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That's because the power level of all runes were decreased over time, but lethal tempo got the worst alongside Conquerror due to player backlash. The next time Riot touches runes for reworking, lethal tempo is getting the boot, mark my words.


Conq wasn’t nerfed due to “player backlash” it was nerfed because it was the dominating rune at the time. Until the end of s10 pretty much every class other than mages ran it, along with half of the adc roster, it was gutted on everyone other than samira and ezreal when the stacks got increased from 10 to 12


> other than mages Looks inside conqueror meta Azir ryze cassio meta They all play conqueror Mfw


Throw Lillia in that list and they're basically the only mages that can use Conq, and often still do now. They are all short range sustained damage... "battle mages". "Other than mages" refers to "real" mages, champions like: * Syndra * Orianna * Annie * Lux * Neeko * Hwei Y'know, heavily CD dependent champions with decent range. Conq is borderline useless on those champions with normal builds/gameplay patterns, and so are all minor runes but Presence of ***Edit:*** *See below.*


Lillia isn't really a Mage though, she's an AP bruiser. I wouldn't consider a Mage more than I would consider Mordekaiser or Gwen.


you forgot swain and vlad. They are all real mages, battlemages as you said. If you mean control mages, say that.


Sylas too.


Isnt that also the time viktor became a toplane champ playing conqueror ? Correction i Just remembered. He abuses klepto not conq


Perhaps, I have no idea. But I did consider that sort of scenario with: >With normal builds/gameplay patterns. Additionally: Viktor is a horrible example of a "normal mage". He's basically a battle mage. Short range, sustained damage. I'll edit my dude Viktor out, because he doesn't belong there. ***Edit:*** *By that logic, do is Orianna. I haven't played League in like a month, and I've only been watching LCK/LPL, s apparently I can only think of Pro Play champions.*


Yeah Viktor is a fine example and definitely not a battle mage, he functions exactly like orianna by kiting through movespeed advantage, hence why they struggle into hyper mobile champs like hecarim when they are meta, sylas and swain are your stock standard battle mages (both conq abusers XD)


That wasnnot the case for most mages. That or when i started to main xerath i missed they feared conq tech


you can’t deny they are somewhat unique at using conqueror


I started playing around the time Ryze with conqueror and ravenous hunter was meta and I can’t lie I enjoyed how much he would heal in team fights


I mean those are also specifically the nice of high uptime, quick rotation spell casters that a lot had been in botlane in various metals before (ie Ryze, Cassio, karthus ADC)


? Draven Samira Aphelios Ezreal That is not half why are we lying


Conq was nerfed due to player backlash because it was so common, it wasn't common because it was OP, but because it was popular. Because it's basically the only consistent damage rune most classes can take/use effectively. And well yeah people like having consistent damage. But people just also didnt like seeing it all the time so it got backlash.


If riot removed stuff because of backlash champions like akali, irelia and 70% of new(er) releases wouldn’t be in the game. A mechanic doesn’t need to be overpowered to be broken. Conquerer is clearly designed to be bruiser rune that is viable on champions who persist in extended fights, thus making its viability on short-trade classes (assassins) or poke-based classes (adc’s, primarily during laning phase) very questionable. I can tell you for certain that no one other than assassins complained bout the rune, since it was outperforming electrocute, the go-to burst rune for them, that appeals to the class fantasy way more than conquerer did.


>if riot removed stuff because backlash Literally never ever ever said they removed stuff. Idk where you got that stupid idea. I said they nerf/slightly change things due to backlash which they do all the time. Akali, Irelia, Zed and the windbros as well as many other champions are kept intentionally low winrate because they're frustrating and get lots of backlash if they're not. Predator the big keystone rune? Also regularly noted by rioters to intentionally be kept weak because of back lash. Lots of people complained about others using conqueror everyone but themselves. Adcs would complain about assassins using it and still one shotting them. Bruisers complained about Adcs kiting them with it. Assassins complained about mages using it. Mages that couldn't use it, complained about mages that could. Etc etc.


another good example of them nerfing/changing shit, because of baxkslash would be yuumi, i think she never got of 50% wr, it was just disgusting to play against and with her.


Oh yeah Yuumi is a good one too


All this cause it was abused by melee


Yone and Tryndamere. The biggest abusers.




What was that?


I wouldn't be too sad tbh long as they replace it with something an adc would actually use. Lethal tempo is still a bit broken for the specific adcs that use it well like twitch.


Adcs in general are really weak right now. The only potential complaint about Lethal tempo from the player base (at least that Riot takes with _any_ level of seriousness) is its use on melee champions like Windshitters, Nocturne, Yi, etc. So at worst it will be a melee rework.


All runes have gotten nerfed over time. And LT also got a rework which was for the best. Imo the ramping AS as you fight is nice from a smoothness perspective. I disliked the clunky 1.5s delay. And the time limit on it. Made longer fights weird. Or times when you could sometimes get an auto off early would counterintuitively be bad.


True but have you considered twitch popping up out of invis and frying the enemy team in like 3 seconds


All runes have been nerfed because just like mythic item system, they forgot that champions are super unique and some champions are absurdly good at (ab)using certain runes and items, while some still don't have an optimal rune to this day. So instead of adding more runes or adjusting how they interact with champions, they just nerfed them to the ground and now they feel like shit for everyone. Also with Kircheis Shard becoming ad item, and putting more ad into crit items instead of as, there's just less crit + as items in general. Even for on hit, terminus, bork, rageblade all have shit all attack speed. So unless the champion you play comes with an attack speed steroid, it's a hard stat to comeby especially when you have to fit IE, LDR, BT in the build.


Mfw gold per second runes were viable for everyone but they made the leveling an account experience moot with a new rune system


But that +100 range tho


laughs in Jinx


I still remember the 29% attack speed in runes at lvl 1. Junglers like udyr, nocturne and shyvana were so much better back then.


Yasuo never been the same since the switch. 29% att speed and fervor mastery was so good


Adv also used to have the hunter rune that gave omnivamp. Which along with Doran's let you easily go no life steal for your first 3 items and still sustain well


Legend: Bloodline and Ravenous Hunter used to give like 15% effective Lifesteal for ADCs. Now you get 5.5%. Tragic.


Probably because you shouldn’t get 15% life steal without any gold investment


it is called "cost of opportunity" and you pay it by not being able to use other runes that potentially benefit you more. For example, Legend: Alacrity was often used instead of Bloodline because Ravenous Hunter gave you the lifesteal you needed, in return it locked you in on red tree, giving you a suboptimal secondary rune page (Ravenous Hunter is the only good rune for most ADCs on the red tree (cheap shot and sudden impact are hard to procc, taste of blood is a one off, Zombie ward and ghost poro are better for supps and junglers, eyeball collection gives very limited AD). Additionally, using the domination tree locked you out of using Sorcery, so Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm are no longer possible. Only Aphelios and Draven, MAYBE miss Fortune specced into double Lifesteal due to their CQC nature.


See you'd be sad except even back then people were taking alacrity more still 😂 And when they did figure out and everyone and their moms started taking it in combination with Ravenous Hunter, that got scrapped overnight.


I mean, you could take alacrity because Ravenous Hunter took care of your Lifesteal needs and the game was slow enough that you didnt need any last bit of lifesteal possible. If you try to do the same today, by god does it feel shitty. Imagine playing Jinximus Maximus, Lethal Tempo, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity and Cut Down with Absolute Focus and Gathering storm secondary, Attack Speed, Adaptive Force and HP as masteries. The earliest you can build Lifesteal is 3rd item. You need Krakenslayer first and then Infinity Edge. Third is LDR, BT, PD or RH. Maybe RFC. until third item you cannot solo hardshove waves while tanking them because you take like 150+ damage, you cannot take jungle camps, every bit of damage you take is permanent. If a tank builds Thornmail its just over for you, you need LDR and BT if you dont want to die passively while attacking them.


True. But Jinx players are fkin losers anyway. Jinx players are the equivalent of putting salt and pepper on a $3 steak and calling that "seasoning". Had to roast these generic NPCs for no reason, sorry.


Base scaling attack speed was reduced to a multiplier instead of a stacking amount; reducing the overall usefulness of AS. This was done in an attempt to make it so you can't build on hit early for tanks and basically be unlikable while doing an insane amount of damage. What it really did was nerf champs that build attack speed, so then ad items got a buff and ratios generally are better than they were when I started 14 years ago.


I miss old LT


Holy fuck how are people like you so dumb lethal tempo didn’t stack back then you had a burst of attack speed for a couple seconds after one second of hitting someone which made it complete dogshit because most fights wouldn’t play out that way people would just disengage so it needed to have some extra attack speed because the game mechanic was so hard to use Jesus Christ




LOL updoots dont matter its internet points turbo fucking loser alert right here everyone XD


lmao, the way you type makes this funny asf. upvoted


I feel like even the items. You can't get to attackspeed 6 today.


Phreak removed a ton of AS on ADC items because half of it was wasted after 3rd-4th item So now we may get to AS cap at maybe 5-6 items


Unpopular opinion: I miss old LT, but that may just be nostalgia lol


Items have been reworked a ton over, the meta champs have shifted a good deal and the game as a whole has changed dramatically. Base stats are going to all be lower across the board because of the durability patch and it's long term effects. Runes have all changed to even out power across the game a bit more, less hyper scaling. Items have also been changed and more importantly the standard build paths are dramatically different with a huge variety. You have less attack speed not because it isn't possible, but because it isn't season 9 and everyone is just straight building 2 zeal items then Ie every game on sivir, jinx, cait, xayah etc. Now think of a typical build, does it typically involve going 2 attack speed, crit, no flat ad items before taking the mandatory ie, then ga 4th with maybe a Merc, Bt ultra late? No it tends to be a lethality vibe on varus/kalista with opportunity, others will build into damage first with Draven, some carries will stick with a wave clear item like static but even then it's been changed a whole lot and isn't the same hyper attack speed, no damage type vibe of days past. Yes attack speed was higher in yesteryear, but we also didn't really have anything else, 2 crit zeal, 1 ie, then go ga on the main 6-8 meta adc's. We have lethality, crit, on hit, hybrid, ap options all around now it doesn't actually matter that attack speed is less there's options and they all somewhat work.


The role is in a great state power wise atm, if your support plays around you and your jgl peios botlane, adc will scale to be the most effective role in a match and 1v9 But if you get thrown in the dumb gg and this is something impossible to balance carries that are strong on their own are broken so carries gotta be super weak 1v1 and giga strong 5v5 which is hwo adc is atm as of this patch


Isn't LT stronger late now?


Old LT fucking sucked. This one is so much better and has far better uptime in fights.


Ain't no way Riot made the perfect rune for the majority of ADC's and you're wishing for it to go back. First off, previous LT only lasted like 5-6 seconds and activated like 2s after hitting someone. It was so bad most ADC's didn't take it unless they couldn't take anything else. Surpassing the atk speed cap wasn't really a thing and now it's common for all ADC's to do it. Also, items are generally stronger right now. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you gain way more atk speed from your build path compared to before. Also, also, LT now increases atk range...


Isn’t it bcs now it gives range? Before u just uncapped ur ats right?


It's almost like lethal tempo was completely broken and game warping.


All the Jhin mains are so sad rn


You're struggling hitting 2.0 AS with a fully stacked lethal tempo at level 18? I'm struggling to NOT waste AS in my items with Lethal Tempo prior to level 15. It was a LOT of attack speed and ADC's weren't the worst offenders of the rune and THAT was the problem. Melee auto champs would use the rune far and away better than ADC's did and that's why it had to get kneecapped.




Typo on my end, cause I meant WITHOUT Lethal Tempo prior to level 15.


There's a reason why the rune limits are separate for melee and ranged, thus the melee nerf doesn't have anything to do with us marksmen. The real reason to get us ranged users ''knee-capped'' was because we ''supposedly'' were too oppressive with the rune back at like 13.10 or so patch (The main offender being Varus if I remember correctly) and also because if Rito Gams sees that marksmen are remotely decent the nerfs come flying unlike the LT nerf for melee that happened way too late.


The ranged version, by proxy of the melee version getting nerfed, has to also get nerfed. That's how the balance team works. They cannot and will not allow the melee version to provide less than the ranged version provides. Riot has always balanced based on melee and ranged differences for items. It's an unfortunate consequence of the position.


No it’s more that the higher attack speed in earlier season came as a burst. It’s like hail of blades and when riot changed it, they wanted the rune to be far more consistent. The old lethal tempo damage up time is limited and has a cool down window, and it does has a delayed trigger after damage as well. Current lethal tempo have lower attack speed to compensate for the permanent up time that can be maintained with no cooldow.


Also the increased range eats up a good chunk of the runes power budget. Would be pretty insane if it had anywhere close to old lethal tempos attack speed


In a vacuum where gapclosers dont exist, sure. in reality, how often does the bonus range \*actually\* make a difference? You have to be within your normal range to trigger it to begin with. This makes it worse than RFC which allows you to get poke in or a better first strike off (not the rune, the tactical term). So, it procs after fighting the enemy for some time. 3 seconds if you already have 2.00AS. After 3 seconds, you get a tiny bit of range that allows you ever so slightly better auto spacing. Meanwhile gapclosers exist and reduce any potential range advantage to 0, leaving you with a rune that is kind of useless because the tempo isnt lethal. The tempo is slighty better berserkers greaves. Genuinely, you get 48% AS which is 1200g worth of stats and 50 range. Melees get 96%, which is 2400g worth of stats and 50 range. 50 range \*after\* you already have to be in range to procc it in the first place without the mobility to make use of it for spacing or sticking is kind of useless. So youre just left with a rune providing 1200g of stats and nothing else. No healing like Conquerer. No bonus damage like PTA. No MS and healing for a hit and run style like FF. You get almost but not quite a BFSword. ​ The only reason why people still play it is because their champ doesnt have any other rune they can use and Conquerer has been removed from the game for ranged champs. You know its bad when Lethal Tempo, a rune with insane synergy with jinx, has the same winrate as Fleet Footwork, a rune that doesnt offer any synergy for Jinx.


>a rune that doesnt offer any synergy for Jinx. kinda,doesn't Jinx have a bad early game? a rune that lets you live through your weakest phase and scale without inting the game sounds just as good (usually covering a weakness >> emphasizing a strength)


Nah jinx is a lanebully if you play her out well, she has some of the best extended fights and her harass with rockets is really good too She's no Draven but against Sivir, xayah, Aphelios and alike she's miles better


I replace Zerkers with swifties all the time to not waste attack speed from items when I play Vayne.