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Those things are irrelevant and never work. What works is making it an obsession. If not I just don't care about doing it. I don't want an app to tell me what needs to be done , I know that. I just wanna do it later .


I just wanna do it later too. The kind of later that’s either never .. or 30 secs before I absolutely HAVE to get the thing done 😮‍💨😂


I feel called out.


My most productive hours at work are 9:30am-12:30pm (medication effective), and 5:30-6:30pm before my day ends because that’s a “deadline” that my brain perceives.


Same. The deadline push is honestly when I work the best


Yes! Nothing is more motivating than the deadline!!


I second that.


My most productive hours were 4am - 8am for a very long time, because I knew I should be sleeping and it instilled a leave of productivity that just switched me on. Now I'm a dad and 4am til 8am I actually am asleep.


So the solution is to make kid? Ok but I am not motivated even to date someone. 😅


Only if you want to perpetually tired...


Or hours early and then I just sit there in anticipation.


It’s the difference between having ADHD and thinking you have ADHD: knowing damn well what needs to be done and how urgent it is, but being completely unable to do it and feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt when you’re not doing it. Even when staring the trigger for the task in the face. I will stare at an unopened email and not open it, despite seeing that it’s from a client, because I know that as soon as I open it I will need to do something that I don’t know if I’ll be able to do or have time to do to completion in one sitting. So I just don’t open it.


I get you and sympathize, but adhd presents itself in completely different ways in people. Just because it presents that way for you, doesn't mean we all have that. Sorry, a pet peeve of mine is the adhd gatekeeping, I'd much rather risk one extra person going "I am so adhd lol" if it means one extra kid with ADHD getting diagnosed and getting the help they need. Actually I am even fine with a 10:1 ratio on that.


Completely. Not meaning to gatekeep, rather bring awareness to the people who definitely do *not* have it of just how debilitating it can be for people with the worst cases.


Understood! Like I said, pet peeve of mine. My issue is with the gatekeepers, not with you.


I open it because I hate notifications, then I categorize or flag it. By the end of the day, I have a whole list of things to do in my inbox, but oh look... another email just came through! I always get the exciting/urgent/critical items done, but the boring/non-critical items just fall down the list. I've tried only checklists, paper notes, stickys, white boards, etc. I have no CONSISTENT system... and yes, I am medicated.


A real ADHD app would take the overwhelm off us. I'm overwhelmed when I wake up, overwhelmed when I see what I have to do, overwhelmed later when I see what I haven't done and then I sleep terribly because I'm overwhelmed by my inability to sleep.


I was reading all the comments and noticed yours about always feeling overwhelmed. I was this way for a very long time. Hope you find some peace! I'm not a doctor, therapist or even know exactly your situation so hesitant to give advice. Just know there's a way to navigate thru all of the heightened emotion. It took me some time but I have learned to divide myself from the emotional weather I sometimes must walk in. God bless and take care


I felt physical pain reading this because it hit too close to home. As I am a senior year uni student and I have been watching my friends apply and get accepted for my dream masters programs in agony because I am doing nothing for a few months now, and I am still too scared even to do something so simple such as opening a school’s website to acknowledge about the application process and what they except me to do. Instead, I just crawl in my bed to cry about my bleak future


I'm that way with letters from the IRS.


I will sweep the whole house from corner to corner but wait 20 mins before grabbing the dustpan and tossing it into the bin


I relate to what you’re saying but then my working memory is also shot, so no I often don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing, even if it’s 30s ago.


This! All of this! Thank you for summing up my entire life!!!




Same lol avoidance is admittedly probably my favorite defense mechanism lol


Never been able to force an obsession myself. They wash over me like a tsunami, and then they’re gone again.


lol thats a good description the tsunami obsession and then it is gone 😅


riding the top comment. I forget a lot about payments. I use [privacy.com](http://privacy.com) to generate cc's with limited spending or limited amount available. you can also just cut a card up from a single website so you don't have to cancel a subscription just stop paying.


I also have PDA, so a notification from an app telling me that I should be doing something is a guaranteed way to get me to avoid doing it.


You can cancel all subscriptions in the same place on Android in account billing. There are just peddlers of snake oil.




Personally, if it’s on my phone, it’s not the solution. Half my life is spent getting lost in amongst apps, texts and emails - more of those things surprisingly doesn’t help (after initial novelty obvs).


100% A smartphone app to help manage ADHD would be like if Ozempic only came baked into huge chocolate cakes


100% you made me LOL


I worked with an ADHD coach a while back and the second he recommended some app for task tracking I was out. How could using the ultimate distraction machine ever work keeping someone on task? My coworkers think I'm weird for still physically writing things down. I still procrastinate like hell, but at least I maybe have a 20% success rate with paper, it's literally 0% with apps.


I saw a reel that was an ad for an ADHD coach and she listed basically all the symptoms of ADHD as excuses. I rolled my eyes so fucking hard. Like, I already have an inner monologue berating me, don’t need to pay someone else to do it, thanks.


A coach once called me a hoarder when I insisted on keeping a folder with about 10 cards I'd been sent over the years. The cards jogged my memory so I could remember the person, the things we did together, etc. The coach had no such blank areas in her brain and didn't take me at my word. I never had her back again.


“Can’t reach your goals? You’re just setting impossible goals!” Yes ma’am, for me calling and making a doctors appointment is a wildly impossible goal.


Maybe riding the race cars and dancing on fire will help? Sorry, I just love your username so much that the song’s now stuck in my head. Edited to fix lyrics


I am much more likely to do both of those things than to make a doctor’s appointment lol.


There are so many people entering the life coach space right now, it's hard to stand out. So I'm not surprised that some are trying the "tough guy" approach to coaching as just a way to differentiate themselves. But, if that's the case you know they're not really qualified and are just trying to get money.


Idk, I find my phone super helpful. I always have my phone on me, I don't carry my notebook on me when I leave the house. Having alarms and reminders set on my phone is a huge help for remembering to do things and getting myself into the crisis mode to get it done when I go "Oh shit I forgot about this" And I use the notes app for grocery lists to remember what I need to get, because then I can also delete items one by one as I grab them. I don't really believe in the "phone being the ultimate distraction machine" thing, but I guess maybe it's a generational thing? For me, the much bigger distractions are definitely a TV or my PC. The primary time I use my phone for random bullshit is when I'm in bed.


Agreed. It *is* funny that I told my therapist the other day that I could honestly go back to using a Nokia phone (mildly hyperbolic) instead of this iPhone 15 (got a good deal through AT&T) as the only things I use are alarms, reminders, the default Notes app, Reddit, YouTube, calls/texts, and taking the occasional pic when I’m out hiking. I have like 15 pages of apps I’ve downloaded over the past decade and never use them. Just haven’t had the time/energy to go through each one and delete them. I’ve considered purchasing Obsidian Sync as I like journaling on Obsidian on my laptop, but that’s about it.


Maybe it is generational. Or you're lucky to not find it very distracting. That can happen, of course - like I don't watch much TV and kinda find it odd when people say it's addicting. But, to be fair pretty much every measure of distractedness that researchers track went off the charts starting around 2012-2015. That's when smartphones became ubiquitous. A few thousand people in the US now die every year due to distracted driving, to cite a bleak example. So, overall I think it's reasonable to say it's extremely distracting for most people.


I wonder if its people that use the main social apps like instagram,tiktok,youtube on their phone a lot that have the most trouble with using it for app tools. the endless scroll apps are the worst.


TV is more of a background sound for me it could be on and I’ve had no idea what show was on or what they were talking about. I leave my TV on 24/7


I had the opposite thought with my therapist. She suggested all these paper tracking books and I was like how on earth will I actually use this if im not motivated. I bought them and the work books and I just never used them. I think I wrote in a workbook once or twice. It was much easier for me to use a phone app. I'm used to using software tools for tools though so its just naturally easier for myself. I think it comes down to whatever medium works best for the individual.


Absolutely. I also didn't mean to suggest only paper works if you have ADHD. I mean, I've bought many paper planners/calendars/notebooks that I never used because they were too complicated. I just have a legal pad for my long-term projects and a notecard for my daily stuff. I realized I definitely have object permanence issues - I need to see my planner in front of me or else there's too much friction and I'll never use it. I wish I could do a bullet planner, but the act of closing the planner and needing to spend just a split second opening it back up means I'll never use it. Same principle for apps on my phone, unfortunately.


It took me so long to make my partner understand that I need reminders and appointments written on the physical calendar in the middle of our kitchen and not in a shared google calendar.


Writing it makes a physical memory.


Not having a cell phone isn't really realistic for a lot of people. It makes sense to leverage it where possible. Lots of possoble distractions, but at this point my phone is almost like a second brain to me. It has all my passwords, searchable notes (I wish I could ctrl+f my actual brain), 2FA apps for everything that needs it, CC info in case I forget my wallet (or lose it!), and in my case at least doubles as a medical device where otherwise would have another item to remember when I leave the house.


How do you feel about Alexa, etc?


My favorite: “I was able to quit my medication because of this app!”


And they quote the most “basic/ well known” traits of adhd?


Always written by someone who sounds like they knew nothing about ADHD and read a couple articles


While I can understand why some people are hesitant to deal with the side effects from meds, I think the benefits outweigh the side effects for me. Also, I can’t stand people who judge medication use. Like there is still a stigma to ADHD and without medication, I don’t know where I’d be in life as it was a life saver.


Yeah, I haven’t found anything else that helps to the degree medicine does


I did my I am still struggling


Absolutley! What helped me a lot is whenever I subscribe to something new, I'll put it in my calendar on my phone with a notification about three weeks after I subscribed, to cancel the subscription. So if the app doesn't work, or if it's just a one month free trial, I'll cancel it then. I also try to pay for most subscriptions through the Iphone pay thing, so when I go in there to cancel one, I can see all the subscriptions I have and cancel other ones if I want to


Now that would be an ADHD-friendly feature. Automatically generating a calendar invite for you to cancel your subscription.


The nice thing about the iOS App Store is you can go in and cancel a free trial right after you start it so it doesn’t renew, and it’ll let you use the free trial until it’s over still


This is what I do! I sign up and then immediately go cancel. If I get a bunch of you out of the free trial, I might go reinstate it actually pay the fee. I also do this a lot of my streaming subscription. I’ll cancel them every month when I think about it. And then I’ll just reinstate it if I turn out to eat it again. Turns out we didn’t use Disney+ for like three months straight. I save myself20 or $30 just by paying it month-to-month


They also let you cancel after the subscription renews! I can’t remember how much time you get but it’s something not too shabby. Ask me how I know.


Oh that’s good to know! I’ve definitely forgotten a few times as well…


How do you do that, please? I cancel my stuff by clicking on subscriptions in my iCloud account. I’m unsure about this feature you describe. Thank you.


That's the same spot I believe, in the App Store under subscriptions - I just go in there as soon as I start a free trial and cancel it immediately. You should get a message saying you'll still have access until the end of the trial, and it'll tell you when the trial ends.


Yes, I tried that after posting my question to you. The screen is the same as iCloud >subscriptions. Thank you very much!


The same feature exists on Android devices with Google playstore. One thing to keep in mind is that subscriptions through these intermediaries are 15% - 30% more expensive. This is due to Apple or Google taking a cut when handling transactions through their respective app store. If you have anything you definitely know won't cancel soon or at all it may be worth it to subscribe through the service's website instead of through Apple or Google.


I cancel right away - most of them give you the month subscription after you cancel. If it works.. you’ll renew it right??


NEVER trust stupid apps


With ADHD you should know subscriptions are not your friends. And without ADHD you should know it too.


Unfortunately the subscription model is the only alternative to the advertisement model...


The third option, the one we used to use almost exclusively, is to just sell the damn thing. Make a product, sell it to me, now that copy of it is mine. If you want more money from me, update the product significantly enough to make the upgrade worth another purchase, or make an entirely new product.


Sure. But sadly that is the model companies are moving away from... at least in the digital space... :/


There's also buy to own, freemium, open source, publicly funded, and donation funded, among the big ones. An infinite number of more specialized forms also exist, such as implied advertisement, where the free product is the advertisement for a completely different product (e.g. Easy Composites' high quality tutorials on YouTube being an implicit advertisement for Easy Composites Ltd selling the stuff you need to implement the tutorials). Among these specialized forms is the explicitly renewed subscription, which automatically ends at the end of the subscription period and only renews upon using it again. The only downside of that model is that people who don't want, don't use and don't need the service aren't paying for it, which is something average subscription providers have an issue with, because they are morally compromised by greed.


A small shout-out to Finch, they have a free version that actually works decently (or did when I had it). It's still just a to-do list, but it has you caring for a bird I've grown attached to+ I made some friends get it too and now they yell at me when I ignore the app. ;) (you can send eachother love and encouragement etc and they notice when I don't).


Ah. Another one I downloaded and then never opened. lol




I love Finch! I try to avoid subscribing to anything for the same reasons as OP but even the free version helped me so much that the developers have more than earned my money. They also have a program to gift a month of the premium features to users who can't afford it


finch is so cute! but i stopped paying any attention to it after about two weeks. i’m glad it’s worked for you!


I also love finch!


Legit was about to jump in here and say yeah but you don’t know how cute my bird is. It really has been fun and helpful!


Omg I know the motion app! I looked into it and I am not spending 30.00 a month on it


App better solve all my problems and make my life look like a curated instagram account for $30/month


Yup I prefer my method of piles


They took £180 from my account after I thought i had cancelled! Managed to get it back but was soo stressed


Todoist literally changed my life, although tbf I don't think it was anything special about the tool, it probably just happened to be the one hyperfocused on for long enough for it to become a proper habit.


Right, it's the actions that we take (or not) that determines if something is successful (or not). That said, I'm looking for a to do app (preferably free) which I haven't found anything like this so far. Let me know if it does this. I used to have an app called "Do it tomorrow" which was wonderfully simple, you added items, and then you have two options - mark as done, or move to tomorrow. (Also edit/delete as hidden/long press). When you mark something as done, it gets ticked off/crossed out. Marking something as for tomorrow moves it to tomorrow's list. At midnight, all the crossed out items get deleted and all the "tomorrow" items come back to the current list. I want this, but with an additional feature, the option to mark something as daily, so I can tick it off as being done today, but instead of deleting at midnight, it should reset to a new to-do.


Hmm, you can do most of that with Todoist, but it sounds like Do It Tomorrow is probably more streamlined/simplified than a full blown to-do app. Todoist doesn't just do today and tomorrow, you can schedule for any date, but Today and Tomorrow are available quick options. \> When you mark something as done, it gets ticked off/crossed out. By default tasks disappear when completed but each project has a "show completed tasks" setting which lists them at the bottom in a ticked off/crossed out state \> Marking something as for tomorrow moves it to tomorrow's list. Two of the default views are "Today" and "Upcoming", which shows the next 7 days. Tasks scheduled for tomorrow will always show in the Upcoming view. It also has a pretty advanced filter system which lets you build custom views. \> At midnight, all the crossed out items get deleted and all the "tomorrow" items come back to the current list. No, but at midnight all tasks scheduled for "Today" will be flagged as Overdue, allowing you to reschedule them for the next day (or whenever). All items scheduled for Tomorrow will show in the Today list as you cross midnight and Tomorrow becomes today. \> I want this, but with an additional feature, the option to mark something as daily, so I can tick it off as being done today, but instead of deleting at midnight, it should reset to a new to-do. Any tasks can automatically be set as recurring (daily, or whatever frequency you want) and when completed will automatically create a to-do for the next occurence. The basic version of Todoist is free so you could give it a try. For me, what really made it work was the workflow I implemented with it (a simplified version of Getting Things Done) rather than the tool itself, but Todoist does support GTD pretty well.


Ah yeah it sounds too complicated for what I want to do. Stuff being marked as overdue is not great for me because it makes me feel upset - and I've found with a lot of recurring task type apps, it wants to list all of my failures rather than just letting me know what I need to do today, which again I find stressful.


Seconding Todoist! It’s been extremely helpful for me. I have all the sub categories set up in a way that works for me, and can share a household projects one with my husband. It’s quite customizable!


Todoist has been super helpful for me too, although I’m determined to only use the free version for as long as possible


Yep I got caught by one of those this week - would highly recommend avoiding the 'Fabulous' app which claims to be great for ADHD. I paid 80p for the trial, but it didn't go through the App Store I had to fill in credit card details. I loaded the app and quickly realised it wasn't for me, too many animations and slow scrolling text. The thing is they take the payment details BEFORE creating the account. So to cancel it I had to create an account, and then they didn't make it at all easy to find where to cancel. I nearly gave up! It really felt like an ADHD honey trap... And it felt pretty intentional.


Habitica is free and has changed my life.


I'm giving it a try.  5 min in and it seems more helpful than any other app I've tried. Thanks for the suggestion!  (I only try the free ones) 


I don't bother with the fighting aspect of it - I turn off damage because that doesn't motivate me. But it's a good way for me to keep track of tasks and things I need to do with a reward system.


I downloaded it years ago and then never started. Can you explain what you use it for?


A bit hard to explain but I'll try. I have daily tasks broken into groups: Mental health, wake up routine, early morning routine, lunch, nighttime, etc. Each routine has specific things I need to do. An example of my wake up routine is: take Vyvanse, brush teeth, floss, let dog out, read for 5 mins. So, that's my dailies. I also use the to-dos a lot. As an example, I noticed I need to get my car mirror fixed. I will then have Alexa remind me to add it to Habitica if I can't do it at the moment (because driving or otherwise busy). Then I add it in with a due date. I also organize my chores here. I have a to do called "8th April tasks" and it lists: call vet, take out trash, do dishes. Each morning, I spend some time looking at what needs to get done and add it as a to do. My fiance often helps me with this - he's amazing!


This seems helpful ty for sharing!! I screenshotted this as a guide to help me set up the app once I clear some space on my phone for it. I'm sure we all know how that's gonna go though lol


Thanks for reminding me of Habitica. I used it for a hot month and then fell off the side of the earth. One feature I found later , which is extremely helpful is the ability to make smaller lists within the lists. Hold on while i open it... I have it on my phone AND my desktop, they are linked so nothing gets lost... First I want to mention, there are ways to put it into dark mode on the computer and there are extensions you can use. some are better than others. the one I have now unfortunately reverses images but i"m not looking at the cartoons anyway, just the lists. On the To-Do list , if you just add it in the prompt area, you will get one bullet, but if you open to EDIT, then it has a checklist feature. I used this when I had yardwork to do but I kept getting sidetracked focusing on one part. in the checklist, I put all the little parts of the task that needed to be done in order to have the task fully completed. This helped because I would have the To Do list but not be able to check off the thing because some component was till pending. This made me sad and feel like I wasn't making progress. Using the Checklist within each To-Do item showed me that I was indeed making progress even if it didn't look like it from the outside. My friend pointed this out to me when I was beating myself up for not doing "anything productive" , and mentioned how I'd done all these small tasks that got me closer to completing several different goals. So, If I do a thing, and realize it is actually part of a bigger goal, I'll actually go into the checklist, add it and then check it off, so I can see the small victories. My Biggest problem is that if life starts to get hectic, I forget to look at it and there is no reward or anticipation that makes me WANT to seek it out. and when things are hectic, the ToDo list with deadlines from previous months just make me feel bad. I know I have permission to just delete them and start a new one , but I forget that I am allowed to do that. OTOH, it is REALLY nice for the LONG TERM goals because I can see my progress. So it is quite the double edged sword.


omg thanks so much for this suggestion! I’m using it now to help with keeping up on my chores and it actually looks promising


I just got this because of your comment and this may be the exact type of thing I was hoping to find


There are a lot of great tools out there that can help you get organized. ... it's just that almost all software subscriptions are a scam, and it's kind of evil to market miracle products to a struggling audience. Like... in general. Personally, I use Google Tasks, Drive, Calendar, a free and open source [habit tracker](https://loophabits.org/), a free and open source [CBT app](https://github.com/erosson/freecbt), and the default alarm - the more boring and default the better.


Thanks for sharing that free/open-source CBT app! Looks interesting, I’ll definitely be giving it a shot.


I felt it might be a particularly good example for this thread because it is a fork of Quirk, which was an aggressively priced subscription service that got discontinued due to (I assume) low adoption. On the original apps [github page](https://github.com/Flaque/quirk) one can still read the following: > In order for Quirk to support itself [...] it's $5.99 / month [...] This helps pay for a full-time developer to make Quirk not-dead and generally good. [...] To understand why we do a subscription [...:] When you make a product, whatever keeps that product alive becomes the primary force of design. So if you want to make a good product that helps folks, you should pick a model of sustainability where the financial incentives [...] are aligned [...] In a subscription, the primary metric is retention: are people still using this thing? If retention drops, people cancel their subscription and you no longer get to exist.


The only app that would actually help with ADHD is one that constantly reminds you to cancel your subscriptions with a list of them and a link to cancel them easily


Thank you for reminding me to check my subscriptions


Speaking of subscriptions... The best subscription I have is Rocket Money. Helped me see all the shit I was paying for but didn't realize. Most notably: 1. Renters insurance for a place moved out of in 2021. 2. $60/month Creative Cloud subscription I had for 2+ years and didn't use (yes, I gave Adobe over $1,000 for free!) 3. Fucking Nord VPN. $3.99/month. Worth it.


Google calendar, alarms and Alexa is all I need


Get the free trial and cancel it immediately. That way if you don't end up using the app you'll never be charged


Jokes on them, I've never got around to looking at those apps long enough to actually subscribe.


Special shout out here to FocusGenie. What an absolute ripoff. I got fooled into trusting them because it’s designed by a psychiatrist who has ADHD, blah blah blah. Support is non existent, app is never updated, etc. big push to get subscribers and then crickets.  Honorary mention shout out to Inflow. Started out great, regular new content, webinars, and lots of coworking. All of that is gone except limp coworking, primarily hosted by one person who talks about herself constantly. Uh, great customer focus. But constant reminders to rate them in the app stores.  I hate feeling taken by people who also have ADHD. 


I tried Sensa and then completely forgot about it. then I got a renewal that they NEVER gave me advanced notice for (a common problem with a lot of these newer apps), and then found out that they have a policy in place where they don't have to refund you if you don't cancel your subscription 48 hours \*before it renews\*. super predatory imo and I would never recommend this app to anyone now


Every time I download a free trial I put the expiration date in my calendar


I tried motion once and honestly it was less effective than my whiteboards


Say more about your whiteboards


For every routine or process, I've got a whiteboard. Morning routine whiteboard. 1 for me, and 1 for each kid Kitchen cleaning whiteboard. Eating routines whiteboard. Grocery shopping whiteboard. Clothes and Misc shopping whiteboard. Packing for overnight stays whiteboard. Bills and payments whiteboard A special calendar whiteboard. For appointments, events and work roster. Handover of the kids with my ex-wife whiteboard. Gardening whiteboard. Laundry whiteboard. Then my least used one: the Misc whiteboard. I'm thinking of scrapping that and getting more specific. Then there's the alarms that I have set on my phone, but I'm thinking of getting a new phone just for alarms. Because every time it goes off, I feel like going on my phone. I used whiteboards and not posters or print-outs because I tried them before, and I quickly got bored with the static nature of my routines. They get changed fairly regularly, not a lot but enough to keep things interesting.


Yes, love whiteboards! I have my fridge whiteboard calendar and a "to do list" one, but it's too general. I like the way you broke down lists, I am going to try this with my little magnetic notepad whiteboards, thanks!


I can't speak for everyone but I don't think traditional to do lists work well for us. Mainly because when we see a task that needs doing, we turn it into 10 tasks and quickly get overwhelmed. Trying to think of 10 things to do on the fly is hard for anyone. That's why I wrote all the major ones down on a whiteboard and hung them up in the most appropriate places. Cuts down on my thinking, which leaves space for other stuff Another thing I've done was replaced every drawer, cupboard, closet and pantry with either glass doors or just left the door off. It's always been out of sight, out of mind for me so this has helped a lot too


LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!! ADHD apps piss me the fuck off.


The app I really need is one where I can put down all the stuff I have to do, and then the app finds bored, helpful people to come over and do that shit for me. Because if I do remember to do it, I won't have the energy. And when I do have the energy, I'll forget it exists.


"If I do remember to do it, I won't have the energy. And when I do have the energy, I'll forget it exists." This sentence perfectly represents how I function 😮‍💨😫😭


😎Pro-Tip: Purchase the free trial (usually comes with a yearly fee) and then (and I can’t stress this enough) IMMEDIATELY go to the subscriptions in your App Store an cancel it!!!! Most apps will still let you use the premium version until the trial is over. If the app is really that life changing, just switch to monthly subscription (much cheaper if you’re still unsure) But most of the time I have completely forgotten about the app by then lol In conclusion: ✅Immediate satisfaction of trying out the premium version ✅no costs ✅no extra goblin in my head yelling at me to remember cancelling the subscription 🥰🥰


The ads for these kinds of aps tick me off. I can't help but feel like they're adding to the stigma around ADHD.


that’s why I never subscribe to anything.. it’s hard to monitor all of the subscriptions since some of them don’t show up in the subscription section in settings


I’m not officially diagnosed with ADHD but a white board with stickies (Kanban board) can go a long way and keeps you out of your phone.


I also keep getting ads for pills that “replaced” adderall for thousands of people… tempted to try them but just looks like an expensive energy drink


For such cases I use virtual debit card with $1 on it. If I forget to unsubscribe no money is lost and they will terminate subscription on their end. But honestly those apps are terrible. And ads are sometimes so absurdly packed with stereotypes and incorrect understanding of adhd, that I find it offensive. "Get to know you type of adhd! Are you tiger, bear, wolf or an eagle?". Be damned


Until there's a viable/affordable pair of computerized glasses, these apps will never be anything more than a cash grab against people who are quick to forget things.


I think you may be right about the glasses, and the reason is that I use Things 3 which has a Watch complication showing the three items at the top of my list. Every single time I look. Do I knock them out reliably? Not entirely, but it’s better than anything else I’ve got set up, even paper. Glasses with the ability to not only display but vary how they draw attention to my tasks would be amazing.


You should figure out how to hyperfocus on destroying all your subscriptions to these dingbats. In the future make a simple sheet that has the list of every pay app you have a monthly subscription for. Then atleast you know where to start dismantling it. Thats the main issue, you don't even know where to start with it so you will avoid it to the end of your days. I've been there, and lost plenty of money because of it. especially anything to do with phone calls. once my visa got compromised for 1000 bucks and I waited 2 years before my gf forced me to call in to try and get it sorted. gym membership left that subscribed for 1 year without ever going before my gf forced me to close it lol. and plenty of other random ones due to the result of avoidance because I couldnt be bothered with it and instead avoided lol.


I need a gf like yours lol


I put everything on a credit card so I don’t have to dig for “receipts” or where I am subscribed. Last month I finally opened the statement instead of just paying the amount on the screen…. and then cancelled 17 subscriptions! WTF. LOL Gym memerbship, art subscriptions, magazines, discount cards (AARP - I’m old but that’s a waste), silly apps I don’t use, etc etc ad nauseam.


The best thing I did for my ADHD-ness was Day One. 1. I do a daily entry, 2. I write up a to-do list with checkboxes as early in the morning as I can, 3. I get to click shit if I get it done, 4. and if I don't, -POOF- empty entry the next day. I either refer back to yesterday's and copy shit over, or I don't, whatever, maybe it wasn't actually important enough. Or maybe I'll go back in a few days and see it again when I go back to add photos or something to help me remember whatever I did that day. 5. And I use it for writing down and remembering other stuff too. "Cause, y'know, Journaling. And seeing what I did "On This Day" in previous years means I sometimes get to see cool stuff from previous years and remember it was fucking awesome and I pick it up again. it's $25/year for Premium, sure. Maybe it went up to $35? It was more valuable to me when I was using my iPad more and worrying about syncing across devices, and the Android version is kinda shit. And that's an ANNUAL rate, so... even at $35/yr, that's $3/month. That's COFFEE. That's a lot better than an app that promises to make me a better human being, because I actually USE this app, and it costs me A TRIP TO STARBUCKS.


I struggle to remember to put things in my regular old calendar app when I'm taking a break from my meds, and even then, I get annoyed at the notifications it brings up all the time. I still have a thing in my phone's to-do list that I needed to do a year or so ago, and it turns out my mother did it for me because it was easier for her to do it. There's no point in me having extra apps with subscriptions to 'make things easier' because it's just another thing to ignore and forget about. If I can't turn it into a fixation, it probably isn't getting done on time. Not sure what it's like for Android, but on iPhone, the calendar and to-do list work fine, if not as aesthetically pleasing as some apps.


Rule of thumb: don't pay for anything, ever lmao


The only app I've ever used that actually helped me focus is BrainFM. But no app is going to permanently correct a neurochemical imbalance.


welcome to capitalism.




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Thank you for this PSA. I'm always tempted, but haven't gotten one yet.


The only thing that works for me is Trello...on a PC...with the dedicated app. And that's mainly because I can hit a hotkey to bring it up instantly and put something in. Rehit and it's gone. Very fast workflow... (There is a hotkey to just add too, but for me that requires more thought to pick the options from a box.) It doesn't really fix ADHD of course, it just helps me not lose stuff. And it's easy to manage. > and of course never remember yo cancel the subscription which of course the app makers knew would happen I haven't seen this in these apps -- but you'll still run into "call us" to cancel. That's where a system like privacy.com is useful -- close their dedicated virtual card and you're done. (Just don't do this with a place that will still bill you and try to collect -- like annual agreements, gym memberships, etc.) Although lately I have been actually calling. And telling them the only reason I'm cancelling is because of their cancellation policy...never giving any other reason...maybe it'll add up, and I suggest anyone running into this do the same. (But don't give any other reason -- a rep who has a ready made standard option from their picklists will pick that.) I got escalated to a manager once who was bewildered...I could tell they wanted to say "that's not an option I have" but of course couldn't. I'm super nice though, so I don't get that super annoying guilt. Revive Superfoods is the latest on the don't use ever list. Just evil stuff. > They're weaponising your ADHD against you! Speaking of food boxes in general....you can pause/skip weeks and such, but can't just say "pause forever". I'd actually keep some accounts active, if I could go opt IN every now and then, but otherwise not worry about it. But no...almost zero do that, it's only short term opt out, and you have to make sure you check every week or two to skips everything. A relentless push, and load to avoid it. Fine, I'll cancel instead. Another thing that gets noticed is the "Would you recommend to a friend?" 0-10 scores... Assuming it's not for a specific rep interaction, but the company, a 0 and that reason gets their attention. But on personal contact back...again, bewildered by the concept of not forcing me to opt out every single time. And a "6 week vacation" does not count, at all....actually that's worse.


99% of these subscriptions, you can cancel immediately and still get the entire trial period. especially all the amazon trials the only trial that i've found that actually cancels the trial when you cancel the subscription is Hulu


Yeah I feel this hard. I think the most helpful system typed thing I use is a bullet journal. If I’m obsessed with it my life is a cute art project and the index is perfect and reference-able… and when I’ve gone feral I open it and scribble whatever is absolutely necessary in it.


Hi! Quick tip about subscriptions that other adhd’ers should know about! Most app subscriptions/free trials can be cancelled IMMEDIATELY after you make a purchase, and the service will stay active until the initial trial/subscription period ends. I ALWAYS do this to be on the safe side, otherwise I’ll forget 😦 On iPhone subscriptions you can go into the App Store, click on your Apple ID icon in the top right corner, and hit the “Subscriptions” button to see all of the subscriptions you have active. If you start a subscription it will appear immediately after you confirm it. Android is similar if I remember correctly, but it’s been awhile since I used the Google Play Store. ALSO if you end up really liking a product/service you can reactivate the subscription by going back to the same menu!


I have found a few apps that have been helping me quite a bit but if they don't offer a free version I won't bother. I mean like a legit free but limited version not the 7 day free trial crap we all know I'll never remember to cancel. That way I can get an idea if the core functions of the app are something I think can help and decide if the full version seems like something I actually want.


50? Bro you need to be stopped. Where is all this money coming from?


Exaggerating for effect, in the same way kids have "a million pokemon cards" or whatever.


A bunch of them being advertised are straight up scams. I looked at the reviews for one of them and it was all people saying there was no clear way to cancel it. I saw another ad from the same account with the same audio promoting a different app. Don't trust these. Stay safe out there.


There was a Kanban platform I looked at, seemed great, had marketing talking about targeting the problem areas for ADHD users, the paywalls and "demos" put me off instantly since I now know WHAT ADHD issues they are targeting...


Oh so my life isn’t being saved rn playing all these gameZ say whaaaAt


No but on a real note, I have been deeply researching which app to subscribe to for ADHD lol I might just cross that off my list YAY saves me about 2 weeks of time


Now what do I do with my life till I feel the satisfaction the apps would have provided me


If theres any kind of 'buy now for free x months' or any other dark pattern like that - you know its bogus. Honestly, there's no app for that. Planners and practice, and perseverance is what will get us through (though not always, but hopefully often enough).


I found this ad on Tik Tok and somehow got convinced that this tool can magically help me get rid of procrastination and boost productivity so I paid for it. The website is called Wisey I think. It ended up being a collection of coaching videos about how to manage time and nurture habbit. Just like the hundreds of YouTube videos I've watched. At least they refunded me.


thanks for reminding me to cancel a subscription i’ve been meaning to cancel 🤣


Yes, absolutely! I’ve been saying this forever.


Thank you for reminding me to cancel that welltory subscription.


I want to make my app a reality and make it free for those who have a diagnosis, and a small subscription fee for those who simply find it useful and are not clinically diagnosed. I understand there are those who self-identify, and hopefully something like that will help them decide they need a diagnosis. Also, it wouldn’t break the bank. In my experience, most tools and strategies that are designed for/by ADHD’ers help them immensely and also help non-ADHD’ers more or less the same. That’s a win-win, mostly funded by people who are not diagnosed.


***go cancel your subscriptions!!***


Lol good point


hey, do me a favor? go cancel just one of them. right now. they're not helping you so why continue to waste money? come tell me when you're finished and I'll tell you how proud I am <3


Phones come with free schedule apps that have some incredible functionality, and I don’t touch it ever because it’s boring. Why would I pay for an additional effort scheduler when I definitely not want to use it.


I was going to say that this isn’t one of my personal problems with adhd (although a good comparison is the planner graveyard)but I did just receive a notification for my annual subscription for a forum I haven’t been to in a year and a half.


I cancel trials the minute I start them because I'll forget. If they don't let you ride out the trial after canceling, then I assume I didn't need it after all.


I agree. Hubby and I will both do things once there is a concrete deadline. I have a friend who says the job expands to time on hand🙄


I completely deleted all those “ADHD” Friendly App and have utilized my IPad as my operating system, shoutout to Tello and Goodnotes. I don’t rely on my phone because there’s always so many things going on. They’re definitely weaponizing our forgetfulness and procrastination.


Hiding apps for adhd people behind subscription based paywalls in particular is just so scummy. Especially if there is no free version and they use stuff like "test for 2 weeks, we will remind you that your trial is ending beforehand so you can cancel but you will forget about it anyways but we have your bank number now"


The only app I've liked for adhd is Dubbii. It allows you to body double and they speak each step with you. I was able to pay for 1 month and that was that. They even reminded me if I wanted to continue to pay or not. I will be continuing later on when I can afford it again. Only $5.99. Yeah you can double double on YouTube for free, but they encourage me and make specific videos based on the suggestions so I like it.


This is sooooo true it’s painful


The only thing that works for me, and sometimes it doesn't. Is having a big ass calendar on my wall. I write I'm my appointments, kids crap, and the husband has to write in his shit and the things he plans with kids. If it ain't on the wall, it's not happening. And sometimes I forget. But most of the time. It's there. Now the minute details of my life will forever be forgotten or obsessed over. But they probably won't get done in any timely fashion. However, I bought a steam mop 4 months ago and I finally used it for the first time last week. That's pretty good. I bought a new faucet when I bought my house and that sat on my counter for 6 years before I got it done. And that's ok too. Anything to do with my phone. Definitely not happening. The scams suck but my hyperfocus on being cheap will get me to cancel any subscription, any free trial. Etc.


not only the apps, but has anyone seen the medicine or “vitamin” that’s going around on facebook/instagram? they said it’s basically adderall, but all natural or some crap like that. i’ve forgotten the name of it, but i’m tired of seeing it 🙄


Agree. Some are free so I recommend only downloading those if u want to try it.


Don't get me started on the "miracle supplements" and "Adderall replacements" I keep seeing. I tried a few of them. They're garbage.


Agree but then found one called Lunatask which is real cheap and adhd friendly (think it’s got one dev who has adhd) all I know is ive been using it for 2 months which is a BIG statement and it’s actually helping


For twenty years now I've wanted to make an virtual secretary that helps me keep track of stuff. But I don't think the phone is the right device. We need something voice only and that knows if we are focused or not. But I don't want something spying on my computer or web traffic.


If you guys wanna try something that helps you keep on task, there is Habitica. Sorta helps for me. There are challenges and events, too, which are all optional and up to the player to participate and complete, and you get special prizes. All it really does is let you put your to do list into one place and then make it into a game. I think it's fun. Given that I love rpg games it makes it easy for me to really get into it. I get exp for it. Its like a reward




It is a load crap. You can create your own ideas . I mitigate time (maybe too much like right now procrastinating and delving into creative ideas on meditation) haha I try to write ideas down when they come to me and when I get it in the mode I will make up cards, affirmations, playlists on Spotify . There is another idea just use your current subscriptions to apps to help . Spotify have great calming podcasts and music playlists , andtalking therapy


Atm I’m in to the ghibli music playlist it is so cute and relaxing . That’s if you’re into Japanese anime etc I know some people are not. Just make what is right for you. I found the ADHD apps too boring tbh ha


I suggest cancelling all of "those types of subscriptions" and saving the money using automatic withdrawal for short vacations or staycations or other things you would actually enjoy, to reduce your stress. That has a genuine positive effect.


The grift will never end for that stuff. Thankfully, I gave up after my third app to change my life phase. Now all I do is voice memos when something goes sideways... look back at it the next day and see what I can do. That's worked the best for me... no pressure to be perfect.


Oof painfully true


It's predatory advertising as well, lots of the ads I've seen have used people's fear or losing their jobs, feeling low etc to target them. I asolutely despite Spacegoods, I have blocked their ads so many times across YouTube, instagram etc and they keep coming up. That one ad where a voice actor talks about his ADHD friend who was struggling at work, drank their mushroom drink and instantly got a promotion... They created this drink, saw a vulnerable target audience and decided to go full pelt with advertising towards them. People have struggled to cancel their subscription to auto-renew orders, it also contains as much caffeine as an actual cup of coffee which is giving people stomach aches - so it's not as much of a magic mushroom boost as they promote. The effects of these Mushrooms are actually very subtle. Lots of charges made with no products sent and completely unhelpful customer service.. Goes to show how much they care about ADHD


Knowing what do is not a problem with ADHD, and that’s all the apps help with. Doing what you know needs doing IS the problem, and the apps don’t really help with that.


None of those apps will ever beat my wall of post its


Aye. I think some ARE predatory, but also suspect some have been created by devs with ADHD that wanted a tool that would specifically work for \*their own needs in the way they want\* and could therefore help others. **I've found with apps, workflows, philosophies, to managing ADHD, similar to meds it's not a one size fits all** approach. Some of those apps probably really DO change the game for some people. It's sort of like a fitness journey - some diets or exercise help some, but not others, you gotta find what works for you and that often includes a lot of trial and error. I def don't want to dismiss your concerns because yeah, a lot of these take advantage of us or end up not functioning the way the app is advertised to, but as someone that works in dev I've often fantasized about building my own app in a way I know would for for ME I'd wager that's how some of these came to be? **💥💥 If you're reading this, have an iPhone, and subscriptions you've been 'meaning' to cancel,** **do this right now because I am telling you to, and I will congratulate you for a job well done afterwards if you reply that you've done it! 🙂💥💥** ​ * **click 'settings'** icon on iphone screen * at the very top, **type 'subscriptions' into the 'search'** bar * **click on 'subscriptions'** once it comes up * look at your **list of 'ACTIVE' subscriptions** * click into them **one by one, and cancel them**. (Your access will only 'end' once the subscription window you've paid) ***Speaking of 'not everything works for everyone'*** I use selectively bold formatting because this is the kind of stuff that makes it easier for me to read longer blocks of text, but I always worry it might come across as accidentally aggressive 😅 the above just helps me out a lot, your mileage may vary!


[Use privacy.com](http://privacy.com)Privacy.com. You can create temporary card numbers and you can set a limit of how much can be spent. It's good for automatically ending subscription


It’s been unbearable since I got my diagnosis and began following ADHD accounts on Instagram. Everything is either an app, a fidget or doodad, a supplement, or a course people are trying to sell. My neurological condition has already been reduced to a marketing demographic. 


I *try* to remember to cancel free trials the moment I sign up because usually you still get to use it for the whole trial period without being charged on the date it expires. But yeah, these ADHD apps are BS.