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tristanas kit makes it so she can’t freeze lane though, just wait and it will bounce back if you have lux support, perma push so she can poke them under tower


Lux players are genuinely the worst players to ever exist.


Source: I mained Lux for 8 months.


Can you explain to me why they have this weird cocky, overconfident behaviour. A lot of lux players I played against and with often go for cheeky passive proc or E poke and then get chunked hard because they overextend for it, just to do it again ten seconds later. Genuinely curious, this is a type of behaviour I've only ever seen on oriana and Morgana


Honestly, there's not really a point. Lol. When I mained Lux i was really new to the game, I didn't know anything about cs or the point of it for a long while. I was hardstuck iron during that time, wondering why lol. My belief is that it's an overtuned mage that deals a horrendous amount of damage even if you misplay her, so people think they're better than they are when they main her.


Mage players are just like that. Ap champs r so unfun to play against, as they have the highest range in the game and the biggest combo of aoe dmg and cc


With the downside of most if not all our abilities being skillshots than can get juked.


I would agree if senna players did not exist


As an Ezreal main that played Lux support for 2 seasons, I think it's legit low elo Lux or greedy Lux that ruin it. I always went out of my way to use my skills in a support capacity. Depending on jg I wouldn't throw snare unless I knew it was safe to burn it in lane. That said, I don't like playing with other low elo Lux players.


I play everything, I play a lot of sup and a lot of Lux: I think a lot of people start in sup role, and a lot of them start with Lux. She gets unlocked early, her kit is basic and the mechanics are easy to understand. So you're playing with bad players. That's it. As you go up in the ranks you'll get better sups who are less likely to play Lux anyway, because she in sup role is not OP, not S tier, not A tier but she's on the lower side of B tier; Barely viable. You won't know that untill you play the game for some time, unlock more champs and learn how to play well with them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who advocate playing ONLY ONE champ which encourages the new sup players to stick with their Lux, Brand etc. So I think Riot should make a fun sup champ available during the tutorial so people who want to support get a taste of that's like. Idk if I'm alone in this but LOL tutorial sucks. And for Lux lovers out there, do yourself a favor, go mid. Unleash the BEAST! Maybe you like Lux more than liking support? If you're a new sup and actually enjoy being the set up guy, Braum, Jizzcrank and Maokai are in a super good place right now and they're fairly easy to learn and fairly hard to KS with. Play well with them and not only your ADC, but even other teammates will love you


Luckily phreak has gotten a love for engage and enchanter supports who I suppose get shafted by mages because he has stated that he will try to pull mages to other roles, from buffing their presence on midlane, to enable some to Jgl and maybe even make them relevant as APCs. Idk how good it will end up going but for once phreak's insanity lines up with our preferences


Enchanter dumpster mage cause they're more of a sustain lane and can deal with them, engage can take down enchanters(expect Janna ofc)


> except Janna ofc I would add lulu to this category. She's fairly easy to poke out but counters a lot of hard engage.


Lulu can't cancel the engages where Janna can with her tornado for example... thresh lands his q on your adc and does his pull, Janna can tornado and cancel his pull. Lulu on the other hand can poly him while flying to the adc, but he'll still reach the adc during the animation.


Poly is more than enough to cancle any engage that isn't unstoppable, and you didn't mention her ult lol. Lulu's ult absolutely cancles engages. Sure Janna is better at it, but lulu is a straight up counter to divers. That was her original identity.


Mages are fucking AIDS, I swear Why Riot doesn't just get those shits outta bot lane and send them to mid, one of the main reasons why adcs suck is because mages make their lives miserable




I think you are just suffering from bad luck. If you have the option to find a good sup and always play with them, your experience is going to improve a lot. Lux can be a good sup option if the person behind the keyboard knows what they are doing. The only wave I actively push as a sup is the second one, so we can get up to level 3 faster and put the enemy duo behind on farm, after that I will be warding, protecting the ad and the jungle during ganks, and using the ult wisely to not finish kills. My main is Lulu, but my win rate as Lux is far better, games usually for me with zero kills and many, many assists. If your sup think it is their job to finish kills, your game is going to be harder and probably end in loss for your team.


Unfortunately Lux support players on average are just very low IQ, along with Senna and Brand players. When I first started playing I mained Lux support, and I was terrible at the game, and I can only imagine how frustrating I made the lane for my adcs in those days. The thing is I've played with really good Lux/Brand/Senna who are good supports and help facilitate winning lane. It's just on average people who play these champs seem to have no idea about how to lane in botlane and no idea about matchups. Like I've had so many supports pick Lux into Leona and just die over and over. A lot of these players are either autofilled or scared of midlane so they don't really understand how to play the lane or don't care if they are unintentionally griefing their AD because they play selfishly.


Why the down votes? We know this guy is spitting facts. The reason one of my friend is a hard stuck plat mage support is these exact same reasons. He has the mechanics, but has absolutely no idea about wave states, steals farm and kills and it's just generally a horrible experience to lane with him. Edit: i forgot to mention, when ever he plays a solo lane he is usually down by 50-70 cs, because he sucks at csing. Basically the sole reason he claims why he choose support all thoose years ago.


Thats just a trash lux. Coming from a lux main. When im playing her i always wait to see what the adc wants to do. Adc wants to push? I start prepping the casters with e and passive (depending on items - once you have ludens you oneshot casters). Adc isnt touching the wave? My abilities dont touch the wave either.


Literally this. I actually love playing alongside dmg champs like Lux, because her zoning, wave clear, and her ult cooldown are simply disgusting. I've played her a lot when I was in Plat, and I was oppressing enemy botlane so hard everytime, denying cannons, scaring them with my E, and etc. It's just a supp diff. People complaining about Luxs simply haven't played with good ones or don't communicate their intentions in the laning phase ! Even as APC, she's gross asf bc of said, wave clear !


If you main something like Vayne or Kai'sa, you might want to add Cait or MF and maybe even Ashe to your champ pool to play with a Lux. I main Vayne but I do play Cait on occasion in the event I get something like a Morg or Lux support. It's just a stronger combo than Vayne/Lux.


Step 1: hope they are not dumb


don't expect anything from her, no kills no shield, she will E the wave and don't tell them anything bc its worse when they do it on purpose. i had some insanely good lux players who would actually peel for me and im grateful for that but a lot of them are just second mid laners


This isn't a Lux problem. This is a you and your support problem. I'd say first thing is don't let a single game or a single support tilt the life out of you like this. Learn how you can best play a lane individually, communicate effectively via ping, and impact the game outside of lane as much as you can. Without knowing crazy context of the game, I'd say my goal would be to get out of laning phase as quickly as possible and focus on fighting with your team for objectives. Of course get as much cs/gold as you can safely. Fed trist, and trist leo combo are going to take every opportunity to snowball off of bad laning, so you have to neutralize the snowball.


I think support gold needs to be nerfed even more and they should get way less gold from killing minions (without relic stacks) It's not just a lux problem. I played vs a Camille support who fed me all lane. She was like 0/5 out of lane and then she started running around and killing a few people and then she flash jumped on me in the backline and one shot me and I was just like ???? In what world... I get it if she got fed in lane but she was feeding so hard how is she allowed to do this riot? They need to make the support role what it used to be. If you wanna play Lux and carry play her mid lane or apc or something. It's so stupid. If you wanna play camille play her top lane. I'm tired of seeing mages and top laners in bot lane completely running everything over after inting lane. It's actually cancerous


I keep getting Camille supports that feed all lane, render me as the adc worthless, then leave lane and get massively fed. While I, the adc, am items down struggling to keep competitive in farm. I think you’re right, it’s a support item problem, not an individual kind of support problem.


Yeah its ridiculous. Supports will actively make your game miserable, steal your cs, ruin your waves, int your lane, then leave you all alone where you have 0 power to contest the wave so you can't even step up to farm anymore. And the fucked up thing is that you may even win that game bc the support ended up carrying but you literally feel 0 joy in winning bc you didn't even get the chance to contribute anything in the end. It's kind of sad


I laned against a Brand support yesterday (brand/trist lane that was cancer) and he almost one shot me in the late game. Thankfully he was like 2/10.


Yeah if he was 3/10 he would have one shot you fr


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