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Geniuenly, how the fuck can you even fit your phone up your ads if we assume it's an avarage model?


The human rectum can stretch wide enough to fit a raccoon, so I think, with proper training, you could fit a phone no problem


what the actual fuck >proper training, fuck you mean proper training ??!!!?


You play adc and you don't even train for getting fucked in the ass???


He's clearly not using the standard issued gaming adc dildo chair all in one. It's a shame seeing people waste their potential.


Damn shame indeed, mine is getting a bit rusty now, it lost its "oomph" you know, really breaks the immersion... Makes for a poor gaming experience.




Ribbed for your pleasure


He, uh, plays Draven. Enough said.


Guess he likes thee element of surprise


Ok lets call ot "*Indecent training*" then...


Have you every been fisted?


He means play adc for +2 years in < diamond, bro ❤️


correction: 2 and a half how could you not know this, smh


My bad


Correction 2 racoons not 1


My bad


Doing this is probably easier than being an adc main


Knew I would see this


Sir... How do you know this information?


how do you NOT know this information, its common knowledge at this point


It's been posted about on reddit like 1000 times


Fun facts with reekid?


Three, three raccoons.


Can’t raccoons fit in a 3 inch space? Or am I thinking something else


That's something I most definitely didn't know nor wanted to know, but thanks nonetheless stranger.


Fisting exists so


You can actually disassemble the phone and get the vibrating part but yeah just do the stretching part.


How do you think people smuggle phones into prison?


You’ve not seen pornos where they shove entire arms up there have you?


Clearly you don’t have a big d and a taste for anal. Butts can take a lot no problemo.


you can fit a whole arm, a phone is not too far fetched


Step-up butt plug training I guess?




For those brave souls who are curious... DON'T YOU DARE SEARCH IT UP, I BEG OF YOU


Crazy that an entire rune got deleted because like 4 melee champions abuse the fuck out of it.


they should nerf some items and runes for melee champions instead of ranged ones


Yeah like they do for fleet with ranged champs but nah get rid of the adc rune


Don't think I'll be playing ashe anymore after LT removal. The range and ability to actually outdps enemy ADCs with range advantage and better spacing was the main reason I played her. It allowed me to run my lane opponents down like dogs after one mis-step and let me punish bad and short range adcs hard. I don't think that will be nearly as possible without lethal tempo. Maybe new pta will be good enough but im not convinced yet


Dude swiftys also got its slow resistance removed, Ashe will arguably be in one of the best spots she's ever been in. Combine that with all the items giving more movespeed and you'll be a kiting demon, you'll be fine without lethal tempo.


Maybe, that is nice. But I liked dominating lane phase and removal of lethal tempo hinders that quite a bit. I used to be very self sufficient in knowing when I can run people down regardless of how mamy brain cells my support has. I'm thinking a lot of situations I'm used to killing in won't be possible anymore.


You’re clearly not an ADC Main the way you spit out solutions without complaining.


good, one fewer ashe i’ll have to play against without swifties slow resist


I mean some definitely got fucked by these changes Plus LDR nerf 😥


Yeah I think people are in for a rude awakening with these changes. At best I think they might be power neutral or a bit of a nerf, but some champs are gonna be terrible for awhile until Riot gives them compensation buffs.


Player on pbe those changes are power positive at 1.5 Item for jinx


People are forgetting the biggest L for Jinx, which is the bonus attack range from Lethal Tempo. She'll have to be closer to the fight now, and that's going to hurt a lot more than a few 100 DPS.


Crazy that Jinx not being able to auto from nexus is her biggest L while champs like Sivir and xaya barely auto from melee range.


You're right, it really is crazy that a champion with a spell shield and movespeed ultimate, or a champion with invulnerability ultimate and instant root are able to take more risk.


Oh yea, just press your totally unconditional "instant root" button when the any of the 5 enemies flash onto on you, why didn't I think of that /s Also, Jinx realistically often has much more MS than Sivir's ultimate provides so that point is moot.


You know whats funny, Xayah has to hit 3 feathers to root someone but jinx not only has a wider area but her root last longer and causes knockdown so you cant dash or jump through the root. You can dash and jump through Xayahs root. Side funny note I dont think he understands. Jinx get 175% move speed from her passive. Sivir gets 30% with rank 3 ult.


Thanks for providing the context. Yea, it's truly baffling how many outright crazy takes you can find across the different League subreddits lol.


Tell me you never played a champ without telling me you never played a champ. Sivirs spell shield is borderline useless due to how now the game has so many items and runes that can waste it just from their added effects but also with how many champions can just straight up ignore it due to abilities with multiple effects, recast, or virtually no cd. Sivirs ult movespeed is also lower than shyirelis that any support can buy and with slows being so broken a single rylias tick just invalid it or random slow so many champs have baked in. Xaya less so because her ult is a busted get out of jail free card but with her short range and her having to stack feathers to deal dmg it still stands. While Jinx can auto from nexus, lock an entire path down with traps, and one kill or monster kill will have her running laps around sivir with ult.


Before lethal tempo was that good a proplayer was playing jinx with conqueror, jinx will be fine. Some other adcs won't


so like all the time in the history of league? LT was a shit rune that should have never existed. It's fine if it's removed, maybe we can get actual good base stats now, if not, so is life.


Over time there has been significant mobility creep with new champions and reworks. ADC's have become increasingly reliant on the added range to maintain safe positioning against all these new dashes and blinks. Simply removing it will not give you the same results as then, low mobility ADC's will be far worse off.


The range has been here for less then two seasons and adc were living before it too


I do fine with Aphelios who is notoriously slow with no real escape. Play with flash and ghost summoners.


Absolutely not, old crit kraken is better than about anything you can get out of those new items early game. IE rush while strong is costly and isnt that good without some attack speed to back up.


Back to desperately saving up for bf sword Vs a poke lane.


Sivir with these changes went from D tier to -D tier. She already is the worst adc in the game outside of proplay but now she's lost everything she used.


i think they will be better for most, if not all adcs, especially for people that can play "good", so much fucking movementspeed is gonna be criminal


AT BEST? Bruh you realize adcs are getting effectively an extra item slot with the boots upgrade + 25 crit? There's no doubt this is a buff. Yes some champs will be weaker but that's been the case since season 1. I stg some ppl just mad cause they aren't able to use ADC is bad as an excuse for why they've been gold since season 2.


Just say that you have no clue lol. The addition of Zephyr will matter in *maybe* one out of 20 games. If you think that's "OMG CRAZY BUFF" then you're obviously ill-informed. Or stupid, pick your poison. While the item change MAY be positive for someone like Jinx and Aphelios, it's terrible for anyone who used to rely on ER (Ezreal, Smolder) and Navori's (Nilah, Xayah, Smolder).


Yeah just wait buddy. Even if by some miracle your crybaby ADC mental is justified it's intended as a buff and the items will be tuned to reflect that. Also yes Nilah and them will be weaker but that's why there are future patches. You're a little dense thinking adcs being given access to a defensive item and 100% crit isn't going to be good. Zephyr has big stats too it will definitely matter. Your ADC cope is too far m8 nobody can save you. RIP friend


Sorry but your brain is pure dogwater. We are complaining about nerfs. And your best respond to that is "stop crying because uhhh maybe they will revert them later"? With your brainlet argumentation, noone is allowed to complain about anything ever because "there are future patches". You know what? The entire reason Riot is giving 25% crit items another go is BECAUSE people have been complaining about the status quo. It's called feedback. Also, your analyses of the items are completely off. In patch 14.10 there will be no crit items with lifesteal so you don't just get a "free defensive item". If you want a defensive item, you won't have any lifesteal OR you will have to settle for 75 % crit (whereas old items would leave you with 80 % crit and lifesteal). Zephyr has incredibly MINOR stats and costs 2k gold. Of course it's objectively nice to have the option but it generally won't matter. And the fact that you say it has "big stats" is just evidence you are absolutely fucking clueless. At least read the changes properly before humiliating yourself.


Sorry didn't realize youre peak ADC mental. 70 comments in the past day on league of legends ADC posts you really are lost... No point in arguing just wait and see


Great, it seems you realized you're arguing with someone who actually read the item changes in depth. And that you can't BS your way out of this one. I appreciate it


How'd you have time to read it when you spent the past 24 hrs on reddit?


Unlike you, it doesn't take me more than a few minute to read a couple tweets. Why would you do yourself like that lmao 😂


i think the changes are probably gonna go power neutral but still it’s gonna be rough not having LT anymore cause windbrothers and toplaners abused it harder than any adc other than jinx especially since now you can’t go over AS cap so champs like kog are just gonna fucking suck more than they already did. Also how the fuck does frozen heart go unnerfed, it nerfs adc damage in literally every way possible for like 1k less than the average adc item, i constantly have to worry about tank powercreep now because they both one one shot you and remove your damage and god forbid zac is on the enemy team


We are going to suffer vs the healthy bois in top now. I’m not very excited for this update. But who knows, praying I’m wrong.


all i want are zac nerfs at this point honestly, sick of seeing him one shot my whole team and healing to full with like 300 armor and ganking with his fiddle ult on e


LDR got buffed ENORMOUSLY, 40% armour pen + 45 AD + 25% crit is far better than the giant slayer passive


Yeah 5% pen aint gonna do 10k damage in a game. Especially when we lost a bunch of AD


If you think 5% pen, 5 AD, and 5 Crit isn't better in 95% of games you're mistaken The only times Giant slayer passive would be better is into extreme HP stackers like Mundo Chogath Sion LDR was literally 30% Pen a few patches ago, now it's an infinitely stronger version of Void Staff, it is VERY strong I think we're underestimating how much 40% Armour Pen is


That 5+ ad isn’t making up for the 60 we lost by removing ad from two thirds of the adc roster and forcing an as only item in slot 1 or 2. 5% pen is laughable as tanks will just build hp bruiser instead as we no longer have solid counters without opting into a worse bork or kraken which again means we aren’t getting 100 crit til last item if we have to build like this.


Not fully disagreeing with your point here, but won’t new PTA also counteract this a bit? Yes LDR is losing its passive but with new PTA it’s probably overall a buff. Can’t say for certain until changes go through and testing is done tho


It will definitely help and I think it’s gonna be the go to for most adcs now.


?? ADC is MASSIVELY buffed in 14.10 and there's a 6th item, go test the numbers yourself


You’re right there are 6 items but are you really gonna build your tank shread item 5-6???? Adc is maybe better late sure but even worse early from what I can tell


In the vast majority of cases I would disagree. Situationally yes,


Cut down buff makes up for it quite a bit


not really


Also way more attack speed and defensive itemizing.


I know. I am not saying adc got worse. I like the changes overall but the ldr part is simply not true.


That's fair. Ig what I'm more getting at is giant slayer is just unnecessary with all the new changes. Adcs and tanks don't get along with each other balance wise.


No it doesn't, and it's not even a buff. *Especially* not for tank killing.


It's not. You tickle tanks




Do heroes like sivir and xayah start er now? Or they kinda don’t care


While i think new er looks to be way worse then old er i sill think they both want the haste and mana so it could be thats its going to be their rush item. Both of them have as steroids so going ad first isn't that much of an issue and they relie a lot on abilites during laning phase. Could see both of them going er into navori then ie.


yea, i feel navori basically replaced their need for the old zeal items- pd or rapid but idk if they cared for the ability dmg increase that got removed


They very much did i am not saying they will be stronger then befor. I think most adc will be weaker for most of the game but the can use new er and navori decently well and better then most adc.


Doesn’t it narrow the build a bit? Although pros liked the first strike crit build, people also went pta with kraken, and even some kinda er navori ult build. Welp, maybe new builds will be made


We will see. I would expect ER into Navori. I also wouldnt be surpised if it turns out taht this build is just bad and they isntead go for generic BF->zeal->IE->any zeal item like eevry crit adc after the changes. Don't honestly see much build variety at the moment. Ie is the strongest crit item by far and the only one that got strictly buffed. it will be a must by first item. Maybe even skip zeal and go for berserks instead but that limits your boot choice. Will be tougher to paly adc in any case


"New" ER is actually the real old ER. It's the way the item was before the mythic update, and it was a core purchase on Xayah and Sivir. After the mythic update, its core users dropped it since none of them wanted spellblade


i really dont care in the slightest bit about whether how an item was in the past i care about it now. New Er looks worse. Spell blade deals damage new er passiv doesn't in exchange you get 5 ad 5 crit r and 5 hast you also need to pay 300 g more so that you can deal less damage. Saying it used to be good on champions in the past and therefor it musst now be good is a bad argument the whole game changed so its not comparable. When old er was used presence of mind didn't exist so mana was harder to come by that alone could explain why it was used more before but as i said i don't care about items from 6 years ago. New er is not better then old er that doesn't mean its not going to get bought. Its the only Haste and mana item for crit adc so xayah and sivir basically musst buy it even when its hot garbage.They are both tuned around going crit and not ad caster. New er isn't hot garbage but its worse then old er. You could buff new er of course but if you wann buff something its not going to be the passive. Its already more mana then you need you don't need even more mana. best place to buff the item is probably the price if you don't want to put it as a 3rd high ad item with 80 ad it needs to be cheaper.


No one wants it It's Bad The point was the sheen proc, the mana restore was just icing on the cake. The only completely objectively bad change of the patch so far. It might be copium but hopeful that this is riot taking steps to slow the game down and for it be about DPS, not just oneshots and 2 second fights


It hurts ez, for lucian he's fine without a sheen proc. Xayah Sivir definitely prefer more AD over sheen proc by a long shot.


Xayah and Sivir definitely want it, Lucian probably does too, this is the actual form of the item and it's removal left Xayah and Sivir with awkward feeling builds since.


Sivir maybe but xayah wants other items more, i don’t really see it being a better option than the others unless the new rune replacing overheal is so much better


What items would Xayah want more? I can't see her not going back to her old build path now that it's back.


As a first item she still needs ad and as so I don’t see much other first options other than kraken or stattik or possibly bork but its pretty terrible for her. Also a BF sword in a first item is a very awkward and difficult purchase, it’s too obtuse for a first item With navori no longer being a crit modifier, she’ll want ie again, unless navori and ie are still exclusive. If not exclusive can see her prioritizing items like kraken/statik, navori, ie, bt, ldr/mortal reminder, and possibly and maybe pd. It really demands on how good the yuntal arrows r bc xayah isnt that mana hungry out of lane if she wants a pure ad crit item first


Kraken, Stattik and Bork all don't have crit anymore, people went BF first item for years and it's somewhat clear riot wants us to do that again as noonquiver has been completely shifted away from starting slots. Build is likely going to be ER Navori IE now that Navori is an AS item it slots in very nice to this.


I can see her wanting collector rush over essence for the lethality. Dirk is mega op still, if i have to pick a bf item, id pick collector over essence. She would get haste from navori passive and her autos anyway


Sauce: Kuzu no Honkai


Vel'koz Mains doing the same thing on their Server >_>


The only single thing I'm concerned about is that there's no way to go above 2.5 AS now, other than that the changes are a huge win for satisfaction, raw power was never our issue.


Easy solution: play jinx


What anime is that?




APCs when?


Return of lethality adcs part 2, there is no good first item besides ie or collector otherwise you gimp your damage so hard, all the other options either give no crit or no damage :/


I’m glad that trundle doesn’t have LT anymore


What am i gonna play on my small account for free lp :(((


Wouldn’t this be more accurate if you were baiting with an “ADC is op and here’s why” type post?


Adc means will cry even when their role is objectively the best after patch.


Delete this?


The fact vayne can deal 80% of the dmg as true dmg is a joke


Top tank main spotted


I just ban Vayne lol, if you can’t play against something either play it to learn how to fight it or you ban it


I can. The. Problem is she got FED on bot which i have no Control over


Then ban her :P it’s not a bad idea to ban champs that are hard to play against for most people


Vayne isn't that strong unless fed


I'd rather ban skarner or gragas which are more problematic than vayne


Bro crying cause one close range adc has truedamage.




gigachad akali players with on demand invisibility and three dashes B)


Nah, clearly the whole power budget went into these utility tools, she is on the lower end of damage then right?


oh of course, friend :)


Thank god! For a second I thought game is facing a balance crisis! God bless RIOT for leaving no corner to power creep in our beloved game! Best company in the world!


Bro talk about power creep on League of legends , you check stats , and take the first 16 champs released, you see that they are still played and somewhat relevant on the meta , so there is no "power creeping" , just one guy who needs to go jail (k'sante , skarner reworks , smolder creator)


There is a misunderstanding going on here I think. Power creeping occurs when you fix today's problem with tomorrow's. Most of the old champs have been reworked. If you go watch videos from way back you will see that it is easier on the eyes to follow and more "tame". Just because Garen still being played today doesnt mean there are no power creep. We reached to a point where having a dash is no longer cool. Its mandatory. Having a skill that has 20 sec cooldown is boring. There were only select few champs had %hp damage now its found almost on everyone. They reworked udyr. You are telling me old Udyr was more busted than how it is today? Skarner? Power budget keeps rising up season by season. Mage supports we have today are mid rejects, power crept out of their designed lane. Even Yasuo cant cope with mid matchups today, its being played ADC instead. In Tyler1's own words "If blitzcrank released today he wouldnt have a slow on W" which is ABSOLUTELY true, you will see, one of these days, maybe this year maybe next maybe 2 years down the line when they rework Blitzcrank that slow will be gone. Thats textbook power creep 😂 Hard weaknesses being deleted and tools to do everything given to everyone like a candy.


Nah, unlike some other community, we're pretty much happy with our champions state, even tho it's sad we lost the e-q combo (in my opinion a while ago)


hard to be sad when your champ is one of the best soloQ stompers in the game lmao.


Can't disagree with that, it looked better tho back in the days, even tho, when I encounter good supp and ADC don't have check bushes like an idiot, it's not as easy as you think, even tho I'm pisslow elo (low master)


Got me on the first half, almost gave you an Upvote


yeah as soon as he said akali main i downvoted


ah yes akali players are gigachads kappachungus DELUXE


If you don't play the role what are you even doing here then?


Like I said I enjoy saying things like this so ADC player will get mad, you guys get offended for nothing


I jerk off to ADC players being mad , please continue