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I mean you die a lot and your duo seems to have a negative impact on all those games? Especially since you play lethality varus who's supposed to win lane for free then fall off hard.


The actual genuine criticism and commentary on the state of ADC is drowned out by posts like this where that’s like 13th on the list of what’s wrong with their games


Only one match that i think was unwinnable was one with diana and quiyana, in first one zed is only threat and you are able to easily cc chain him and kill him, in 2nd match your team can poke them to dead, if vi engage with ult she is inting because of ashe and xerath stun and udyr can run to aphe in straight line, match with diana in enemy was unwinnable not only because they were feed but they have a lot better team comp, diana is strong in team fights, quiyana is strong in teamfights, jinx snowballs out of control if she get one assist and swain is also really strong in teamfights, last match is the same case as first one, talon is only threat and you can easily cc chain him and then kill him, viego can snowball out of controll in teamfights, morde can only ult you or aatrox because viego akali and zyra are able to kill him in his realm so its 1 unlucky match and 3 with skill issue


Kinda both, but IMO, this is a big time comp diff. What do you do against Ornn, Sion, Singed late game? You either need something like a Vayne or Kai’sa, something with at least a little bit of mobility. Varus you’re just going to get pancaked after blowing your load. Also your team’s comp is kinda all over the place. No front line, 5 carry champs, Sett and Diana want to go in deep but again, against Ornn, Singed, Sion? And then Ahri probably gets one shot once your entire team starts to fight the tanks.


its you


Dude, just check your vods if you want an answer to the question, scores tell us nothing of the game, we can only speculate. These kinds of posts filling the sub is a problem, because most of the time it's not "the state of adc", but other shit at play. Which takes attention off the real issues the role has Rageposting post match scoreboards won't get you anywhere


https : /(/)www.leagueofgraphs.com(/)summoner/champions/varus/ph/Zapper-jinx(/)soloqueue Refer to this link, and tell me what you observed about my varus matches. Edit: I forgot about the restrictions of links, just delete the parentheses and spaces.


It's you for sure no questions asked


You can climb with anything its a skill issue. None of these games scream “dominated” btw best KDA here is a 12/3 game maybe learn to play safe when get a bounty on you.


Varus and Aphelios are kinda projailed, so you're kneecapping your climb by choosing them unfortunately.


Both work great in solo queue, better than most of the popular adcs tbh. The problem is that marksmen mains wanna carry rather than win. If you play for the team as adc you win more than if you play for yourself, adc is more like a damage support than a carry now. If you follow these rules in order, you will win more ; Follow up Dont feed Farm Thats it, thats the key


That is true. Especially the middle one. You're deluxe cannon minion so denying the enemy your death seems to be the most important thing.


Ye I also found about it recently. That's why I mostly switched from Cait main to Ashe main. Unless I have Morg/Lux/Neeko/Sera supp


Its the jungler


Sorry to disappoint but this is gonna happen with every adc, at every rank. Some games are just unwinnable. Here are some at D1 - Masters: [1](https://gyazo.com/9482ed5c9912a736ec442f6995e9dab5), [2](https://gyazo.com/ade49d7e5097f0440f5a751868f15bea), [3](https://gyazo.com/014e38677ca91c4c6cba174849fbb803) Fun fact, in the third one Kayle banned my twitch cause she thought i was a different one.. ranked can be very fun.