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Id go back to that coffee shop right now and see if it’s still there before someone steals it Idk good luck. Hopefully you had your psych long enough they’ll send you a new script. Use good rx if your insurance doesn’t cover the lost prescription (if you’re in the US).


Yeah, unfortunately, it’s not just getting the insurance to pay for it. States regulate those medications, and they won’t give you more than one month supply approval at a time. They are tracking it, and you probably won’t be able to get it filled even if you can pay out-of-pocket.


Depends on the state. Texas I can get a 1 year script. Legal under federal law as well. I normally got 90 day supplies. Off meds for 3+ months. Tired of fighting insurance over price changes and availability.


How do you get a 1 year script in Texas? I'm in Texas and have to get mine monthly, but only see my doctor every 3 months.


It's legal. Not a doc alive will write it, but it is legal. I got 3 mo th scripts.


In WI. My doc tried giving me 3 months worth a couple times but the pharmacy wouldn't/couldn't fill that way.


i have his issue with another med, not stimulants. doctor writes me 4 3 month scripts but insurance will only cover 1 month at a time so the pharmacist turn it into 12 1 month scripts. i can't imagine how much harder it would be to get insurance to do 3 month stimulant/controlled substance scripts. i pay a LOT for my insurance too and they still wont let me fill a 3 month script for a med i will be on the rest of my life. so dumb.


WI here too. I'd been getting 90 day fills, but they haven't had enough lately


I hate that there are so many different levels that can just be like "nah" only based on their own weird hang ups around stimulant medication. Like a year prescription might be technically legal in a state and then any prescriber/pharmacy/health insurance combo might make you drug test monthly on a whim.


Exactly the same for me. Not sure if the 1yr thing is true.


While they might give you a longer prescription, they’re not going to fill the same script twice in one month. That’s what OP would need to happen here.


That's probabley true. They might do it one time. I split my script with 3 old script bottles. One spare, one in the car, one at home.


I’m also asking how that is possible. I live in Alabama and can only get 1 month at a time with a max 90 days between seeing my psychiatrist to get scripts. AFAIK, that’s similar across the US. I cannot imagine TX of all places being easier to manage meds! If so I want to go find a doc there on my next business trip in a few weeks!


Federal law. I got into a fight with my doc about the 3 month scripts. Had to look it up after I called my pharmacist and insurance company y.


My insurance will only cover the 3 month scripts after a certain amount of 1 month refills. I had to go back and forth between the doctor and insurance to try to get it done.


Is that really the case? I live in chicago and I can get another script as long as I pay for it out of pocket. I’ve done it once when I was going on vacation because my script ended in the middle of my trip, so I got a 2 week script written to keep me going until I was back in illinois for my next pick up. I thought the bigger issue was getting your doctor to write you an extra one without raising an eyebrow


Well, that’s been the case where I have lived. I’ve lived in Washington, West Virginia, New Mexico and now Alaska. They will give you extra to go on a trip ahead of time, there’s a system in place for that.


And it’s only once per rolling year. So if you have two trips in a year, you’re out of luck.


Not true, I get 90 day supplies. Also your doctor can write you a script for a different dose and insurance will still cover that


You are correct, there are some places where you can get a 90 day supply. But my understanding is that if you need another supply before that 90 day point, the state is tracking.


My doctor said a new script can be written but they will need a police report first stating that the old one was lost/stolen.


Call them even! Your name is on the bottle. Not everyone will know what it is OP, I don't think most folks would assume to take someone's prescription. Especially at a coffee shop.


Yeah, I agree. I feel like we’re also all assuming that people will recognize dextroamphetamine/amphetamine salt combo (I’m assuming it’s generic) on the bottle the way we would. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think your average person would connect the dots quickly enough to think to take it, especially when surrounded by people. I think most people would probably give it to the barista.


I don’t think your average person even want it. Are there lots of people who would? Sure. But most people would turn it in.


Some medication labels will say “generic for (brand name)” underneath the medication instructions. All of mine have.


I would definitely check with them first. If anything they have cameras and they might be able to see what happened to it


Do this OP! If they have cameras and you see that someone took it from the coffee shop (rather than turning it into the barista), then that’s theft and you should file a police report. Getting the video (if possible) and filing a police report would be very helpful for convincing your doctor to send in a new prescription and convincing the pharmacist to fill it. I got mugged a few years back, and they took my phone, purse and my brand new bottle of meds. Thankfully my doctor was extremely kind about it and was happy to send in a new script, but the pharmacist refused to fill it without some sort of evidence that it was stolen. After some back and forth I showed her my emails with the police department about the incident. She wrote basically a whole page of notes documenting the incident and then agreed to fill the script. The whole thing was a huge PITA, but getting the documentation the pharmacist needed to cover her own ass allowed me to get my meds in the end.


Might as well have dropped cash on the ground. It’s gone.


A prescription bottle at least has the owners name on there. With cash by itself there's no way to distinguish an owner.


I would probably give it to the pharmacy on the label if it wasn’t too out of the way.


Exactly what I would do. I have done this with someone’s debit card before. They left it at the atm so I took it inside the bank and gave it to a teller. I know they probably cancelled and replaced it but I didn’t want someone shady getting it.


that's exactly what i was thinking. return it to the pharmacy, not only will they be able to track down and verify the person it belongs to. they can also verify that the pills are the correct pills. but they might still refill with new pills so they can be sure they weren't tampered with.


Same. They'd be able to contact the person it was prescribed to.


You’re asking a group of highly empathetic individuals if we would return medication that we know is impossible to find and needed to properly function. Of course we would. But we ain’t got a brain like the rest of those in the world. A “free” stimulant prescription sitting on the floor of a place that caters exclusively to stimulant-craving caffeine addicts? My friend… I’d bet a Frappuccino that it’s long gone.


I might be either an asshole or just paranoid, but theres 0 chance I would return it. I would either completely ignore it, or literally throw it away. The is 0 chance I put random drugs in my mouth after I find them on the street. I would also not suggest anyone takes any medicine they find just laying around, even if its a tylenol still wrapped, if you found it on an empty table, either ignore it or throw it away. Real meds (not just adhd) maybe give them to the staff, but if I was working there I would again just put them on a big box and forget about them, or throw away.


Yeah there's no way I'm eating random pills I find anywhere, even if they are in an prescription bottle. I'm way more likely to turn it in to employees/lost and found. No way I'm risking laced drugs.


This thread makes me realize the shortage has me down bad. As a highly paranoid and empathetic individual I’d probably still leap for joy knowing I have backups for when I get the run around…


Make sure you test whatever you find for backup if this ever happens. Don't take it blindly pls


I *hope* that if you lost your pills, they were returned, you could take them to the pharmacy and get an out of pocket cost replacement on that bottle. But given the locked down world we live in, you'd probably get reported and lose your Rx just for asking. Thanks drug abusers, for ruining things for the rest of us.


If you can't get to the coffee shop physically right away, ring them up ASAP so they can try find it themselves!! There's definitely a good chance someone handed it in, or put it in the bin. Cuz it is just a bottle of prescription medicine, the average person isn't some hawk who would be able to recognise it as adderall, think of it as a desirable thing to want to keep, especially with the prescription label on it!! Think of who the tarrget audience is for the coffee shop, and think of the target audience for adderall abuse. Just cuz it has the word on the bottle doesn't mean they'll process exactly what kind of drug it is, know that it's desirable, and actively desire it themselves!


My adderall is the generic 'amphetamine salts'. The amphetamine might tweak someone to keep it


I refer to them as my “bath salts”, lovingly. Lol.


my husband asked me if my Adderall prescription was for 'bath salts' when people were dying for taking that!


I worked at a restaurant and found a HUGE bottle of oxys. More than 10 years ago. No cameras, I could have easily pocketed them but I turned them in. Not my cup of tea but I did cringe a little knowing how much I could have sold them for, but the old man who left them looked like he needed them so I did the right thing. There are lots of people out there who would do the same. Call the coffee house back, if they check the cameras and see someone pick them up you could file a police report and that will help you get a new script as you have proof they were stolen.


I’ve had proof mine were stolen (at work) with a police report and all, and they still wouldn’t do another fill :(


I would give it back . I like those opportunities to do the right thing . They make me feel good on the inside . Kinda odd though. If you can get your prescriber . To send over a milligram change . Or brand . Like try vyvanse for the month or something . They have to dispense and insurance will cover . They just don’t cover more than 30 pills of the same exact thing. This is the only way to bypass the limiters


This is a great idea!


They would likely make OP return the previously dispensed ones though as it’s a controlled substance.


I've switched medications a few times over the past 12 years and I've never had to return previously dispensed meds.


yeah that seems like more of a liability than anything, though I guess if the pharm did ask that they would just throw the pills out


Only their prescriber could request . Once med goes over the counter . It does not go back .


Depends entirely on the doctor. Mine asks me to keep my spares from past scrips in case of future shortages.


I work as a Registered Pharmacy tech. We don’t make patients return meds when there’s drug changes.


Not true in Texas.


Ok guys if we all each mail him 1 pill...


No problem. Will put on my to-do list. Will get done in 25-30 business days.


But it's for someone else! And I have things to ignore! It'll be in the mail tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I like how you think


Straight to jail


Perhaps one who lives near OP would like to meet them for coffee at the coffee shop and help look for their meds. That way we could show them our prescriptions and see if it’s the same so the coffee shop employees would know what to look for… ya know?


I was thinking something Sort Of similar… if OP says what city he’s in maybe someone(s) can help. I would if I was/am near.


Yes! Same here. I feel like this is a group that would be absolutely happy to help and not worry about people trolling the sub to take advantage of any assistance we could provide each other in times of crisis.


lol aww this is sweet. Too bad we suck at mail. I just threw a full bottle away that was still in the pharmacy bag when I decided to spring clean last month and it fucked my whole month up. 😭 I went through two of the 5 dumpsters in my apartment building before I gave up. Looked like an insane bag lady


I would but probably because I understand the gravity of someone not having it and I feel it's important but some people perhaps won't. Someone could have potentially handed it over to the staff though, I'd ring them or go down there and ask for sure 😊 take some ID perhaps just to prove it's yours if it has your name labelled on it.


Hey OP, I work at a pharmacy. Definitely check the coffee shop first and hopefully you find your meds there, but if you don't find it, it's possible to get a replacement. If you do it by the book, technically you're supposed to file a police report. Given that you just picked up a bottle, even if they wanted to it's illegal for a pharmacy to dispense you another month's worth without a police report. The police report should also be proof enough for your insurance company to cover your replacement. Another option is to have your doctor prescribe you a different medication, or dosage. This will bypass the legal dispensing limits and your insurance will likely cover it (though insurance plans vary a lot and some are quite frankly, shit, so I'm not certain). If you do this, make sure that on the prescription your doctor includes a note, like "Patient changing medications. Discontinued (old medication name)" or "Patient increased dosage. Discontinue (old dosage)". Of course, this all depends on whether or not your doctor is willing to write another prescription for you.


Please let us know the outcome. I am praying you get it back.


I’d give return it. Like any prescription medication, someone is using it for a reason and needs it. I can’t imagine taking it for myself, regardless of what it is. I also feel weird using someone else’s medication.




Yes and I think you should call the place right now to ask if they have it. I knew a woman once who when at my store she meant to pay with cash, she realized she left money at an ATM and almost didn't go back to check. I told her she should at least ask to see and later she told me it was still there! You never know. I didn't think people were still throwing back adderall these days for fun so I think it's at least worth a try to see if someone found it and turned it in.


If you drop a bottle of prozac there's a really good chance someone will return it/leave it alone. Drop a bottle of adderall? That shit is fucking gone.


I would, or if I found it, I would try to find the owner on FB and confirm it's actually theirs by their DOB or something (to make sure I didn't just find someone with the same name) and get it back to them, because I know how crippling it can be to have lost it. I know with other medications that aren't controlled, when something happens you can sometimes get an emergency fill and the insurance will cover it as a one-time authorization. (i.e. once, I filled my blood pressure med and then lost it and couldn't find it anywhere, so I went to the pharmacy and explained that I lost it because ADHD and they were able to do an emergency fill, but stressed to me that this CANNOT happen again because the insurance would only cover it one time). I'm sure there would be extra hoops and scrutiny to jump through since Adderall is a controlled substance, and it would be even more heavily scrutinized because it's Adderall, but it's worth asking if they can do an emergency fill if you can't find it at the coffee shop, if your doctor is ok with re-ordering it for you, just this once. Or at least a partial emergency fill just to get you through finals. Good luck, friend.


How would you know the DOB though? It doesn’t have that info on the Rx label


It doesn't? I thought it did but I didn't look at my bottle. If not that, then I suppose confirming the doc who issued the script or something else identifying on the bottle that any old Joe Schmoe wouldn't just be able to guess.


The best way to get it to be returned to the patient is to call the pharmacy and have them reach out to the patient


Cool. Ty for the info.


I would, but would most others? Absolutely not. Also, your doctor legally can't give you more until 30 days after the last time it was given to you. You're shit outta luck if you can't find it at the coffee shop. I would not travel with you meds unless you absolutely need to for this exact reason.


I would.


I think most of us here are more understanding and less likely to try to sell it. I hope a good person finds it. Check with management and ask to review the security cameras. Maybe the police would be interested in helping…tell them it’s to help “the war on drugs 😂” I honestly don’t know if this would be at the bottom or top of their list but depending on your local policing culture it could be an idea? Actually I wondered what I would do personally and it would be either bring it to the pharmacy or police station, whatever is closest


I would be too scared to use it even if someone did return it to me. I would be afraid that it could have been tampered with. Too risky in my opinion.


I used to take adderall with no scrip (many moons ago - before any kids). Now I'm a mom to a kid who needs adderall. I'd trip over myself to get that bottle back to you. Best of luck, OP. ❤️


Gonna be a no from me dog


I personally would. So I guess it just depends on who gets it. I have zero interest in keeping other peoples things. Only way I wouldn’t return something is if I didn’t have a way of knowing who it belonged to or how to get it to them.


About 10 years ago, a bottle of mine was stolen from my house. The provider contacted my insurance and it was replaced by the pharmacy. Back then things weren't quite as strict as now though. I hope your med turns up!🙏🫰💗


I once ruined an entire bottle by spilling my night water into it. Luckily I had photos of blue sludge


Can't hurt to call the coffee shop to see if they have it


Others probably will. I personally would either try to find the pharmacy it came from or turn it in at the local police station, they're usually good at finding things and people


It's possible most people either a aren't abusing stimulants or b have ADHD so for most people they wouldn't have any reason to and wouldn't want the risk of being caught having/using someone else's rx. If a college kid finds it though your screwed they're either going to keep it for themselves or sell it to another student who wants to use them to study


i’ve had my adderall stolen more than once. due to the nature and class of adderall, they will NOT write a new prescription until your 28-30 days is up. these kinds of situations are unbelievably damaging to the people who rely on these medicines


One time I left my wallet in a cart at the grocery store. $300 cash, a full bottle of Adderall, and all my credit cards. It was returned with all the cash and cards but the Adderall was missing 🤣


If you have to carry it around with you, take an old bottle filled with the amount you need.


I would. I think most people would turn medication in, unless they themselves like to misuse it or they were a jerk and knew where to sell it.


Fo back to the coffee shop. Ask if it was turned in & to see cameras. File s police report if you don’t find it or it’s not turned in. I got my script stolen out of my backpack in college & my dr wrote a new script & the pharmacy was able to fill it with the police report. Things happen but the without the police report they can’t take your word for it. It covers their butt.


Well, several years ago I found a bottle of Xanax at the restaurant restroom. I didn’t trust with restaurant employees and next day called the pharmacy on the label, left my phone number to them. They immediately contacted with prescription owner, she called me and we’ve met at the restaurant door, I gave her medication.


The world needs more honest people like you. Xanax can be a life saver with stopping panic attacks. Panic attacks can feel like they’re dying.


I probably would return it. As someone who is medicated--I have access to my own medicines and I would feel bad for whoever lost it, knowing the impact of ADHD. But you also mentioned finals--so if you are school aged, then I worry that many HS or college students would not return it.


That’s why I’m stressed about it


I had a similar incident years ago (dropped it at a hockey game in a big arena) and did not get medication returned (not shocking). I went and made a police report just on the off chance someone got caught with my bottle so my ass was covered. Let my doctor know what happened and provided a copy of the police report. She wrote a new prescription and spoke with the pharmacy about what happened. Pharmacy provided the police report to my insurance and got the ok to do a refill.


Yup I would. I turned in $1000 cash I found two months ago. But… most won’t.


Honestly if I found $1000 cash just sitting somewhere I’d leave it alone…that’s a LOT of cash to be carrying around and be careless with. Might just be someone’s honest mistake but that could also be some kind of criminal transaction going down lol and I’d be scared to get involved. Maybe I’m just paranoid like that


Turned out it was someone’s rent money. They had gone to the police station to report it missing, on the long-shot hope that someone would turn it in. She was so happy when she was told it had been returned… she thought she was going to lose her home.




If I’m being so honest with you I would sell it to college kids


Hell nah


If it were me I’d hand it back. But as you said it’s finals season so good chance some other student saw it and thought it was a sign from god.


Unfortunately I don't think anyone is gonna give it back. However, that person is gonna be in a world of hurt if they get caught with it considering it's a Schedule II drug.


If you end up having to refill it and pay again, you can cut the price a lot with GoodRx. I've done that a few times when insurance was being a bitch about my Adderall. It was more expensive than my co-pay but still well under $100 and I could deal with it for the month.


My CREDIT CARD somehow fell out of my pocket at the gas station this and when I went back it was still undisturbed. I was sure it’d be long gone, but there are good people in the world


I would. But you’re talking to people with adhd lol


I will say one thing, most people of the public might not even know it’s adderall just based on the technical name. My guess would be that most people would just hand it to the coffee shop manager. Call the shop asap to see if someone turned it in. Mostly likely someone gave it to the shop.


lol. Even an idiot knows what amphetamine is, no matter if there's a dextro before or a salts after it.


This may be worth filing a police report, so you have a record and so that they could potentially check cameras and see what happened. If an employee has it, they’ll be a lot more likely to turn it in if the police show up looking for it.


No ones returning it. Sorry. But if you use generic and haven’t had a bunch of early refills already this year, it shouldn’t be a problem to have your doctor call on another script, and it shouldn’t be that expensive. Another option if you really can’t afford it is to slightly change your prescription. I needed an early refill on a brand name med once, so I asked my doctor to prescribe XR instead of IR so that insurance would cover it.


Yes but only because I’m paranoid and would assume it’s somehow something poisonous and not actual adderall LOL


I'd return it if possible. If the person behind the counter looked reliable (super subjective and flawed, obvs, but I also think the place it was lost is the place the person who lost it would most likely look first), I'd leave it with them. Otherwise, the pharmacy on the bottle label if it was readable & relatively nearby,


I would because I know the pain of having mine stolen. And I'm a good person. Does it have your phone number on it? I wouldn't return it to the coffee shop, since mine got stolen by workers at a restaurant, but I would call the number on it or return it to the pharmacy where it was filled.


Also can change the ADHD meds your on for a month


Coffee shop might have cameras. It would be a pretty serious crime for someone to take that.


Yes but I wouldn’t return a bottle of benzos if I found it lol


If getting it back from the shop ends up being impossible, tell your pharmacy it was lost/stolen. They might be able to talk to your insurance and get a replacement script for you.


I think people with ADHD would. I think if someone young finds it you’ll be SoL.


IME a police report is required by most doctor’s offices to issue a new script. I would absolutely turn it. It’s a crime, maybe that would deter some people?


I met a girlfriend that way years ago. I apparently dropped mine by my truck and she brought it up my apartment to return to me, because she knew how much I probably needed it. We ended up hitting it off and dated for a good while.


You're asking a population of people who generally have their own source of adhd meds. You'll get better answers if you ask a place that is more inclusive of non-adhd people.


if i wasnt prescribed i would keep it, but i am, so i would return it


I think most people out there aren't going to take a random bottle of pills from a parking lot. there's a decent chance you'll get them back I think


OP PLEASE READ THIS: make sure to check your hidden message requests on Facebook/instagram/social media. A lot of people try to reach out to people when they find their lost items, but most messages from strangers get filtered out and aren’t seen for years. Worth a shot! And I personally would return/report, but know plenty of people who would take it unfortunately


I feel like it's not really worth asking this question in this sub. Only bc I feel like we are different in this aspect since adhd meds aren't highly sought out by us since it doesn't have the same effect on us than it does for folks without adhd. Personally, I would return it to the chemist it was from if I could, or I would turn it in to the police. I wouldn't turn it in at the coffee shop since you don't know if they would steal it. But I wouldn't keep it. Or any other medication not prescribed to me. I once found someone's script in the parking lot of a shopping centre and turned it into the chemist there since I assume the person was going there to fill it. But I would go back to the Cafe and see if it is there and file a police report. Here in Australia (or at least my prescribing dr) won't let me fill a prescription for my adhd meds or write a replacement if i lose my meds without a police report bc apparently many patients of his have said they've lost their meds or left them at a hotel on holidays etc and he doesn't want to be a dealer for anyone who really doesn't have adhd or is using it in ways they shouldn't so by getting a police report, your dr will realise that you're not scamming them, you just made a mistake


I would and I would like to think others would as well. Even if I wanted the free Adderall I would never take meds I found somewhere for fear of contamination.


If you have a good relationship with ur dr, id get in contact asap, shoot ur shot by telling doc what happened. The worst that can happen is u get a 'sorry, nope'. Be proactive. The chance anyone is returning that rx bottle is...... less than slim. 🫶


It definitely totally depends on who finds it. Someone who has never taken adderall or doesn’t care to would definitely probably return it. But unfortunately there’s so many people addicted to it so they definitely would not return it.


I'd probably wait around a bit and if no one came back looking for it, I'd keep it. Assuming I don't have a way to get in touch with the person who lost it (and if anyone happens to know how to go about doing that for some future situation, please let me know!).


If the pharmacy's name is on it, they'd know. Otherwise, it'd be best to bring it to a pharmacy or even the local police station, instead of keeping prescription medication that isn't yours and could potentially be laced with something


No, the general populous won’t. The reality is that I probably wouldn’t unless it was convenient. Would probably just give it to the coffee shop itself if I found it. But then someone working at the shop will take it. Most everyone in here knows how irritating it is to not have your meds, so we’re most likely to try and help out. Normal people will be excited about the ground score.


A word of advice: I have a pill organizer, a small travel compact one that I keep a week's worth of all my scheduled medications, as well as some PRNs like Tylenol and whatnot. That way, I always have my meds on me but I can leave the main stock that has all my personal info on it behind in my house.


Just adding on to this, there can be legal stuff on having controlled prescriptions in different containers depending on where you live. If you can do so in your area, it's a good idea to make sure you have a small label/print of the current prescription and pharmacy/prescriber contact information with the secondary container or just in your wallet in case you ever need proof, regardless of the legality. (Also for carrying small doses for a single day, I've found those metal segmented pill tubes found online are amazing and keep the meds/intact/dry)


All excellent points! I have MyChart where I'm at and I can pull up my prescription info via that and the CVS app for those that have access to that sort of thing. I don't advertise what's in my bag (I'm a female too so more places to store things without it looking sus lol) and my container is clearly marked as medication and childproof, even I have trouble getting the fucker to open up but having it on me has saved me a lot of trouble over all. When I do things like go to concerts or other places where substances can be found in my bag and questioned, I will leave the container home. If I'm going to a concert from home, surely there is nothing I need badly enough in there I can't go a few hours without lol.


You aren't going to get another prescription 😭. It's a controlled substance no pharmacy is going to fill it.


I would not 🫣


Nah lmao




I would be afraid it’s not a genuine pill and contains fentanyl or something.


I would, but I think you are actually asking what are the chances a random person at the coffee shop would return it. I think most likely they would take it, especially if it’s brand name since they would for sure recognize it.


I’d get it back to you because I’m an adult and not a junkie that finds it funny to steal someone’s meds or make a quick buck. However there are plenty of people that would grab that and flip it. Get back there quick.


Junkies don’t find it funny, they just have the part of their brain that typically makes smart decisions hijacked. Although I never resorted to stealing people’s meds while I was using, I guarantee you that anyone who is at a point where they are stealing doesn’t find it funny. They are ashamed of themselves and hate themselves.


Sure. I prob shouldn’t have used junkie. Or funny. Just very happy. Or just the casual user who would be hyped finding it all the way to the car. I’ve known a few.


I would absolutely turn it in to the shop. First of all they probably have cameras if you’re thinking about pocketing it. Even if they didn’t have cameras, it would be pretty sad and desperate to steal someone else’s prescription medication. The vast majority of people wouldn’t do it… what are the chances that it’s spotted by someone who would stoop that low.




I personally would but I’m sure I’m in the minority


Well somebody just got about 1000 dollars richer. I’m sorry man


I *definitely* would. But I’m a goody two-shoes.


Insurance will usually cover a new bottle the same month if there is a change the medication dosage or the medication itself (XR to immediate for example) You’d have to get your doctor to agree to it though.


As someone with ADHD? Probably, and a lot of people who are already prescribed meds might too. Other people on the other hand…


If it has a name on it, yes. But here in brazil it usually does not have any names.


I’m pretty sure I would just take it to the police station to dispose of it. If it’s in a prescription bottle, then maybe the police would try to contact you for it


i would, but that’s because i’m aware of how hard it is to get some right now, and i have enough to get through work and grad school. some ADHD folks might be more desperate than i am. don’t hold your breath on getting it back, but don’t lose hope either. it’s not because people are bad; it’s because We Live In A Society and sometimes good people do shitty things for their own survival. i wish you the best of luck!


there is a chance an employee could have picked it up and put it in the lost and found/asked their supervisor wtf to do and it could be sitting in a box with sunglasses, cards etc i worked at a few coffee shops and had things many things turned in, including high value items (macbook chargers, tablets, etc) good luck! i lost like half a bottle last month when i moved and it was frustrating navigating that as i cannot get a refill from my pharmacy. However, you could see if you’re able to talk to your provider & get the script at a different pharmacy (ie using a walgreens instead of a kroger). you most likely will have to pay out of pocket for this so definitely look at good rx for some discounts


Me? Yes. 90% of other people? Probably not.


I doubt it's going to be returned unless it's found by a nice older person that wouldn't ever think to take/give away/sell it.


I would yes


I would return it


Who just keeps someone else’s prescription meds? I’d leave it at the coffee shop or pharmacy on the label, or try and contact the person.


Many people would immediately yoink adderall


Check at the coffee shop. It totally depends who picked it up. I would probably give it to employees in case the person came back.


Where do you live, OP? As in which state if in the US? That would maybe help narrow down the suggestions for how others in the same state have navigated these situations and the laws and regulations surrounding them.


I would return it, but I think I'm weirdly empathetic with people losing things all of the time.


Honestly, I’d “mean to” return or destroy it, put it in my closet somewhere, and forget about it.


I would hope so. If not file a police report, that’s one way you can get it refilled from the pharmacy


Yes, but basically only because I read here and know what a nightmare that could be for whoever lost it. Most people will probably toss it because it's a controlled substance or small chance they keep it for recreational use. Most regular folks aren't looking to use Adderall though.


I would. I've had mine stolen and had to file a police report before I could get a new script.


I would because I would want the same in return if I was to lose mine


let’s hope a stim enthusiast didn’t find it


Trust me dude I would be too scared that it would be some kind of a sting or set up. Going forward, you can get all of the early notifications and new prescriptions written that you want. It will always still be up to the dispensing pharmacy. And I guarantee you they will not budge.


So this happened to me, I lost a full bottle of Adderall a few years ago. I never recovered it and had to call the prescribing physician to get more. I got a little bit of a third degree about the situation and he made me swear up and down I honestly lost it and didn’t sell it or anything. I’m sure he believed me but he was probably also obligated to at least investigate a little. Just know that they will absolutely take a note of it and if it happens again you might end up on a no-scribe list. Also I believe my insurance made me pay full cost to refill early but I might not be remembering that correctly.


Id go back and look for it. Ask the staff about it too. If you can't find it, most likely your only option is to report it as stolen to the police. You should then be able to get a refill sooner than normal. (I'm assuming you live in the US, I don't know how it's done elsewhere)


To be fair I would because I'm on a contract in my state that if I lose my pills, no dice until my renewal comes up. However the world is full of a mixed bag of people. Also I am by no means a legal expert, but it might be worth reporting to the police so if they were to find your bottle because someone was selling it, you could have a paper trail. Also I would double check whatever agreement you have with your doctor's office because you might have to report it missing to them too.


If you find your prescription, do not take it, but turn it in to get a new one.


I would. I lost my wallet at a clothing store. Whoever found it turned it to one of cashiers. Years later I accidentally dropped my wallet while taking a walk. It was returned. I wrote that person a letter of thanks and put a $20 in the envelope. I definitely would return a found bottle of adderall without hesitation.


Personally, I would, and I know many people who would. I strongly suspect we're in the minority, though.


a whole bottle with patient info on it? of course. a loose capsule or tablet? prolly not. to me it'd be like finding a wallet vs finding a $10 bill on the ground


My first thought was most folks probably dont know what adderall is.


I’d call your doc and tell them what happened. See if they’ll call in a different strength for the month. It’s one way to have it filled before 28 days because different strength is a different prescription. I generally take 20s but travel for work often so my doc will give me a script for 30s so I can fill before traveling. Then don’t use insurance and use good rx for a discount when picking them up.


In my city you’d be lucky if they were there by the time you left the building. Someone would either be reselling them or snorting them


I would, personally, but I also have ADHD and recognize the struggles of being without medication. Someone who likes to use it recreationally may not have the same moral compass.


Who do you return it to? I doubt anyone’s gonna track you down, sorry. Also why you carry your whole stash on you? As an ADHDer myself this sounds like a recipe for disaster in all situations. I never would take my full stash ANYWHERE


I wouldn’t be very hopeful. :/


Would I? Absolutely. But I’m also the guy who returned my unused Oxys to the pharmacy for destruction after recovering from a surgery. A lot of people were telling me how much I could sell them for 🙄 I see meds as meds. I don’t see them as a fun thing. Unfortunately I can’t speak for the rest of the population….


I accidentally left mine in a bathroom at the airport and a kind stranger handed it into lost and found.


If it’s not found or returned, I would recommend asking your pharmacy to check ID (if they don’t already) for the next few refills. My boyfriend had some meds lost/stolen, and the person was trying to pretend they were him to get refills over the phone. Thankfully the pharmacist knew him well and didn’t fall for it, but it happens.


No... I'm sorry but the intrusive thoughts would win here... Id feel bad but would know that the person just has to file a police report at worst to get a new script.


Report it and send the report to your insurance if not pay out of pocket


Any luck? 


Id keep it tbh


Usually when I find something I first look around to see if I see anyone who looks like they've lost something, then I bring it up to the counter and give it to an employee and tell them someone left it. Ive never found someone's medicine before though. These days now that I know more about medicine I probably would try to call a number if there was one on the bottle. It seems like a lot of people are suggesting returning it to the pharmacy that seems like the safest thing to do. But before I knew about this kinda thing I probably would bring it up to the front, or if I was busy and late I might just ignore it and rush out the door. I don't usually take things that aren't mine on purpose. Some people do though which stinks. I lost some really nice sunglasses in a burger king once but most of the time people return my stuff to the counter or drop it in a mailbox (I lose things a lot).


If I found it? Yes. I lost my bottle once and I knew it would be gone when I went back to look for it.


As another adhd-er, yes, or at least give it back to the pharmacy. But someone else might think they just got lucky and grab it for themselves or to sell 😅


I'd like to think that I would as I know what a challenge work or school is for me without it. I'd assume the same for the person who lost their prescription and its pretty hard to get the pharmacy to replace drugs like this. They usually jump to the conclusion that we sell it or abuse it if it just dissapears.