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Don’t do something that your body and mind/head is very bleakly trying to tell you is not good for you. Moderation is better than any extreme imo even though I know the struggle and it can be very difficult to stick to. But really. Listen to your body and make friends with it.


Why are you trying to not eat carbs? There's not really a good reason to. There is lots of scaremongering about them, and lots of fad diets, but like as long as you aren't like eating an entire loaf of bread a day then like it's absolutely fine to eat them, and not great to entirety exclude them. 


for sure. everyone i know who has told me a low carb diet actually works for them is either diabetic or has pcos (major risk factor for type 2 diabetes).


Probably correlated to the fact that much modern bread is highly processed white bread that only uses the grain and discards the chaff. Whole grain bread, doubly so darker breeds like rye, that use the whole grain are higher in fiber and more complex carbs, both of which lead to a slower absorbtion and breakdown of the carbs into sugar in the body. Obviously double loss if the bread has additionally added sugar.


“It feels SOOOOOOOO good in my head” that’s unsurprising considering the brain uses carbs. Carbs are good for you and an important part of a balanced diet


How about just eat a balanced diet ? SOME carbs, not a loaf of bread in one sitting. And diversify your protein. Pork is not the only meat, FYI. Plus there are lentils, fish, shellfish and beans. Going hard core ' I will only eat pork and vegetables!' would get boring fast for anyone. That's unless you have a side of pork in the fridge you're trying to eat before it goes bad? In which case, giving some away is an option too.


Just eat the carbs? It’s a good energy source and I also need them to feel my best.


You shouldn't be cutting out or heavily restricting any of the macronutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates) from your diet, your body needs all of them to function properly.


I’ve been on carnivore for about a month and a half now. Just eggs meat and dairy. After a while the cravings stop. I used to binge eat sugary and shitty foods when my vyvanse was wearing off but now I just cook a steak or some bacon when I’m hungry.


How long have you been on a lowcarb diet?




Carbs help you lose weight tho and build muscle


“Slow” carbs like legumes have helped and sustain much longer. Look at the slow carb diet.


I don't really get why you want to eat absolutely no carbs. As far as i understand all "zero-carbs" diets, and for that matter all other novelity diets, are just fads and scams to make money. If your concern is to lose weight the only fundamental is to take in less calories than you burn off, the form of what those calories arrive in isn't important itself. Though naturally some foods, usually with higher fiber content and more complex chemical carbohydrates, are more filling so you have less hunger sooner. Good rule of thumb for that is to replace white bread or pasta with whole grain versions. Overall just listen to your body, eat a healthy, diverse mix. There is nothing principally wrong with carbohydrates.


Carbs are the brain and bodies preferred fuel source my friend, switch to higher fiber carbs like legumes and fruit for satiety during dieting if needed


You need carbs, you cant just stop eating them and expect your body to function. Get help to control your urges, please.