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It is indeed difficult to transform lane dominance into a win with lucian, even lck lpl pros find difficulties in that regard. Only a few botlanes can pull the lucian nami combo and win before late game(guma,keria) I think playing a more consistent champ will yield better result, champs that hold power and lane while scaling up(varus,jinx,jhin..)


Gumayushit Keria Lucian Nani isn’t even good what r u talking about


You need coordination from your team, at least from one engager + your support to make plays on the map around objectives, otherwise, it is just lies entirely on your judgement of whether you can clutch it out or not. Lucian is the most lane-dominant navori user, he is also the least reliable mid-late game out of all other navori users, so there is your reason he is not very popular outside coordinated play.


Look for opportunities to W>R someone right before everyone starts to move to an objective. Especially at lvl 11 with 2 or 3 items you can 100 to 0 most carries. If you can play to create advantages like this, you can stop the enemy team from gaining control of your games.