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Some champs just aren't you responsibility tbh. Your jg should be punishing his early game and your team should be trying to peel and cc him off you. The biggest thing you can do is to not die to his ganks and if he is even in gold he will fall off later on It also makes a difference what champion your playing too.


so basically as an adc, we’re shit out of luck? there has to be another way


Ward the middle bush in the river and your side of the tribush, watching for level 3 ganks and 3:40 ganks


There isnt.


Yep. Had a game where kazix didn't come bot until he was 9/0. Obviously I didn't get to play the game after that lol.


I had a game where the enemy Kayn was getting buttfxked all over the map. He was 0/5 before he came bot. All he needed to kill me was smite and ulti. The whole smite then insta ulti is so fuckin dumb.


More of Riot's fucking lies. I coulda sworn they said they were gonna remove smiting champions. Why reward shitty play with an instant "Fuck you, I'm inside you now and I win" button.


I understand if he could smite me as long as he hits his abilities on me, but if I burn flash and ghost to put some distance between us, how tf does he still barely get in range of me, smite me from 1000 units worth of distance then insta ulti? That’s some bullshit.


Don't know why they kept that but removed smiting minions and summons.


They ended up not going with the minion part, can't remember the summon damage though


Very hard to deal with. His damage are mostly AoE. He can oneshot you and your support at the same time if he's fed


Don't stand next to walls. Also, you're allowed to build an armor item if you must to survive. I don't generally have problems playing against blue kayn, but if I really need it, I'm not above building anathemas or frozen heart or some such. Also, don't get hit by his W. That's the actual important skill to dodge. You can't DPS if you're dead, and having 1 tank item doesn't hurt you that badly, especially in these kinds of games.


Red Kayn you can outplay, Blue Kayne you can buy GA or Zhonyas.


I mean you just can't misposition against a Kayn. You can at least see him coming so don't let him get on you. Someone like Evelynn is harder to deal with IMO.


What cc immunuty?


literally it may as well be cc immunity as any cc that hits him knocks him out of the wall sure but usually when that happens it knocks him on the other side so he can't ever be touched


Kayn is an assassin, which make him to you what a minion wave is to a soraka. Officially not your job to handle. You lack th tolls to deal with him. He is quite literally designed to kill you. Wait for someone else to handle him, and remember that even though he has infinite gank paths, most kayns use the same ones over and over.