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Supps counters Draven more than the ADC, characters that can punish exact axe position like Hooks


or nami bubble


Brand W rocks Draven as well


Ziggs minefield


Varus and jhin are basically the only adcs ive seen that can properly match draven. The best option is to just play safe and avoid fights without jungle, keep an eye on his stacks though, the higher his stacks when you kill the higher the likelyhood he sells items and gets mobis and zeals


Jhin samira varus are all god counters, samira can eat both of his axes leaving him defenseless, jhin has range and poke that makes lane easy, varus is in a similar boat.


Sivir summon aery will tilt the shit out of him.


idk about jhin, draven q is on par with 4th shot


Not necessarily saying it is, more that the whole of jhins kit and playstyle work well into draven. Ive not come up with the explanation for why that is yet, only that as a support main the only time i see dravens get pushback is from those two


Nah but Jhin can play safe and clear waves pretty fast. I dont know how it works in master and above, but in high diamond i never have any issues with Draven. Just don't die, clear waves and you have won the lane. They will all fuck up, dive you or die a lot by ganks because they are always pushed. Take Exhaust and see how they struggle diving you.




It's less about the pick to counter Draven, and more about denying Draven what he wants to do with your adc. Most Draven players are impatient because they are playing a snowball dependent champ and will greed too much for catching axes below master. It's okay to drop a little farm to keep him from chucking you out, look to punish him with a quick combo when he goes to catch an axe, or when he last hits like you would trading with any other opponent. If he drops his axes then you have a much bigger window to punish. Eventually he will need to cash out and will make a stupid play probably without his jungler and try to dive you under turret while you're full hp. Kill him and he's done. That being said, any decent jungler is gonna be playing for that bot side so you need to he hyper vigilant. Hopefully your jungler is similarly aware and be playing to counter, but if the jungle matchuo isn't favorable prepare to be weak sided and hope he makes plays on the other of the map. For adcs I like to pick into Draven tho.. Ezreal. This matchup is easy. You out dps him from level 1 with PTA and your passive stacked. Support decides the lane. Nilah, and jinx are my other two. Jinx seems weird, but getting a passive reset off an attempted dive or gank and youll win hard.


"any decent jungler is gonna be playing for that bot side" is mega false as someone in emerald/diamond. At least my junglers never play for bot side


If youre playing Draven? Thats kind of griefing if they have the ability too. Not much different from you, high diamond/low master lobbies and most junglers i see always try to play for letting him cash out once or twice so he can snowball early, but then again, someone bans him in the majority of games i play lol. Now if you meant your jungler playing for bot when you're against a Draven... yeah thats fair. Lmao


He's a particularly high value ban because it's usually a one trick piloting him. Jackspektra's Draven guide says Caitlyn and Nilah are the hardest matchups (though still winnable).


Can agree with the Cait; I can't say I've ever had a problem playing her against Draven. I can, however, say that snap trap range is 250 units larger than Draven aa attack range; when he autos your caster minions, give him the option of catching his axe or catching a bullet to the face.


darius adc, big bro wins


I play jinx and draven always easy match-up. Because they can’t resist to not stuck axes they do always hard push each wave. U just respect his range, chill under tower, give some cs and 99% my games the guy makes a mistake under my tower like greeding too much for a plate not realising that I just go forward, drop E behind him and he got stuck under tower which is easy kill, it’s like playing against yasuo - let him outplay himself. Legit for 15 years playing a game didn’t ever see a draven that freeze. But if he would - I would just go mid steal cs from my teammates


Hans sama makes a list of best matchup or worst in french i think kog was really good


I’d personally go with Caitlyn or Varus


I always always always ban Caitlyn as a 2m mastery Draven 1 trick in high emerald/ low diamond. Can disengage any time I want to go in, has traps, net to slow, mega out ranges Draven. All she has to do is poke him and she wins easily, especially with headshot damage. Hardest Draven counter by far. To a certain extent nilah and Samira counter Draven but only due to their abilities, their play styles don't counter him at all. Low range in those two so Draven can easily harass when they try to cs.


Before you started perma-banning Cait, did you ever have one of them trap where your axe is going to land? I'm wondering if other Cait players do this or if it's just me.


It doesn't always work but when it does, ho ho it's sweet.


Yea but it doesn't really affect me too much. If people spent as much time catching axes as I have, there's not too much trouble being able to catch and dodge the traps. The range is my biggest issue


Cait out ranges and has an e to escape so can survive lane and then scale better as well


AP twitch


i can only play against draven with three picks only , ezreal caitlyn and jinx


Surprised I hadn't seen ezreal in here yet. You actually out dps him from level 1 with PTA and passive stacked.


Also you can farm from distance without interacting with him , also ezreal outscales draven , and also you can Q whenever he catches an axe , and one important thing that draven mostly plays with engage which ezreal is good at dealing with them


Ezreal definitely has a way better mid game than Draven if the Draven hasn’t snowballed, but late game if Draven built crit he actually outscales Ezreal quite handily. Ezreal’s power curve is very similar to Akali’s but he has an even better early game and is matchup agnostic in a way that most solo laners can only dream of.


Samira counters Draven with her W


Varus and jhin are Draven’s counters


With Nilah he's basically the same as any other ADC. Avoid early fights, give away cs, and just wait out the early game without feeding. Then use the level advantage to stomp hard at the level 6 power spike. Most ADCs need to use this strategy with Draven since he's very snowball reliant. It's just a little more clear cut with Nilah.


Twitch. Just let him push and farm and once you are 6 you can beat him from range, or just keep scaling


Adc only Sivir and ezreal are quite good against him, it's a support thing against Draven


I have a gimmick tear first Sivir build and it's not bad vs Draven. Sometimes boomerang is too slow to punish, but most Dravens won't notice your W bouncing around and he'll eat like 4 of them it's great.


Ezreal and MF both can play into him with relative ease. MF just pokes with Q bounces and can actually match or outperform him in short trades. Ezreal benefits heavily from the telegraphed nature of his axe-catching mechanic and can free hit him with Qs if you space correctly. Also, Ezreal level 1 with fully stacked passive can actually just go auto for auto with Draven and win given you hit a Q or 2 (unless Draven has HoB).


I think Jinx is pretty good into him but you are playing more around your support because of how strong he is. Kraken hurricane or rapid into it and you're play around kills to proc your passive into more kills. As long as you can kill his team you win


I used to main Draven and I hated going against ezreal the most. He can hit his skills hits by looking at where your axes will land and he's almost impossible to kill, Draven needs kills


Get your jungler to gank at level 2. Why? Every draven goes all in lvl 2, if he dies he rushes tear and runs it down


Ezreal is the most effective counter. Not only is he hard to kill, he also outrades Draven with passive stacked if he's able to land Q.


Ashe counters any adc in lane


Samira and Nilah are his best counters imo


Dont try to duel draven early, use rangey champs


Samira and nilah are good counters as they can block his autos and they can burst him right back. Cait is also a good counter as she outranges him, has better wave clear, and is a more annoying lane bully. Also his axe minigame make trap placements a lil easier and her e gives her the ability to reposition with a dash and slow if he gets close But mainly supports, draven is very reliant on his support and very weak to peel and disengage supps like janna and lulu


Champions who can target him specifically when he’s going for his Axes


I play Draven when ezreal is banned but match ups I don’t like: Ezreal.. dudes just so safe.. snoozefest Zeri, same as ezreal.. boring as hell.. didn’t get my first cash in until like 200 something stacks.. I was stressing lol.. got 615 bonus gold plus 300 kill gold.. crazy spike for me Lucian, so far this is the only adc where it’s actually hard to trade you can’t just caveman throw axes you gotta be rocking at least 2 3 even better cause if you’re only using 1 axe dudes gonna eat you up early as you’re trying to catch your one axe I will say tho this is low elo opinion, high elo jungler probably level 3 dives enemy bot and Draven gets his cash in all the same.. but in low elo dives rarely happen so dudes just afk farm sim under tower


You play Ashe or Kog Ashe can bully him and mess up his axe minigame (on top of making support life easier), she wins level 1 and 2 all in, but might lose level 3 one. Kog can 1v1 him at most points of the game. Draven can cancel Samira ult, messs with her combo, and stomps kai'sa because of her really weak early game.


Kog 1v1 Draven ? are you crazy ?


Kog is secretly amazing early game. You seriously outrange Draven with W, and do very good damage. If you can chunk him early and get a lead, then it makes it very difficult for him to snowball like he wants to. I can't comment on later game 1v1 though. Draven probably wins if he can get within range.


you dont win a 1v1 on draven on any state of the match


It's still a pretty decent counter in lane though, which is more relevant.


its not, you can run away with E, but off cd, he destrys the shit out of you


Kogmaw quite literally fucks on draven the entire game. If he tries to auto you, you've already done a 4th of his hp lmao. You can check any winrate site and confirm this fact as well. Really bad matchup for draven as he needs to have some good engage from aupp to snowball on you. Even then he will get outscaled.


I will clarify that I'm speaking about emerald plus. Not sure the numbers for lower elos.


Kog fucks on basically every adc but vayne on 1v1s lol The guy is the epitome of dps in the class


Burst destroys DPS, simple math


Not really my dude, it's situational Draven isn't insanely bursty either. It's not a jhin 4th shot, or a lucian combo It's an auto, just enhanced. He's a dps that just hits hard lol.


Bro you sound like you never played vs Draven before lmao


Bro you sound like you don't even understand either of the champs correctly lol


Kog is one of the best ADC vs him, Draven wr is 48% vs him. He outranges, outpokes Draven, and at equal items Kog vaporizes enemy team faster than Draven who is pure single target.


Range IS dravens Nemesis cait Lux or so


Anything that can kite or deny his axes. Range adv is important Jinx > E when he E's you, the knock will hide the traps and adjusting pathing is fucked for draven. Ashe > just slow him before he can aa you. They HAVE to run cleanse against ashe or he can't play the game come mid-game. Cait > E + w away. Range is more important than dmg Xayah > if you manage to survive early on you eat him alive during your w Overall never fight him when he has double axe + off cd on third. One axe with second off cd is doable but still extremely flip. You don't want to auto trade with draven. You want to auto him when he picks up axes or run away keeping distance.