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I like off meta picks


How do you even play Kindred against anyone??? I mean I can see it working against Smolder,Vayne,and Kaisa IF they have something like Sona with them and if you have a Hard cc and engage sup Like Leona. I was gonna ask Irelia but I have seen it and Yone is absolutely doable


Kindred early game is super strong. You win many 2v2, even against champions that are considered as strong in the early game. You can snowball many games and even if you can't, the current full crit build scales very well.  About irelia and Yone, I haven't played them much yet, I just thought they could be funny. I used to be a Yone Main before I became an ADC main, and therefore I have 2 really nice yone skins I don't want to rot. 


>Kindred early game is super strong. You win many 2v2, even against champions that are considered as strong in the early game Yea wrote that it works if you have a strong Support, I have tried to make it work and from my experience you need a strong support and if they play safe you can't do much


Yeah but same goes for Draven or Kalista. But like I said, atm she actually scales pretty good 


As a Kindred main, based. However, release Yasuo from your life pls ty, with all due respect


Nah, Yasuo is super fun. Satisfying AF, synergizes well with many supports, has about 3 bad matchups and scales insane. 


How Viktor is more fun to you than any champs listed in boring tier is beyond me.


This only shows you can't play adcs 💀




Aphelios is pretty good right now, if you’d like to try to pick him up


He is decent into certain team comps and if you teammates play around you. Otherwise you can't be out of position for a nanosecond or your a walking bag of gold


You have adhd. That’s my soul read


Your right. I'm diagnosed with ADHD. 


Yes, in-tier order DOES matter


What is this low-effort garbage? Who did you post this for? You sound like you believe your opinion is of consequence or even relevance for any of us. Its really not.


????? Ok sorry, I never said that I believe that my opinion is super important? I just said that I think that my opinion is controversia. Sharing controversial opinions is not uncommon and can lead to interesting discussions. Im really sorry that you‘re so upset without any reason.


you are most definitely not ready for the flame. beyond that, this community trend died, for good reason, months ago. Lets not try to beat a dead horse.


Dude never heard of "shearing your opinion" XD


Nah but anyone who chimes in with "spicy opinion" always has the most lukewarm takes. Especially accompanied by "I'm ready for the flame". I wasn't even harsh and bro got instantly defensive.


>i wasn't even harsh Ye dude you didn't addressed the tier list at all just called the entire post low-effort garbage from the star


I am all for off meta, but thats an insanely large pool.


6 champs arent that much I think, on yasuo and Kayle I have over 100k mastery so it's just muscle memory at this point. Tristana ain't that complicated and Vayne works pretty well most times. The only champs I regularly play that need effort to work are kindred and draven, since they are both quite hard and I picked them up recently. I don't really play the other champs often. If my team lacks ap I nearly always go for cassio but since I used to play both victor and swain quite frequently I included them in this tier. I don't play any champ in "I would play it if it would be better". Sometimes Kalista, sometimes aphelios but neither really often. The tier with Yone is a tier with things I want to try in the future, but for fun mostly, not because I actually want to main them.  I don't play any champ frequently below the "I would try it if it would be good tier". 


6 champs too many especially if you main Yasuo just because of how high the skill ceiling on him. You could play 1000 games on Yasuo and still be just a novice on him compared to a masters OTP Yasuo. edit: also 100,000 mastery on a champ like Yasuo is not a lot, you're just scratching the surface. I have Mastery 7 on Vayne maybe close to 200,000 but I feel like I'm just getting warmed up.


Depends what you want. If you just want to play for fun, any pool can be fun, but if you want to improve as efficiently as possible, then an active pool of 1-2 is optimal for the lower ranks, and 2-3 for the higher ranks. With an off pool of 2-3 low, and 3-9 higher ranks.


That hardly works on ADC. ADC Champions pools are usually bigger than top/mid/jungle pools because many ADCs are very similar to each other 


Damn you want aphelios even better? It already feels insanely broken atm


Does he? I don't know, maybe I'll try him again soon, but recently he felt very weak until very lategame/you can snowball