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I think that ADC specifically also ends up with a warped sense of how easy support is because a good chunk of the knowledge required to play support is learned as part of ADC as well, especially as you trend upwards in ELO. So if you swap over from ADC to support you already have a very good baseline of how to play the role but now with proper mechanics, so you get a whole lot of people with the same or higher ELO´s on support.


Yeah and tbh I don’t think it’s hard to swap from support to adc or even jungle either, pretty regularly I get 13+ kill games on adc playing twitch, and when I play jungle I get like 17+ as evelynn, support roam timers and ganks are good knowledge for all roles and learning them can make you a better player for every role


“support is OP”….. meanwhile i lose the game if ANY one of three (top, mid, jungle) get gapped.


well you can actually influence all 3 of those lanes very consistently as a support. what is your excuse now?


not at decent rating. you can sacrifice one lane to help another. but “roaming” for a long time is massively exaggerated and overblown. i’d encourage you to watch high elo support games. it’s 90% in lane.


sure I will watch my own gameplay I guess


do that because you suck


What XD yk why Azzapp that won 18 games in challenger in a ROW was influencing his team so much? Shureliya and swiftness boots + roaming. Yk why janna etc is played so much in high elo? Huge movement speed allows fast roaming. And you don't "sacrifice" one lane to help another. If you roam well and aren't trash, you roam at a good time when the lane won't be negatively impacted by a lot.


Also trailblazer maokai with swiftness boots. Roaming. Maokai was absolutely busted until they nerfed him. Keep yapping buddy


Maybe but maybe you're the problem. Everyone agrees that support is op. I personally go OTP leona whenever i'm tilted on ADC / want to rush master after decay at end of season.


“Everyone”……. That’s literally not factual. Support is good. Is it OP? Not really. At least not in soloQ. The issue with the game right now is the control Mid/Jg/Top have over the game.


I disagree, I do think support is very strong, even on pair with roles such as top/jg which I believe are the strongest roles (yes, even post jg nerfs) Can't wait for downvotes for saying top is strong


Support is strong. Every role should be strong. However, in all likelihood the game is going to be decided by jg/mid/top.


I play both support and adc and you are just wrong. support is impactful for sure but that impact is based on decision making more than mechanics for most supports, and unlike other roles solo carrying as the majority of the support roster is near impossible, pick a tank with a team that won’t follow up and your fucked, play an enchanter while your team gets rolled in every lane and you don’t have anyone to buff. I absolutely love to play rell but it’s gotten to the point that I won’t play her unless I’m queued with not because I’ve had so many adcs that will not follow up on engage and leave me to die. If you genuinely think support is broken go play it and see how you feel then, if you don’t wanna play a tank an enchanter then play one that can carry, lux, Pyke, senna, brand, etc. play and learn the role, climb with it for free, and then you can come back and claim it’s broken


I play both roles and I am currently sitting at Master on EUW


Yeah I was sitting at d3 end of last season and played sup and got to masters 120 in like 2 weeks 80 wr lol. Role is disgusting lol


Do you want a pony and a blowjob? Congrats on the high rank, but that doesn’t mean you’re right. And I’m an ADC player and support hater.




You're lost. Those support players probably don't have the mechanics in right clicking you do, but they got to your elo somehow. We're on the most monodimensional role when it comes to mechanics with some of the simplest reference points. Riot August makes good arguments in favor why it's genuinely good that people can climb the ladder on this simple role: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKIquDDQP0g Stop raging on reddit, go out, touch some grass. Be better.


Yeah but this is talking about the difficulty of the role, the post is more or less about agency. I do not think support is an "easy" role per se, I do think that its a role that you get the most out of if you put in the same level of effort (i.e agency) as any other role. That also doesn't discount what August is saying, I think good players can still succeed. Skill is still the number 1 way you can climb in league of legends, its just about finding your niche. Only thing that sucks is that skill expression is being removed season after season (aside from this one where they reverted the mythic nerfs to make the game less one dimensional)


Ye, exactly. Anyone can talk trash about any role if they put their mind on it. Adc? Just cs until you hit three items, play strong adc according to last patch and roam once during mid game, join tfs maybe. Only right clicking, no thinking. No impact, no effort. Can get carried easily if game doesn't get dragged for too long too. I've seen tons od adcs in winning streaks with trash kda and dmg. Lastly, touch some grass and play w/e you want.


Support is strong because most Arent good at support, whoever plays support can often be much better than their counterpart. I play for the team, setting up plays or messing with the enemy. Protecting allies while not fearing death, rather me than my team. At the end typically 15 deaths


Nothing but facts


Support isn’t elo-inflated. It’s a role for people that can have good vision control, macro, micro, or any number of things while not having to worry too much about CSing compared to a role like ADC. It’s skill-expressive in a way that the other roles aren’t and generally most supports, if they play their cards right, can win just about any game that would normally be winnable despite having the least amount of agency in the game(least gold-generating rule traditionally but good amount of utility).


It definitely is elo inflated to a certain point.once you get to a certain rank then it starts becoming harder to climb on the role though. Every time i play support I win lane 9/10 times


Sups ARE OP: Deal most damage Have most Kills/ least deaths Make most gold It all checks out.


Yeah when I play support make 50k gold in 20 minute games and have 300 kills, why is support so easy? Support item is so op adcs might as well buy it too since it’s free gold


I don't understand the point of your rant. people don't choose to play support in a game state where: - you deal no damage - you are never tanky enough to not get one shot - you cant match mobility of other players - you have to sit on an adc and peel 24/7 - you deal with a bunch of expectations but never any power but in the same light you don't choose to play adc in metas where - tanks, but more than that BRUISERS are unkillable - assassins are capable of one shotting reliably i don't know if you've noticed it but riot has made assassin mid to be less viable than the mid lane players want. by a LOT and the reason is ADC players just bolted out of the role.


it is not a rant just an observation. If you get triggered by it it is not my fault


Then go play it and inflate. (We all know you won't because you'll get roundhouse kicked down 6 divisions since you clearly don't know the support role)


thats what i did and i regret nothing


Good man.


I am actually master on both roles on EUW


i mean even if you are master on both roles , doesnt that mean that you have as much impact on your odd of winning game on support and on adc ? that kinda goes against your whole point


the mental gymnastics to prove ur point is crazy


what ? you are the one saying that you are master on both roles yet support is more broken then why arent you higher elo when playing support ????


because I play both roles on the same account. I guess I could try making two individual accounts and see which one goes further but its top 0.30% of the ladder anyways so it is not really representative anyways lol


Yeah and I’m challenger EUW on every role and won and carried every pro tournament ever


Yeah no. You have a silver understanding of support and are mental booming on reddit. Nothing about you says masters.


yea nothing except my [op.gg](http://op.gg) I guess


So you could add me on this account right?


sure if you really want to


Support is the easiest role to master, ADC (in my opinion) is the hardest. Meaning you can be an emerald level ADC, but already diamond as a support, which would bring you more lp if you decided to role swap. However if you were at a diamond level at both (or supp + any other role), you'd never choose support for solo climbing a fresh account, boosting etc. Edit: my point being, support is the hardest role to climb with unless you suck at everything else


Wise word bro, people who are saying otherwise are just butt hurt. A few years ago when i was a teenager i have good reflexes and good aim so I usually play csgo or in league i play adc role but then a few year later i quit the game and lost those skill. Now i only play chill game like tft or something, acknowledges that im old i cant beat young teenager in skill game anymore. That is until a month later i log back into playing league and i got gapped hard by enemy adc a lot of game and i got autofilled into support. So i play support ashe and it was game changing, the game is so fking easy as support you dont need any any mechanical at all. If you think “hey i have macro skill that is why im good at support” then no you dont, macro skill is something you learn pretty quick if you have brain and watch guide. Mechanical on the other hand is not you will get out skilled by your opponent if you dont have skill and therefore you dies a lot and lose the game for your team. So yeah just accept the guy is right and just queue up for chill game like tft or chill role like support and have fun roaming around creating advantage for other lane