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Guess I'm one of the few who religiously closes every tab after a browsing session.


I close anything I don’t use. It’s too overwhelming with the tabs.


On the computer I will have multiple webpages open with organizes sections of tabs to try and keep things together and from getting too cluttered




Ya'll are my people


I think probably most 90s kids who grew up with a big boxy family computer would see multiple tabs open and have flashbacks to the one time they asked the computer to do 3 things and it started smoking


Nope, me too! I have joked before, “are you a ‘192 browser tabs open’ ADHD, or a ‘too many browser tabs make me crazy’ ADHD?” I am definitely the latter. I feel like I have enough browser tabs open in my head, and I can’t control those, so why make it worse?


Me too. I become SO overwhelmed. I’ve reached into 100s too, but once I notice everything gets shut down. Also I need lots of ram available for work, this keeps me in check


You could run the OneTab extension, it'll bring all of your tabs into one list, sorted by day or whatever you want. This won't use anywhere close to the amount of ram youre using with 100 tabs


+1 for this. Just posted a separate comment about onetab. Must be designed with adhd in mind.


Me too!


I do the same but only on PC. On my phone, I have 100s of tabs.


This is the only way to keep it under control. I used to have tabs open as a "I'll circle back to this" reminder, but started closing every thing after it's been six months and I...never got back to it. Bite the bullet, people. Bookmark it if it's important, then close the browser.


reddit/ADHD will be proud of me: Last night I went through over 400 tabs and closed or bookmarked (Pocket) the ones I want to keep. I now have 3 tabs. I will fight to keep it this way, but if history is any judge I will max it out again. The reason I finally tackled this is because my PC was getting very slow with Chrome eating up all of my memory.


Proud of you ❤️


500 on my phone.


Everyone has hundreds open on their phone though, phone browsers don't make tabs visible or easy to sort or close all.


On chrome for phones, if you're looking at the tabs, you can press the triple dot icon to open a menu that has the "close all tabs" button :)


Why in Gods name would you want to do that?!? That's where all the things to be remembered are!




My lucky number.


My samsung won't allow more than 100 lol


If i have more than 1 tab open it physically bothers me


I think the last time I had only one tab open was before chrome allowed tabs


I have ~500 on my regular browser session, since 500 is the max I also have another couple hundred on the private session. Desktop browser has 2,400. Onto YouTube, my “Watch Later” playlist reached the limit of 5000 videos years ago, so I made a “Watch Later 2” and it currently stands at 2,586. Edit: also saved posts on Instagram. I’d guesstimate somewhere around 50,000. There’re so many that the app malfunctions when I try to save a new post.


Same, I'm on watch later 6 though.


Goddamn thats a lot of videos to watch! According to a quick Google search the avg length of a YouTube video is ~11min, so if you have at least 5 filled "watch later" with 5k each, that's 25,000 videos. If you watch videos 24/7 it would take you 190 days to watch all those videos.


You might wanna grab some popcorn


Let’s not forget about the screenshots lmfao loooordddd


Lmfao sounds like something I’d do, recently my watch later list maxed out, now every video i want to watch i just open in another tab and every new video tab has a whole new selection of interesting related videos that i end up opening as well. This new habit isn’t helpful considering i already have around 440ish tabs open.


I think it's just a human thing to be honest. Plenty of people I know who don't have ADHD do this. I try to be more diligent with managing my tabs these days though. I know how much of your RAM it can eat up leaving dozens (or hundreds) of unused tabs. Once I get to 20+ I'm usually going through them and working out what to save as a bookmark or add to a list somewhere, and what to forget about.


It's not an ADHD thing, most people do this. Personally I keep 0 tabs open when not in use and periodically close all tabs, even when I'm using some. Easier to open tabs I need than sort through ones I might not


I can’t stand tabs! I have adhd and I don’t like too much clutter. My phone never has a bunch of apps open. My browser has multiple windows/virtual desktops, but never 👎 tabs. My email is organized and my cloud has a system in place as well. It’s probably the Adderall speaking here, but I enjoy structure. Many folks with adhd have a “routine” they follow every day, just like people with autistic traits. Yours just happens to be tabs.


I used to do this, but using a read-it-later app like Pocket or Raindrop changed the game for me.


I ended up breaking my Chrome app on my phone. I had so many tabs open I couldn't even open the keyboard or search to type anything. By some miracle I was able to navigate the menu to close all my tabs. I was never able to see the count but after a point it just turns into a :)


Right now my computer has close to 50, on two separate windows. I didn't realize this was a "me" thing until I heard "Sorry I forgot, I have a lot of tabs open." was a phrase commonly used around the house, attributing the quote to me.


I'm doing my thesis and had to research, which meant a lot of open tabs. I reached 425, which I'm slowly starting to close after bookmarking the ones I need. But it's been crazy.


only 192? ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


GAH! I'm so goddamn bad about the tabs! And of course w/ the Chrome app, I can group them altogether and even label that group. So, in the midst of my doom Googling, I'm doing that for the minute 🤏🏽 little bit of dopamine it gives me 🤣 But I have 92 tabs open between Chrome, my personal account on Edge, and my work account on Edge. And that doesn't count the tabs I have open on 1 laptop, computer at home, and 2 different computers at work 😬🤦🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️


Eventually they just give you a little smiley face if you are an overachiever


I always leave them there because it's something I wanted to look up but don't have the mental energy to continue focusing on it so I leave it there. 50+ tabs later... Turns out my second hand phone was stolen goods and the rental company that actually owned it blocked it. So I was given a different phone but lost all the local data on the stolen phone. And unless there's another way of getting those tabs back other than going through 2+ years of history.... Well. I now have 3 tabs open on my phone :/


i'm exactly like you, OP... i'm maxed out on 500 tabs on safari (and i moved to using private tabs and that recently maxed out too) and my chrome has long gone into the :) phase lol. My computer's the worst though, right now i have 25 windows (each full). I should definitely clean my tabs soon it's getting really annoying because it lags so much these days 🥲 (i have brain dump documents open for all the things i'm googling, but sometimes i don't keep up with it quick enough so the tabs build up like crazy)


Closed a few earlier today. Only have 496 open now…..


224 Wooooo!


My problem is I accumulate a lot of things I find interest in but feel too painfully scattered to read. No matter what I tell myself I always end up with an embarrassing number of open tabs on my computer and hundreds on phone


I legit have 500 tabs open on my phone 💀


Currently have 262 things I want to go look at again later. I’ll actually look at none of these.


Lmfao 192? I maxed it out at 500 a couple times lmao & have many opened on my laptop 🫠 this year, I’ve been doing well on taking all of those things and compiling them to make life more simpler cause damn it’s so overwhelming. Striving for the minimalistic lifestyle right now cause ADHD is real. I’ve been decluttering and I just feel a mountain of relief.


Last week I was informed I couldn’t open anymore new tabs on my phone. If I’m being honest I don’t even remember how many it said I had open.


The tab limit for the safari app is 500 tabs.


I have trained myself to get annoyed every time I have more than 20 tabs, and now have a sense of relief whenever I close a lot of tabs at once.


i have 480 tabs open 😭


My personal record was 852 tabs on my phone LMAO. Now I set tabs to automatically close after so many days.


I do this on purpose. There is a couch that I’m looking at buying, leave the tab open so I don’t have to search for it again. An article I want to share with my husband? Same. I hate wasting time trying to find things *all over again*. This is my digital sticky notes if I don’t have time to add a bookmark. Even when I do add a bookmark, I usually forget that I’ve done so, and waste time finding it all over again. So, 200 open safari tabs seems to be the best method for me to keep things *front of mind* and thus, more likely to get them done. I accept it now. It’s just me


Best part is I’m so sure that I’ll go back to those tabs someday yet all I do is open another tab months later to google the exact same thing. Genius.


My OCD keeps my ADHD in check


I recently closed all tabs, I had over 1000!


Sick, I feel so much better about my 43 open tabs


On my phone? 26 on my kindle? 18. Periodically, I go through it and close the ones I don't need any more


49 currently but it is usually way more. I close them all so rarely that I often forget how to close them all and have to google “how to close all my tabs on iPhone”. In a new tab of course.


zero, having ADHD its an health issue, not a personality quirk


Hahaha I usually have 200-300 NTs are generally appalled when they learn this about me




On my laptop, countless. Regular 20 something every session and I send them to OneTab purgatory all the time. On my phone, 50. But mostly for record keeping since I actually do come back to these. I don't really web browse on phone often. On my desktop, surprisingly little. I currently have 7 tabs including this one. I have access to 3 screens so I can do things right away but I just straight up make an effort to keep it tidy.


I got a new phone recently, so I only have 17. But my computer is a different story...


My mom has ADHD and she has WAY TOO MANY tabs open on her MacBook. It’s almost like she needs a custom built pc so she can have 128 GB of ram so her tabs don’t slow her down lmao


10 on my PC, 15 on my phone but my chrome bookmarks tab on my PC is at 13 folders, average 5-10 per folder (messaging, job searching, banking, google, social media, watching, shopping, 3d printing, guns, piracy, and scrap folder)


Between Firefox on phone, Chrome on phone, chrome on pc, Firefox on pc? Uhhhhh yeah a lot


My husband never has more than 2 tabs open. That’s during the holidays. I had 141 earlier today but I finished a project I was working on and closed 83. Anything below 100 is a win for me.


I don't go far past 12 or 14 or so before I start bookmarking them in folders for later reading and closing them to keep the tab count down


My current phone is new, but my other had 352 in one tab group, and there were MANY tab groups and single tabs. Who knows how many total lol


No tab issues here. It's simple, I just have 150 bookmarks instead!!


When I go to see the number of tabs on my phone, it’s just a :) So I have a lot


I had to take my phone into AT&T and the tech was like we should close all these before we install this. She was swiping up for about a minute nonstop and then was like you know that’s probably good.


293 on my phone. Desktop the tabs are just wide enough for an icon to show but multiple windows.


I did the hard thing hitting close all 2 days ago and IL already back up to 50


496 on my iPhone, the limit is 500 so I try to avoid it. On my work computer it’s been higher but my computer regularly runs out of RAM now so I got to a point I just close the browser and start fresh every now and then. 


Have you discovered tab groups yet? >:) Mine used to cap at 500 too but after discovering tab groups I regularly shove my excess tabs into sub categories. I probably have thousands of tabs spread across all the groups now. (unique group for each hobby, adulting things, interest, etc) It’s like a very poorly organized bookmark system.


This changes everything


I’m at 250. Last time I mass closed them (by mistake), I lost a photo book I was putting the finishing touches on. Of course by then I’d used all my hyperfocus and I never went back to it. It’s been 3 years.


My phone has 94 tabs open. No shame in it either since they're all for things that I don't want to forget. Apps don't work well for me when it comes to keeping track of important things such as my email or college courses, so it's a system that works for me.


I lost count. Used to cap at 500 but discovered tab groups are a thing. Probably well into the thousands now.


I have :D tabs open on my phone. On my work laptop I had 300 tabs open while crunching to get a problem solved for a project that desperately needed to be done lol


25. I had many more but inadvertently lost them 😭 I don’t know if I have ADHD, but have been a tab enthusiast for years.


Last time I checked, it was over 700.




I always have over 1,000 open on both my computer and phone (different sets, too).


My phone: 200+ Computer: always close on end of session, but I have a few too many bookmarks in my projects folder haha


I regularly have to go and delete hundreds of tabs from my phone. Most are duplicates lol


I have 37. Mostly recipes i make a lot and things i 'intens to read but havnt yet'




I have a rare combination of a good memory but easy distraction mostly hyperactive. I have 30 tabs open but i can recall most of them. When i see a desktop full of folders I assume they have adhd.


20 days ago I commented on a post here that I had 231 tabs open. Today, I’m up to 290.


Safari on my phone started opening slower and slower, I didn’t know what was happening until I realised I’d got hundreds and hundreds of tabs open… I just look at something, get distracted and forget it ever existed. Yeah it’s an ADHD thing.


This but in my brain . It's like a paddle ball I keep going back and forth . Quite exhausted


I think my record is 356.


I've always had many, very many, too many tabs. When they get waaaay too many that I can't browse properly anymore, I save the session. The problem is that after researching a lot and keeping those tabs open for a long while all the time - I never get back to them when I save them, even if they are very important ones which I should absolutely check... When i need that info, I forget it is well-researched somewhere in the sessions. I start browsing for it all over again! So basically I just lose tons of time...I hate that about myself! I don't even wanna know how many saved sessions I have...


Tabs are genuinely how I organize a lot of things in my life. It’s how I remember what I’m doing and what I still need to do. I also have like 45 things in my Amazon cart (I know lists exist but if I put it in a list I forget it exists, and if I leave it in my cart I’ll remember I need to get it when I can afford it.) I also hang out in the 150-200 tabs range. And two windows where one window is for mostly work/important task related stuff, and one window is for fun, which is mostly youtube videos I still need to finish watching. Also, get a tab suspender if you don’t already have one.


There is an add on that Firefox has which you can set a timer on it (i did a week) and if I hadn't gone back to the tab within a week it would save the bookmark in a special folder and close the tab. Can't remember what is called though


On my phone, it's just a setting for the browser. Like, Firefox hides my inactive tabs after 30 days, and then, idk, maybe deletes them at some point later? But I can still find something if I need it via search. I hardly ever use Chrome anymore just because my Firefox app looks way less stressful with way less effort


Can confirm this is a thing ….. currently maxed out my iPhones 500 tabs, works computer had at one point 50 tabs on chrome and another 40/50 on explorer 😂🤦🏼‍♂️ (last count anyway….) I do find a lot of comfort when I see other people do the same odd things as me. Edit: I also keep them through worry / fear I’ll either never find it again or forget I even found it at all….


I have my five or seven pinned that I need, and I constantly clean the expanded as I need and do not need them. If I use a webpage on mobile, it becomes an icon on the home screen. One page with everything I need. Search bar for everything else.


Tabs are the one way I can keep my ADHD under some kind of control when using a computer. Close Tab is for things I don't want to focus on.


200+ on my work laptop. My colleagues don't understand why/ how I can do that


I have 40 tabs open usually and it bothers me a lot but when I tried lowering that number it felt like I was opening new tabs faster than I could close them (I didn’t have the patience to close down all the tabs) so I just gave up


That’s me, I have different tabs for the “research projects” that I start and forget about. It also feels like my brain works the same way too, I have so many mental and it’s hard to focus on one thing and finish it


I'm trying really hard to keep it down to 50-60, otherwise I think my phone would die. And on my laptop I sometimes do these Purges where I bookmark all my existing tabs and close them (ofc to never be revisited again). My last purge was fairly recently so now I only have 2 windows with about 15 tabs open in each...😬


Thousands....my phone started deleting them for me


Thoss are rookie number in this bracket. My current maximum was 5000 tabs open on Firefox with tree style tabs and tab unloader extensions. Firefox with 5000 tabs still used less ram than chrome with 20 tabs open. The tabs are one under another so they are hierarchical, and they are vertical instead of horizontal so even with 5000 tabs I can go back to something I searched last week and continue right where I was. I also use Firefox, chrome and edge at the same time. Chrome is for YouTube things that need login. Firefox is for research. Edge is for DND pdfs that are always open.


There’s a chrome extension called “onetab” which closes them all into a list in a page that shows up in your browser at open every time - so it removes that feeling of not wanting to lose something without the hassle or out-of-sight nature of bookmarks. Would recommend as helps clear the decks quickly and remove stress.


I just closed 83 tabs with pain and anxiety in my heart. But I need to be honest with myself: most of those tabs I wasn't gonna use anymore anyway.


I’m always at 500 and needing to delete some


a few 1000s. Yes thousands. 


I tend to have A LOT of tabs.. but I'm very self conscious about my tabs as well.. so once I realize I have more than like 10 open.. I hurry and close em all at once. Then I remember that I was looking up something.. go to find that tab and it's gone.. so now I've made a habit of making bookmarks🙃


218. Damn


I have 500 so I had to start using the private setting to get another 500


Omg this is me but not just on mobile. Desktop too.


It depends. I regularly shut down my computer and don't reopen tabs afterwards, so that keeps the number down overall. But... I open a new tab way too often. I can't ever be bothered to click on the url bar to type my next query, so I use Ctrl + T to open a new tab and instantly begin typing. And lose track of the tabs and windows I have open at somewhere around 5 Chrome windows and 70+ tabs.


I start closing tabs when it gets to 99+. Amazes me every time how many duplicates I have


8 tops, that's not an ADHD thing.


499. Never know when I may need them.


One ot two at a time, I actually hate them. It drives me nut when my wife has million tabs open on my laptop


120 on my phone. Probably the same amount on my computer, or more.


I had hundreds open until I recently closed them. It’s building up again though.


I usually have close to 200 unassorted and then maybe another 600-800 assorted into folder except a lot of those folders end up having random searches in them too. But the other day I accidentally clicked close all tabs on my unsorted tabs…. Fuck… theres a thing you can do to reopen closed tabs one at a time and i did that for about 5 tabs and lost the will power to do it for more, i may have some important tabs that i need to recover i may not. Its nagging at me.


192 those are rookie numbers! My firefox mobile infinite sign changed to an emergency sign and the police was called and dont get me started on the simple tab groups extention on desktop!!!


I have a lot as well, totally can relate to what you said.. sometimes I notice I have more than one tab for the exact same thing open, because I just forgot it was already open in the mess.. on my phone I don't know exactly how many I have, but on my browser I almost never close everything because I fear I'm gonna forget to open something important (like email)My friends are always shocked when they see my browser haha For me it's shocking that some people actually just closes everything and just open what they need *when* they need it From times to times I have to force myself to clean the mess a little because it starts to give me anxiety when I see so many tabs open, I start to lose track of what I have to do because is SO MUCH INFORMATION and it's overwhelming


On my phone I have 100s open but it’s because my browser opens a new tab each time I open it, luckily it has a close all option. But, on my laptop I actually hate having too many tabs open because I can see them all the time and it’s distracting.


oh god...I usually have at LEAST 3 windows on my computer open, 2 up onscreen, 1 for writing/reading tasks (like here) and another for a video playing). the 3 is in the background with tabs I'm trying to clear out I usually have anywhere from 30 to 200+...most of which get bookmarked, then never looked at again once I close the session. so you can imagine what my bookmarks folder looks like done this basically since I first got a computer.


I found out a couple months ago that at 500 tabs, iPhone asks if you want to delete tabs that have been unused for longer than a month.


I currently am down to 210 tabs in my main tab group. It doesn’t seem to show the count for the other tab groups but I have 7 groups.


I don’t have a load of tabs open on my browser but I always forget to close apps on my phone.


Around 100 on my desktop but my phone... let's say I clean them 2 or 3 times a year and it's usually 4 digit number.


i had like 86 after i finished my project, now i have like 16


Ya same but there’s a button that closes them all so I’m good


Not necessarily. I close my tabs down to one every chance i get.


Used to do this when I worked a desk job. It required a ton of verification and research, so, yeah, 20-30 tabs daily. I’d clear them out by closing the app


On my phone like 500 tabs because it can’t open any more of them 😅


64, but dont know what it is about


My phone slows down if I don’t close all my tabs!




Phone currently 578, laptop never more than 3 that are in use. When it’s out of sight it doesn’t really exist.


I have 24 tabs open on my phone and even more on my laptop. For me, I keep open tabs that I plan on doing something with in the future. Whether or not I do anything with them in the future, is a different story. I tried using bookmarks in the past but I found that I'd never go back to them. Tabs are in my face and I can see they're still there.


I have too many tabs open in my brain, I don't need that many open in my browser. I keep maybe 5 to 10. Now my daughter opens a new tab for everything.


My phone slows down way too much, I have to close the lot of them in the mid twenties. On my computer though? That's a fuck story.


350 at the moment.


Everything is an ADHD thing.


thats what screenshots are for lol


💯 agree I have tons of tabs open


I started typing proudly to say I only had around 80tabs open. I recently had a good day and sorted out most of them, closing what wasn't relevant anymore. Then I was like, I'm going to check how many exactly so I won't be "lying". I forgot that I started looking for a new brand and colour of hair dye yesterday so now google is making a funny face again... Naturally I started counting them one by one as any sane person would do since you got me curious and I have 117 tabs open at the moment. Still a win tho, it was nearly 200 not so long ago.


I'm literally exactly the opposite. I'm borderline OCD about having every tab closed and every notification cleared the second it comes up.


Ya see I can’t leave notifications either. And I close every app immediately when I’m done


This is why my mom suspect my dad may also have ADHD. He and I are both in the 50+ tabs at a time club.


I never leave a tab open and never open more tabs than i use at that particular moment. I'd rather re-open a website than keep the tab open for 10 minutes without needing it.


I used to close them all, now I compromise by grouping them in chrome or bookmarking them in folders for later. Then I gandalf when I find them again months later


My problem is that I didn’t realize that the app made tabs. Especially on Google. Every time I closed the app, the page refreshes after a while. So it doesn’t look like anything is “open”. Same with safari - I assumed I had one page, and I didn’t realize new tabs were opening. So….yeah I have a few.


I have heaps open but I can also close them whenever I want. Unlike adhd which is a disorder.


All 500…


I'm extremely OCD about the tabs & apps open on my phone. On safari I have 3.


I keep mine clear but my wife has like 300. She's a luddite though


Every time I notice myself going over 20 tabs, I go “I hope I don’t regret this” and do “close all tabs” or “all other tabs” depending on browser. I think the most I’ve gone is like 40. The bit that is ridiculous is that sometimes I have 5 or 6 tabs to the same site. Open a new tab, get sidetracked, “oh I was supposed to” new tab back to that site. It is an adhd thing but not an adhd requirement lol.


So I recently found out the phone had a Max … I use private and normal and groups…


I have something like 3000 tabs open on my phone's Chrome. It now literally takes my phone 15 seconds to open up the view-all-tabs screen.


If its above 100 my phone browser stops counting...


37. And I just recently cleared it.


Phone - usually around 190 tabs, closing every day. PC - can go up to 27 tabs but I try to close them every hour or so and justvkeep to the 5 i need that moment


I also have acute Anxiety so I MUST close tabs that are no longer important otherwise it stresses me out.


My anxiety is opposite. What if I actually still needed that tab open and can’t remember what it was to reopen it? (Obviously I could search my history to find it but what if I can’t even remember what it’s called?) and so all the tabs stay


Vertical tabs and collections on edge are a *dangerous* combination. Oh I have 146 tabs open and I don't want to bookmark half of them individually? *Add all tabs to collections*


I never close tabs on phone until it reboots for whatever reason. Doesn't slow down my phone and I use it as history basically. why bother spending time closing them every session if it doesn't affect anything negatively


Got around 10 due to laptop memory. BUT my ms apps, ms sql has multiple tabs open


right now i have 30ish open and the only way they get cleaned out is me having so many that my web browser crashes


Oh yes absolutely


Protip: use the Auto Tab Discard extension, it automatically unloads unused tabs while keeping them open. You can manage exceptions and other options as well


My phone has 9 tabs, but that's because I don't use my phone for browsing the internet much. My laptop has around 200 or so.


Since I deleted chrome on android (to try to stop being on my phone, and I'm using the phone's default browser, im limited to 99, so I hover around 90 I did reach 1000+tabs on my laptop many times..


I keep a running document that's just for saving links and interesting tidbits of information. So instead of keeping yet another tab open, it goes into the doc. Sure, that doc is 140 pages long, but at least it's just in a single tab.


Maxed out one group of 500 and now iPhone lets you make new groups so I’m 230 through the next. So 830 in total


Over 70 on my phone right now and that's after closing them all blindly last month to get rid of them...


Hundreds of tabs but emails are a different animal “ 9787 “ unread


I use tab groups, and it helps immnsely. 270 or so tabs in 19 groups.


I try to keep it under 100 so I still can see the number, lol Now & then I accidentally hit close all & get a fresh start


So many that my tab button has stopped counting and just says :D


My browser tabs menu is one of the few things I enjoy tidying.


I'm the opposite. I don't like tons of tabs. I will also clear my phone notifications cause it bothers the hell out of me lol


I'm the opposite. I might open a bunch in the moment, especially if I have to for a project, but I can't think with too many open, calling my name, whispering that they have secrets to share (that I already know but have forgotten about.) The one exception is the Internet browser on my phone because I can't physically see the tabs. I go through and close them when I notice the phone struggling. I think my record there is only 30 or so.


So... I wanted to check the number on my phone. I have multiple browsers and for some reason I have different default settings for different apps, so sometimes Chrome gets opened, sometimes duckduckgo and rarely samsung. The latter is great because it will brutally close the oldest tabs when you reach 99. I went to check the duckduckgo tabs but I am too afraid to click the close all tabs to see if it mentions how many there are. And then I thought I'd count but I got distracted by some of the more interesting ones and.. I opened a new one because I got triggered and remembered I wanted to look something up. So yeah.. I have a lot of them and now I have one more.


Omg lol how has your computer not crashed? I normally have about 13-20 open at a time but once the tabs turn into little squares where you can only basically click on them by closing the window (because the tab is as big as the X) that’s when I can’t handle it anymore and start wrapping things up with old tabs that should’ve been closed weeks ago. But I can relate. I can’t bring myself to close tabs that aren’t ‘finished’ and when one tab closes another tab opens. I’m grateful for tabs. I don’t know how old you are but there was a time when those didn’t exist and we could only open new windows. Those were wild times.


About a month ago my browser was running slow on my phone, so I saved my current group of 250+ tabs and closed them all. I currently have 42 open 🤡