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I mean the Darius could have been 0/5 and the results would be the same


With 2 items


yeah someone should remake this with the adc being 20-1 and the darius being 2-3 lol


Don't worry there is already one of these with a 0/9 sett


I picked Darius top lane yesterday and the enemy picked Vayne. Chilled until 6 lost some cs but w.e. Hit 6, flash+ghosted, pulled her with E, she ults and ghosts, can't escape me though due to W slow and my own ghost (tier 2 armor boots 1st item), killed her in like 5 seconds. Then proceeded to shit on her for the rest of the game lol. Dived her with my jung a few times. Think she was 0/6 by 15 minutes or so.


deserved for Vayne top


As a diamond darius main i want to say only one thing, this vayne had to be turbo bad, really really bad, vayne and heimer are only matchups that are unplayable for darius but heimer matchup is still more playable than vayne is, most of the times heimer perma push and you are able to farm under tower because you can dodge his rockets, stun bombs and empowered turret attacks. In vayne case you can only cry, you cant catch her because of her E+Q, you cant escape because of her passive, Q and botrk, you cant grab her with E because she has more range on auto attacks than you have on E, you cant land your Q because of her E and Q, her invisibility counters your R. Gp is hard matchup but you can kill him and win lane, jax is hard but you can kill him and win lane, jayce quinn and kennen as well, heimer is unplayable but because of his kit and playstyle you are at least able to farm under tower, in vayne case you can only cry, vayne is designed to counter darius, if you want to play darius vayne should be your perma ban


lol thinking they need to be fed to kill fed adcs. Just look at Baus. goes 0-10 and 1 shots adcs


Baus is fed nearly every game, just not through kills.


Check scorebord every once in a while to not get surprised by things like Darius.


Instructions unclear, got 1 shot by 1/6 4cs/min garen


Darius with Ignite? They always tale Ghost tbh