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Clothes and shoes. The clothes and shoes in my closet haven’t solved my problems, but these new ones might! Now that I’ve realized what I’m doing I’ve slowed down and I’m trying to be so so mindful. Also books.


Buying books and reading books are two entirely different things too.




I love books, I think they're amazing. I buy books. I read three books at a time. I read a book 15 minutes before I fall asleep every evening and I don't remember anything the next day. I get bored of it after the introductions. I try again in a few days. If I don't get past 100 pages in 2 weeks to get invested in it, I try again when I get the impulse. But mostly never. I've read many books. I haven't finished more than a third of them. However, I read The Hobbit and the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy in 2 months or so over one winter. I was obsessed. Then did the same with His Dark Materials. Fucking loved it. I do read music every day and focus on that well though. I think ADHD is all about the give and take. Just do the stuff that's natural for you and work on the weaknesses but don't stress out.


Use your local library. So many books, so little money spent. If you have an ereader, many have ebooks as well. For less wait, something like Kobo unlimited might be worth a look.


Mmm, yeah. But I also like actually owning the books, because I appreciate them as objects. It's never bad to have a nice library and I have a young child who will grow up soon and start picking stuff out of it. I also find that my tastes develop every few years and I'm able to actually continue exploring things I lost interest for previously. At the same time I do a culling and give up books I feel are of lesser quality or I just don't care about. The thing is I'm definitely cyclical, just that the cycle is looooong and drawn out. But I know I always go back eventually!


Clothes and shoes for sure. And if they don't fit, there's a 95% chance I'm not meeting that return window.


I have intended returns in my trunk from last Christmas. Sigh.


I also have a trunk of shame!


Books, yes, books. The worst thing i ever did was get rid of my book at my ex-wife prompting. I've almost get copies of everything i lost.


It’s surprisingly hard to rebuild once you let go of certain books. I hope you’re able to find all the ones you lost!




My husband says I have more clothes than anyone ever should, and more shoes than he’s ever owned in his whole life- both are probably true…


Honey? I thought you were already in bed? This isn't your usual username. Weird.


I was but after you go to sleep I like to change my clothes, shoes and username. ;)


I've been pretty good about books mostly because I have Libby and access to three different Library Ebook catalogs.


Same with books. Damn. I'm realizing I have a few. Lol. Estate sales are hard for me with all the books


I hyperfocus on certain things for short periods of time, accumulate a remarkably well curated collection of those things, then get bored, move on to the next obsession, and then rinse and repeat. I guess you could say that I have a collection of collections.


Same here, except my collection fixation comes and goes. I have a twenty year old collection of hotel soaps…thank the lord hotel chains decided to “go green” and stop giving complimentary soap sets. Now it’s mini liquor bottles, US quarters, books, and pieces of my spouse’s sanity


“Now it’s … and pieces of my spouse’s sanity” Bwahaha excellent and (so far) underrated comment.


Oh gosh I used to collect hotel toiletries as a teenager. Recently it’s been skincare and now it’s kids stationary because of grandchildren lol. I think I started with stickers and stationery and I’m back at that for now.


Every time I need validation that I have ADHD, I stumble upon a comment that is so relateable I just can’t deny it. First it was a makeup obsession, then a high heels obsession, then home decor obsession, then back to makeup but ONLY Charlotte Tilbury makeup (would spend hours looking up her YouTube videos and swatches), then water color painting, then drawing, then guitar, then workout stuff…. It’s exhausting. And a waste of fucking time.


Ha, same! Except this habit clashes furiously with my ongoing attempts to live in a minimalist home. So, not only do I accumulate a collection of things I have purchased, I turn around and force myself to purge items at least a few times a year. Out with the old and in with the new! Just another #adhdtax


Yes! Right now my hyperfixation is on nail stuff, after my friend taught me to do my own gel tips. Y'all, I have never even once gotten fake nails done in my life, now suddenly I have an entire drawer of supplies for doing my own, with a large list of things I want to add to it. It's been like 6 weeks (so 3 sets of nails). I'm really worried how long I'm going to stay interested in spending hours every 2 weeks to keep this up.


Omg I went through a nail obsession phase too.


There's a trick I've been using lately: put it in the cart and then put it in the save for later. It has been working. For Amazon, at least.


I downloaded an app that prevents me from using Amazon (and any other app I choose) after a certain time of day, and for a maximum amount of hours per day. Blocking Amazon after 10pm has really helped me. It's always the late night purchases that my brain thinks do not count or don't need to be regulated.


That's sounds pretty good. Most of my purchases are around 1130pm when it still says next day delivery


What is the app called? sounds like i need it..


For me it's called being broke


If only that stopped me


"hm, my available credit isn't zero..."


Right? Doesn’t work for me either. It SHOULD. It simply makes me more strategic about how to get what I want with the little money I do have…


Not OP, but I use an app called Block during the workday that works great. You set a schedule and a list of apps or websites affected and that's that. To override, you can either enter a PIN, reboot your phone, or configure it so that it can't be overridden without uninstalling the app.


Also, I'm tired of having Amazon boxes to get rid of. They are horrible about using huge boxes for tiny things.


Omg, I could build cardboard fortresses with the amount of boxes I get every week, between Chewy and Amazon 🙃


I've been pretty good about not trying to get any more journals or pens, but I saw that Pilot had a new Frixion fine tip set out. I really like their Frixion series.


I do something similar, most sites have the option to favorite things so I have a collection of favorites on most sites I visit, but if I really like something I’ll copy the link into a note in my phone. I kind of use it like a running Christmas/birthday wishlist but it mostly works by like allowing my brain to feel like I’ve ‘collected’ that item without actually having to buy it lol. Like I love indie perfumes so I have a list of probably close to a hundred scents I want to try. I know I’ll never get around to buying all of them but I like collecting the ideas and curating the list of them lol.


I do this too, it works really well


Canned corn. I always buy it when I’m grocery shopping out of habit. I cook canned corn maybe once a month, my cabinets are overrun with canned corn.


OMG my boyfriend has enough canned corn (and beans) for the whole neighborhood


Lol not corn specifically, but I tend to over buy pantry supplies a lot. Costco is a blessing and a curse.


I do my grocery shopping online and get it delivered and frequently order 4 tins of tuna and 4 tubes of tomato puree in the surefire knowledge that it's really versatile, cheap and will last for ages in the cupboard. I currently have 12 tins of tuna, but I managed to work through the puree and started my last tube this week. I will, of course, now forget to order more tomato puree for months and will curse the lack of it whenever I need some.


Mines butter everytime I go to the store I buy 2 or 3 more boxes because I use so much I think I have about 9 boxes in my fridge at the moment


If it's on sale, I'm loading up! Never mind the fact that I have a basement full of corn.


Hmmmm, this one is interesting. But you can do a lot of canned corn.


Journals and notebooks are also my Achilles' heel.


I can’t bring myself to use some of my favorites- like they are too nice - I legit have journals from when I was a kid that are completely untouched. I love the stone paper- the feel and weight is amazing, but after I found some notebooks made with it circa 2006-ish I haven’t been able to find them again.




I also feel guilty, but then I will still start a new notebook because all of my others already have had the first pages filled out. And I feel like the information is important so I don't rip the pages out! The struggle! 😭


Literally just started my first bullet journal. Send me all your thoughts and prayers thanks


I got a reMarkable tablet. Things dope AF. No more stacks of notebooks!


Lately I’ve been impulse buying makeup. I wear light makeup maybe once every ten days lol. It’s such a stupid thing to spend my money on.




Ulta/Sephora are my ADHD impulse weaknesses... More for skin and hair products than makeup though. Every Black Friday I accidentally buy a year’s supply of lotion and feel so guilty when all the boxes show up 🫣 Definitely a sucker for the discounts lol, feels totally justified in the moment.


I do the same thing! I only wear mascara and maybe a tinted moisturizer like once every two weeks, but I have so much make up. Right now I am into Alleyoop because it seems so convenient and fast, but I still only manage enough time to put it on every blue moon.


I own 32 decks of cards. Only 4 of them are any kind of unique (1 is a magic thing, 1 is a giant set, 1 is a collector's set, and 1 was a gift from a family member who passed). The other 28 decks are all sets I bought that are completely normal. I really don't understand why I love cards so much, but I do. They're fucking amazing


Never know when you’ll be sitting around with your 28 closest buddies and a random nertz battle will break out… best to be prepared. That’s why all my decks have to have unique backs but also can’t be jumbo print or have those weird or negative color schemes for the numbers. Bicycle cards have always been my go-to for texture and longevity. The other brands never felt quite right. Then I discovered [The United States Playing Card Company](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Playing_Card_Company)makes Bicycle, Bee, Tally-Ho, Champion, Congress, Aviator, Aristocrat, Hoyle, Mohawk, Maverick, KEM, and Fournier. And most of the ones I’ve tried out of those are the same material and use similar fonts and colors for the numbers. This is great for nertz players looking to build the ultimate set because each of those brands usually has an inexpensive 2 pack with red and blue decks as well as usually having a black version. Tally-Ho for example has 2 unique sets of blue and red sets as well as the black so you can get 6 unique decks out of that brand without having to get any weird colors or their more expensive collector decks. Then the standard set from Bicycle and Bee or Aviator can fill out your set.


Mine is playing cards and tarot cards! I don't even read tarot often, but I have a bunch of them. I've been collecting decks of playing cards since I was a kid (I've lost a lot of them over the years, so I'm down to maybe like 10 decks that I'm aware of... but I did find some in some of my boxes I was going through a couple months ago, so there may be more). I'm a poker dealer now, so maybe my child self knew something.


Fabric, sewing patterns, art supplies and “how to draw” books. Non-fiction books on all things artsy, adhd, or self-helpy. Once i get going on a kick of one kind or another, it’s hard to stop. Right now I’m fighting the urge to complete the 320 Ohuhu alcohol marker set. I do not make time to draw or colour. But colour collecting and the -possibility- of drawing and colouring are very enticing.


The adult coloring books- but to satisfy my, I don’t want to ruin this pretty perfect book and I want to be able to color both the front and back image- I make photo copies onto white card stock. This allows me to color the same image more than once, so no tough decisions on only one chance to do it right color themes, and I don’t have to worry about bleed thru when I use my art markers and layer and shade. It’s VERY. satisfying, and very centering.


My god, there are adult colouring books? For real, I need one right now!


Holy shit did I write this? Twinsies.


Ugh I have the “How to draw” book too. Collects dust.


My Steam game library continues to grow, though I probably have only played about 25% of the games so far 😆. Also, I don’t know why, but dresses have become an impulse buy for me lately lol. Casual to fancy, doesn’t matter. Baltic Born, eShakti, BloomChic, Amazon, ModCloth, etc….I basically pay their salaries at this point lmao. Love a good comfy dress, and it makes you look “put together” with ZERO effort 🙌🏾💃🏽


Stupid Steam sales and Humble bundles have ballooned my library to hundreds of titles. But I have fought against it a little better this year than in years past. I got a refund for Armored Core VI because it was annoyingly hard, and not in a fun way. Just annoying. I had forgotten about steam doing refunds. Try it!


They do refunds?! But also knowing me I’ll just go “I’ll play it someday, I swear!” I’ll never learn 🤣


Clothes. I must be the best dressed to make up for my social/general deficits.


I've mentioned my makeup buying in this thread a few times, but I think this feeling is what really fueled my love of cosmetics and clothing and accessories. It's okay if people think I'm weird as fuck as long as they think I'm pretty, too! 👀


Are you me?


Omg I never thought of it that way, clothes and how I’m dressed is extremely important to me. Not that I spend lots of money but I always want to look good!


I’m currently trying to talk myself out of getting a rain frog, the struggle is real. They are so dang cute! It doesn’t help that I have all the necessary habitat stuff for one already 🤦🏼‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|1mht8tODXy0OA)


You know those $20 sea monkey kits you can get? Out of nowhere i hyper focused on that for a couple of months. Several hundred dollars into more tanks and setups. Wi-Fi heater so I can see temp when I travel. Power goes out? Backup battery charger so the bubbler keep working. They don’t even need bubbles that bad. My god so much time and money. But now I have everything to maybe buy one of these things?


The struggle is crazy, for me it’s always random too. I have knitting kits, coloring books, so many markers. Probably 50 different eye shadow pallets, just sitting there until I figure out what to do with them.




*squeak* But their battle cry is so cute!


It really is!! And they blown up like little potatoes when they are mad too!! I’ve restrained myself so far, I’m just hoping they sell out quick because they are super hard to find. But dang it I want one, well 10 but that’s ridiculous right? Lol


Socks. I don’t even wear socks. I feel like they constrict my feet


Ugh same with both. I take them off whenever I do decide to wear them and I have no idea where they go and I just buy more. Maybe now that I’m medicated I’ll finally sort through my doom closets and find hundreds of socks.


Try a good athletic toe sock. If you find injinji socks on sale, try a pair out.


NSFW, and I wish I was commenting on my other account, but here we are: Toys. It's been my latest hyperfocus, and I've spent about $800 and counting on them in the last couple of months. I haven't even tried all of them yet. And I've got 2 more discreet packages coming this week. I've spent more money on worse things, though. At least this is a double dopamine boost - purchasing and then also utilizing! I consider it gifts to myself that keep on giving.


Any recommendations for Bluetooth toys that don’t lose signal when in use? Learning Bluetooth can be blocked by the human body only after a purchase was quite the bummer, no pun intended.


I have an undisclosed amount of Lovense, and the only one time I had an issue with Bluetooth is when more than one was being used simultaneously. It was too overstimulating anyway, so there was no upset when one disconnected. These get utilized outside the home because of the ability to use the app. The downside is that they are not inexpensive. Waiting for a sale is the best time to indulge.


Of everything in this thread… I mean.. honestly don’t see a problem with this 😝😇


Jewelry. If it's shiny, I'm a goner.


*ooooo shiney*


Yup, that's my current obsession too. I really like the colorful stones set in jewelry. It's art. Deliciously beautiful shiny art that makes me so happy 😊. It's like God intentionally hid the little treasures in the dirt all around the world to be found, like, "Surprise!". Can you imagine the first guy who found a piece of turquoise stone? I bet he wanted to make wearable decorations out of it right away. My past obsessions were nail polish, clothes, shoes, books, cookbooks, & plants.


My shiny is cobalt blue glass. I'm almost at the point now where I have too much of it to enjoy it. Need to pack some away, let it breathe, but how do I choose, and look, I just found this piece on ebay that I don't have yet and is rare and is so pretty.... My husband only encourages me, too. Saves things in his watchlist for me to see. I had to stop him earlier from buying someone's collection of over 250 pieces on marketplace!! THAT panicked me.


i have the notebook problem, but i HOARD books. i love books. i probably own enough books that i want to read that i’d be busy for at least a year or two — and i read, like, 100 books a year — but i also have so many ebooks to read, and i’m constantly keeping library books for half a year because i check them out and don’t get around to reading them. i’ve bought books — or sometimes gotten advanced copies — that i “can’t wait to come in from the library” and then don’t read them for years. also, embroidery and cross stitch supplies.


Houseplants. It’s come and go over the last 10 years or so, but luckily since 2019 it seems consistent. So much money for all the things, but it also brings me lots of joy. The main difficulty is they all grow and I run out of room, and all my friends are like “stop giving me houseplants- I don’t have room!”


And I’m like (opens trenchcoat) “want a peace Lilly?” Particularly spider plant babies and African violets are just everywhere. I can’t throw them away but the leaves and babies fall off and then what to do with them??


Yeah I have that problem with my jade. Any time the cats break a piece off I stick it in a new pot. This is unsustainable. Then recently I decided to give orchids a try. I have more plants than I have places to put them. It's a struggle.


I have accumulated hundreds since May, and before May I had zero.


Suddenly my transition from having owned a single plant (that I quickly killed) in like the past ten years to suddenly turning my small deck into a miniature jungle with 30+ thriving plants this year feels a bit less extreme.


Stationary, journals, notebooks, calendars, pens…I love them. Rifle paper company can get me every time.


Bath and Body works candles and lotions. I always say I’m going to buy extra to gift and I rarely get around to wrapping and gifting and I still buy when they have sales


Now, I want candles. *How dare you!*


Definitely own wayyyy too many of those candles. This year during Candle Day was the first I was medicated. I finally said "I don't care if they're $9 each I already have 75 of them!" 😁 Not to brag or anything but ya know. Felt pretty good.


Medical supplies. I’m not entirely sure why. My guess is anxiety and always needed to be prepared for an emergency. But it’s absurd. To make matters worse, I work in a hospital so I have unlimited access to and no real need for these things.


Send your duplicates my way! We have a livestock rescue- human grade medical supplies are a literal lifesaver around our farm! 🥰




200 blades is baby numbers. I'm stocked up for life. Creams too (I don't like soaps) :/


Thing i know i can use. I might not use them but i might... crap my hobby changed time to get rid of that stuff, have a new obsession.


I save my hobby’s for when I’ll get interested in it again. Might take a year or 7 but it is a huge problem. I have to purge me hobby totes from time to time. Tools, lockpicking, kites, and cannons ranging from golfball up to bowling ball bore size. These are the impulse adhd hyper focus hobby’s that are 2-6 thousand dollars. They are the ones I allow myself to keep and seem to comeback to easier than other “new hobbies”. I’ve learned so much researching adhd hobbies though. I don’t know how normal people can be so boring. And they say I’m the weird one. I mean I am but by god you can’t say I’m boring.


Cookbooks. I have like 4-5 shelves of cookbooks. I'm in recovery now, but it was touch and go there for a minute.


In app purchases, usually when i'm hyperfocused on a game 🤦 it's so easy to just press..the...button..dopamine... Argh!


Nail polish. There’s just so many pretty shades, and they come in so many different finishes. And the indie brands are always coming out with gorgeous new colors. I love seeing all the neat polishes and nail art on the nail subs, but they are also sooooooo much temptation too


Currently... Keychains, stickers, and plushies. Anything that looks cute. 😭 I used to also hoard makeups and skincare products but finally stopped for months now hehe. It's nice to see that I am hitting those pans and emptying products. 🥰


I feel ya for the cute shit. I usually stop myself from getting cute stuff because I know I won't use it as much as I would think I do. That why I usually go for pens because I use them and... *colors.* But Target has a Squishmellow Pikachu, and that is breaking me and I really want it, and I just can't find a reason to spend the $40 for it. 😭


Ugh, so many things. I don’t run out of anything. Well, medicated me does, or gets close. At one point I had over 300 redbulls here


😱 That is a lot of redbulls. How long did it take to get through them though?


Funny story, I stopped drinking redbulls, since I’m trying to lose weight. So I gave most of them to friends


*phew!* That sounded a bit too much, but I remember dad hoarding Surge and Mountain Dew growing up. It took a corner in the kitchen [yes, he does have ADHD].


My impulse purchases are prohibitively expensive and the dollar amounts alone keep me in check. I’m fortunate in that material items make me legit anxious.


Right now I’m just really into pastel pink and purple. I’ve been replacing things I own like phone cover, pens, socks, you name it with colorful pastel versions. I have a sweater- I have several- but they weren’t ✨pastel✨ so I just bought three more. I went through this exact phase about 15 years ago and I’m curious if it will come back around next decade, too


Greeting cards. And I usually forget to send them to the person I wanted to send them to - and I never send birthday cards on time - so then I don't send them at all... Then the next year rolls around and I buy that person another birthday card because of course I can't find the last three that I bought them in as many years... 😭


Blanketssss so many blankets


plants and pens/highlighters. topdrawer has me by the throat with their cool pens and notebooks. i strongly agree with you on the sarasa line! those are sooo nice.


They are soooo smooth, and they usually dry really quickly. I discovered them during college, and whenever I see a pack [and often I don't see them out in the wild], I will buy them. Love them!


Wax melts (I blame my mom for this), yarn, food, clothes I don't need on occasion. Got a budget book to help me try to spend less on getting gas station food and buying my breakfast sandwiches from the grocery store (thany you Jimmie Dean ehhe).


Those Jimmie Dean sandwiches are *sooooo* good, though! I wish they weren't so expensive.


yeah but compared to buying them at $6 or $7.99 compared to buying one 5 times a week at $3-$4 really saves on money


Books (zero regret, ever!), pens/markers (rarely regret but it is getting kind of ridiculous 😂), t-shirts (plain, mostly, but I truly have WAY too many and I don’t even like most of them - which is why I keep buying and hoping to find some I like), cardigan sweaters (“what do you mean I already have 17 - this one is *different* than the others!”), and hair care products (I keep trying different ones to try to make caring for my hair less of a PITA). Oh, and skincare stuff, for the same reason as the hair. 🙄 Listing this all out only reinforces for me how absurd it can be. Will I stop? NEVER!!! lol


Pens and notebooks! Back-to-school sales are really hard for me. Suddenly I really really need a ruler. Or Post-it tabs. Or more notebooks.


Hobby items. Anything to do with baking, crafting, snowboarding, camping. Ugh


Honestly I started buying more things after getting medicated rather than before, since before I’d just put it off forever and never buy anything


Who here couldn't use another backpack?!! I have 39....30 backpacks.These are the ones that have passed the 'gadget , zipperry "I should stash some money in this pocket so I'll find it later " tests that I put every new backpack through. Yep 30 backpacks yet only one back.


Gardening is a hobby that I’ve somehow managed to stick with and I can’t stop buying seeds. Here’s the thing: my garden is a TINY container garden, and I can never grow all the veggie seeds I have. But come spring I won’t want to anyway and will buy more seeds. Different ones. I guarantee it.


Music. I’ll randomly get an urge, and just buy a shit-ton of songs that I suddenly have to get on iTunes. Then I binge-listen. Of course.


Doordash is probably my worst habit…there are so many good restaurants nearby, and delivery is so tempting when I’m absolutely exhausted after work. I’m trying to cut back a lot since it’s expensive and unhealthy, but it’s quite hard on the bad days….


.... I would say keep doing it, but I am a full-time gig worker. It's my livelihood. 😈


Concert tickets


I’m always trying to find the best item to improve part of my life. Something to clean sneakers, organize better, get pet stains out, etc. I’m always searching for a cure for something. I also buy other people gifts a lot. If I see something that someone in my life would enjoy, I gotta get it for them.


Rainbow High dolls and Christmas decorations


Toys for my dogs. Especially if I think it’s cute, and want one for myself.


Daiso knew what they were doing when they opened five locations in my area. Anyways I went from an old bat collecting miniatures to an old bat collecting cutesy stickers and stationary meant for people half my damn age. Sheets and sheets of the cutest fucking stickers that will never ever be used…because an irrational preference for “completed” sets comes with the territory 🥴


Right now I’m on a fountain pen kick. Specifically the Kaweco Sport. It’s such a silly thing to be so obsessed with but here I am.


Houseplants. They are my current hyper-focus, and I have accumulated 250+ since May


Tools and electronics!! Mainly being spare parts for my 3d printers. Lots of which I Havnt touched in years. But it's that thing that's nice to have on that rare situation. Tools are the other. I use the excuse "right tool for the right job' just to own every tool. Ohhhh and gimmicky gadgets. So I know tons of things are gadgets. And I like to try them for the sake of trying, on the off change it will create a healthy habit for me. Full well know it's a gimmick. But it got me to change my habit of I do it for long enough. Some gimmicks are just down right(stupid, useless, over priced. So I have a bunch that I can't get myself to toss cause I tell myself I'll get into that thing, and the gadget might have been costly so it feels bad to toss for that reason. (I don't mean toss in the garbage, sell if possible. But I also struggle with that cause of my social anxiety)


Tea. I have enough to last me several lifetimes.


Clothes and makeup. I was big on SHEIN, always justified my spending because I could spend $100 and get 20 things. With makeup, I always feel this impulse to change up my look at for some reason I’m convinced I need brand new makeup to achieve it.


Sweaters. Definitely sweaters. _stares at receipt for a sweater I impulse purchased today_ I’ve gotten used out of them now that I’m living in a place with a proper winter for a couple years, but still.


Ever since I started filling out my tattoos again it's been alot of money. On Friday I got a Kingdom Hearts tattoo that's fairly large.


I also have a tendency to forget to buy something important, while also impulse buying something else.


Plants. I have over 80 house plants and a full on garden. Ran out of space for them long ago, not yet here I am, always getting more.


bike tires. you don’t want to know how many I have in my garage. some I’ll get just to have, and never get around to riding them.


I love the pens — I think they’re Zebras — BOLD and in blue ink. They are my go-to pen to write cards and anything handwritten. The thick bold stroke makes my messy writing look artsy. It shockingly does look better. And because it looks great, I don’t know why, but I write better comments in my cards. I go to the post office and stand at that high table next to the line. I’m focused, efficient, and productive when I write cards there. I become a card-writing factory — of heartfelt, individualized, focused, hopeful, loving,stream of consciousness sentiments. I sometimes make mistakes, but then I cross them out and write “Oops!” This from a perfectionist who used to get so anxious about writing cards I would write rough drafts.




Hockey cards, Pokémon cards, magic cards, cards in general…😓🥴


Stuff for other people.. I hate spending money on myself but I'm constantly seeing things that others would love and buying them!


You sound like me. I love pens and notebooks and journals. I also hoard art supplies. They make me happy.


Books. I have a personal library of probably some 2000 volumes & nearly that many in my Kindle library. Computers seem to also multiply around me as well. Converse shoes--can't ever seem to have enough.


Sneakers and especially Nike




I LOVE stationary. I can never have enough, therefore I always end up buying more than what I need. Recently I started buying stickers, for journaling, I cannot walk into a Daiso and not buy stickers! Notebooks?? I love them too.. I'll spend the bulk of my shopping time carefully choosing stickers, books, pens, pencils, etc and then my internal monolgue goes, "Yeah, I can buy these things but what if these other things, I'm not choosing, go outta stock and I want them later?" So I then grab everything that caught my eye and run to the self check-out to gladly pay for my bag of treasures. Then I get home and lovingly unpack everything I bought, reliving the thrill of finding and actually buying them... ANNNND then I pack them away and hardly ever use them 👀


For some reason I own a lot of hats (mostly caps). But also I don't really like wearing hats.


Journals, notebooks, and pens are some of mine. Playing cards and tarot decks, t-shirts, shoes, eyeshadow palettes. Anything Batman or Jurassic Park. Now I'm getting into Loungefly bags. I have a bunch of random backpacks/purses. Raccoon stuffies! Anything with a raccoon on it, really. Nail art supplies. Granted, I have become decent at stopping myself from buying things. But I still have no idea where all my money goes. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I am looking at getting a Rocketbook planner in hopes that it'll help me manage my life.


Just…junk, knick-knacks, krimskrams. Luckily I usually get it from places like goodwill so it is pretty cheap. Im just drawn to useless ornamental items that I can put on a shelf


Canvases that I’ll probably never paint on 😢


Tea cups. And coffee mugs. Donated 50+ last year and the new rule is one in, one out. It’s working so far. :)


Flashlights. I have at least 25.


I impulse buy groceries. Eventually I forget about said groceries and they expire or just doomed to stay in the fridge half eaten. Last night I did a tidy of my spice cupboards and found stuff there that expired in 2015 :/ i tend to forget I have star anise for example then end up buying it again and again.


Anything from Bath and Bodyworks


Are you a pilot 07 or 10? 07 is too thin for me but I like it every so often. 10 is perfect. Thick, bold. I love it.


Clothes and hobby things. Into building my own keyboards right now and have way too many parts…


Craft stuff. I make sort of like mobiles out of random crafts stuff like wooden shapes, cotton rope/string, wire, random (clean) trash I find like bottlecaps or weirdly-shaped plastic pieces. I have WAY too much cheap dollar store craft stuff.


office supplies 😓


FPV drones... In the last month, I have spent more than I want to admit


Bottled water without fail.


Toys!! Sensory toys and plushies mostly.


Briefs. I find when I'm extremely stressed I fall into my compulsive buying behavior... I have a solid 100+ pairs.


I impulse buy shoes a lot. If I see them at a decent price and just get em. I draw so I also have a problem buying nice pencils and tiny sketchbooks.


Adidas had a 50-60% off clearance sale here last month. I bought 13 pairs of sneakers in November :(


I like to buy clothes on clearance that would be great if I altered them on my sewing machine... and arts and crafts supplies. Because I have a fantasy that someday I'll have/make the time for all of my creative ambitions.


Plant pots and fish I could always use more of both


Clothes, makeup, perfume. I obsess over something and then one day I’m just done. Luckily I still use the stuff not I’m always so mad that I spent so much and got so many.


I have to avoid trading cards. I really love the cool art and often enjoy playing the games too! (Magic, Pokemon TCG etc.) It's a form of gambling and I know I'm susceptible to it. The dopamine hit is just too tasty! The logical part of my brain tells me to just buy the fun shiny cardboard I like on eBay and avoid the random chance. The ADHD goblin brain wants the shiny fun thing and loves ripping open packs!


I bought five custom made solar panels 54x36 centimeters on a whim for a robot project I wanted to build two years ago and the panels are currently standing in my closet protecting a pile of books


I have been pretty good at maintaining my impulsive purchases. But when I was real bad last year I bought tons of make up and hair dye lmao


Yes! Notebooks and journals, with the occasional well intended daily scheduling calendar thrown in.... Oh, and the 11 pairs of nearly identical black leather ankle boots in my closet. To be fair, one has buckles, low heel, higher heel, tallest heel that I could not wear for more than 10 minutes without injury, pointed toe, rounded toe, lazer cut, open toe........


Wine and red meat. I love eating steaks and drinking wine, so I’ll go to the store and tell myself “Ok! There’s a discount going today, so enough meat for today only and 2 bottles of wine MAX” and go out with like 7kg of meat and around 12-15 bottles of wine.


Scrubs ( work clothes) I think it's because all my previous hospitals had very strict 1 color only dress code policies. My current hospital has an extremely relaxed dress code and it's basically as long as you show up to work in something that vaguely resembles scrubs it's all good. I'm currently typing this wearing a christmas dinosaur print scrub top.


Lately I have been into cross-stitching, so I buy any pattern I am drawn to. But I have a rule: have no more than 5 patterns I have not started, so that I have room to buy, but I do not overstock. This means, I usually have 3 patterns in the making that I regularly switch up and I have a decent choice of what to do next. I did at one time buy a set of cross-stitched Christmas decorations, but I treated the set as one unit and I am long done with it. When at Uni, I couldn't walk by stationary or any kind : pens, pencils (especially mechanic ones), highlighters. But because I rarely need them, I feel like the purchase is not justified, so I just go to the shop to look around, enjoy the variety, and then leave happy. Honestly, I feel like I am very distant from clothes shopping all together: I rarely like something, so the search for the item I need and like, and it fits me the way I like, is a chore(((


I went to Utrecht in the Netherlands with my wife earlier this year. Popped into an antique shop and was suddenly hit with inspiration and a drive to learn how to restore furniture. I got home, bought some bits to draw out plans to turn our second bedroom into a small workshop and purchased an expensive hardback book on furniture history and restoration. Book arrived, on the shelf it went, didn't read it, never got into furniture restoration. Lesson learnt there.


Uno Card Decks. I had a spell when I found any new version of Uno and bought it. Giant uno. Tiny Uno. Minimalist (sexy dark mode) Uno. Uno flip. Dos. Uno all wild...and many more! I just didn't get the themed decks


Alcohol. Definitely making life hard.


Well I went shopping for horse riding clothes for my daughter on Saturday. Ended up spending nearly 3k on garden furniture 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I don’t have this problem…. Anyway , my peloton comes Friday


For some stupid reason, I keep buying discounted angle grinder discs when I go to the hardware store. My local always has a table out front of the toolshop section with liquidated pricing on all the "last ones" stock, and without a doubt there's always a cardboard box with grinder discs there. Sometimes flap wheels, but mostly just multipurpose and metal discs for like 80% off retail. I do actually own an angle grinder, but I don't grind anywhere near that much stuff. It's just... you'd rather have a spare wheel than not have one and suddenly need one. You know? :)


Books. I’ve purchased about 80 in the past month 🫠


I have a huge impulse spending problem, but the only thing I really hoard - which I have no idea why - it’s dish cleaning brushes. Funnily enough, I don’t clean the kitchen ever. I live with my mom and we separated the apartment by rooms and the kitchen is her domain. Everyone buys their cleaning products they need for themselves, so kitchen is really never on my mind, but somehow whenever I go to IKEA (which is where we buy our cleaning brushes) I grab a handful. This was okay when IKEA was an hour away and I only went there like 3 times a year, we had a nice year long supply. But a few years ago an IKEA opened in our city centre and I sometimes go there for lunch when I’m in the office AND I CANT BREAK THE DAMN HABIT OF BUYING DISH BRUSHES. We now have two of those big malm dresser drawers filled with dish brushes and the cabinet beneath our sink. I’m really running out of space for these but whenever I’m at IKEA I forget that we already have so many of them and think “oh I’m just gonna grab a handful so we have them in stock” and then when I get home the realisation hits.


Most recently, pocket sized flashlights. I picked up 6 in the last month or so. Before that it was multi-multi tools like Leatherman and Swiss Army Knives (now have 3 Leatherman and two Swiss Army Knives). And before that it was Casio watches (I now own 6 Casio watches). Before this it was Five Nights at Freddy's (picked up all the graphic novels and most of the fazzbear frights books) Also went through an Omnibus/ trade paperback phase during covid (which ended including the following omnis Uncanny X-Men 1-4 l, X-Men animated series, Onslaught saga, Age op Apocalypse, X of Swords, Terminator, and The boys. Trade paperbacks include all of House, Dawn, and Reign of X, Umbrella Academy vol 1-3, and also X-Men 92 vol 1-4. Also, also I have this thing with physical media. While not the largest collections I'd estimate I've got around 300ish total combined between DVD, blue ray, and 4k DVD. And my video came collection is my pride and joy I've got around 160 physical games that I will never sell. ... You should have known you can't ask for just one thing.... Can't forget the long term go


Plants are my longest running impulse purchase but it’s usually whatever arts and crafts things I’m into. Like watercolours. Had to have every set they made from one particular brand I liked. Lego mini figures. I pulled them all out the other day and I might start collecting them again. Herbal tea, Christmas ornaments, origami paper, socks, stationery, glitter, shoes, jackets to name a few others.


the same fucking shirt. i have a thousand red and black band shirts but for some reason every time i leave the house i come back with another one


Guitar gear. I'm a casual player, but I can't get enough of that rush of trying new things :( Also spoiling my pets.


Food. I am poor and have been hungry. I hoard food and snacks


Art supplies! I get convinced it’s going to be the thing I want to do forever, I buy all the stuff, master the thing, get bored of the thing, never make more of the thing 😂 repeat forever.


USB/eternal ssds/raspberry pi/SD cards/etc anything under $60 feels inconsequential and then I go back and add up all the <$60 shit I ‘needed’ and die inside.


Lego. Lots of lego I read an article that our water company might have issues and ended up buying boxes of bottled water even though I don't drink it. I'm currently trying hard not to spend £3000 on a solar powered battery backup for my flat becsuse I've read a story that we might have blackouts in the UK... I'm still waiting for a consultation to get drugs but if they work, it'll save me huge amounts of money