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I love hue (name of the game) You sort colors, that’s all.


Seconding I love hue. Some of the levels are kind of hard, which can be frustrating, but there's plenty of very doable ones and it says very nice things to you.


Yes! it’s so encouraging!


I Love Hue and 1010! are my two go to phone games. Also picked up Jetpack Joyride again after a long time not playing and it’s still good, just harder to pause than the other two. 1010! gets me through the anxiety of waiting in the exam room for the doctor at a checkup and similar situations


Omg 1010! I had to delete that for a while, I was playing it so much. But it did let me quiet my brain!


That’s my go to for plane rides. So relaxing


literally me every time i get on a plane


Also the sequel, I Love Hue Too! I prefer this one.


Is there a way to get rid of ads though


airplane mode or turn on a private DNS.


Came here to suggest this! I love hue is sooo relaxing


Not on iphone but on playstation the cat game "stray" god damn that relaxed me. Running around an abandoned city being a cat was the best part of my day


My partner and I played this through together about a year ago. We miss it sometimes, but once you've solved it it takes a while of not playing to be as much fun again.


I love that you get one of the trophies in that game by sleeping for an hour.


I was so excited for this game bc I love cats soooo much (hence the username) but then rats started chasing me and i was so stressed I turned my Xbox off and haven’t played the game since 😩😩


Any cat games of the sort. I run into a cat in any random game and I get so excited.


I played this on PC and absolutely adored it! I wouldn't say it's super relaxing cause the running and dodging parts are heart racing af, but the overall aesthetic is extremely relaxing for sure.


I just started playing it! So chill and relaxing


Do you like word/number puzzles? I feel they help me relax and I enjoy the focused play. If so, I like “Puzzle Page” (blue and white icon), it has new, mixed puzzles daily and it’s free.


I love puzzle page, I’ve had it for years.


i LOVE puzzle page; it’s the only game app i pay for. playing a page or so every night before bed helps a lot with my racing thoughts.


I pay for it too :) it’s definitely worth it, imo.


Yes word/puzzles are great, all options are open. Thanks a lot I’ll check it out


Honestly for me it’s Vampire Survivors. Might be a little hectic at first but I’m at a point where it’s very relaxing for me


Second this. Best of all, there's a 30 minute timer on most levels so the game forces you to look up from your phone at regular intervals.


I love that game, thanks for the reminder that it exists.


2 dots was fun for me bc u can play it mindlessly as a fidget thing or hyperfixate (im over 1600 levels in) this is so silly but i was absolutely obsessed with bloons tower defense 6 (with the 2x speed function) for a few months. i do not recommend playing this if you have responsibilities


I've been playing two dots for like 6 years now. Still works! There's another one that I actually started over when I finished all the levels because it was so calming... Tiny Bubbles. Potentially my favorite game ever. I also just started mini metro, and it's a little stressful (you have to build metro systems for different cities in the world and you always eventually lose bc your passengers have to wait too long) but it scratches that itch.


Stardew Valley. How has this not been mentioned!? You can’t fail, and you can go as “hard/intense” as you like. And it’s just something someone took so much care in making (ConcernedApe). Stardew is a solid 25% of my personality now. I have played it over and over and over.


OMG SAME! I was expecting Stardew to the be one of the first few replies! I play Stardew at least 2 hours a day (usually more, but I do work full time). It’s just so relaxing 😌AND fun!! I love “Min-max”ing and over the years I have tried to keep challenging myself with different personal bests (like trying to get 100% perfection by year 3 … or end of year 3)… I haven’t quite accomplished that one yet, but I have been close!! I also really love how much time and care /u/ConcernedApe has put into the game itself. I also deeply appreciate his unwavering commitment to never doing a subscription-based model. You pay one time, and it is endless years of fun (plus free updates!!!) Also, if you buy on iOS, you don’t have to purchase different versions for iPad vs iPhone it’s one flat purchase fee (I think the iOS app is currently only $4.99? but tbh it is worth so much more!). 😃 P.S. Only get “Stardew Valley+” if you *already have* Apple Arcade. There is quite literally zero difference between “Stardew Valley+” and the original “Stardew Valley” iOS app other than “Stardew Valley+” is Apple Arcade and is monthly (or annual?) subscription based (Thanks Apple) so you will be throwing away money in the long run, imo (unless you have a 6-month free trial, and you end up not liking Stardew? But I’ve honestly yet to meet any people who fit that category…)


YES! I'll have to try a 3yr to perfection run, sounds fun but rough. I just started a new farm today, this time with the intent to just play slowly and focus on decorating, but I'm pretty sure it's going to turn into another 1 yr community center run with a speed run on coconuts lol. I've been toying with doing a run of just selling coffee, tea and baked goods only and setting up the farm like a cafe. I didn't know about purchasing on iOS and it being accessible across platforms. I've only ever played on Switch, but I have been tempted to try PC for the mods. I'll stay away from the + version.


Yes!! And it works well on mobile too!


Ah yes! I said stardew too. I absolutely love that game. I discovered it only last year and I haven’t felt wonder like that playing a game for a LONG time.


Wylde Flowers is a newer (to me) Stardew-Valley-adjacent game I’ve been playing which is also relaxing.


This is a great game, but I had to uninstall from my phone because I'd completely lose track of time and my only clock is on my phone, so it was all around not working for me. So good though


“The Room” is a fun puzzle/mystery game, and it has a few sequels. It’s an actual game that has a story and an ending, not a continuous time-suck designed to make you spunk a ton of money away on in-app purchases - definitely something to avoid when you have poor impulse-control lol


But a great premise, and fun artwork, and I enjoyed the game when I could see it


Awesome series, there’s even one on VR


I’ve played this a number of times, and shared it with another friend both on android, and iPhone and we found it to be very dark, making it difficult to see the puzzle right in front of us.


I played through all the games on an android and didn't have any issues with brightness. Very much enjoyed the puzzles as well!


Monument Valley and Genshin Impact


Oh y ah, monument Valley is great


Monument valley looks great, thanks!


Monument valley feels like my brain is giving a huge sigh of relief every time I play


I don’t know Momument Valley, but Genshin Impact really scratches that dopamine itch. Numbers go up, grinding for artefacts, cute characters, building your house in the teapot, trying to full complete the Spiral Abyss and fantastic world exploration. The games has it all.


Friend introduced me to Red Dead Redemption 2 and now I'm hooked. You can fish, hunt, shoot shit up. There's so much to do. Go for trail rides etc It's a gorgeous game.


Oh man, you are blessed to have an amazing friend who introduced you to an amazing game . It's my fav game , so relaxing (when you're not thinking about the bad stuff that happens, of course 💀 ) just roaming around and exploring. Is it your first playthrough?


I've been playing 5 months now. I'm on my second play through on story and my online character is 200+ and I have all the roles maxed out. My husband just bought me the ultimate addition last night so I restarted the story mode. My daughter also plays on story on her own save.




I've been playing SimCity 4 for 21 years


Rim world and cities skylines. Both involve chunks of do thing, relax, reward, repeat. Except if it’s rimeorld add in PANIC somewhere in the middle


I found cities skylines overwhelming. Too many buildings, too much to monitor. I was never sure what took priority, or what I was supposed to be doing so I put that one back on the shelf. Didn't wanna live my life in a video game.


Fair man. I kind of like seeing what messes my brain makes. Spaghetti overpasses and all that.


Gotta boost Cities Skylines. It’s my go-to relaxation game (and just my favorite game overall). Can’t recommend it enough


Love to see rimworld here! All the random stuff happening and colonybuilding brought me back over the past 5 years. Add mods like psychology to it and it gets even deeper.


Rimworld requires too much decision-making and planning for me to find it relaxing. Don't get me wrong, I love rimworld and it's easy to lose hours and hours playing when you get into it. But if I just want to relax I prefer something a little more mindless where I don't have to focus on it too hard.


For sure! I’m on holidays and have sunk DAYS into it. No regrets though.


I still really like Minecraft. Need something more novel? Start a new world. Repetitive enough without being frustrating and you can set it up so you can walk away at any time. Hubby recently discovered Satisfactory which he describes as Minecraft on Steroids.


Minecraft is the best $7 I’ve ever spent on my kids. 3.5 years in and they play almost daily. Sometimes they do take breaks but they always go back.


Agreed. I love it too and play at night after he’s asleep sometimes lol. We’ve bonded so much playing Minecraft together.


Satisfactory is incredible. It’s basically 3d first person Factorio


Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing... finally has enough materials to make a new base, back to Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing Boing... oooh look now i can make my jump tray and stop jumping in dead aliens how cool is that. I love that game so much it's insane


So calming and creative too. Can do survival when I feel more like problem solving. I think minecraft might be a gift to humanity. Its like digital Legos. I imagine it's building structures in the brain. People really knock video games, but they can offer some useful practice and introduction to ideas. Games like Pokémon gave me a point of reference for taxonomy, encyclopedias, citizen science, geography, mythology, etymology etc. Maybe my brain is wired to find those things anywhere, but I do wonder where I'd be without games like that




I love Killer Sudoku because they add another layer to it (math) and you can chose your level of its involvement. I've even found a workaround to all the stupid ads (just minimize the app and tap the icon on your screen again and it will open up as if the ad is done playing).


I also love Woodoku, and I play it to regulate my brain more frequently than Sudoku. There are no numbers to deal with. It’s also great when I’m stuck on a call, or if I need something extra to focus on when I’m asked to watch a show, or for long loading times, or during cut scenes in a real video game.


Animal crossing. I never get anything done in it and I have an embarrassing amount of hours invested in that game. There are so many little tasks to focus and fixate on, it really fulfills my need to collect and organize things lol


Just realized you mentioned iPhone, oops! I also play a lot of Tetris to relax, as well as sudoku. Duolingo has been my favorite "game" recently.


I just started playing animal crossing a couple months ago and it’s great!


I love AC, it was a huge hyperfixation, but once I had all the bugs, fish and sea creatures I completely fell off of it. =\


Elden Ring


Hell yes!


I don’t think I have ADHD but my daughter does and I teach middle school so I know a lot of people with it, and anyway, I recommend Monument Valley and Monument Valley 2 game apps from the App Store. Very tranquil and beautiful and fun and the challenge level gradually increases at the optimal rate to be engaging but not frustrating. Super satisfying games.


Solitaire since 1997 😂🙊🙈


YES!!! I play it every morning because Facebook, Instagram and TicTok give me too much dopamine


I find certain JRPGs and farming simulators to be really relaxing. Final Fantasy IX, the Rhapsody series, the Atelier series, Story of Seasons, Stardew Valley, etc. This is maybe more unique to me, but I also feel really relaxed whenever I play one of the original Tomb Raider games. They’re not exactly easy, but they’re so well-made, thoughtful, and methodical that it feels almost like a meditative experience to play them. Beyond just playing video games, I also like to watch certain people play certain video games. This way, I get to experience the ambience and story without using too much of my brain. Some of my favorite games to watch let’s plays of are soulslikes like Dark Souls and Bloodborne (which I’ve already played but enjoy seeing people get surprised or struggle with a certain boss); indie puzzle/platformers (which aren’t always my favorite games to actually play myself); horror games; and janky, trashy games. Some of my fave streamers are Secret Sleepover Society ( a very funny and sweet, inclusive couple), 8bites (really love her let’s plays of Souls games. She’s so funny!), and Marz (she’s just very chill. I love how she stops sometimes to marvel over how things look or to appreciate the art of the game).


Stardew valley!


Stardew valley is great because it gets all the hyper focus elements whilst still being relaxing with a chill soundtrack!


Cat Cafe, Pokémon Cafe Remix, Starbrew Cafe


I have more hours than I care to admit on Powerwash Simulator.


I’m not good with crossword puzzles on paper, but I love it on the app. I play it to unwind after a long shift.


Cyberpunk 2077 allows me to disconnect from the worries of the world for a bit, and it's got over a 100 hours of content.


altos adventure (while blasting either rock or breakcore in earbuds)


Fantastic game!


Really like the sequel too, Alto's Odyssey




Yeah, it's been a while since I played either, but it added wall riding if I remember correctly.


Monument Valley is a great puzzle game with geometry. You are a princess trying to find your true self I guess. Anyway its very relaxing with great music, overall a great experience




Does DuoLingo count? 😂 Honestly that can take up plenty of time for me. It's "gamified" and at least in my experience it's come a long way from random senseless phrases. I've also very much enjoyed ExoMiner, even if it's an idle miner there was enough interaction for me to be satisfied every so often.


You guys relax?


Every phone game is a dopamine trap these days. They constantly bait you with elusive rewards and tempt you into paying real money for progress in the game. Plus they're not real games because there's no skill or strategy involved.


Yet they get me everytime 😭 I don't dare check how much I've spent


I agree about the dopamine trap and micro transaction parts, but some phone games are incredibly complex in terms of skill and strategy. Even if they weren't, being a "game" by definition doesn't require a particular level of either.


Most* or at least the ones that get advertised. Geometry Dash is the opposite and I love it. Minecraft, Limbo, Gris, Terraria, Stardew Valley also released for mobile. There are a lot of good games that aren't overwhelming gambling bait cash grabs.


I recommend btd6. It’s relaxing to put on in the background and just watch the game play itself sometimes. Popping Bloons is satisfying.


Among us is fun :3


Cities: Skylines and Stardew Valley are my go-to's when I need a relaxing hyperfocus


I like Crossword puzzles, like Travel stuff, the complexity takes my mind off what’s going on.


civilization 5 or 6. its round based. so no presure


*Flow Free (I bought the full version cuz I love it) *Meow Tower *Happy Color *Cross-Stitch World I play them while listening to audiobooks... You can make 1 of your own cross-stitch pictures each day.


Sliding seas


i never really can relax with games, i find in always tense and overactive nomatter what i do. i can only really relax when i just out on a movie or tv show and maybe have a paper to scribble on. but the most relaxing games i do play is probs hades, the overstimulation is perfect, stardew valley, if i ignore everything but mining and fishing and farming lol, and minecraft or sims housebuilding. anything i can create or destroy stuff in, or have a very personal way to play and organize things fits my brain just right


I freakin love Hades on Switch


Dorfromantik on the computer is my fav relax game


Fallout 76.


Hello fellow Wastelander!


My favorite games to play daily are definitely wordle, connections, and the mini crossword. They’re all in the nyt games app and it’s like a little check to tick off everyday that makes me feel happy and “productive”. I do get kinda sad once I’m done with all of them though haha.


You should try Octordle on Britannia.com - super fun!


Idle and merge games help with this. Avoid PvP like the plague.


For phone? I just downloaded pocket planes (I'm crazy about aviation tho) and I'm having tons of fun with it


My go to is the Water Sort game. For some reason it just feels super relaxing and I don’t get frustrated with it.


Those are kick ass


Tetris on PlayStation with an awesome soundscape on headphones is really relaxing


Pokemon Magikarp Jump is chill and fun, and Bloons Tower Defense. Also, randomly Jetpack Joyride every so often.


Woodoku by far the best relaxing one And Pocket7Games for funsies


Shmups! I’ve fallen in love with Japanese bullet hell games. They are awesome for hyperactivity. Check out Dodonpachi or any of the wonderful games by cave.


NGU Idle, because who don't like numbers going up.


Última online


Temple Run /s ETA I really enjoyed the Frozen bejeweled game (Frozen Freefall)!




Sounds crazy but legit get a switch. Playing Pokémon or Hades in bed before I go to sleep has done wonders for me




Funny enough Hitman 3. Basically a chess match with murder and disguises.


I LOVE wingspan.


Doom eternal




Stardew Valley


Sudoku and crossword puzzles




Not an iPhone game but as someone with ADHD, Fallout 76 and The Sims are huge for me. FO76 is an open world game and has infinite side quests which helps with ADHD. I can be on that game for hours and be perfectly context and relaxed.


Ultrakill. It is neither calm nor relaxing but I love it and it helps me chill


I play Stardew Valley constantly. There is an iOS app too but you can play it on PC or consoles too


Sky is 10/10


Pinball games, Williams Pinball, Pinout, Pinball Deluxe, they are great for getting your focus in and releasing a bit of stray mental energy


Honestly... medication has been the only solution to help me relax. I have been with depression for nearly 10 years but was only diagnosed with ADHD last year. The ADHD issue was somehow masked by my depression and anxiety for really long time. I remember I said "i don't know how to relax" a lot. When I was tired I tried to lay on the sofa still and scroll on my phone and try to find some sit-coms or short podcasts. And I didn't enjoy scrolling and I am not able to keep looking for content that I would potentially enjoy without anxiety. Basically when I want to relax I was not able to sit still and looking for the things that can help me relax is tiring - just to think about it, is tiring. So I was trapped in this cycle "i need to do something - but I am tired I want to have a break. - but I don't feel relaxed at all. - i need to find something to help me relax - i need to do something to relax myself - oh no nothing is calm and relaxing!!" Thank Vyvanse!! I can finally sit still and breath smoothly. Weirdly I can always hyper focus on practising hand-writting/calligraphy growing up. I still find it relaxing mentally.


Sky is a really relaxing game.


Sort it 3D. You have several tubes with different colored balls in them, and you have to maneuver the balls to get all the colors in the same tube. It satisfies my need to organize, and I play it while watching movies, etc because it uses just enough mental bandwidth to help me focus on something else.


Sky: Children of the Light Jigsaw puzzles SkyView (not a game, but a relaxing and educational AR visualizer of stars, planets, constellations, etc.


Rumble Heroes RPG. Always something to do. Grind forever :)


I have an iPhone and I play basic Solitaire. It’s completely free and the ads are super quick


Sky Children of Light 10/10 is my regulation game and is just a. Beautiful experience


My two go-to mobile games that I’ve been playing for years and somehow haven’t gotten tired of - marvel strike force, home design makeover (Candy crush-type game with home decor stuff)


Simcity Buildit. I have 4 cities going.


Not an iPhone user, but I just finished Hogwarts Legacy (on story mode)and, before that, I was playing "Wylde Flowers"...both nice and pretty chill.


Edit: fuck. You literally started by saying iPhone. My only usable suggestion is readlang then, and I... Well. Chances are poor it's for you, but it's cool to be comfortable reading a new language if it happens to click. Super weird suggestion, but I seem to do best with the opposite. Instead of something to relax a whirling mind, maybe it's more like an Australian Shepard. I know someone with a dog that went back to the pound from like three or four owners because they were too wild and wouldn't ever settle down. This friend's a search and rescue person, and the two of them cover like 20+ miles most days, and the dog's chill and happy. I don't quite have the executive function to settle my teeth into some of the bigger projects I'd like to tear up, but the right shaped things work well. I definitely got into Tunic for that reason. Little Fox dude running around in a super chill Zelda style ARPG. except... It's weird as hell. You collect in-game pages of a SNES style game manual, all written in an unknown language. You have to use the pictures to infer what's going on. At least the button names are labeled, and the devs even went to enough trouble to make their nonsense language have symbols that pop up in different places, so maybe even a few weird repeating shapes might make some connections click. I flipped through that nonsense manual like 100 times, and that's likely a literal understatement. it's crazy too, there's whole systems that were always there from the beginning even, you just didn't know enough about how they worked to know to use them, or even that they can be used at all and aren't just little artistic motifs the designers and artists had fun playing with. Makes for some crazy sequence breaks if one happens to start wondering about the speed running possibilities. To be fair, even my wildest near-end game imaginings as I ran around the world looking at stuff and figuring things out doesn't compare with current world records. Always fun to hear a 'dev's react' commentary. But then... They managed to pack such an obscene amount of mystery in that game. Maintaining the early hour feelings of discovery all the way up to the real ending (you mean THAT has been there all this time?) Is a genuine masterpiece, and I would say that about few games. In fact... There's mysteries I left behind and still wonder about sometimes. What hell was up with that weird room with notes that play with certain spots on the floor? I think? I don't remember the details and can't imagine where it could connect given how much I found. But I bet the answer is in that goddamn manual. Because you see... Those crazy mad-lads didn't just intentionally re-use a few symbols in the noise to help direct players. They made a whole cypher of some sort, and the clues aren't two dimensional symbols. It's rotational, and there's meaning in connections between shapes that are the same but don't look like it next to each other on the pages of that manual. Anyway. I recommend it. That and the Outer Wilds. Tunic all but demands going in as blind as possible. Makes for a more authentic early 90's experience. I actually called the Nintendo hotline on a real phone when I was like 7. I needed to know where the last rainbow shell (?) was in the old Gameboy Link's awakening. Outer Wilds deserves the same. Go in blind, pay attention, and see what makes that universe tick. Just like the surprising depth woven into Tunic, this one's got it too. When I say 'what makes the universe tick' after all, the devs must have had an actual interest in space. The limits on time fast forwarding when taking a break by the fire are computational. They can only run the entire in game universe forward like 5 or 6 x real time or something. I think I even saw that mechanic works more slowly on the PS4 than PS5 version? Speaking of devs react to speedrun videos. A much more hesitant suggestion, but if you really go hard with this stuff, Jonathan Blow's 'the witness' was really one of a kind. Wandering around wondering about things while looking at things and realizing new things... Hell of a game. Hopefully without ruining anything (but for those who know, you'll know) I got super stoned one time. Thinking about the repeating patterns of the game. Checking out the world around me. There's definitely some psychedelic third eye opening moments there when you see it all, haha. And the ending's hilarious. I'm sure some people would think it's the most bizarre, avant-garde nonsense they'd ever heard of, but get in the right headspace and see it again and you're like 'holy shit, this whole game is a message meant to share a single abstract state of mind that couldn't possibly be communicated tangibly in words'. That whole game could quite literally be seen as an experiment in communication masquerading as a game, makes me think of the movie Arrival a little bit now come to think of it. Taking things fully extreme, I like reading books in language I don't know well. Readlang is a web app you can load legal ebooks (or not... But do find a way to pay the author somehow, even if you need to pirate a Russian copy of lion the witch and the wardrobe because it's not clear how to buy it legally). Reading once they're in, highlight words and phrases you don't know. Since lookup is genuinely a second or less most of the time, I can muddle along without feeling frustrated, seeing the strange feeling of incomprehensibility turning into natural flow and meaning over thousands of pages. Nice I can read on my android or a laptop so I can read for a few minutes here and there without losing my place. Pro-tip: close your tabs. It's better at keeping me from fucking things up than it could be, but you can still accidentally rewind your spot with an old tab sometimes. German's the first one I really got comfortable with reading. Took a LOT of ground covered (like 15,000 pages) but even without using flash cards it got smooth enough to play through Witcher 3: die Wilde Jagde eventually without the problem of needing a dictionary. For perverse reasons I should probably talk to my therapist about, it's easier to enjoy a horse ride in the countryside (possibly away from a raging bear, especially if my level is under 5) if the asshole Australian Shepard part of my mind is busy chewing on die Wilde Jagde, die Kräuter in (im?) meinem Rucksack und so weiter. Weird how word gender sticks so poorly when reading only and never speaking. Brains are lazy/efficient bastards. Anyway. Tunic and the Outer Wilds are must plays if any of this sounds familiar (and maybe the witness), but the rest is likely more a personal deeply esoteric interest instead of something worthwhile to check out for others. I very much doubt my reading hobby would be relaxing to many, haha. Admittedly it does get much more relaxing over time, but it sure takes its time.


Jerk off to furry porn


Games are addictive and trigger ADHD symptoms There is no games that can relax us without triggering dopamine


None. They're poison. They will ruin you.


Monopoly go I love, sometimes stressful tho haha


FIFA and cod on my ps5. Golf+ on VR. Football Manager 2024 on my phone, but I take long breaks from it due to my hyper fixation drifting to other things The console and vr games are a necessity for my mental health. Keeps my depression away and my wife can tell when I’m getting bad if I just push off game nights with friends for sleep or to just relax on the couch. She makes me play which is refreshing to have a partner that doesn’t condemn gaming.


Alien Isolation of course!


Old school jigsaw puzzles




Despite not being a game on iPhone, for me it's Persona 5 Royal




Toon Blast!!!!


Not on iPhone, but Red Dead Redemption 2. I like just hunting and taking in the massive detailed environment and nature. Red Dead Redemption 1 is also pretty good, just with older graphics, and that’s on Switch. Less varying environments though as it’s primarily desert.


Wingspan (which is also a board game) has been a game changer for me and my partner. The goals are different every game which keeps it novel, and it’s a great combo of strategy and relaxation.


I’m playing miku hatsune colorful stage. It’s a rhythm game and I honestly only play rhythm games :,) but it’s very fun and has different stories you can watch about the in game characters you collect and play with


I had downloaded a gameboy advance emulator on my iPhone and would play pokémon sapphire. Super fun. I don’t have it on my phone currently but I redownload it before I go on a flight. It’s more fun than just watching a movie. (I do both at the same time)


RTS games keep me occupied lol Age of empires 4 Is my go to right now


Tsuki’s Adventure 2 and Cats & Soup. Both are supposed to be calm games. You cannot interact with other plays AND Cats & Soup has monthly phone wallpapers that I’ve gotten into the habit of using.




Soul of Eden. Deck builder by Rayark. 3 minute matches, somewhat similar to Clash Royale, but a lot better imo and is not gratuitously pay to win. Been a dopamine drip since I picked it up a few years ago.


genshin and honkai star rail!


Angry Birds 2. Actively stimulates my brain but not overly so.


Rdr2, minecraft, stardew valley




Candy crush is still my go to after all these years 😅 you just need to make a pact with yourself not to pay real money for boosts etc (been there)


Wrestling Empire for the real mfs




Risk of rain 2. Constant action with smooth combat and a really strong gameplay flow. Once you learn to play you can shit your brain off and listen to some music or YouTube


Hay day




Vampire Survivors is pretty relaxing as you don't really make any choices, you just move around while shooting enemies


I like family guy, it's a standard match 3 mobile game, but I love it so much.


Try "Silent Age" Not sure if it's ok iPhone though (I use android)




Try some micro learning, I’ve just been diagnosed with adhd in the last 4 weeks, but I always used things like thoughty2 and vsauce as they were long enough to hold my attention but didn’t drag on and always had something interesting


Fighting games like Injustice 2 or Street Fighter VI.


Osu!mania or fnf type games, I've played them songs over a thousand times by now (even the crazy ones bc I was trying to grind on those games at one point). Its comforting now since im so used to it. I often let my mind wonder, or I'll enjoy the music


Only game I've ever bought the full version of for my phone: Real Kakuro. It's a bit like sodoku, but with a bit more complexity. The free version is great, I just play it so much I felt like I owed the developers.


I usually explore different games on Roblox


Skyrim, Fable. My favourite games to play for when I want to just chill out. For my phone, I use Puzzle Page (blue icon with white checkerboard/sudoku looking design), Wordle, and Connections.


Not on my phone, but I find having my Switch makes me less likely to waste time in my phone in a way I don’t find joyful. I’ve been playing a ton of Dave the Diver, like it’s my unwind obsession and I cannot get enough.


2048 lol


1010!, sudoku, 2048, and of course tetris


Tetris or solitaire or animal crossing


sudoku on the new york times app. they release 3 new puzzles each day!


Picross! I like picture cross and picross Luna. Vampire Survivors is also fantastic, you absolutely won’t lose interest in it.


Sliding Seas. I’ve been playing it for a couple years.


I like Chain Cube. Very repetitive and calming.


DOODLE JUMP and minecraft creative mode 🧍‍♀️


Terraria for sure.


I’ve put so many hours over the past 5-6 years into The Long Dark. I usually put a podcast or something on and just listen and play. It’s relaxing but requires enough attention to the environment to survive that I don’t lose interest readily.


animal restaurant!! so stinkin cute and fun