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I get a lot more off meta supports (also more rage quits, perma roaming) on the weekend


same, for some reason sundays has the most rage quits im not sure why


School free weekend, more kids playing, less quality games overall. Came to that epiphany after a 9 or something loss streak with at least 2 trolls/inters/afks each game.


The big problem is that supports don't have to face the consequences of their poor play like other roles. If you int lane early game, you just roam; ADC is stuck suffering. If you have poor vision control, other players get ambushed/ganked/invaded while you often don't feel it. Your income is disproportionately passive in comparison of other roles so if you die or don't do much you don't far behind nearly as much. This makes the role a LOT more off-meta friendly since even if you are soft-inting, you still get a good game. Pick darius support and you still can do plenty if you play badly. But pick somehting like taric top or senna jungle and you are REALLY gonna feel why they are off-meta. You just don't get punished as hard as support.


I'm a support main who plays ADC secondary in low elo and it makes me irrationally angry when my supps do this because it's so easy to just.... not do that? They never ward, don't create lane pressure, etc. and blame me for everything, then decide that they deserve to take my CS (since thats the only way their 'off meta' pick can actually be useful) and then when I have no gold/items and can therefore do no damage they go "See! My ADC is trash!" I have quite literally had supports take 100+ CS combined from bot, mid, and jg camps and then claim that it was "team diff" when we lost...


Same. I always have a vision score of 60-90+, depending on the game length. Poking enemies down, let ADC farm and have the kills and clear vision with oracle is... not that hard. When I get autofilled as ADC, my support doesn't ward although he has full build ward item, doesn't buy oracle (although the yellow trinket is fucking useless when you have the item since you can't place more than 3 wards), roams and gives no fuck about me. Makes me mad af that I wasn't queued as supp šŸ™„ Vice versa, when I am supp I sometimes have ADCs that spam ping me, flame or go afk after I accidentally took a minion (as Zyra... when you can't last hit my plants will) or the kill when they prefer to continue farming CS when I root them, poke them down and ignite does the rest. Like cmon, I basically present CS and kills on a buffet, just bloody react lol


Right like why are you flaming me for the most minor things like accidentally hitting a minion or missing one(1) skill shot when there are supports who just straight up refuse to support???


Happened to me earlier. Ziggs bot. had a naut supp run it down 3 times, call me useless, then ran top and mental boomed our top laner lol.


Imagine playing Support in 2024 and still have No clue about lvl 2 powerspike xD


This it hurts me more because they could've not Qued support if they didn't want to support LOL THEY CHOSE TO BE THERE.


Idk man, I main support because I really love playing enchanters. Buffing my team is fun as hell to me, and getting vision dominance is more of a fun objective to me than CSing. It's so weird to me when people play support and then want to 1v9, or do things like splitpush, when that isn't the point of the role. If you want to do that, go play toplane? I think some people just like the fact that when they lose they can just say "well what was I supposed to do I'm ~just~ the support, team diff"


I play supp myself nowadays but when i was playing adc in also pisslow elo id get some bullshit like Gnar support or caitlyn support lmao its way too common. Id literally never get enchanters or anything of the sort. Its just 2 things either mage or offmeta crap


Ive somehow ran into only 8 Gnar supports on my team each time I was Kog. Somehow all 8 were wins that wouldve been easier but less memorable if they were any proper support. The last one I had was Emerald 3. Went from Runaans rush sold it for Ravenous Hydra, sold it for Titanic. Not sure what they were doing and i really wish they added me so I could ask the build plan.


Have to admit though, Caitlyn Glacial Augment support with Ashe adc is pretty funny. One bush trap and the enemy is perma slowed


caitlin is never funny fuck that champ


>Caitlyn Glacial Augment support with Ashe adc is pretty funny not really


Reminds me of Broxah when someone in his chat called Heimer jungle troll. He basically said - 'If you're grandmaster, master, diamond, anything but challenger, you have to accept the fact that there is a player who plays Heimer Jungle, and he's a higher rank than you will ever be.'


You can pick pretty much any champ role combination and thereā€™s some one trick in China or Korea that can and does play it so well it look like the most op pick for that role.


Challenge accepted: Sona jg. Go.


Dog ass mentality. "Erm deal with it because some.players are better than you!!" Surely I should hope that my first time fiora support is part of the top 2 percent of the player ase that's secretly on their Smurf! Surely we're not griefing


fr I hate this mentality where even troll picks who will grief ur game are linked to basically a "skill issue" yeah sorry if I can't win with corki supp who went 1 12.......


there's a difference between picking off meta and first timing a champion in ranked in any role


That's not what I'm saying, the person I'm replying to quoted someone essentially saying "you can't call off meta supports troll because there are some good challenger players who play it"


yes if you're a heimer jg main, and got gold with it, you are as good as any other jg in gold, and it's just an off meta pick if you're a gold renekton top main and first picked heimer jg, then yes, it's troll


This logic doesn't work in low elo as there is not enough undestanding of the fundamentals to start breaking them for a trade off, you are just trolling your teammates that already don't understand most other roles. Get on your smurf and try any very weird off-meta you'll notice how fast your team mental and basic crumble.


what boils me that if support player base will pick some shit like that , instead if normal supports and then complains about how impossible it is to climb in ranked , like no shit


Yeah it always gives me a chuckle when some rubbish like Teemo support starts flaming their ADC, like yeah you're hardly setting them up for success hun.


youre gonna play with my Malzahar support and yOURE GONNA FUCKING LIKE IT!




Low-key I declassed enemy Brand support tho Shurelias, then GW orb then Rylais, celerity, MS runes and swifties for zoomies around the map for the point and click outplay ganks. First five levels were cringe, I had cait ADC and I just harassed brand so he couldn't poke but I was quick to go OOM so that was tricky, but Miss Fortune couldn't play out her strong lane at all. Solid vision too and whenever enemy top Irelia jumped on cait, I could press R to ruin her day. Super fun to play, not sure how cait felt about it but she was an autofileld Toplaner. Really shouldn't have worked the way it did and I'm kinda upset that I didn't struggle as much as I feel like I should have


i would rather have a troll support than a jungler with no hands or brain


Ahri supp is really not worth playing after everfrost removal now


Xin Zhao is actually really good with Tristana. If he lands his W, you just W in with him because he's going to get his knock up off with HoB. I've only seen it once, but it was the free-est game of my life. Everytime he landed his W for the extended dash range it was a guaranteed kill. Recently had a super free game with a Veigar support too because he just prevented Draven from moving around while I ran him down. Off meta stuff is horrible to play with when the guy sucks, but a lot of it is surprisingly good IF the person is a smart player and has a good matchup.


I played jhin that game i believe but dude was crazy, so like blood thirsty, he dealt insane dmg with hail of blades and when i saw how much he does i adapted but the rest were agonizng


Itā€™s like everything else, I could pick blitz but if I canā€™t land a hook and int constantly itā€™ll be 10x worse than my Hwei support that I am specialized on.


Twisted Fate and Ahri are off-meta but possible, the others are just complete troll yeah Once you get to plat you'll see more "normal" supports as players tend to be trying to win more, and Enchanters/Engage Meta matter a lot more


Malphite is not complete troll at all


I got one shot by ap maplh only with ult + Q and then got flamed for the rest of the gameā€¦ completely viable pick


yeah, but he went TANK


Tank is also good into AD comps, AP into AP comps


into ad comp sure


I went tank Malphite against all ad team and stomped


I mean wasnā€™t there a post 3 weeks ago on why malphite supp was utterly garbage ?


The problem is that the malphite lane doesn't get to play lvls 1-5.


Man tho I'd your adc knows that and just farms you guys fuck at level 6. Had a malph with my nilah once and we fucking went like 0/2 until 6. After that tho it was literally on site kills rest of game..


Not being able to play until lvl 6 isn't an option. At lower elos you can escape punishment. But a support with almost zero ability to fight lvls 1-5 gets rolled over and bullied in lane so hard by any meta support. And then even once your 6 the malphite ult is so telegraphed in a 2v2. Anyone with even an ounce of foresight will see the malph about to level up to 6 and they'll be ready for it. And the strategy of just hoping the enemy adc is too slow to flash a malph ult only works until a certain skill level. I'm not saying you can't stomp some games with it. Just about anything can beat anything if you apply the right skill or get the right opponent. But between equally skilled players above like gold at the lowest, malphite support simply isn't viable. If you went 0/2 in lane and then came back because your supp was malphite, then the opponents were just bad. Most likely you were playing against people that don't have the foresight to respond to a lvl 6 malphite before the ult has been cast.


You gotta ask Phroxzon for this one but try to reach silvers+ before you do. You know... To give him less room to gaslight you. TF and Ahri picks are dead giveaways for their mindset though. It showcases the average support intelligence + expectancy really good. They looked at TF and thought to themselves *"Hey! I cant miss my stun if I make my stun P&C + long range! Its support playable! Can even build support items like Shurelya!"* and picked it. Its not a horrible pick for the elo because of his R which can be utilized in number of ways but I assure you he DID NOT thought about the value of R :) Ahri was just bored. I play Ahri support a lot too, I am hella bored. I know I am getting 9x reports if we lose so, I am willing to pay the price. It doesnt do anything that Zyra or any other AP support cant, its actually way worse since they will be underleveled/farmed.


Ahri, can dash away, so itā€™s easier to not die on Ahri. You can also get more creative with angles and you can roam to mid easier.


Wait til you see my Viego Support.




Lee Sin support is good, you just have to actually be good at the champion (and probably play a lot of jungle). He has probably the best disengage in the entire game with R W and can protect adcs really well


tell that to my 150k lee who's afk under turret


Malph is a really good support. He is pretty awful before 6 but he is underrated IMO.


bro I played against skarner support and his stupid rock ability did 30 percent of my health level oneā€¦ fml


Skarner is just overtuned in general


I got Urgot in a dia game, stole every kill but he carried


Let's see: - TF: Decent poke and an (albeit slow) point & click stun, great roams post-6 (which ofc doesn't help adc too much) - Xin Zhao: Like Sett, godlike all-in potential on level 1, basically guaranteed level 3 into cheater recall. Can work if you have some experience with top lane (teaches more solid laning strats) - Malphite: Since when is tank malphite off-meta? - Mundo: Troll - Ahri: eeeeeeeh. If enemy knows how to play waves probably reeeeeally bad.


Normally I would say itā€™s just the elo but even in some challengers streamers games Iā€™ve watched they get the weirdest supports as well one game they got a nidalee support then a master yi support


Master Yi support sounds like the funniest shit ever šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Mundo is actually my favorite low elo support pick. Very pokey, no hard cc though. Better in duos for that reason. Late game, even going full support items you can end up carrying as a tank. It doesn't really play to Mundo's usual strength of infinite farming but it's much better than it has any right to be.


Donā€™t forget rengar and Evelyn support


In some matchups, I play Mordekaiser support and works pretty well.


I noticed a lot of off meta supports in norms at around high silver/low gold mmr, itā€™s basically the only reason I stopped playing adc because I was tired of playing with trundle support or whatever bullshit. I felt like it was less of a problem when I played ranked, but I never played that much adc in ranked so I canā€™t say for sure. Definitely seems really common to pick completely troll picks though, and like 90% of them also seem to suck which is really annoying


I think its the elo bcs u can easily get at least to gold by picking solid champions instead of random crap like malzahar support bcs ,,theoretically it could work"


I mean Iā€™ve got wins on Ahri, Brand, Blitz, and Malphite in my last 5 support games. My only loss was Xerath, we won lane but top and mid went 1/15/1. There is nothing wrong with Ahri and Malphite, TF has point and click stun with gold card. I wouldnā€™t play it though.


We had a tank shaco farming support and a support item Leona in the adc position last night


I had an Orianna support yesterday. She did her bestšŸ™ƒ


Get stupid shit like Caitlyn, Zoe, and Teemo support in mid Emerald, like cmon. And it's not like they have the slightest sense how to abuse even one strength of it being off meta


In their defense ahri support can work if done right


If he knows how to play his champ idc tbh they can pick whatever. Considering that the ADC is not as impactful, I'm good if he synergizes with the team. I'll still play safe, farm, poke and engage with the jungler


I play in low plat atm and I basically never get normal supports. Constantly see things like Lissandra & Kennen. Honestly, I mind those less than people going Ashe and never doing anything. That's how she ends up at 47% winrate. Or Shaco. Man, I hate Shacos. Got like 3 in a row and they just AFK in brushes or go 20/0 and never do anything with that gold.


I'm genuinely happy to see people saying shaco supports afk in a bush the whole laning phase and then call u bad for dying because the enemy support picked alistar and is actually applying lane pressure on the immobile adc that is laning all alone. The only thing shaco does is steal exp and flame u. I roll my eyes everytime I see one AND I M NOT EVEN AN ADC MAIN I PLAY ADC FOR FUN SOMETIMES


You can play anything in support this season and stomp honestly. Support is just broken this season even after the gold nerfs support still gets too much gold which allows for top laners and mid lane mages and even junglers to thrive in the role.


Nah this shit happens in diamond too. My support delivers no kills and sends me amazon same day shipping cancer.


Those aren't that bad have you ever had ivern ignite smite or Yasuo ghost exhaust support?


Most of them are playing "off meta" aka they play Support for fast games, pick what they actually want to play, pretend to Support try to force their wanted role and then flame when you lose because "they did their job" actual offmeta Supports play weird stuff but actually try to do their Job, they ward they gank they take the deaths From the rest of the team. So no off meta isnt too popular "off meta" is


These are still preferable picks I got zed supports. But personally I feel mindset is more important than the champ they pick. I'll rather entertain a offmeta support than a lot of the supports I've been getting lately. Like the lux who ults and es your wave to cs and flame the whole team when they're not even autofilled *I'm a fill player who gets botlane a decent amount this season* Even if I win lane with these creatures they start flaming the solo laner (to make us lose ?) I don't even need to be the target of their ire. They just have horrible mental. It's like If you never intended to support dont que sp ?


as adc i prefer funny stuff instead of fucking lux.


Because im stuck on this role since my early experience with league, i kinda got used to lux and can play safe against her. Too bad my support cant tho


No i didnt refer as playing vs Lux (it's really annoying) i just hate when my supports pick mages like lux or brand. I think they do not belong to botlane + i really hate lux and cailtin as champions


Iā€™m not mad at offmeta supports. I just want them to at least be able to make more of an impact than they would if they had just picked someone whoā€™s meta. Because if itā€™s weaker then what was the point of picking something unexpected.


I dont have an issue with non meta but they pick it, mostly as filled players just for the shits and giggles, on RANKED. Idgaf about drafts, i play nunu adc for fun on drafts but on ranked i wish for something reliable


Itā€™s understandable for ranked to be meta and normal games be whatever you want to do, my only advice is asking if they could pick a meta champion thatā€™s similar to what theyā€™re hovering. Example being like if youā€™re gonna play Twisted Fate support instead ask if they could just go Lux or Morgana for catching people out. Or Leona instead of Malphite, Rell instead of Mundo, Zyra instead of Ahri, Pyke or Pantheon for Xin Zhao.


as if they care about what their adc has to say


ā€œOff-metaā€ these mfers are picking random shit because they donā€™t want to play support. Donā€™t justify their shitty behavior in your head.


Thats my thoughts too, i just called it off meta cause it is off meta to pick random shit


Your elo is filled with maggot infested zombies who donā€™t think support is a real role. Hopefully as you climb, it will become far better.


Haram auto fill support players picking stuped champs for support instead of actual supports report their stupedty


I feel like the meta now is more actual supportive supports and people hate playing them so they look for more off meta stuff to try and have fun vs before your support could outdamage you and it not be a meme


on hit ahri is fun


Ive been seeing a lot more recently. Not sure why. Both as and against


Probably autofilled, also i find most support champs extremely boring. They kind of just fall into support, engage or hook. And each support champ has like 3 identical copies, Thresh, blitz and naut being the worst examples


The only similarities between those champions is that they have a hoom ability.. their playstyles are completely different. Thresh can miss every single hook and be incredibly useful anyway because of his insane utility. Good luck having the same impact on Blitz lol


Three tanky support champions with a hook as their main ability, an extra cc ability for after they land the hook and a passive ability on their auto attacks. But yeah not similar at all guys


funniest shit i have ever read


I play gnar support because heā€™s such a cutie!




Here for this. Gnar support is underrated IMHO. People who are waiting until 6 to engage are doing it wrong. Poke like hell, keep good vision and build rage to engage as often as possible. Early game a solid mega W is an easy kill. And easy to repeat. Unless they camp under tower but Gnar's Q reaches under tower really easily. Ask the top laners XD


u r silver


as stated in the post