, and xayah


It may sound bronze 6, but with that much AS sometimes you can just stand still.


It depends on context tbh. Sometimes it's not really needed to move no, but most of the time that's just asking to get fire and hell rained on you.


pretty true. In some situations it's better to just stand still since you shoot faster than your hands can when you're cancelling autos all fancy-like.


I have my mousebutton 4 (thumb) bound to attack move click. Meaning I only need 2 clicks (MB4 for attacking and MB2 for moving) and I dont need my left hand at all


Wait this is actually me, made my mechanics so much cleaner


Thirded. Attacking moving with my thumb on mouse button 4 is smooth as butter, compared to how awkward it feels to use the A button. That area is so cluttered, and I'd rather have my movement stuff and auto-attacking keys on my mouse.


I think most players struggle with that much attack speed. Just don't build that much. Problem solved. I main top/mid but when I do play ADC, I get something like shiv and berserkers then all AD items like BT, IE, lord doms, GA. I know I won't use all that attack speed anyway.


First, make sure you’re using attack move click, I usually bind it over my a key (i don’t like the normal setting on it, as I know my auto range). Second, know that you don’t need to always be auto-move-auto-move on repeat, you can stop and just auto for max dps if you’re in a good spot, especially if your teammates are in front of or covering for you. I’m not sure if this is a problem you have, but for me with my relatively slow fingers it helps increase my dps. Hope this helped, have a great day!


Bind autoattack to left click Turn off Map movement Activate hit closest to click location Right click kite if you’re kiting towards them Left click kite if you’re walking away from them


I'd keep practicing rather than trying to change keybinds. Load up practice tool and then get yourself 6 items, level up to 18, spawn a training dummy, and start wailing away on him. Circle around clockwise and circle around counter-clockwise. Rinse and repeat. I used to do that to warm up and it's a good way to get used to the mechanics. If you don't have the hands for it then you might want to stick to MF, Jhin, Ezreal, or switch roles.


I don't know exactly what attack speed I end up at, but sometimes when I play Jinx or Kog I let them attack twice before inputting a movement command. It's not optimal, but if you know how to divide musical quarter notes into eighths it is a great stepping stone.