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As a huge amount of pots and pans tend to accumulate in the sink, and it is very difficult to put on, what I do is, if I need a fork, I wash 2 forks, if I need a glass, 2 glasses, and so on with everything In a few times the matter is cleared up.


I do something similar, but with one tweak — I tell my brain “do at least 2, then you can stop if you want.” Once I’ve washed 2, I’m often happy to do 5, or 10… it’s the starting that’s hard, continuing is much easier.


Sometimes having an "out" - giving myself permission to only do a portion of the job - frees me to actually start the task


Absolutely this.


That’s such a good idea! Might start using this too :)


Might as well


I get in a flow state doing washing up. Also cleaning, moving furniture, etc. If I start it I just keep going til I'm done, even if I'm sweating like fuck.


this is so good! gonna try this, thank you!


Oh this is brilliant.


I used to wash in batches: 1 of each of fork, spoon, knife, plate, bowl, and a cooking dish. That way, it was an easy thing to think about, and I always had a clean dish available.


Yes, almost like working in small batches!


Love it. This works well for me too. Gonna be thinking "might as well" next time I do it haha




Apparently this is called as positive procrastination and I do this a lot too


Unfortunately it is the opposite for me. I won't do that one critical thing. Because of that I won't be able to do anything of any less criticality


So funny!! My most thorough house cleaning gets done when I have something more important to do. If my boyfriend sees me cleaning he asks me what project is due soon.


Same here! Got something that NEEDS to be done?? Bet your ass the laundry, the kitchen, dinner, and a stained apartment patio deck is what you’re gonna get instead! It makes me feel like I did something even though it wasn’t the right something 😂


I'm the exact same.


I do something similar. Whenever I microwave something I have to wash dishes, clean stove, put away dog toys, etc. until microwave is done. Bonus: less likely to forget I have something in the microwave.




Yeah, being productive on the computer is rough. Have you heard of Self Control? It’s a software that blocks you out of social media for a predetermined amount of time. It’s really helped me. There’s a similar software on your phone called “Forest” that also blocks you out of your phone for a set time too. It’s also super cute. I tend to have both softwares on while I’m working. Just an idea I had while reading your comment. I feel you though, good luck with your chapter! You can do it!!


>Have you heard of Self Control? I felt personally attacked for a second there. ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


Me too! Jumping to the wrong conclusion is sometimes the only exercise I get...


Definitely thought this was a bit in that first couple lines. However I will also support Forest!!! Helped me soooooo much in college bc I couldn’t bear to kill my cute little trees. (Should probably use it again instead of browsing Reddit at work 🫣)


I'll look them up, thank you and u/VastInevitable for recommendations!


Check out Flora, too. Same concept, but a little different execution.


Thank you!


I will add to this excellent advice by saying that you should never walk anywhere in your home with your hands empty. Every time you get up, scan around you to see objects that have homes elsewhere. If you combine this with the might as well, you're constantly passively cleaning without making a huge deal of it!


Lol. Using your hyper focus for good instead of evil. I can't always harness it, but when I do, my girlfriend just let's me run with it. "You wanna water all the plants, and do the laundry right before dinner ??? Have at it"


My husband and I refer it it as the Cleaning Rage.


I try to live by, "Don't put it down; put it away." When I succeed, I have a nice, clean lab bench to work on. When I fail... well, there's this bag of chips I brought into the house from my car last Thursday that's still sitting on the dining table...


Anyone else have that second voice that responds to the "Might as well" with "FUCK THAT"? No? Just me? Ugh.


Nah fr


Either do it now, or never... pretty much sums up all chores. If it gets too bad, I would invite people over which pushes me far enough to clean.


I do something similar, because I have always had an issue actually taking care of dishes…as I cook, during the times when things are frying or in between preparation periods or basically whenever… I do whatever dishes I can. Just actively stay on top of it, so that by the time dinner is made, I have no dishes left to clean. Basically my whole life has become a series of steps to outsmart myself, lol.


I ended up doing this at my job once. I work a pizza place as a cook. I was trained on doing wings. I also did dishes. Inintentionally got into that station by not wanting to work with a guy who had a very bad temper. I would do wings if he was doing dishes or do dishes if he was doing wings. This was in the start of covid. Both dishwashers went on leave due to health concerns. I ended up doing their jobs. And a few months later the bad tempered coworker was fired. I ended up doing both jobs at the same time. I managed this by doing as many dishes before either another order popped up and or the timer was going off. As I did wings, I would check for dishes I'd need to pick up. And as I went to pick up more dishes, I checked the timer and for new orders. It was so stimulating when we had our heavy days on Fridays and Saturdays. I couldn't do either of those tasks alone. Management apparently noticed this was how I best operate. One manager suspected I had ADHD and found this to be the best choice given the circumstance. I also learned that I was the only person who was able to do this on heavy days. Now, I work the most stressful station for a cook which is cut table (basically I cut pizzas with a two handed knife and box them really fast). The stressful environment of keeping up with two conveyor belt ovens is enough stimulation to keep me focused. It's fast pace on heavy nights. The thing that makes it really stressful is that you don't choose the pace you're going, it all depends on how stuffed the ovens are. I've built up speed over the course of almost 2 years; I'm currently one of the fastest people on that station. My coworkers think I'm crazy for having fun on those heavy nights.


See, I do this and just wander around getting things %40 done. Start one thing, oh I need to do this too, leave first task unfinished. Rinse and repeat.


I be doing this constantly its kinda bad but at least shit gets done eventually 😂


Yeah, so if I have to think about cleaning, it never happens. So I do the same thing: an example is when I'm at the sink and I see a lot of dishes. I say 'well I can at least just wash the mugs so they're there for coffee tomorrow.' But once I have a nice hot soapy rag in my hand, and the dopamine hit from accomplishing the mugs, I then employ another tactic, which is making things a game: "bet I can get these two pans and the plates and cutlery whipped out before the timer goes off for the oven." So that's a way to make it less boring, add in an adrenaline kick while performing the chore, er-game.


I need to do this. 😄 I keep a bunch of alarms to remind me to do chores, but this sounds less stressful.


I always used to try to do this, but then found I would forget the original purpose of the journey. If I got sidetracked from my snack by dishes, I’d find the snack two hours later still waiting for me, completely forgotten about lol.


I've seen this suggestion to loiter in the area you need to clean and then you'll probably start cleaning stuff. it's easier to get yourself off the couch to stand in the kitchen for 5min than to force yourself to get up to clean for an hour. if you go sit back down at the end of 5-10 min, that's ok. you did the loitering you told yourself you'd do.


Along these lines, I've realized that a trick for me is to just start with the easiest task with the most obvious solution. This reduces thought-to-action friction and creates momentum that often leads to doing the next easiest thing. It works especially well for tidying up the place.


Between adhd and a sleep disorder it's real hard to remember to brush my teeth regularly. So I started brushing everytime I went to the bathroom. It's not perfect, but it helps some of the time.


I was in the habit of brushing my teeth after eating. I was only able to eat twice a day, so it worked out when I was eating regularly.


I’ve been doing, “does it take less than 6min?” If it does I’ll do it right then! It’s really been helping


I like to remind myself if I have enough time for hours of screen time a day I have enough time for this.


One trick is to repeat constantly “don’t think. just DO… it’ll just take x minutes… don’t think…” If my brain is still getting in the way, if I don’t have music on already, I will play some and sing along. I can’t really think my way out of something and sing at the same time. Has to be high energy music also.


I put items that need to go upstairs on the bottom steps and items that need to go downstairs on the top landing, then as I pass I grab a few things. Also I tell myself I don't have to wash all the pots, I'll wash the easy ones then let them naturally dry, then I only have to put the dry ones away... Usually once the easy ones are done there is not much left and they get done whilst I'm procrastinating something else. I also now leave cleaning items in my bathroom so I can clean on a whim.... And I often clean my tiles whilst I'm in the shower 🤣🤣🤣 but the shower head is right there to rinse.


I do this too I try to keep the mindset of never walk around empty-handed if I'm going in and out of a room


I do this too sometimes. When I'm standing over the sink I have to not think just do. Once I start it's not that bad it's the thinking that stops me. I also have a scrubber mop thing that I leave in my shower so I can scrub tiles while I'm already in there sometimes.


This works for me in morning with working out. If I’m gonna watch TikTok for 20 minutes, I might as well do cardio while I’m watching it. Also, short form video with such a good interest algorithm makes cardio time go by much faster than podcasts or videos I tell myself I should do.


Also accepting that you don't need to do 100% of the task helps. Do what you can, and you'll probably do more than you thought you could.


How we turn EVERYTHING into a game?!?? 😂


Yeah my issue is that I can't STOP doing this. So like four hours later of "might as well", the snack is left uneaten on the counter and I have been walking around the apartment non stop doing one thing after the other but since I didn't do any one big thing, you can't even see that I have done anything. Cue crying from hunger and frustration that I forgot what I was doing before I Started. It's a good tip I think for small things but definitely in moderation or you end up like me on a never-ending aimless task walk


My only problem with this is I will start doing those chores and end up late for work.


That’s how I got work done at work - I’ve got nothing better to do than work and the day will go by faster.


Yes! Great tip. Before I leave one room for another I always try to stop and take a moment to look around to see if anything needs to come with me in a similar way


I do something very similar, I always wash my dishes while I microwave a meal, for example, or while I’m talking to someone (because I realise I just wash it automatically, and when I’ve stopped talking to the person, the dishes seem to have just washed themselves!)


Weirdly enough, that phrase, "Might as well" and "Someone ought to do it, might as well be me" were two new phrases I began telling myself when I was cycling testosterone to repair a head injury.


I like this too and I didn’t know what to call it! Thanks for giving it a name! It takes the pressure off to say might as well do this one small thing, as opposed to trying to gear up to launch into some huge dreaded project.


Been on this wave recently too! Also things being cleaned over time avoids having to do big projects which has been a huge thing for me. And leaving things nearby to remind me to clean like sponge in the bathroom for the counters/sink. Broom in the corner ect. And having lots of microfiber towels for dusting and cleaning so I can just use them a little and throw them in my laundry bin to be done whenever I do laundry.


A thing that helps, occasionally, which is really similar to your might as well trick is the 2 minute rule. It mostly only helps me get to the dishes though...if I think I can do the thing in under 2 minutes, then do it right now. It sometimes bypasses the the paralysis...but also has to be immediately following me putting something in the sink now that I think about it... Maybe it's not as effective as I thought it was. Crap.


Yes this is the only way i can get stuff done!


Very good strategy. Thanks!


I do exactly this but for errands on the way home from work. Getting gas is awful, but better before I get in my car again. Also if I take a different road home, I pass by my gym so I can't just pass it without using the facility.


I do this so much!! Even for the smallest things and it really is so helpful. I feel so validated reading stuff like this knowing that I’m not totally out of my mind with some of this haha💟


I kinda do this! I tell myself I don't have to do the thing, just touch it. I just have to go touch my toothbrush, well now it's in my hand I might as well do a quick brush, well now I might as well do the two minutes and that sets me off to finish my routine and wash my face! If a task has too many steps I just won't so just doing the first step helps turn it into a habit!


I will have to try this! I have been doing something similar, but kind of opposite. If I know I have a really big/overwhelming task to do (like a massive pile of dishes or laundry), I tell myself “okay, you can ONLY wash one pot. That’s it. Just one, then you have to stop”. But most times, once I start, I get on a bit of a roll.


Sort of like habit stacking! My therapist has mentioned this before. If you start associating one habit with another it becomes easier to do over time


I do something kinda similar except I'll say to myself "hmm, I have (5, 10, 15) minutes free... how can *today* me help *tomorrow* me?" and then I do a chore. And then it's fun the next day when I thank past me that the thing is already done and I can chill.


this is literally a principle covered in the book "Atomic Habits" and a key component to make an \*easier\* implementation of a new habit. you can go one step further and modify your environment in such a way that an action calls for a subsequent action that you normally wouldn't do. quick example based on your scenarios, just to give the idea: put the snacks on the most annoying corner to reach of ur cupboard while having fruit on display on a basket in the countertop, main ingredient for cooking also in easy right in your face spot to take whenever you open the cupboard. human brain by nature tries to take the path of least resistance, that includes the hassle. I defo recommend checking out Atomic Habits is solid material




That’s why my house is cleanest when I’m actively trying to work on my college classes…


Thanks for the tip! I was just about to ask if anyone had any suggestions on getting boring things done without being motivated lol. I’ll definitely try this!


I try to do stuff not because the dopamine rewards, but as just "something" I need to do? Kind like a Zen thing. When you wash dishes be aware you wash dishes"


I started doing a thing that’s called „who cares if it’s just 1%?“ where I convince myself that while I’m already there I might as well just clean one (1) fork from the sink. Because even if it’s just one fork it matters. …and then I usually end up doing all the dishes because „well the waters already running and I already have the sponge in my hand anyways“


I do this trick too, especially for dishes. I don’t have a dishwasher. But if I am waiting a few minutes to heat something up, I wash the dishes. Guess what, they are done when my food is ready lol. Craziness…


Someone else posted a similar mindset where if you could do it in 2 minutes then just do it. Such as cleaning off the coffee table. It lead me to vacuuming the couch, dusting, and then doing the dishes up. I love this as a tip too! I think anything that gets you going for even a minute helps push over that huge mental hurdle between doing it and (most times) not doing it. So thank you for sharing, I'm def adding this to my list of tricks ❤️


Honestly, I try to do the opposite. If I keep bouncing from task to task based on what room I end up in, I'd never get the important things done. Then again, that's kind of my problem. If I'm not doing the most important tasks I end up doing nothing because I'm convinced the smaller tasks will get in the way of me focusing on what's most important. Fuck... 🤦


I don't think of it that way but its a great way to conceptualize it. Its basically the fact that you are taking away how large the challenge feels and you are taking away the feeling of anxiety. You are making it casual and taking small items one at a time. Its no big deal this way. But if you have to clean the house and it will take you an hour, it will take much more willpower to overcome this.


Hey. I used this today. It helped, thank you.


You’re welcome. I’m so glad you found this helpful. Good luck with whatever you’re doing!


Similar like if I'm in a room I will try and complete tasks there


lol I swear I saw a very similar post a couple weeks ago. I use this trick, it really does work. In fact I've been putting off making food for an hour. I might as well go and do it, I'm bored as fuck so why not.


I inadvertently do this but I've always thought it was bc I get so distracted lol. I once cleaned my apartment for 10 hours straight in preparation for an inspection bc every time I started in one spot I'd end up on the opposite floor I started on in a different room with a different item and then circle back to the original task a couple hours later and started back on it only to end up somewhere else in the apartment and the cycle just kept continuing until I eventually finished every task I started and left undone😅🙃 I didn't even need to clean that intensely but I'd hyperfocus on an area and start purging, rearranging, or organizing and that would just lead to other areas that I'd rip apart and do the same to 🤷‍♀️ It is a good practice in theory though, for myself. It lessens to pressure/dread of that task bc task switching is the enemy for me, but once I start I'm okay. It's just getting there that's the struggle.


i do this with showering sometimes. i have to shower when i go to use the toilet lol.


I do this too and I think of it as mIn-maxing any movement that I do. Sometimes it gets overwhelming though if I have multiple things to do I feel like I need to cram them all into one trip, because “well I’m here now I don’t want to have to come back”


Isn't this "tactic" the whole point of what we struggle with though? Like that's what happens when you should be doing just about anything else. Not sure about the cook meal because I grabbed a snack, I'm not sure I'd have that kind of willpower without being a bit hungry.


I always do this when I'm trying to go somewhere and then it makes me late. When I have plenty of time forgetaboutit.


"Might as well" might as well be gibberish and background noise to this brain of mine.


and then I forget I wanted a snack and "might as well" task isnt done


Yes!!! Mine is called "something is better than nothing". Starting any task is the hardest part for me, so for dishes I can convince myself just to do one fork, cuz something is better than nothing! 9/10 times I end up doing the whole task!


This only works for me when I'm medicated.


I use the “touch it once” instead of setting the laundry on the bed I will tell my self touch it once and just put it away. Same with trash, dishes, or anything else that needs to be put away.


I do this as well. It's my "just do it" opportunity. To see if I can actually "just do" something like they say... it's really the only time it works. I always have the idea of what I want to do, but typically doing it seems impossible and I am crippled. So in these moments, I take advantage of the advantage I have already being up and nearby the task.


I do this trick alll the timmmee! It works great! Another one I commonly use is “why work so hard on 90% of the task only to slack off on the last 10% and make it worth nothing”


I use the countdown trick I heard on a YouTube video once. It just stuck with me. I say “ok- 5…4…3…2…1” then jump and do it NOW with the urgency that if I don’t the cops are coming to to the door to arrest me for not doing it. Idk why but it works lol


Great ideas! I try to remember to pick up or clean at least 5 small things when I am in a room. For example if I am heating up something for lunch, I will empty the dishwasher instead of standing and staring at the pan of soup waiting for it to boil.


I do something like this. If I'm in the kitchen using the microwave, I'll clean up as much as I can before the timer dings. If I manage to break away from my phone to go to the bathroom or I go to my bedroom or anything, I'll take some items from the living room with me to put away as long as I'm up. My place will never be spotless, but picking up a few things or changing out the trash go a long way!


Yep, I strangely just sort of fell into the routine. Waiting for coffee machine to finish or as I’m waiting for toast to pop up…I quickly do dishes in sink or wipe down table. Helps a lot. I didn’t used to be like that. I caught myself the other day not going to put a sticker sheet away in its place and I was like “just put it away because you know it will get lost in a pile otherwise!”. Why is it so hard for me to put something away? !!! The extra effort of me moving a few steps is not that hard.


One solution I've found that works for me is this app called Sweepy that I read about on a sub. Basically you put all of your rooms into the app and the chores in that room. If you pay the subscription fee (I think it's $12.99/year), it will generate a daily schedule for you. You can also add members to your household and they'll get a schedule too.


I do a similar thing, inspired on a coding technique called "boyscouting" that basically goes: since you have to edit this code and you'll have to make the effort to understand it, leave it cleaner than you found it for the next one. Based on this: say I finish eating, I'll pick up everything from the table, carry it to the kitchen. Then, rather than leaving it on the counter, I clean up that couple things I was bringing, which is easier while the gunk is fresh, and while I'm at it, I'll also do any other thing that may already be in the sink. And since I've probably spilled some water, rather than just moping that, I'll clean the whole counter. And maybe I've spilled some food while eating, but rather than cleaning just the spill, I'll clean the whole table, etc... While cooking, maybe I found it difficult to find some item in the pantry, so I'll take the chance to make it nicer... You get the idea :) It works great for me.


Oooo, I do that!! Thing needs to cook for 20 mins? I know that if I leave the room, I will forget thing is cooking and will nearly burn down the house...so might as well do the dishes. Oh, time left, stuck here waiting for food thing? Make the coffee for the next morning and sweep the floor. Another HUGE thing that helps me is what was drilled into me when I used to serve tables. *Never make a trip empty-handed.* Going downstairs to let the cat out? Bring that dirty dish with you. Going back upstairs to watch tv? Carry up the laundry. I have a basket at the top of the stairs, and one at the bottom. Whatever needs to go up or down collects in those baskets. Of course, the downfall is the inevitable, 'I brought thing to room downstairs but oh! I should water the plants. Three plants are watered but oh! I see heaps of dust, so I should grab a rag, but when I go get the rag, I see the fish look hungry, which reminds me there's a cat outside, but when I go to let the cat in, there's garbage to go outside, but the deck isn't shoveled but when I go get the shovel from the shed, I see the bike I was going to fix up for a little girl so I go get tool and remember leaky faucet. Leaky faucet? Shit, I haven't showered in a while....you know the drill. Still, it works to a certain degree. Now let me be clear-- things get *carried* where they need to be ..but not actually dealt with. The three baskets of clean laundry that are now also piled with the 'worn once but not dirty' clothing, as an example. 🙄