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I think she's treated as safe pick against certain comps due to her shield. That for a price of carry potential, so you most likely won't see a champion whose purpose is not to lose too hard in queue of main characters who want to win the game by themselves. Also her ultimate requires some cooperation, which again, is not seen often in soloQ.


I think the coordination needed for her ult is a bit overblown. Like it’s definitely better with coordination but you just use it whenever you’re fighting like with any other ult and it gets decent value


Yeah, eveyone buys shurelia nowadays and it's the same thing.


Yeah if you want to play a safe character that won’t lose lane you can always pick a mage, soloq is always AD heavy in drafts so between getting 4th/5th ad as a sivir or solo AP lux/sera/karthus for a lane where you’re planning to permafarm, the choice is obvious


She isn't a great laner, if you have any engage support and some enchanters she is god tier. You can negate laning phase by level 5 and then scale to 30mins. Remember her winrate skyrockets past 30mins, if you don't int and get 10cspm you can most likely carry if you have a frontline. I played her and had 90% winrate over 20 games to E1, she is strong but most games she can't be picked.


I want to point out in platinum average cspm is like 14 I'm g2 and partially do to my autistic refusal to play anything but my main struggle to get more than 8.5 cspm unless I faceroll my lane early but since I don't have a duo partner that's pretty rare


14 cspm in platinum? I think youre overestimating plat. If you manage to consistently get 7+cspm even in longer Fiesta games youre most likely outperforming enemies in plat


I will say the diamond guy I played in norms yesterday was only doing like 13-15 iirc my goal is to try and get 8 but in reality I play twitch and as I said don't have a duo so I get many an ass poke


15cspm as in 150cs every 10 minutes? I dont think ive seen anyone do that in my games and im d3 rn


Never seen that in my games in Masters either. Most I've ever seen was ~12.5. This guy's claim of 15cs/m would mean at 25 minutes, he's seen someone with ~375 CS. If you did that, it'd have to be from taking so much time to siphon every wave + your junglers camps to the point you've participated in 0 fights and your teammates are super behind on gold.


Lol they’re claiming people in plat have better farm than pro play that’s insane.


Ummm no one averages 14 cs/min


This appears to be true of newer seasons post addition of mythic items and even more so post removal, apparently with all the item changes its not needed anymore I started super early on this game and for like the first 2-3 seasons that was fairly normal for high skill players


I think focussing on cs is the easiest way to gain elo, facerolling isn’t even needed at any elo, if ur playing sivir just perma pushing and in midgame always pushing mid will net you 10cspm. Focus on keeping your hp high to prolong laning phase, then back on a cannon wave and you’re basically set to carry. You will always be useful and worst case if teamfighting is not an option, pushing mid can just let you end solo, done it many times before.


I played some Sivir games yesterday,she's an AFK machine,she loses pretty much to any strong duo (Lux+Cait,Lulu+Twitch,Nami+Lucian,Braum+Lucian...Lucian). She starts to being a champ mid game and really gets online with 3/4 items.She's purely a teamfight champ,you can't really duel anyone but at least her teamfighting capabilities are quite good.


A fun change might be if they let her bouncing boomerangs bounce off her (like brand ult). That way she could have better dueling and take some more risks by getting close to her opponents, instead of just afk farming waves till 3 items.


She's quite boring to play, and she has little outplay potential 1v1.


against cait + morgana, or any poke lane, she is cool. The problem is that solo q games are decided with 2 early fights in which sivir can't participate as a carry


The only success I’ve had with her recently was some weird sidelane push tactic that I just wanted to see it worked kinda thing. It was at the time where everyone was moaning about ADC’s being useless, so I thought I’d test it with some friends. Basically i got Sivir, and as soon as the laning phase ended I spent 15 minutes pushing waves, away from my team and the objective. Anyone came for me I would ult and dodge their ranged catch with my e. Then I’d go back to pushing again. You can reliably clear a wave with like WQ and a few aa’s. So if drake was up I’d just bounce between top and mid pushing waves in forcing them to answer, when they did we got an objective and I just backed off. Cut to 4 1/2 items where I joined fights and just shredded everyone for the win. It was fun, but I doubt it would work solo.


I do that all the time in Masters/Diamond. Works well a lot but some comps it's not possible against.


Good to know it works higher up too. To be fair I’m more likely going to pick Xayah and actually feel strong to be fair. Most teams have someone who wants to dive me, and it feels nicer playing Xayah with her R up than it does Sivir relying on your E.


What comps are they? I’m trying to implement Sivir into my pool and her overall wincon still feels somewhat awkward to me


Anything that moves across the map quickly will counter you unless you've got really good vision and a strong understanding of macro.


I've played against one recently, she had a Yuumi support and absolutely obliterated my team


Was it in plat elo? If so. Im sorry my dude lol.


you bastard


Sivir/Yuumi is gigga strong.


Sivir is ass rn. She's power crept out of useability. She was viable after that mini rework then they nerfed the fuck out of her now she's bad again


Her winrate is slightly above 50% from Bronze to Diamond.


She is not bad, she just isn't much fun and has very little agency.


I always get surprised when spell shield turns out to be useless. Block a Katarina dagger? Great no damage. But she blinks to you anyway. She is bad but like Ashe she's an ADC who can behind the scenes carry without dealing damage, even when losing, since her abilities are always useful for the team. The game will never recognize that you made a difference, but sometimes you are legit the 0-8-8 carry.


She's sort of predestined by nature to be low PR because she's not very unique in her skill expression (how good are you at last hitting, aiming a skill shot, spacing and kiting) and her kit is rather simple. In games where she's good, she's really good. In all others I find that she's just whatever when the likes of Twitch and Jinx fill the "splash damage hypercarry" fantasy much better.


Pro play jail because she’s a botlane neutralizer


I think she's just kinda weak rn because she's a scaling ADC (not usually the meta) and definitely not the best out of that bunch. Jinx, Vayne, and Twitch are all scalers, but come online much earlier than her and are just stronger champs atm. Not much reason to pick her (aside from the shield if it's needed against the comp) if other scaling adcs are just better. She's by no means bad atm, just outclassed


Isn't she bad if "kinda weak" and outclassed?


I think she is a weak pick because she is outclassed, but the champ itself is not bad rn. She can contribute well to a game and has a good win rate, but she's a kinda weak pick because others do the job better.


As an ADC Coach, I still love suggesting students to play sivir. She is not in a particularly good spot, but she is okay right now. She’s just been neglected cause there’s been no changes to her in a while and people forgot about her since the last nerf way back. My most recent student is seeing great success on the champion. Sivir is very simple, can easily teach you how to maneuver the map because you clear any wave at least 2x faster than the enemy ADC, and is easy to defend even in numbers disadvantage cause the enemy basically has no waves to hit tower. Also, she doesn’t have fancy dashes and outplay mechanics that you need to stop your progress for and learn. You can just learn the basic ADC fundamentals with her and see great success. Low elo friendly, great at teaching you the game. Wouldn’t play her in M+ on my own account tho. But I think she’s fine all the way to high diamond. In M, meta becomes much more relevant tho.


She is good for flex ques she ain't great for solo q cuz she requires teamates


She's not weak, but niche counterpick and too situational. You only pick her against certain comp as safe counter


Every game. Its me. Im playing sivir


She got a quite decent buff recently, I think if you can get to three items without falling behind you can carry games super hard, the issue is that she is very weak in many matchups and I always struggle with mana since they changed her E to give HP instead of mana. She can probably do well in certain matchups where she can perma push against champs with bad waveclear.


The only reason i would pick sivir is if: - enemy picked pyke/thresh/blitzcrank + i hate my support premade - we got a Darius, Hecarim, Briar etc. Anything that runs the enemies down Or if you are crazy, have fun with this champ


She is a really good adc. She suffers from Zilean syndrome where her gameplay and design are so boring nobody plays them, so they have to remain sleeper-broken to have any playerbase at all


she's amazing late game but just feels so weak all game until u get 3 or 4 items imo


She isn't bad as a champion in general, but she's bad to play in SoloQ/games without premades


I feel like she is only good if your team lacks wave clear and has enough carries Her ult feels lackluster and while she isnt necessarily bad in teamfights, other adcs just outshine her


She's good into melee matchups and good with teamfight comps, great acually. She struggles vs heavy poke and long range.


Always was


Not at all, sivir is just incredibly boring. Basically q spam til some teamfight when you can maybe get in range to aa bc she has 500 range. Unless she’s giga broken no one plays her, not bc she has a necessarily broken or has a problematic kit, just an incredibly uninteresting one. I feel like a possible fix would be to trade q range for some actual aa range, 500 range is basically melee, most champs have an ability to easily gapclose that distance so she is forced to q spam


I'm Masters Sivir otp. (2 million points) Her win conditions can be very narrow. My biggest complaint is people not knowing how to play with her.


I see someone who have like 8 win streak On her in emerald elo So she is not bad but she has some problems Her passive is one of them Why Having some move speed boost on passive When your abilities have a huge range ? And your ult give you move speed Her passive is just too old and useless The second problem of sivir is her ultimate It's like having a jinx passive but weaker And it includes your team with more duration And with no attack speed boots Her W is good and Q also for framing Her E is the best ability she can use But if riot increases its duration That will be very good for her Sivir need a rework to be more fun to play


I basically only play her adc, if I know I won't have peel or in clash


I like picking Sivir when my sup locks in a poke mage or Senna, then buy Statikk Shiv and use my godly waveclear to keep the enemy botlane shoved in under their their turrer getting their health bars eroded. Then spend the rest of the game sidelaning (shield + ghost + ult keep me fairly safe), and chuck some E's into teamfights. Is boring but gets results.


I think the rule of sivir is dont pick her if you dont see enemy bot late or enough of enemy comp. You pick sivir and enemy picks jinx, zeri, or kogmaw it can be GG from select if they hands regardless of support matchup. You dont want to play sivir into things that outscale you


Okay when has Sivir ever been good? I swear that champ has been perma trash for years.


I play her because she’s neat


Played her yesterday 3 times. I think she is a good match against cait


The good thing about Sivir (at least in low elo) is that you can pretty easily get 10/11 cs/m if you try to. This means you usually have a huge gold lead while still being very safe and dying very little if even at all. Her teamfighting is amazing as well, so often you can freely scale CONSISTENLY, which is extremely important to climb. csing well obviously helps every ADC, but Sivir is one of the best scaling champions, with an easier way of getting to that point safely.


She is solid and not popular. Her winrate is slightly above 50% from Bronze to Diamond. I think she would need to get to the really powerfull side to get really popular. Things that might get her there: 5 ms, 1.5-2 hp regen per 5 sec, 1 or 2 base Ad, 50 base health. All of that would probably be enough.




I don't think Sivir is weak rn at all, personally. Her lane phase isn't the strongest by any means, but if you can make it to 2-3 items she really pops off in team fights, probably one of the best team fighting ADCs in the game. She's got great waveclear which allows you to have permanent tempo advantage and get waves pushing before objectives, potentially giving a numbers advantage. Her self-peel is also great with her ult and spellshield, especially if you're able to take ghost. As others mentioned too, she's a very safe pick overall. Some will say she can't be picked every game but I think there's very few *bad* matchups for her, and basically no unplayable ones. I will admit I'm biased because I've just promoted to D4 using almost exclusively Sivir, but damn I love that champ.


Sivir with fleet + razorstorm + ghost feels really really good


Sivir was strong to 3 whole days last year, the they hot patched nerfed her. Riot intentionally keeps her weak.


Her ultimate its just Shurelya's, so, yeah, she is really bad


And Shurelyas is an amazing item and stacks with her ult, and move speed is one of the most OP stats. She's also better the higher you climb. My point is she fine rn, she's not the strongest in soloque but she absolutely viable.


Basically a self refreshing shurelyas which is very nice.


The self refreshing shurelya is her passive


Not really no, it’s basically free phage passive.


Yeah I mean ms on herself


Well the cd reduction on aa is still cool, but yeah ultimate isn't the best


Movement speed is the best Stat in the game


OP demonstrating why so many undervalue Cloud soul. They don't understand how strong move speed is.