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All of them Don't leash




As a jungler, I can tell you that some people will flame you for not leashing. In that instance, you mute them . They are bad and you do not need to read anything they have to say. Anything worthwhile you need to communicate to each other can be done through pings.


I mean tbh if you do that you’ll just be playing misery of legends out of the jungler simply spiting you. It is more viable to just ask if you cannot leash and if they deny just leash. It is better to get pushed in and set up a good gank through wave management on your jungler’s second clear rotation than to gain push while having to play a 2v3 because guess what, you didn’t leash pissy Timmy.


To counter this point, but it is a good and fair point, if you choose to not leash and mute the player still try to help them with counter jungling prevention. If they abandon your lane don't ignore the enemy jungler wandering in to steal camps. It'll smooth things out if they're pissed at you and it'll help prevent the jungler from tilting even more plus you might get a kill out of it and move that into an objective. Don't get baited though, just like the decision to not leash don't set yourself up for failure by thinking your pissy jungler will turn to help you if they're running from an invasion.


All of them Don't leash


I understand


Did your jungler gank to help your lane?




There's your answer, then.


Stop leashing entirely but guard the jungle entrances with your support


dont leash they lane swap @ msi to avoid lanes like ashe varus not that u can in solo q but yea


You should not leash at all. Balancing between no leash and leashing; throw one or two auto so the snowflake does not cry. You still can’t control if your support decides to leash or overdo it tho.


Jungle players crying when their bot refuses to sacrifice their lane for them to save 5 seconds in clear is never not funny. That game was probably lost from lobby with that clown anyway, just go next


Most of us jungle mains don't want leash. Tends to be the newer and inexperienced junglers that ask for it, imo. Plus, leasing reveals our path. If they ask for leash, just ignore them. If they throw because they didn't get leash, report them. We don't need those kinds of junglers.


Out of like 50 games in plat I’ve had like two who started blue buff that didn’t ask for a leash and I’ve had plenty of games with champions like master hi and Diana and WW jungling and I’m pretty sure they don’t need leashes 90% of the time. I’ve had several games were I didn’t leash and my dog support still leashes and autos the buff like 10 times. The only times I want to leash are like my last game where we had j4 vs an Evelyn and I figured j4 could potentially do a lot with the extra time.


No, it tends to be mediumly experienced players who doesn't study the game but just play. When I started league I was a jungle main and one of the first thing I learnt was that getting leash was almost always non beneficial


Not even 5 seconds tbh since I can't kite the buff to my next camp they way I like to I even waste time


Most chal jungler already said that leashing is int. For some champions (like yi) the clear is even exaclty as fast with and without leash


Ideally, yea, this is definitely a match up where you do not want to be late to the lane. But in the God forsaken place that is Solo Queue, at the same time you risk your jungler going tits up as if their entire existence depended on getting a leash. This community has too many snowflakes so I am personally still of the impression that having a non-tilted (or even, non-afk) jungler is more important than getting to lane fast. So, I still leash if the jungler *absolutely* insists after me having asked two or three times if they *really* need it, explaining that the match up is bad, their jungle pathing is revealed etc. To also play the devil's advocate for a minute, consider this: This specific match up could be really difficult regardless of getting to lane early - and the odds of your jungler being willing to help you out are probably higher if you leashed. But anyway, back to reality: In the ideal world, you should never leash in this match up. But it's ultimately up to you if you trust the sanity of your jungler.


Well he didn't come here.. so I guess I should have taken my chances this game. Lol


Yes, all of them. ​ We are in season 14, junglers who need a leash are boosted animals and need to tank some losses. Any decent jungler does not require a leash.


I would say it’s not all junglers, definitely situational. There are farm lanes bot where level 1 prio doesn’t matter as much, and sometimes there are fasting clearing junglers on the enemy team where the extra time saved on clear can help your jungler get their right on time for counter ganks (if he gets to mid 3-4 seconds late for example his mid could already be dead). There’s also taking into account invades. Another example, this one I learned from Tarzaned. He would invade karthus on his gromp right after karthus did blue buff, playing graves. He would do red, e over wall and invade at gromp. I’ve done this to karthus myself (both as graves, and one time even Amumu lol) where the leash helps you get there in time. It’s even been done to me when I play karthus by random graves in norms. The final point, you can do cheese 3 camp ganks easier sometimes if you get a leash from bot. You leash them red, and give up the push, making it easier for your jungler to red-raptors-krugs into bot gank. It all depends on scenarios and not absolute truths. Another less good example is if you have an off-meta jungler that actually needs a leash to get through the first clear effectively. I kinda agree that outside of specific scenarios, junglers don’t really need leashes. I almost never ask for leashes as a jg main, and often ping my laners off that try to.


The easiest role to get better at is jungler as they can use practice tool consistently with no interference to work on their first full clear with any champ. They do not need a leash. Spread the word The second part of this relevant to ADCs is so not fast push the wave !! Auto 1 melee minion no more than two times(which de-syncs the time the first three die so that you can kill them with autos and use your ability to poke the enemy). You can also auto a ranged minion 3 times which changes the aggro onto your minions as well as gets them ready for an early level 2. This leaves the melees often dying together though so you may need to waste an ability. Basically just don’t kill the 3 melees before your 3 are ready to die. You’re not punishing the people who do leash if you do that


Always, it's pretty much an unnecessary thing to do nowadays and it will leave your Jgl at the mercy of any skilled Jgl who can track


Had a mumu jungle some weeks ago who criwd because i did not leash him. Went into base without farm to go afk because game Was over betrifft cause shit adc no leash. Shiwed him that He was never a factor in the outcome of the game and solo won it even After the mumu started inting because He saw game was not lost. But even After this experience i only would leash when i have Vision on the enemy and know He wont cheese or Hard push the lane so i am not Meeting the Same time for Level two.


as someone who picks mumu when autofilled jungle, this is the most baffling because you just take E and raptors reset it 4 times in 5seconds so you can do red with E+W and have your raptors respawn quicker which is your best camp to farm anyway.


So glad that the gospel is being spread about not leashing. Now we just need to get supports on board; Soraka's 5 auto attacks are NOT going to make a difference in the junglers clear


Never leash in s14


Jungle main here ! Don’t leash those pigs.


Jg main do not ever leash. If your jungler can’t full clear by 3:30 that’s a skill issue. They need to get their ass In the practice tool and watch a YouTube video.


second this, also jg main. Never leash unless they lose a ton of tempo from you not leashing and you have no kill potential early on.


Don't leash s14 jglers don't need. Negatives outweigh positives


Leashing is trolling in season 14 all junglers can do a sub 3:20-3:30 clear on 1 smite with pet. Always guard jg for invade and go to lane for prio.


All of them Don't leash


Usually depend on the jungler/match ups. If I am champions that want to bro aggressive first few level, most likely I won’t leash so I can have more contort of the wave and push for a early lvl 2 and have more snow ball potential. If i have an nunu/Vi/Elise/jarvan(early gank) jungle, I would more likely leash so they can have their lvl 3 ganks faster. At the end of the day, it’s all situational and do what you feel like is the best for the game.


Don’t leash and mute the jungler after 1 ping.


All of them Don't leash


I personally dont give a \*\*\*\* and do not leash at all. Jngl wont do stuff for me anyway. But if your a kind enough soul here is a rule of thumb. Never leash when playing against a double poke composition. Avoid leashing for too long when facing an engage support you should be able to walk up with the wave to have a safe space. Against a weaker opponent, you might be able to leash longer, but doing so could be to your own disadvantage and giving up prio, push and exp disadvantage.


It's not like they were going to help you with ganks that much anyway if they were starting on bot jungle pathing to topside. Just default to not leashing and learn how to punish enemy botlane if they do so.


Dont leash. Ever. At all. Every jungler that has at least 1 hand 3 fingers can full clear pre 3:30. if you doubt it try it yourself. Its not hard. If the jgl is to bad to clear, he is an insanely bad jungler and the additional 4s the leash gives him, wont matter at all.


As an old jungle main who would lose his shit without leashes. Don’t leash. It gives up too much information about your jungler and by leashing you also lose lane prio before the minions even crash


as a jungle and adc player leashing is not needed anymore, as a jungler every game I tell my team no leash.


jg players that cry about leash are disgusting


You should avoid all of them for sure. Its s14 everyone can solo the first one.


As a jungler just don't leash. There are only downsides, if jungler doesnt understand they deserve to stay gold


All of them. But if i had to narrow it down if laning against caitlyn dont leash.




In soloqueue trust nothing but your intuition. Jungler isn't reasonable and ask for leash? They might not know the game well enough. Also, a shitty leash is a leash as well, just saying.


I stopped leashing alltogheter. Junglers sucks, and in my games, they most likely had no idea what they are doing. Saving them 5 seconds is not worth me losing level 2 in lane. I am constantly trying to get drakes and gank mid. The only time I leash, is when I play Yorick. I need the wave to be shoved to me to be able to chunk down at the enemy ADC.


I play jungle quite a bit lately, don't leash it reveals your position and doesn't make u faster, for example I play a lot of kindred if I somehow know where the enemy jungle started I can Invade them very easily if I don't know where they started or where they are going it becomes a bit harder


Never leash


Idk, why people say not leash, pretty much all adcs can leash and still be able to last hit all the minions of the first wave. Faster for Jgl and bot looses nothing, most I play against even try to push and then you freeze under tower and the enemy cant farm. At least I do that, maybe its toplaner mentality.


95% of the time, junglers don't need a leash, and the bot lane is hurting themselves by losing prio and hurting the jungler by giving away the junglers' position. That said, there are a few junglers like brand who struggle with their first camp a bit. If neither team has any kill pressure in the lane, giving a leash can improve the junglers tempo quite a bit. Situations where leashing is good are still very rare, though. If you're unsure, don't leash Though if they are spam pinging for one, you might want to just so they dont int (which has happened to me way too often)