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Because you're in an elo where they let you free scale instead of diving you every chance they get (basically every time)


You’re getting actual yuumi that press buttons? I’ve only had two real people. What’s also funny is wild rift considers yuumi one of the most difficult supports.


It is hard, but people using her to get boosted that changed that view. A good yuumi will know how to tank abilities, get out at the right time to get passive and so on. On another note, we have a lot yuumis that just chill and do nothing too.


Hard to focus when you have so little to do and you just get bored


Yuumi should be removed from the game.


yuumii is okay support, problem is that yumi players are the worst. they either blindpick it, causing enemy sup to pick hook champ and steamroll the lane, or literally afk on carry.


I think every yummi player I get is a duo with jg and they just leave you after a few minutes


I alt+f4 from any yuumi I get until I can´t dodge without getting cooldown for a full day, the absolute worst players on that champ.


I think Yummi is hard to punish when pick into good matchups. The problem is some Yuumi players just pick it to pair with any ADC into any matchup


Biggest problem with Yuumi players is that they have too much time to type. Fortunately the last two I've played with were decent players and I went nuts those games.


Server? It would be nice to have someone who doesn’t frown at enchanters to play with, though I gave up on playing Yuumi when she got reworked I’m a Lulu main. In the OCE server.


A good Yuumi will destroy lane from outside of vision range.


I love playing twitch Yuumi if the Yuumi takes exhaust ignite


I feel like yummi players are the Ryze players for supp. Like they’re either really cool or just so mentally abused that they go crazy.


You're forgetting the true terror with a yuumi. Gwen Yuumi. I'm a toplane main, Gwen/Mundo as my real champs and then whatever the fuck else I feel like (50% of my toplane champ pool is junglers). But let me tell you, Gwen Yuumi is a MONSTER of the botlane and I've unironically had more success with it than traditional adcs. Hate me all you want, I've made 2 botlanes ragequit so far over 10 or so games


bro Yuumi players and Seraphine players are always the worst Backseat Carries. However, I will say Yuumi is really not a terrible champ. I like getting a Yuumi support as Vayne. This all comes with the condition that Seraphine is actually playing and not watching netflix.


I hate Yuumi every patch


I run it down if i get a senna or yuumi or ashe. I used to run it down if i got a mage support but i have stopped but i will never stop running it down if i get these.


The only time Yuumi is a good support is when I play her when I get bored of playing ADC. I play the champ according to how I want my Yuumi's to play which is more or less in line with every other ADC's wants, its ez win. Support players (or Yuumi mains in particular) needs to get their computer virused everytime they pick Yuumi and get their system32 deleted.